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Trump uses crude language to mock Clinton


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Completely racial trailer park trash.

Nothing new from the crackpot right.

I have never spent time in a Trailer Park but somehow I don't think that would be a typical expression.

Its more juvenile than anything else.

I hadn't realized how much he offends Liberals. The last time I saw real hate from the Liberal community was when 43 was in office. God, they hated that guy with a passion. Now Republicans despise Obama in a different but equal manner. Everybody is pissed as all get out at the other team. Trump expresses the anger that has existed on both sides in the country since...when...41?

I find it strange that you are so offended by what comes out of Trump's mouth but you express no offense at the only thing coming out of any of the other hopefuls mouths is 100% manipulated BS which changes like the wind depending on who their audience demographic is.

The last time I saw real hate from the Liberal community


GW Bush got deserved contempt.

Trump gets revulsion.

Cruz is the rightwhingenut poster boy.

Rubio is too nervous about losing to win.

John Ellis "Jeb" Bush is your basic dork.

Ben 'the knife' Carson is simply out of his league because there just aren't enough redemptionists around to save his political life.

When Trump falls on his face, which will occur at some point in this process, it will be decisive. Regardless of whether it happens on the way to the nomination or on the way to the general election, it will be the high profile rejection of all of this rightwhinger and hitman rubbish. For good. Once and for all.

That's all.

(Edited by Publicus to resize font.)

Why are you even angry at me?

Youre just angryman these days... ;-)

Look, I don't know what OTT means and I could care a less about Trump. The Republicans have a terrible habit of turning elections into Reality TV episodes since the GOP Debates of 2012. Each week a contestant had to be kicked off the Island.

And you disappoint me if you can't see that your defense of hating GWB was somehow legitimate while the Republican hatred of Obama is not.

Its the same hatred and as easily justified...or not...by both sides. How do I know? Because I can't stand either one of them and I have friends from both Camps. You should try that Publicus...its called keeping an open mind and not falling into the mentally lazy practice of denigrating anyone who thinks differently from you.

Our US Political leaders are all a bunch of imbeciles and no longer represent Americans. They are no longer Statesman. They become elected officials not on talent but rather because they express the anger of their chosen teams.

Americans have been dumbed down to the point that they think politics is a Sport and all they can do is view it with a dimwitted team mentality. Our side cheats to win--no problem because all we care about is winning. Go Blue Team Go. Go Red Team Go.

Meanwhile, both Red and Blue are corrupt and America loses out after each competition.

I expect better from you Publicus. Maybe its time you move back to the First World and start living to your potential. I fear in another year I will find you sitting on a barstool on Soi 5 at 9:00 in the morning ;-)

BTW, how was Trumps comment "racial" as you described?

Edited by ClutchClark
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It is fun to watch all the 'blue collars' try to spin the words of the Great Laughingstock to preserve their fantasy fanboydom. Normal, education, south people know the meaning of schlong and do not utter the word in polite company.

Your panting fetishism is another characteristic of the Trump demographic, whether or not you are American. UKippers in the UK. One Nation cretins in Australia. PEGIDA in Germany and the rest.

Immigration makes our countries and I join those who welcome them.

Picking on Trump is one thing, feel free, he is a mainstream New Yorker, accustomed to rough talk, I have no plans to defend his lack of boundaries.

But you want to take Trump's New York mouth and liken him to the brilliant Nigel Farage of UKIP? Is Nigel Farage of UKIP indeed part of a great "blue collar" demographic?

Could you even hold a conversation with him?

Do you really think opponents of forced mass foreign influx simply lack enlightenment?

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Completely racial trailer park trash.

Nothing new from the crackpot right.

I have never spent time in a Trailer Park but somehow I don't think that would be a typical expression.

Its more juvenile than anything else.

I hadn't realized how much he offends Liberals. The last time I saw real hate from the Liberal community was when 43 was in office. God, they hated that guy with a passion. Now Republicans despise Obama in a different but equal manner. Everybody is pissed as all get out at the other team. Trump expresses the anger that has existed on both sides in the country since...when...41?

I find it strange that you are so offended by what comes out of Trump's mouth but you express no offense at the only thing coming out of any of the other hopefuls mouths is 100% manipulated BS which changes like the wind depending on who their audience demographic is.

The last time I saw real hate from the Liberal community


GW Bush got deserved contempt.

