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Foreigners detained as Tourist Police lead South Pattaya crime suppression raid

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I know, in law, I'm supposed to carry my passport everywhere and I freely admit I don't. Just my Thai driving license.

This article appears to imply that everyone they checked had their passport with them - or am I mis-reading it?. If they did have them then they are pretty upright law abiding visitors.

Strange actions by the police. Not so very long ago, either earlier this year or late last year, the senior police office stated to TV that visitors were not expected, nor required to carry their passports around with them, and long stayers could get by with a drivers' licence. I have a copy of it somewhere, I'll try to dig it out.
Maybe all those checked were here on tourist visas and 30-day entry stamps so no long-stayers among them.
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I have a legit visa. I am not a criminal. There are thousands like me here in Thailand. But when did it become a crime to be a tourist?

Getting fined for overstaying in a country. Getting banned from said country for overstaying.... then on the other hand... Mass tourist advertising.

Spending millions of bucks on it.

Come and have fun, have a great stay, spend your hard earned cash on tourist tat, eat wonderful Thai food, drink Thai beer, when you go please come back again soon....Why ?

Why the hell would you ? If you are under threat of being frisked because you went out and had fun in a Disco ? Gatherings of 5 and more is a crime... lets go out on the town with our mates as long as its only you and 3 others...

Thai Visa is full of holier than everyone posters with an overblown attitude that only they belong here and all tourists are unwashed criminal scum. How did they come to be in Thailand in the first place?...I guess, just turned up and had the long stay visa in hand ?

The more this mad cap place gets madder, the more I think its time to move on. 11 years and counting and I read the same stuff over and over again in the news. Juntas and elected PM's come and go and nothing gets better. Nothing gets fixed it just gets fixed over, and the foreigner still gets worked over. The latest madness with a long term "Tourist" visa is a nail in the coffin. You need a job, ( gap year students forget it ) you need to show how much money you have in the bank, how much have you got on you when you turn up..... Has this country never heard of someone using credit cards and pulling out of an ATM to keep going ? They don't ask that in affluent Singapore or Hong Kong, KL airport never asked me if I was skint. Australian customs might be concerned I have a wooden pencil or dirty shoes from a farm but never asked for my bank balance.

I spoke with several tourists the other day in town and on the beach, what stood out? The place is a dirty stinking mess of rubbish. Everywhere. Jomtien and Pattaya beach look like half assed construction sites with mountains of landfill crap dumped all along them. In high season as well...

Now where was that Kuoni Holiday brochure for the Seychelles.......they probably shoot bum tourists on sight there...

of course you're not supposed to overstay. I doubt any country allows that and if they do it's cos they have inefficient policing.

The United States allows it...15 million times.


I think most of you are missing the point.

You have to have a valid visa or extension to stay here.


All countries require this.

I can not understand how people let their visa run out.

I have been here seven and a half years.

And gave always made sure my extension is valid.

No pity from me for anyone who is deported.

While I agree about abiding by the law and also have no pity for overstayers being deported, my issue is with searching random people without just cause. While this tactic may occasionally produce an overstayer or two, it always invades the privacy and violates the rights of the vast majority of those who do abide by the law and have done nothing wrong...treating them like criminals until proven they are not.

Thailand is not Nazi Germany...show us your papers...but it is beginning to act as such. I have been stopped and searched in a taxi twice at a roadblock in BKK and once getting off a bus at Ekamai. Presumably they were looking for drugs and I was promptly released after their invasive search tuned up empty, HOWEVER...I was assumed guilty and treated like a petty criminal until they realized I wasn't transporting illegal substances and/or my passport and visa were in order. I was polite and cooperated fully, but I was not happy about it.

Guess I was just fortunate they didn't plant illegal substances in my bags and shake me down for a bribe...


I have a legit visa. I am not a criminal. There are thousands like me here in Thailand. But when did it become a crime to be a tourist?

Getting fined for overstaying in a country. Getting banned from said country for overstaying.... then on the other hand... Mass tourist advertising.

Spending millions of bucks on it.

Come and have fun, have a great stay, spend your hard earned cash on tourist tat, eat wonderful Thai food, drink Thai beer, when you go please come back again soon....Why ?

