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Trump uses crude language to mock Clinton


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Trump uses crude language to mock Clinton

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump labeled Democrat Hillary Clinton "disgusting" for using the restroom during a commercial break at the last Democratic debate and used crude language to describe her primary loss to now-President Barack Obama in 2008.

"She was favored to win and she got schlonged, she lost," he said on Monday night, using a slang word for male genitalia.

Trump, who has ramped up his criticism of Clinton in recent weeks, also mocked Clinton for returning late to Saturday's debate following a commercial break because she'd been using the bathroom.

"What happened to her? I'm watching the debate, and she disappeared. Where did she go?!" Trump said at the rally at the DeltaPlex Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

"I know where she went. It's disgusting, I don't want to talk about it," he added. "No, it's too disgusting. Don't say it, it's disgusting."

This isn't the first time Trump has used what could be interpreted as gendered language to criticize Clinton. He has repeatedly described her as lacking the strength and stamina to be president and invoked the image of her putting on a pantsuit before heading to work.

But the latest remarks appear to have hit a new nerve. After declining to comment Monday evening, Clinton spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri took to Twitter to label the language "degrading."

"We are not responding to Trump, but everyone who understands the humiliation this degrading language inflicts on all women should," Palmieri said on Twitter, concluding with the hashtag "imwithher."

The latest rift between Clinton and Trump began during Saturday evening's debate. Clinton claimed the Islamic State group had used videos of Trump's comments about Muslims to recruit militants.

"They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists," she said.

There was no evidence to back the claim, and Trump quickly called Clinton a liar and demanded an apology.

"She's a liar!" he repeated at the rally, labeling Clinton "not a president."

Some of Trump's critics have leveled similar criticism at him. Many Republican leaders fear Trump's incendiary rhetoric would make him unelectable in a general election against Clinton, who is widely favored over two rivals for the Democratic nomination.

Trump continues to the lead the Republican field going into the new year — a development that has stunned the political world and deeply divided the Republican party.

Clinton appeared Tuesday in Keota, Iowa, a small rural town where three high school students launched an energetic campaign to get Clinton to visit their school. Clinton entered the high school gymnasium — packed with about 700 people — alongside the students to huge cheers.

During her remarks, Clinton stressed the differences between Republicans and Democrats in the field. She decried Trump's rhetoric on Muslims, saying it was "not only dangerous, it's shameful." She said that kind of talk plays in to the hands of violent jihadists.

"It's a very serious matter when you hear some of the things he and unfortunately some of the others have been saying," Clinton said.

Clinton did not reference Trump's latest comments on her 2008 presidential bid, but she made a veiled reference to his campaign when a student asked her about combatting bullying.

Advocating for more "love and kindness" Clinton added: "That's why it's important to stand up to bullies wherever we are and why we shouldn't let anybody bully his way into the presidency. Because that is not who we are as Americans."

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who has made Trump his main target in recent days, also weighed in Tuesday while campaigning in New Hampshire, saying that Trump's behavior is not only offending people and turning voters off to him, but it is also hurting the Republican Party.

"There has to be a level of decorum to win. It's not a sign of strength to insult people with profanity," Bush told reporters after speaking to voters at a community college in New Hampshire's north country. "Trump is not going to be president because he says these things. It turns people off. For crying out loud, we're two days before Christmas."

Catherine Lucey and Thomas Beaumont contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-23

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Trump, The bully bull in the politically correct China shop... he will take mocking people to new

extremes, nobody really thinks that he will be elected to be a president, but he and his supports

are enjoying the ride and seeing all the other delicate presidential candidates cringing in

bewilderments and loss as how to deal with the beast....

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Trump, The bully bull in the politically correct China shop... he will take mocking people to new

extremes, nobody really thinks that he will be elected to be a president, but he and his supports

are enjoying the ride and seeing all the other delicate presidential candidates cringing in

bewilderments and loss as how to deal with the beast....

Well, he can be nominated so he can be president. He isn't a joke anymore.