Trump gets revulsion.

Cruz is the rightwhingenut poster boy.

Rubio is too nervous about losing to win.

John Ellis "Jeb" Bush is your basic dork.

Ben 'the knife' Carson is simply out of his league because there just aren't enough redemptionists around to save his political life.

When Trump falls on his face, which will occur at some point in this process, it will be decisive. Regardless of whether it happens on the way to the nomination or on the way to the general election, it will be the high profile rejection of all of this rightwhinger and hitman rubbish. For good. Once and for all.

That's all.

(Edited by Publicus to resize font.)

Why are you even angry at me?

Youre just angryman these days... ;-)

Look, I don't know what OTT means and I could care a less about Trump. The Republicans have a terrible habit of turning elections into Reality TV episodes since the GOP Debates of 2012. Each week a contestant had to be kicked off the Island.

And you disappoint me if you can't see that your defense of hating GWB was somehow legitimate while the Republican hatred of Obama is not.

Its the same hatred and as easily justified...or not...by both sides. How do I know? Because I can't stand either one of them and I have friends from both Camps. You should try that Publicus...its called keeping an open mind and not falling into the mentally lazy practice of denigrating anyone who thinks differently from you.

Our US Political leaders are all a bunch of imbeciles and no longer represent Americans. They are no longer Statesman. They become elected officials not on talent but rather because they express the anger of their chosen teams.

Americans have been dumbed down to the point that they think politics is a Sport and all they can do is view it with a dimwitted team mentality. Our side cheats to win--no problem because all we care about is winning. Go Blue Team Go. Go Red Team Go.

Meanwhile, both Red and Blue are corrupt and America loses out after each competition.

I expect better from you Publicus. Maybe its time you move back to the First World and start living to your potential. I fear in another year I will find you sitting on a barstool on Soi 5 at 9:00 in the morning ;-)

BTW, how was Trumps comment "racial" as you described?

Publicus...its called keeping an open mind and not falling into the mentally lazy practice of denigrating anyone who thinks differently from you.

Here, here...calling posters and people...right "wingnuts"...because they do not agree with your social and political views is just plain mean spirited and does not add to the conversation...which is the way most lefties try to end a debate...seldom adding any logical verbiage to support their claims to occupy the higher ground on discussions...get real and show us what you got...defend your position...or just shut up...

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Completely racial trailer park trash.

Nothing new from the crackpot right.

I have never spent time in a Trailer Park but somehow I don't think that would be a typical expression.

Its more juvenile than anything else.

I hadn't realized how much he offends Liberals. The last time I saw real hate from the Liberal community was when 43 was in office. God, they hated that guy with a passion. Now Republicans despise Obama in a different but equal manner. Everybody is pissed as all get out at the other team. Trump expresses the anger that has existed on both sides in the country since...when...41?

I find it strange that you are so offended by what comes out of Trump's mouth but you express no offense at the only thing coming out of any of the other hopefuls mouths is 100% manipulated BS which changes like the wind depending on who their audience demographic is.

The last time I saw real hate from the Liberal community


GW Bush got deserved contempt.

Trump gets revulsion.

Cruz is the rightwhingenut poster boy.

Rubio is too nervous about losing to win.

John Ellis "Jeb" Bush is your basic dork.

Ben 'the knife' Carson is simply out of his league because there just aren't enough redemptionists around to save his political life.

When Trump falls on his face, which will occur at some point in this process, it will be decisive. Regardless of whether it happens on the way to the nomination or on the way to the general election, it will be the high profile rejection of all of this rightwhinger and hitman rubbish. For good. Once and for all.

That's all.

(Edited by Publicus to resize font.)

Why are you even angry at me?

Youre just angryman these days... ;-)

Look, I don't know what OTT means and I could care a less about Trump. The Republicans have a terrible habit of turning elections into Reality TV episodes since the GOP Debates of 2012. Each week a contestant had to be kicked off the Island.

And you disappoint me if you can't see that your defense of hating GWB was somehow legitimate while the Republican hatred of Obama is not.

Its the same hatred and as easily justified...or not...by both sides. How do I know? Because I can't stand either one of them and I have friends from both Camps. You should try that Publicus...its called keeping an open mind and not falling into the mentally lazy practice of denigrating anyone who thinks differently from you.