Why the hell would you ? If you are under threat of being frisked because you went out and had fun in a Disco ? Gatherings of 5 and more is a crime... lets go out on the town with our mates as long as its only you and 3 others...

Thai Visa is full of holier than everyone posters with an overblown attitude that only they belong here and all tourists are unwashed criminal scum. How did they come to be in Thailand in the first place?...I guess, just turned up and had the long stay visa in hand ?

The more this mad cap place gets madder, the more I think its time to move on. 11 years and counting and I read the same stuff over and over again in the news. Juntas and elected PM's come and go and nothing gets better. Nothing gets fixed it just gets fixed over, and the foreigner still gets worked over. The latest madness with a long term "Tourist" visa is a nail in the coffin. You need a job, ( gap year students forget it ) you need to show how much money you have in the bank, how much have you got on you when you turn up..... Has this country never heard of someone using credit cards and pulling out of an ATM to keep going ? They don't ask that in affluent Singapore or Hong Kong, KL airport never asked me if I was skint. Australian customs might be concerned I have a wooden pencil or dirty shoes from a farm but never asked for my bank balance.

I spoke with several tourists the other day in town and on the beach, what stood out? The place is a dirty stinking mess of rubbish. Everywhere. Jomtien and Pattaya beach look like half assed construction sites with mountains of landfill crap dumped all along them. In high season as well...

Now where was that Kuoni Holiday brochure for the Seychelles.......they probably shoot bum tourists on sight there...

So, go away and don't come back!


The man in the picture looks like the one off the UK TV shows who swore his undying love for his ladyboy partner so why is he hanging around seedy clubs? Must just like the music and beer I guess!

Looks like he (they) are in a restaurant, doubtful a seedy restaurant.


of course you're not supposed to overstay. I doubt any country allows that and if they do it's cos they have inefficient policing.

No it is a matter of priority.

Overstaying your welcome in a country is typically an administrative (i.e. not criminal) infraction. Once you are in the country - there is an attempt to avoid profiling. Some countries focus their illegal immigration to making sure those that are working have the proper papers (i.e. local ID with permission to work), but if you are not committing crimes and are not working illegally - just spending money earned outside the country.... why would I care that someone did not dot the i's.

My home country (Canada) like the US has no exit controls (only comparison to the US here is in regards to no exit controls). If you overstayed, and leave.... no problem. If you overstay - no problem, as long as that is the only infraction you are committing. If you leave and re-enter then you might have problems - it really depends on how they view you. If you have money and don't need to work (like a Japanese friend of mine that would visit for 18 months at a time) - then immigration generally does not care that much. If you aren't self sufficient and they think you must work to live, then they would likely reject you entry again because they think you are working illegally.

In the end it all comes down to .... they want to make sure when you are visiting - that you are not working illegally. If you are not working illegally and they know you don't have to -- then come - spend your money for however long you want to.

It all comes down to keeping criminals out, protecting the local labour market. A tourist is just someone who does not work inside the country -- it is not about time..... you could be a professional full-time tourist -- I could not care the least.


Correct me if I am wrong. So far I was under the impression, that the "Tourist-Police" is here to assist foreigners in "problem-situations". (Translation service, mediation in conflict situations, etc etc).

And now they are shaking down small-time Farang criminals, instead of getting rid of those Lady Boy Predators on Beach Road (for example). Oh boy !


anything that removes foreigners breaking the law in thailand can only be a good thing for the rest of us. coffee1.gif


I have a legit visa. I am not a criminal.

The more this mad cap place gets madder, the more I think its time to move on. 11 years and counting and I read the same stuff over and over again in the news.

The latest madness with a long term "Tourist" visa is a nail in the coffin. You need a job, ( gap year students forget it ) you need to show how much money you have in the bank..

Same here, it is becoming increasingly difficult to spend winters in Thailand. This latest rounding up foreigners is just one of the many, many things that make me want to leave.

The new multiple visa is impossible for me to get, since Im not employd. I used double and triple entries, those are history now. There is almost no way for a legitimate tourist to stay here 5-6 months, without bending some of the requirements.