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He could be nominate , and he could be President, but that does not stop him from being a joke

and if by some unlikely event he is nominated and an even more unlikely event he is elected , the Joke would be on the American people and by extension the world

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Trump for President. He says what he wants. Not like that puppet Obama. Yes, he a New Yorker, remembers 9/11 and has the right to express his opinion on Islam. About time someone kicked terrorists butts. Hillary is another puppet, we need fresh blood a true patriot to steer the States in times of change.

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Trump for President. He says what he wants. Not like that puppet Obama. Yes, he a New Yorker, remembers 9/11 and has the right to express his opinion on Islam. About time someone kicked terrorists butts. Hillary is another puppet, we need fresh blood a true patriot to steer the States in times of change.

Hey you seem to be saying what you want also . Should we elect you president too?laugh.png

How about Me for president? I just said what I wanted

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I am all Trumpt out, nothing to say other than,

He is an embarrassment

There was a time I couldn't stand the guy but nowadays I look forward to what he is going to say next.

He just does NOT care.

I find it refreshing...he points out that the whole dang bunch of them are clowns.

Was he saying that Hillary was backstage cheating for the debate?

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I am all Trumpt out, nothing to say other than,

He is an embarrassment

There was a time I couldn't stand the guy but nowadays I look forward to what he is going to say next.

He just does NOT care.

I find it refreshing...he points out that the whole dang bunch of them are clowns.

Was he saying that Hillary was backstage cheating for the debate?

Hey dude , if you want to be president too, you got to get on line, I was here firsttongue.png

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I am all Trumpt out, nothing to say other than,

He is an embarrassment

The whole system is an embarassment ... they're all like kids misbehaving, calling each other names and one of them is going to rule the country. Dark(er) days ahead.

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I am all Trumpt out, nothing to say other than,

He is an embarrassment

There was a time I couldn't stand the guy but nowadays I look forward to what he is going to say next.

He just does NOT care.

I find it refreshing...he points out that the whole dang bunch of them are clowns.

Was he saying that Hillary was backstage cheating for the debate?

Hey dude , if you want to be president too, you got to get on line, I was here firsttongue.png

I am retired from the spotlight nowadays but if you are looking for a VP ;-)

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I am all Trumpt out, nothing to say other than,

He is an embarrassment

There was a time I couldn't stand the guy but nowadays I look forward to what he is going to say next.

He just does NOT care.

I find it refreshing...he points out that the whole dang bunch of them are clowns.

Was he saying that Hillary was backstage cheating for the debate?

You know something, That's an interesting take on the subject. I often wondered and have expressed in some of my replies, as to what his game is.

I know the man was not an Idiot, so what is his game now? is he Lampooning the whole process? interesting thought.

Personally I think he had a mini stroke. or senility is setting in,

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23 years in the US and I never heard that expression. Can't believe Trump taught me something in my old age. sad.png

The funny thing is she did get schlonged by Obama.

I mean this is exactly what the expression means. Well, unless you are using to describe someone who actually did get schlonged.

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I can just about imagine what will happen when he begins making remarks about the habits and looks of some of the Asia leaders. They don't take too kindly to criticism under the best of circumstances.

I have a feeling he is going to make the world a much more dangerous place for Americans.

Respect from the rest of the world, he will not have.

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If there is anything thus far that should disqualify him from running, it is this statement about his female opponent being "schlonged".

There is no room whatsoever for a presidential hopeful to be so utterly crass.

His xenophobia, misogynism, racism etc are bad enough, but each to his own....let him show his colours let him appeal to the lowest common denominator. But such crudeness, such gutter language, does not have any place in diplomacy.

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23 years in the US and I never heard that expression. Can't believe Trump taught me something in my old age. sad.png

The funny thing is she did get schlonged by Obama.

I mean this is exactly what the expression means. Well, unless you are using to describe someone who actually did get schlonged.

Completely racial trailer park trash.

Nothing new from the crackpot right.