Our US Political leaders are all a bunch of imbeciles and no longer represent Americans. They are no longer Statesman. They become elected officials not on talent but rather because they express the anger of their chosen teams.

Americans have been dumbed down to the point that they think politics is a Sport and all they can do is view it with a dimwitted team mentality. Our side cheats to win--no problem because all we care about is winning. Go Blue Team Go. Go Red Team Go.

Meanwhile, both Red and Blue are corrupt and America loses out after each competition.

I expect better from you Publicus. Maybe its time you move back to the First World and start living to your potential. I fear in another year I will find you sitting on a barstool on Soi 5 at 9:00 in the morning ;-)

BTW, how was Trumps comment "racial" as you described?

OTT Clutch.

Yet again.

Kindly address the topic and thread while speaking to the board plse thx, instead of falling into a personal focus on a given or particular poster. Concocted accusations that are false lead to nowhere. Discourse becomes impossible. Lookit Donald Trump for instance. wink.png

The Donald just blows through facts by dismissing them and asserting instead his strongman personality. He too makes it up to stay on top of the headlines, continually.

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It is fun to watch all the 'blue collars' try to spin the words of the Great Laughingstock to preserve their fantasy fanboydom. Normal, education, south people know the meaning of schlong and do not utter the word in polite company.

Your panting fetishism is another characteristic of the Trump demographic, whether or not you are American. UKippers in the UK. One Nation cretins in Australia. PEGIDA in Germany and the rest.

Immigration makes our countries and I join those who welcome them.

Picking on Trump is one thing, feel free, he is a mainstream New Yorker, accustomed to rough talk, I have no plans to defend his lack of boundaries.

But you want to take Trump's New York mouth and liken him to the brilliant Nigel Farage of UKIP? Is Nigel Farage of UKIP indeed part of a great "blue collar" demographic?

Could you even hold a conversation with him?

Do you really think opponents of forced mass foreign influx simply lack enlightenment?

Do you want me to take your post seriously? I am not sure. Did you click like instead of quote? The post to which I replied provides context but you are not taking me to task on those issues. I also was not making broad generalised insults on the leaders of the mobs of bigots around the world, merely commenting on what seems to be a consistency in the demographic.

So I will assume you are not being ironic and so not take the post seriously and respond accordingly.

What makes you think I couldn't hold a conversation with Farage? I don't believe I would want to but I see no sign of higher intelligence or rationality. Merely an opportunistic show boater who appeals to the lowest common denominator of the little englander. Do I believe that no professional class of worker is part of the Trump demographic or the Farage demographic or whatever. No. I am not trying to formulate class war. It is after all the roots of my own class. However, how can anyone assume that an enlightened person would use such a phrase as 'forced mass foreign influx'. There are so many red flags arising from the use of such language to make me wonder if you want to be taken seriously. If you do, then there are a whole bunch of avenues to explore. I have recent experience in working in the country that contributes the 2nd largest of the nationalities in the current movement of people into Europe. I have some first hand knowledge and experience. I also have thoughts and views on military operations in various countries in the region that also informs my opinions on these issues.

Ready to discuss any of this. But my immediate response is that, no, the angry old white men, the powerless and disenfranchised who cannot deal with the impact of identity politics and the ideals and values of the new generation do not, in fact, indicate any presence of enlightenment. I define enlightenment as emerging from what is also called the Age of Reason and provides the underpinning of modern liberal democratic societies based on tolerance, equality, fairness, progress and all that other good stuff.

I am still in two minds about taking your post seriously so I hedged my bets.

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Why is a buffoon like Trump so popular with many in the electorate?

That is the real question.

I think people are so disillusioned with the way the current system works that Trump is more a protest vote than anything else against a system that really serves vested interest groups, big business and the rich. A system which has served D Trump very well btw.

When push comes to shove Trump will get his comeuppance although most people wont take much comfort from any of the other candidates offering anything of any substance.

Sad situation.

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Publicus...its called keeping an open mind and not falling into the mentally lazy practice of denigrating anyone who thinks differently from you.

Here, here...calling posters and people...right "wingnuts"...because they do not agree with your social and political views is just plain mean spirited and does not add to the conversation...which is the way most lefties try to end a debate...seldom adding any logical verbiage to support their claims to occupy the higher ground on discussions...get real and show us what you got...defend your position...or just shut up...

No insult intended but do you listen to yourself? A right winger complaining about lefties insulting him buy insulting lefties.