The rounding up tourists on Walking St reminds me of pogroms. Pattaya is dead as it is, yet for some reason the few Europeans that come here are harrassed, and staying here for winter made as difficult as possible. If I had family, or love interest here, I'd jump through the hoops, but I dont have. If this place was totally amazing in some way, I'd be willing to struggle to stay here, but it isn't. There are lots of negatives, and only few positive.

It is difficult to go through the day knowing and seeing how unwanted we are here.

Maybe Im just in bad mood, I witnessed a robbery, a necless snatch last night at 1am on Beach Rd. One of the moto boys called police, no one came, after about 20 minutes the 4 tourists, friends of victim started walking towards soi 9. Depressing.

A person who stays in one place 5-6 months every year is NOT a tourist by any definition. He/she is more of a temporary resident. The new laws and the stronger enforcement are in order to make sure tourist are tourists, and all other get the proper permits of stay according to their situation and need.

Sure - not everyone falls under any of the current possible visas, but so is the case in most other countries in the world. Try to spend years on a tourist visa in the US, Australia, European countries - most those countries don't have active immigration searches, but you will be refused entry once they notice you spend too much time there on a tourist visa.

India for example restricts the number of tourist visas one can apply for in a year.


I think most of you are missing the point.

You have to have a valid visa or extension to stay here.


All countries require this.

I can not understand how people let their visa run out.

I have been here seven and a half years.

And gave always made sure my extension is valid.

No pity from me for anyone who is deported.

While I agree about abiding by the law and also have no pity for overstayers being deported, my issue is with searching random people without just cause. While this tactic may occasionally produce an overstayer or two, it always invades the privacy and violates the rights of the vast majority of those who do abide by the law and have done nothing wrong...treating them like criminals until proven they are not.

Thailand is not Nazi Germany...show us your papers...but it is beginning to act as such. I have been stopped and searched in a taxi twice at a roadblock in BKK and once getting off a bus at Ekamai. Presumably they were looking for drugs and I was promptly released after their invasive search tuned up empty, HOWEVER...I was assumed guilty and treated like a petty criminal until they realized I wasn't transporting illegal substances and/or my passport and visa were in order. I was polite and cooperated fully, but I was not happy about it.

Guess I was just fortunate they didn't plant illegal substances in my bags and shake me down for a bribe...

I've never read the Thai constitution but I doubt it has the equivalent of America's Forth Amendment. If such privacy rights are important to you, maybe holiday or reside in a country that respects such rights.


I know, in law, I'm supposed to carry my passport everywhere and I freely admit I don't. Just my Thai driving license.

This article appears to imply that everyone they checked had their passport with them - or am I mis-reading it?. If they did have them then they are pretty upright law abiding visitors.

I will not carry my passport with me. I do have a thai DL; if that is not good enough then jail me. But, I require a medical device at night so they better have one. I'm getting dam tired of this place.


I know, in law, I'm supposed to carry my passport everywhere and I freely admit I don't. Just my Thai driving license.

This article appears to imply that everyone they checked had their passport with them - or am I mis-reading it?. If they did have them then they are pretty upright law abiding visitors.


I guess things have changed in the last year since they stated publicly that you did NOT need to carry your passport, this was at the time of the massive increase in shakedowns was occurring on Sukhumvit and public outcry forced them to back down a little.


I got it straight from an official at Immigration that you are NOT required to carry your passport at all times. No consistency at all. I only carry a passport CARD. Of course this does not contain my retirement visa or any stamps, it merely shows that I own a passport.


I don't understand why people that llonewolf99 have spoken to are so upset that immigration in some cases check if incoming tourists have money, deport and ban people that overstay, US immigration have done that for many years. I'm getting tired of Farangs that feel that they are entitled to do what they want.I don't see anything wrong with polis doing their job it's up to each individual to make sure you have the correct visa. if we all follow the rules Thailand is a great country to live in. When it comes to the renovation of jomtien beach I personally think it's a great improvement, the new rules about the beach chairs was little bit irritating in the beginning but I think it works well now. The only downside I see is that it's not enough chairs now when Russian families are coming back again. When it comes to the Lady boys trafficking Pattaya beach if customer don't pick them up they will probably move to other area, I have seen a lot of them been picked up by Farangs, guess it's a cheaper buy then to pay bar fine.