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I am all Trumpt out, nothing to say other than,

He is an embarrassment

There was a time I couldn't stand the guy but nowadays I look forward to what he is going to say next.

He just does NOT care.

I find it refreshing...he points out that the whole dang bunch of them are clowns.

Was he saying that Hillary was backstage cheating for the debate?

As an interested bystander, I am English, it seems that DT does not 'care what he says' because he is not the lickspittle puppet of some rich benefactors that financialy support his campaign. In that he is demonstrably not PC, he is the only one of a sorry lot of professional politicians, (except for Carson), who is not 'beholden' to a group of donors. He can say what he feels is appropriate , he is only interested in what the 'people' want to hear, or what he feels he wants to say, not what a group of 'money for favours' people want him to say. He is a highly successful business man who wants the ultimate job in the US. He would do a much better job than most of his fellow contenders, he certainly would be strong enough to hire 'professional' help, not those to whom he owed favours, perhaps then the US would then have a more pragmatic approach to national and world politics, above all he is not STUPID and will not be led by the nose by 'interest groups'. I do hope he is elected. There are , I believe, methods of removing a president, (Nixon), if he proves to be a complete mentally unstable liability , so all would not be lost. So go for it citizens of the US, kick the parasytical polical class up the arse, time to clean the stables of the stack of politically correct liberal horse shit that seems to pervade the streets of Washington, vote for the Trump. Think of all the unemployed lobbyists, as POTUS cannot be bought, he does not need their financial support any more.

As an addition, he would not need to curry favour with the political establishment for his second term, he does not need the money, so the US could have an 8 year span of sensible leadership, uncorrupted by the need to curry favour from focus (f*ckass) groups.

Edited by John1012
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I can just about imagine what will happen when he begins making remarks about the habits and looks of some of the Asia leaders. They don't take too kindly to criticism under the best of circumstances.

I have a feeling he is going to make the world a much more dangerous place for Americans.

Respect from the rest of the world, he will not have.

Bill Clinton was the last President that had respect from the rest of the world.

Actually Trump has it because of his vast wealth and his bravado.

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The man is a loose cannon. He will perfectly into the role and following his term, his photo will look great on the wall of Whitehouse with all the other morons that proceeded him.

There's been no shortage of 'whack jobs' in the position in the last few decades & we can see what has resulted from this combined effort.

I'm trying to recall the last decent President, but his name has faded from memory.

God bless America, let's face it, they need all the help they can get.

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I can just about imagine what will happen when he begins making remarks about the habits and looks of some of the Asia leaders. They don't take too kindly to criticism under the best of circumstances.

I have a feeling he is going to make the world a much more dangerous place for Americans.

Respect from the rest of the world, he will not have.

Bill Clinton was the last President that had respect from the rest of the world.

Actually Trump has it because of his vast wealth and his bravado.

World wide respect for Clinton? You've got to be joking. The man killed more innocent Women & Children with his efforts in Iraq than so e of the others have done with their modern warfare.

Of course, Australians see bill as a bit of a legend but that's only because of his legendary work with that Monica Sheila. Go Billy!

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23 years in the US and I never heard that expression. Can't believe Trump taught me something in my old age. sad.png

The funny thing is she did get schlonged by Obama.

I mean this is exactly what the expression means. Well, unless you are using to describe someone who actually did get schlonged.

Completely racial trailer park trash.

Nothing new from the crackpot right.

I have never spent time in a Trailer Park but somehow I don't think that would be a typical expression.

Its more juvenile than anything else.

I hadn't realized how much he offends Liberals. The last time I saw real hate from the Liberal community was when 43 was in office. God, they hated that guy with a passion. Now Republicans despise Obama in a different but equal manner. Everybody is pissed as all get out at the other team. Trump expresses the anger that has existed on both sides in the country since...when...41?

I find it strange that you are so offended by what comes out of Trump's mouth but you express no offense at the only thing coming out of any of the other hopefuls mouths is 100% manipulated BS which changes like the wind depending on who their audience demographic is.

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