When you can just substitute Right Wing for every time you use the word Lefty, then you know that this is a hollow, meaningless, narrow minded, intellectually closed position. What discriminates your from those against whom you rage?

Defend your position or just shut up.

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With all his verbal games, I think what this is really about is Trump wanting people to take him seriously as a legit candidate for president. Now, that it's clear he can actually potentially be nominated and from that potentially be elected, I think he has ALREADY accomplished that goal. I think the really interesting thing with the Trump story is how this is going to end for him and how he'll handle it. Because I still don't really believe there will ever be a PRESIDENT TRUMP. I also feel that deep down Trump doesn't really even WANT this big job with the crappy old house, but that he's got face issues now, because he wants NOT to be a LOSER than not getting this job he really doesn't want. Yes, I think he's a bit of a madman. Not many people have mentioned that, but that's what I see.

Well said and yes I think he is a bit mad in an ego-maniacal way. When you see how he responds to anyone who he perceives as attacking him whether it be verbally or in one of his many lawsuits I shudder to think what he might do when he has nukes at his finger tips!

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Trump should admit he has problems maintaining even a smidgeon of decorum when addressing Hillary Clinton...

I would like to see him graciously remove himself from consideration...and have his daughter run instead...she is the brains that keeps the Trump empire running smoothly, well educated, poised and well spoken, glamorous, young and would likely win by a landslide over the old pee bag Clinton...

It is about time we spruce up the Whitehouse with a new generation.

If you are correct in your assumption that she has brains, then nothing would induce her to enter the pile of manure that constitutes politics nowadays, and I'm not just talking about American politics. Only the desperate and the crazies subject themselves to the media onslaught that destroys modern politics.

Trump has been very successful, so far, at keeping his family out of it, but if the Dems get desperate enough, that may change.

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It's the Republican party establishment that are frantic and increasingly desperate.

The Democratic party is not Trump's problem or challenge. Not this year to date and not unless and until Trump might manage to get nominated next summer at the convention. Neither is Trump the problem of the Democratic party.

If Trump grabs the nomination, some cultural losers in the Democratic party would likely vote for him. However, such Democrats are in predominantly Blue states where the D for POTUS wins by 10 points and more. So that would not impact a D victory in the general next November.

Trump is running for the Republican party nomination to lead the Republican party and all of its candidates in all of their offices throughout the country in to the general massacre election. Trump's biggest headaches en route all have an 'R' after their name. To include the desperate R party establishment.

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It's the Republican party establishment that are frantic and increasingly desperate.

The Democratic party is not Trump's problem or challenge. Not this year to date and not unless and until Trump might manage to get nominated next summer at the convention. Neither is Trump the problem of the Democratic party.

If Trump grabs the nomination, some cultural losers in the Democratic party would likely vote for him. However, such Democrats are in predominantly Blue states where the D for POTUS wins by 10 points and more. So that would not impact a D victory in the general next November.

Trump is running for the Republican party nomination to lead the Republican party and all of its candidates in all of their offices throughout the country in to the general massacre election. Trump's biggest headaches en route all have an 'R' after their name. To include the desperate R party establishment.

Yes, you are correct about the GOP being terrified of Trump. The men in back rooms must be wetting themselves in fear that he might get the nomination.

However, I don't think they would sic the media onto his family, as even they would not be as low as the Dems.

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It's the Republican party establishment that are frantic and increasingly desperate.

The Democratic party is not Trump's problem or challenge. Not this year to date and not unless and until Trump might manage to get nominated next summer at the convention. Neither is Trump the problem of the Democratic party.

If Trump grabs the nomination, some cultural losers in the Democratic party would likely vote for him. However, such Democrats are in predominantly Blue states where the D for POTUS wins by 10 points and more. So that would not impact a D victory in the general next November.

Trump is running for the Republican party nomination to lead the Republican party and all of its candidates in all of their offices throughout the country in to the general massacre election. Trump's biggest headaches en route all have an 'R' after their name. To include the desperate R party establishment.

Yes, you are correct about the GOP being terrified of Trump. The men in back rooms must be wetting themselves in fear that he might get the nomination.

However, I don't think they would sic the media onto his family, as even they would not be as low as the Dems.