I got it straight from an official at Immigration that you are NOT required to carry your passport at all times. No consistency at all. I only carry a passport CARD. Of course this does not contain my retirement visa or any stamps, it merely shows that I own a passport.

Where in the article does it state a foreigner must carry their passport? Mentions checking passports but does not say if it was a copy or not. People getting hot and bothered yet again without any clear information.


I got it straight from an official at Immigration that you are NOT required to carry your passport at all times. No consistency at all. I only carry a passport CARD. Of course this does not contain my retirement visa or any stamps, it merely shows that I own a passport.

Where in the article does it state a foreigner must carry their passport? Mentions checking passports but does not say if it was a copy or not. People getting hot and bothered yet again without any clear information.

Exactly. This is just clickbait and lazy reporting. Anyone taking their passport with them on a night out needs their head read! Carry a copy or some other ID if you're worried.

He said that tourists can of course leave their passports locked in their hotel safe and enjoy their holiday in Thailand without worrying about the need to carry their original passport.

Deputy Commander Voravat also said that for expats living here, a Thai driving license or photocopy of your passport can be used as a form of identification.

However, if Immigration Police suspect an individual to be overstaying in Thailand or being involved in illegal activity, then the individual would be required to produce their original passport promptly.

Thanks for finding it.

Since when have rules made any difference in Thailand, especially in Immigration. We all know that every office makes up their own rules (ie Savannakhet issues Non-immigrant O marriage visas, Vientiane does not), and each individual officer is allowed to use his 'discretion' so what you get depends on where you go and who you happen to see that day. So, some officers will accept the DL and some will not. Doesn't matter what the man at the top says.


Excellent move.

Ive always believed the general doesn't want the sex tourists here because they attract the isaan troublemakers.

Looks like the message is now being enforced.but will it be received?

ISSAN trouble makers ?????? Ha ha ha

Heading to Pattaya and then up to Udon.

I always get a miniature laminated passport copy up on third road for fifty baht.

Showing face page and details

And the stamp that shows I am lawfully visiting.

It's not much of an effort.

And it saved me twice being carted off.

A bunch of soldiers working over the motor taxi drivers credentials nabbed a few passing westerners on second road.

I was one.

I walked .

The others were seen handing over 2000 to avoid their next step.

Paid for itself.

Cops take 1000 .

Also make sure your not on meds as the pee tests will show up medicines that have stimulants even cough meds.

And they will burn you like eddy got 8k baht to avoid charges.

Then there is the wallet .

Never hand it over .

Empty it in front of them.

Bruce got set up.

And lastly be calm polite and never loose temper.



Now and then I get stopped at a check point , maybe once this year . I show my car or bike licence and it has always been good enough . OK I live out in the styx north of C/Rai. The passport number on my DP is not the correct number as my passport was renewed last April but the thought of going through God knows what to change the number...................................................


"A person who stays in one place 5-6 months every year is NOT a tourist by any definition. He/she is more of a temporary resident. The new laws and the stronger enforcement are in order to make sure tourist are tourists, and all other get the proper permits of stay according to their situation and need."

What is a tourist ? A person who pays for everything before he gets here for 2 weeks all inclusive, and spends zilch. No I don' think so.

A person who lies by a pool all day and bar fines women every night ? Possibly in Thailand ? but not a tourist in my eyes.

A person who visits all 22,000 Wats ? No that is a nutter. Can that be done in 2 weeks. No

A person who decides to spend all the cold winter months of Europe/North America in a foreign land spending money and just relaxing - YES.

Young people on a gap year just travelling and chilling out and spending money. YES

A person who travels to all the sights and enjoys not just visiting but travelling in the country by various methods, car, rail , bus, Tuk Tuk - YES

A person who likes the change of culture, scenery, lifestyle for a few months, spending money.. - YES

i could go on and on but I won't. A tourist is not a criminal unless he breaks the law. Overstaying is not a crime. I dont care if some countries say it is - I am talking about joined up thinking and logicial attitudes.

As an UK passport holder I get a 12 month multi entry free from the Australian Government - It might take that long for me to get round that massive country to see it all. I can leave and come back and get another 12 months.

And still the long stay fallangs come on here and sneer down their noses at Tourists....sad NIMBYs but not even living in their own country...!


This will get in the news and can do nothing to help the Tourist industry ,

Maybe at Airport Immigration they can hand you an "official" copy printout of your passport / visa that you can carry around with you.

It is the end of the year and officials all over Thailand are trying to get the last few "tea money" gifts,


Correct me if I am wrong. So far I was under the impression, that the "Tourist-Police" is here to assist foreigners in "problem-situations". (Translation service, mediation in conflict situations, etc etc).

And now they are shaking down small-time Farang criminals, instead of getting rid of those Lady Boy Predators on Beach Road (for example). Oh boy !


So you don't think it's possible they could have been there to assist the police for translation purposes and to help in case of problems?


Yes, the tourist that over stayed his visa, is breaking the law, but is he a criminal, and is he a threat to other tourist? I think not! Its not something that the rest of us should be concerned about.


I have a legit visa. I am not a criminal. There are thousands like me here in Thailand. But when did it become a crime to be a tourist?

Getting fined for overstaying in a country. Getting banned from said country for overstaying.... then on the other hand... Mass tourist advertising.

Spending millions of bucks on it.

Come and have fun, have a great stay, spend your hard earned cash on tourist tat, eat wonderful Thai food, drink Thai beer, when you go please come back again soon....Why ?

Why the hell would you ? If you are under threat of being frisked because you went out and had fun in a Disco ? Gatherings of 5 and more is a crime... lets go out on the town with our mates as long as its only you and 3 others...

Thai Visa is full of holier than everyone posters with an overblown attitude that only they belong here and all tourists are unwashed criminal scum. How did they come to be in Thailand in the first place?...I guess, just turned up and had the long stay visa in hand ?

The more this mad cap place gets madder, the more I think its time to move on. 11 years and counting and I read the same stuff over and over again in the news. Juntas and elected PM's come and go and nothing gets better. Nothing gets fixed it just gets fixed over, and the foreigner still gets worked over. The latest madness with a long term "Tourist" visa is a nail in the coffin. You need a job, ( gap year students forget it ) you need to show how much money you have in the bank, how much have you got on you when you turn up..... Has this country never heard of someone using credit cards and pulling out of an ATM to keep going ? They don't ask that in affluent Singapore or Hong Kong, KL airport never asked me if I was skint. Australian customs might be concerned I have a wooden pencil or dirty shoes from a farm but never asked for my bank balance.

I spoke with several tourists the other day in town and on the beach, what stood out? The place is a dirty stinking mess of rubbish. Everywhere. Jomtien and Pattaya beach look like half assed construction sites with mountains of landfill crap dumped all along them. In high season as well...

Now where was that Kuoni Holiday brochure for the Seychelles.......they probably shoot bum tourists on sight there...

I agree with you that you seem very unhappy ... are focused on frustration in a society you are powerless to change ... and frankly ... so bored you have little left to do but rant on a public forum.

I am confused because on one hand you say, "Thai Visa is full of holier than everyone posters with an overblown attitude that only they belong here..."

And then follow up later with, "The more this mad cap place gets madder, the more I think its time to move on. 11 years and counting and I read the same stuff over and over again in the news."

To me that sounds like you live in Thailand, and have for "11 years and counting." You are certainly not a tourist.

As you said, it may be time for you to move along...why? Simply because you are not happy and see no way you will be.

Best of luck and happy holidays.


I have a legit visa. I am not a criminal. There are thousands like me here in Thailand. But when did it become a crime to be a tourist?

Getting fined for overstaying in a country. Getting banned from said country for overstaying.... then on the other hand... Mass tourist advertising.

Spending millions of bucks on it.

Come and have fun, have a great stay, spend your hard earned cash on tourist tat, eat wonderful Thai food, drink Thai beer, when you go please come back again soon....Why ?

Why the hell would you ? If you are under threat of being frisked because you went out and had fun in a Disco ? Gatherings of 5 and more is a crime... lets go out on the town with our mates as long as its only you and 3 others...

Thai Visa is full of holier than everyone posters with an overblown attitude that only they belong here and all tourists are unwashed criminal scum. How did they come to be in Thailand in the first place?...I guess, just turned up and had the long stay visa in hand ?