Reagan must be turning in his grave right now to see how the center right has disappeared, and crossover voters have all but disappeared. In this unfortunate environment of polarization, where both Repub and Dem parties are becoming more extreme right and left respectively, Trump is an interesting case study in disruption of the Republican Party. At the same time, expect to see Clinton pander to extreme left views to garner support.

The center right is dead in America as well as the moderating sense of decency it seems.

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It's the Republican party establishment that are frantic and increasingly desperate.

The Democratic party is not Trump's problem or challenge. Not this year to date and not unless and until Trump might manage to get nominated next summer at the convention. Neither is Trump the problem of the Democratic party.

If Trump grabs the nomination, some cultural losers in the Democratic party would likely vote for him. However, such Democrats are in predominantly Blue states where the D for POTUS wins by 10 points and more. So that would not impact a D victory in the general next November.

Trump is running for the Republican party nomination to lead the Republican party and all of its candidates in all of their offices throughout the country in to the general massacre election. Trump's biggest headaches en route all have an 'R' after their name. To include the desperate R party establishment.

Yes, you are correct about the GOP being terrified of Trump. The men in back rooms must be wetting themselves in fear that he might get the nomination.

However, I don't think they would sic the media onto his family, as even they would not be as low as the Dems.

The post is partisan speculation against the Democratic party and/or its supporters or advocates. It says the other guy is evil and that only he is evil, which is wrongheaded and self-righteous pap.

And the right needs to cease confusing the MSM with the D party.

The political center of the US has already shifted to the left of its year 2000 center. The noise and constant commotion from the right is an unmistakable indicator. As we see each and every day.

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According to Wikipedia & Oxford dictionary, "Schlong" is vulgar word (yiddish) for Penis.

All his blustering to deny any wrong intent, is total rubbish.

His Leadership qualities are almost zero, so if US citizens want Thumper Trump as President.....good luck b/c he will not only adversely affect US but world as well!!

If DT's leadership qualities are virtually nil, how is it that he has become a billionare? Magic?Lack of decision making ability under pressure? What you seem to imply is that his view ,of reality and public (US) wishes, is different from your rose tinted spectacles like view, so therefore he has no leadership qualities. To an outsider, DT seems to reflect the mood of a large portion of the US public. I strongly object to the term 'Red Neck'. It is RACIST and implies that they are second classWHITE citizens, which under the constitution and Christian ethics thay are not. 'Blue collar' workers is another nasty term , as applied in this context. These productive workers pay their taxes and actually add to the GDP, as opposed to a portion of the populace (white collar?) who parasytically feed upon the labours of 'Blue collar' workers and their management , political lobbyists, politicians in general, pollsters, criminals, wall street wan*ers.

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According to Wikipedia & Oxford dictionary, "Schlong" is vulgar word (yiddish) for Penis.

All his blustering to deny any wrong intent, is total rubbish.

His Leadership qualities are almost zero, so if US citizens want Thumper Trump as President.....good luck b/c he will not only adversely affect US but world as well!!

Exactly! He is disingenuous, a form of dishonesty, and he wants us to believe the "mainstream media" is dishonest. I put "mainstream media" in quotes because it's conservative code for any media outlet which doesn't spin every topic the way they want it spun. The moment you hear someone whining about the "mainstream media" you know that person is narrow-minded and has no credibility.

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A funny Trump Yiddish primer:


My grandmother, were she alive, would have had a choice phrase for such a vulgarian: Shemen zich in dein veiten haldz. Literally, this translates as “you should be ashamed in your far neck,” but that doesn’t quite convey the deep contempt the speaker has for the schmuck who committed such a shandeh un a charpeh (shame and disgrace). Alternatively, my bubbe might have opted to give Trump some classic and colorful Yiddish advice: “Gai kaken oifen yam” — go defecate in the ocean.


But since Trump has started us on this tour of Yiddishkeit, it’s worth noting that Yiddish insults are custom-tailored for the overbearing and boorish gantseh macher that Trump has made of himself. He’s a shmegegi and a mamzer, a fabrecher and a nudnik with a lot of chutzpah (and a tuches un a halb). Sorry, you’ll have to look those up.

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It's the Republican party establishment that are frantic and increasingly desperate.

The Democratic party is not Trump's problem or challenge. Not this year to date and not unless and until Trump might manage to get nominated next summer at the convention. Neither is Trump the problem of the Democratic party.

If Trump grabs the nomination, some cultural losers in the Democratic party would likely vote for him. However, such Democrats are in predominantly Blue states where the D for POTUS wins by 10 points and more. So that would not impact a D victory in the general next November.

Trump is running for the Republican party nomination to lead the Republican party and all of its candidates in all of their offices throughout the country in to the general massacre election. Trump's biggest headaches en route all have an 'R' after their name. To include the desperate R party establishment.

Yes, you are correct about the GOP being terrified of Trump. The men in back rooms must be wetting themselves in fear that he might get the nomination.

However, I don't think they would sic the media onto his family, as even they would not be as low as the Dems.

Reagan must be turning in his grave right now to see how the center right has disappeared, and crossover voters have all but disappeared. In this unfortunate environment of polarization, where both Repub and Dem parties are becoming more extreme right and left respectively, Trump is an interesting case study in disruption of the Republican Party. At the same time, expect to see Clinton pander to extreme left views to garner support.

The center right is dead in America as well as the moderating sense of decency it seems.

A good post although I would add that the center left is also Dead.

Its a land of extremes in the US today just like on this board.

There is an "US vs THEM" mentality everywhere.

I can't say something without being accused of being a FOX news watching GOP sheep simply because I criticized a Democrat.

The ferocious party loyalty today is really amazing, particularly when it comes from otherwise intelligent people.

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According to Wikipedia & Oxford dictionary, "Schlong" is vulgar word (yiddish) for Penis.

All his blustering to deny any wrong intent, is total rubbish.

His Leadership qualities are almost zero, so if US citizens want Thumper Trump as President.....good luck b/c he will not only adversely affect US but world as well!!

If DT's leadership qualities are virtually nil, how is it that he has become a billionare? Magic?Lack of decision making ability under pressure? What you seem to imply is that his view ,of reality and public (US) wishes, is different from your rose tinted spectacles like view, so therefore he has no leadership qualities. To an outsider, DT seems to reflect the mood of a large portion of the US public. I strongly object to the term 'Red Neck'. It is RACIST and implies that they are second classWHITE citizens, which under the constitution and Christian ethics thay are not. 'Blue collar' workers is another nasty term , as applied in this context. These productive workers pay their taxes and actually add to the GDP, as opposed to a portion of the populace (white collar?) who parasytically feed upon the labours of 'Blue collar' workers and their management , political lobbyists, politicians in general, pollsters, criminals, wall street wan*ers.

Quite right, though I thought the Donald started with a lot of money, so not so hard to get rich if starting rich.

What I don't get is that people seem to think the other candidates are better than the Donald, which is obviously rubbish. HRC- an incompetent Sec State that let an ambassador be murdered on her watch, when it could have been avoided, Bernie- 555555555555555555. Who else- Jeb Bush 5555555555555555, Rubio or Cruze - both bought and paid for professional politicians.

The Donald may not be the greatest candidate ever, but he's certainly no worse than Obama, the man that has brought the US to the brink of disaster. Who knows, he might even achieve something.

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Reagan must be turning in his grave right now to see how the center right has disappeared, and crossover voters have all but disappeared. In this unfortunate environment of polarization, where both Repub and Dem parties are becoming more extreme right and left respectively, Trump is an interesting case study in disruption of the Republican Party. At the same time, expect to see Clinton pander to extreme left views to garner support.

The center right is dead in America as well as the moderating sense of decency it seems.

Reagan was the poster boy for political corruption, pissing on the U.S. Constitution. If he's spinning, it's the heat of his home in hades causing his corpse to spin. Reagan burdened the USA with debt, and allowed the support of drug dealers and terrorists. His fiasco with Oliver North facilitated one of the most blatant violations of law by a sitting President. Not even the much maligned Richard Nixon did anything as bad as that. The meddling and plastic sentiments of Nancy Reagan with her fortune tellers and extravagant spending was quite the contrast to the responsible and humble behaviour of decent women like Betty Ford, Rosalind Carter and Barbara Bush.

How wrong people are on Trump. He has many faults, but he is at heart a centrist and has always been a centrist. He could not have done business in NYC unless he had common sense and was a pragmatist. His companies were an equal opportunity employer long before it became fashionable and he has done business with just about every ethnic group. He knows better than anyone how important it is for working people to have a shot at prosperity and to be treated fairly. He also knows better than anyone the toll that drugs and alcohol can take on a family. His older brother died an alcoholic and it's why he has never consumed alcohol. You wouldn't know it, because he doesn't lecture people or make a fuss about it. Trump is far closer to the sentiments of the working man and woman than his critics comprehend.