The more this mad cap place gets madder, the more I think its time to move on. 11 years and counting and I read the same stuff over and over again in the news. Juntas and elected PM's come and go and nothing gets better. Nothing gets fixed it just gets fixed over, and the foreigner still gets worked over. The latest madness with a long term "Tourist" visa is a nail in the coffin. You need a job, ( gap year students forget it ) you need to show how much money you have in the bank, how much have you got on you when you turn up..... Has this country never heard of someone using credit cards and pulling out of an ATM to keep going ? They don't ask that in affluent Singapore or Hong Kong, KL airport never asked me if I was skint. Australian customs might be concerned I have a wooden pencil or dirty shoes from a farm but never asked for my bank balance.

I spoke with several tourists the other day in town and on the beach, what stood out? The place is a dirty stinking mess of rubbish. Everywhere. Jomtien and Pattaya beach look like half assed construction sites with mountains of landfill crap dumped all along them. In high season as well...

Now where was that Kuoni Holiday brochure for the Seychelles.......they probably shoot bum tourists on sight there...

in some countries you are innocent until proven guilty. In Thailand, you are guilty until proven innocent. Just walking down the street is enough reason for a police cop to stop you and demand to search your body. Refusing is a crime. It's sucks, but Thailand is like that.

And for the lazy police it's much easier to shake down a tourist who offers little resistance than the mr bigs of the criminal world.


I have a legit visa. I am not a criminal. There are thousands like me here in Thailand. But when did it become a crime to be a tourist?

Getting fined for overstaying in a country. Getting banned from said country for overstaying.... then on the other hand... Mass tourist advertising.

Spending millions of bucks on it.

Come and have fun, have a great stay, spend your hard earned cash on tourist tat, eat wonderful Thai food, drink Thai beer, when you go please come back again soon....Why ?

Why the hell would you ? If you are under threat of being frisked because you went out and had fun in a Disco ? Gatherings of 5 and more is a crime... lets go out on the town with our mates as long as its only you and 3 others...

Thai Visa is full of holier than everyone posters with an overblown attitude that only they belong here and all tourists are unwashed criminal scum. How did they come to be in Thailand in the first place?...I guess, just turned up and had the long stay visa in hand ?

The more this mad cap place gets madder, the more I think its time to move on. 11 years and counting and I read the same stuff over and over again in the news. Juntas and elected PM's come and go and nothing gets better. Nothing gets fixed it just gets fixed over, and the foreigner still gets worked over. The latest madness with a long term "Tourist" visa is a nail in the coffin. You need a job, ( gap year students forget it ) you need to show how much money you have in the bank, how much have you got on you when you turn up..... Has this country never heard of someone using credit cards and pulling out of an ATM to keep going ? They don't ask that in affluent Singapore or Hong Kong, KL airport never asked me if I was skint. Australian customs might be concerned I have a wooden pencil or dirty shoes from a farm but never asked for my bank balance.

I spoke with several tourists the other day in town and on the beach, what stood out? The place is a dirty stinking mess of rubbish. Everywhere. Jomtien and Pattaya beach look like half assed construction sites with mountains of landfill crap dumped all along them. In high season as well...

Now where was that Kuoni Holiday brochure for the Seychelles.......they probably shoot bum tourists on sight there...

This is so true.

I'm with you.. after this next CF of getting my extension, I am reaching out to a few other countries. I can only take so much fun.


I have a legit visa. I am not a criminal.

The more this mad cap place gets madder, the more I think its time to move on. 11 years and counting and I read the same stuff over and over again in the news.

The latest madness with a long term "Tourist" visa is a nail in the coffin. You need a job, ( gap year students forget it ) you need to show how much money you have in the bank..

Same here, it is becoming increasingly difficult to spend winters in Thailand. This latest rounding up foreigners is just one of the many, many things that make me want to leave.

The new multiple visa is impossible for me to get, since Im not employd. I used double and triple entries, those are history now. There is almost no way for a legitimate tourist to stay here 5-6 months, without bending some of the requirements.