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It's the Republican party establishment that are frantic and increasingly desperate.

The Democratic party is not Trump's problem or challenge. Not this year to date and not unless and until Trump might manage to get nominated next summer at the convention. Neither is Trump the problem of the Democratic party.

If Trump grabs the nomination, some cultural losers in the Democratic party would likely vote for him. However, such Democrats are in predominantly Blue states where the D for POTUS wins by 10 points and more. So that would not impact a D victory in the general next November.

Trump is running for the Republican party nomination to lead the Republican party and all of its candidates in all of their offices throughout the country in to the general massacre election. Trump's biggest headaches en route all have an 'R' after their name. To include the desperate R party establishment.

Yes, you are correct about the GOP being terrified of Trump. The men in back rooms must be wetting themselves in fear that he might get the nomination.

However, I don't think they would sic the media onto his family, as even they would not be as low as the Dems.

Reagan must be turning in his grave right now to see how the center right has disappeared, and crossover voters have all but disappeared. In this unfortunate environment of polarization, where both Repub and Dem parties are becoming more extreme right and left respectively, Trump is an interesting case study in disruption of the Republican Party. At the same time, expect to see Clinton pander to extreme left views to garner support.

The center right is dead in America as well as the moderating sense of decency it seems.

A good post although I would add that the center left is also Dead.

Its a land of extremes in the US today just like on this board.

There is an "US vs THEM" mentality everywhere.

I can't say something without being accused of being a FOX news watching GOP sheep simply because I criticized a Democrat.

The ferocious party loyalty today is really amazing, particularly when it comes from otherwise intelligent people.

otherwise intelligent people.

Indeed. I was shocked when I went to NZ a while back and encountered ferocious antagonism against Trump, by people I would have expected to be more open minded. It seems that NZ has been subjected to an insidious form of propaganda by an anti Donald media. Surprising, given that NZ has so little invested in the US GOP candidate selection process ie none at all.

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In my home village in the Black forest we have (longtime) refugees from Kosovo, Roumania and a Turkish Kurd. They all have a good and appeciated job: The Kosovo man is first cook in a restaurant and footbol player in our local team. The Roumanian family has jobs in music. The father is director of a local orchestra. His daughter (my student in a German Grammar school) studies now ethnology. The Kurd made his PHd for medecine in Germany.. I don't know what he is doing now.

You see, integration is possible.

Integration can only happen when the subjects who enter the community want to integrate into their new society. There are huge numbers of , predominantly followers of Islam, immigrants who wish to continue with their known ethnic values and who do not wish to live by the values of the society that they have chosen to live in, just benefit from the new opportunities and funding available in that society. This is acceptable, providing that they realise that they, by not integrating into the culture of their new country,are a MINORITY and that trying to impose their non native values on the recipent culture is an insult. If they are unhappy with the culture of the country they have chosen to reside in, they should return to the country of their origin, even if born in the country of their residence. Trump is looking at what is happening in Europe, we are undergoing an invasion. The native culture is being attacked by an alien culture with a completely different set of 'moral ethics' (if it has any ethics at all). The native population is beginning to realise,( in Sweden's case , too late) that this influx is extremely detremental to the survival of their way of life. Trump does not wish this to happen in the US. The US has it's regions where different ethnic communities predominate, but all these communities live under the existing constitution, and whilst there can be a high level of activety outside of that constitution and the laws of the land, there is no large group that wants to reject the basic constution and replace it with a vicious set of medieval religious laws, Sharia. This is what is happening to parts of countries in Europe. Trump can see what will happen in the US, can you see the populace of the US just sitting on their hands whilst their women are raped by the folowlers of Islam, Sweden (now Germany), just because their 'Holy Book' says it's ok, as they are non believers? I don't think so. The citizens of the US have the right to bear arms, and they would, to protect their way of lif, unlike us in Europe, who are a buncjh of soft liberal pussies, with governments made up of lying cowardly cretins.There would swift and permanent action taken in the US against the perputrators, and there would be considerable collateral damage to the perputrators communities, innocent or not. SO TRUMP IS RIGHT, if you do not want civil war, vet applicants deeply and keep radical Islam out. DO NOT let the cancer imbed itself into your US society, as it will require extreme measures to return that society to any level of normallity. As Enoch Powell (a far sighted much maligned British politician) said in a speech in 1968 , where he predicted that there would be serious problems in the future due to unprecedented numbers of Islamic immigrants. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Blood_speech

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Hillary taking a poop break in the middle of the Democratic debate, has just been trumped by GQ magazine making her the "fifth worst person of 2015." Wow, what a title.

Trump merely pointed out Hillary's poop break was disgusting. There is nothing vulgar about his statement. The audience applauded Hillary upon her return from the bathroom. Gee, I certainly hope everything came out okay for her.

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According to Wikipedia & Oxford dictionary, "Schlong" is vulgar word (yiddish) for Penis.

All his blustering to deny any wrong intent, is total rubbish.

His Leadership qualities are almost zero, so if US citizens want Thumper Trump as President.....good luck b/c he will not only adversely affect US but world as well!!

If DT's leadership qualities are virtually nil, how is it that he has become a billionare? Magic?Lack of decision making ability under pressure? What you seem to imply is that his view ,of reality and public (US) wishes, is different from your rose tinted spectacles like view, so therefore he has no leadership qualities. To an outsider, DT seems to reflect the mood of a large portion of the US public. I strongly object to the term 'Red Neck'. It is RACIST and implies that they are second classWHITE citizens, which under the constitution and Christian ethics thay are not. 'Blue collar' workers is another nasty term , as applied in this context. These productive workers pay their taxes and actually add to the GDP, as opposed to a portion of the populace (white collar?) who parasytically feed upon the labours of 'Blue collar' workers and their management , political lobbyists, politicians in general, pollsters, criminals, wall street wan*ers.

Quite right, though I thought the Donald started with a lot of money, so not so hard to get rich if starting rich.

What I don't get is that people seem to think the other candidates are better than the Donald, which is obviously rubbish. HRC- an incompetent Sec State that let an ambassador be murdered on her watch, when it could have been avoided, Bernie- 555555555555555555. Who else- Jeb Bush 5555555555555555, Rubio or Cruze - both bought and paid for professional politicians.

The Donald may not be the greatest candidate ever, but he's certainly no worse than Obama, the man that has brought the US to the brink of disaster. Who knows, he might even achieve something.

555555555555555 He's certainly no worse than Obama? 5555555555 The man who brought the US to the brink of disaster? 55555555555555

Good one! I don't know what disaster you're thinking of, but good one!

Everyone should be laughing at the Donald but instead he's being treated like a legitimate candidate for the Presidency.

Legitimate candidate for the Presidency clap2.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gifgigglem.gif

HRC slam dunk

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According to Wikipedia & Oxford dictionary, "Schlong" is vulgar word (yiddish) for Penis.

All his blustering to deny any wrong intent, is total rubbish.

His Leadership qualities are almost zero, so if US citizens want Thumper Trump as President.....good luck b/c he will not only adversely affect US but world as well!!

Exactly! He is disingenuous, a form of dishonesty, and he wants us to believe the "mainstream media" is dishonest. I put "mainstream media" in quotes because it's conservative code for any media outlet which doesn't spin every topic the way they want it spun. The moment you hear someone whining about the "mainstream media" you know that person is narrow-minded and has no credibility.

" The moment you hear someone whining about the "mainstream media" you know that person is narrow-minded and has no credibility."

The same can be applied to those posters that continually whine about Fox (Faux) News.

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According to Wikipedia & Oxford dictionary, "Schlong" is vulgar word (yiddish) for Penis.

All his blustering to deny any wrong intent, is total rubbish.

His Leadership qualities are almost zero, so if US citizens want Thumper Trump as President.....good luck b/c he will not only adversely affect US but world as well!!

Exactly! He is disingenuous, a form of dishonesty, and he wants us to believe the "mainstream media" is dishonest. I put "mainstream media" in quotes because it's conservative code for any media outlet which doesn't spin every topic the way they want it spun. The moment you hear someone whining about the "mainstream media" you know that person is narrow-minded and has no credibility.

" The moment you hear someone whining about the "mainstream media" you know that person is narrow-minded and has no credibility."

The same can be applied to those posters that continually whine about Fox (Faux) News.

But you don't watch it, so how can you comment?

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