The rounding up tourists on Walking St reminds me of pogroms. Pattaya is dead as it is, yet for some reason the few Europeans that come here are harrassed, and staying here for winter made as difficult as possible. If I had family, or love interest here, I'd jump through the hoops, but I dont have. If this place was totally amazing in some way, I'd be willing to struggle to stay here, but it isn't. There are lots of negatives, and only few positive.

It is difficult to go through the day knowing and seeing how unwanted we are here.

Maybe Im just in bad mood, I witnessed a robbery, a necless snatch last night at 1am on Beach Rd. One of the moto boys called police, no one came, after about 20 minutes the 4 tourists, friends of victim started walking towards soi 9. Depressing.

Pogroms - a tad hyperbole don't you think?

There has been an increase in enforcement of law, not universal, since the current government took over. Many drinking and entertainment places have had visits from police sometimes accompanied by the military. There have been reports of underage drinkers, opening longer than permitted violations, underage girls, etc. When checking documents the police check on patrons too.

Rounding up - only in your imagination. Checking documents of all those in an establishment and as far as foreigners are concerned, verifying on what basis they are in the country.

Pattaya has its share, probably more than its share of illegals.

If the police force divisions were really on the ball, then they would have a much better process to catch illegal and overstay foreigners. But they have to work with what they have. Raiding premises in known Adult Entertainment districts happens in all countries - it's one of possible risks for those choosing to visit. Get caught being an illegal overstay and face the consequences.

Sorry to here someone was robbed. Are you surprised the BiB didn't turn up quickly? Try dialing 999 in the UK and seeing what sort of response you get. No one was hurt, and police aren't going to worry too much about your property. Come and file a report, and hope if was insured. Not suggesting this is the right attitude, far from it, but it's how things are nowadays.

From your comments you are getting into a negative spiral about Thailand. Be careful that will fuel the depression and magnify it.


BANGKOK:-- [thaivisa.com] After the confusion surrounding the news that all foreigners in Thailand are required to carry their passport with them at all times, Thaivisa.com has today obtained official clarification on this matter.

Earlier this afternoon, Thaivisa.com spoke to Deputy Commander and Police Colonel Voravat Amornvivat, a senior official at Immigration headquarters in Bangkok.

Deputy Commander Voravat wanted to reassure the expat community in Thailand about the current situation.

He told Thaivsia.com that information in an article published by The Nation on 31 July 2014, was incorrect.

Deputy Commander Voravat confirmed that foreign tourists and expats do not need to carry their passports with them at all times.

He said that tourists can of course leave their passports locked in their hotel safe and enjoy their holiday in Thailand without worrying about the need to carry their original passport.

Deputy Commander Voravat also said that for expats living here, a Thai driving license or photocopy of your passport can be used as a form of identification.

However, if Immigration Police suspect an individual to be overstaying in Thailand or being involved in illegal activity, then the individual would be required to produce their original passport promptly.

Deputy Commander Voravat referred to Section 58, which reads as follows:

Any alien who has no lawful document for entering the Kingdom under section 12(1);....under this Act; and has no identification in accordance with the Law on Alien registration, is considered to have entered the Kingdom in violation of the Act.

Entering or staying in Thailand without holding a valid passport and visa/extension is subject a fine and possible prison sentence.

Who do/can I show that to when I'm getting rousted? wink.png


This will get in the news and can do nothing to help the Tourist industry ,

Maybe at Airport Immigration they can hand you an "official" copy printout of your passport / visa that you can carry around with you.

It is the end of the year and officials all over Thailand are trying to get the last few "tea money" gifts,

Don't agree.

Why would genuine tourists be concerned? They have the correct visa or visa waiver entitlement. They don't overstay. Most are not sex tourists. Many do visit places like Walking Street out of curiosity. And want that visit to be safe.

The police show their presence in these areas and do, albeit occasionally, and possibly for the wrong reasons, inspect establishment to check compliance with some laws.

Now, if the police were really doing their job, and stopping the lady boy gangs and other thieves, then things would be better.

As for "tea money" I'm sure the need for it increases at certain times a year but these foreigners weren't being asked for tea money, AFAIK. Their visas were being checked to make sure they were here legally. Those on overstay or without visas are criminals. Just as they would be in most any other country.

Overstay your visa in the UK and you are required to report to a police force, not immigration.

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