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Happy campers: 99% of Thais 'satisfied' with govt, says govt poll


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Is there room in the jails for the remaining 1% though or enough room in the classrooms for the "attitude adjustment" sessions?

What a bunch of tossers!!.......................lovely new clothes Emperor

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They stopped the fighting and deaths. That has got to be a good thing.

It appears that they also cleaned up the police who failed to arrest a single culprit in the shooting deaths before the coup.

They were complicit in not properly dealing with the protests when asked. They have been planning this coup since 2010.

Cleaned up the police, ah yes, have you forgotten about what happened at Koh Tao? Their handling of the Bombings (rewarding themselves for a job not done), and now one of their own has fled to seek asylum in Australia because he was actually doing his job and was close to exposing the big boys in the human trafficking here that are in the upper ranks of the cops and the oh so heroic army?

Seriously those of you drinking the kool-aid no doubt supplied by your Thai wives, grow a pair and open your eyes.

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OMG I have not had a good laugh in a long time

Not even a pure democracy like the United States gets a 99% approval rating And on top of that it is a GOVERNMENT POLL

If you believe this then I have some very very nice beach front property for sale in Florida

Which Thais did they survey. When, who under what circumstances, after a Happy Meal from McDonalds.

I wonder if Thais really believe this stuff

I am so sorrily disappointed in this governement enacted Poll because I know its not reality

Pure democracy Unites States - ha ha ha ha ROFLcheesy.gif

Ever wondered why Obama's approval rates are in the low forties at the most?

Simple! Because the surveys are taken in the USA and not Thailand!

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Government trolls what next , all this government media polling stuff should go where it was intended, I wish the media wouldn't be so gullible and consign these polls to the dunny, you can fool the people some of the time but not all the time..........................................coffee1.gif ...

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Excellent job done considering the dire straits the country had gotten into! They would get the 100% thumbs up from me if they would reintroduce the curfew. The country needs a serious reset and the population has to realise that you don't get something for nothing and freedom for fee.

Hilarious! !!!

I'm assuming this is a sarcastic post...

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As longer I stay here I feel like Thailand is not just becoming a military but a Communism state.

Its sad really how one person can bring the country back to start from Zero.

The Embassies must have a good time sending all those cables back to their capitals that Thailand is becoming a Banana Republic.

The China model is the preferred system for all Asian countries. Western Democracy does NOT work in developing countries. And now Western economies are faltering they are starting to feel that pinch as well...

Ill bet you would change your mind smartish if you found yourself waiting for the bullet in the back of the neck because you got on the wrong side of the party!

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The poll by the National Statistical Office, past of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, found that 99.3 percent of people surveyed were satisfied with the government's overall performance while 98.9 percent were confident in its abilities to solve the country's problems.

I think I need to run that by the villagers in my village here in Northern Thailand. rolleyes.gif

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Did they question anyone outside of Bangkok?

In what Soi was the survey conducted?

This news article is linked to the original one, which says, "2,700 people surveyed across the country"

You know the number of people in some of these Soi's, looks like thousands but probably isnt

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Obviously the clear and credible explanations they have had for every setback in 2015 have convinced almost the entire population that this military government is the best of all possible outcomes. General, please do not hold elections - ever - as no elected government could even approach a 99+% approval rating

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As longer I stay here I feel like Thailand is not just becoming a military but a Communism state.

Its sad really how one person can bring the country back to start from Zero.

The Embassies must have a good time sending all those cables back to their capitals that Thailand is becoming a Banana Republic.

The China model is the preferred system for all Asian countries. Western Democracy does NOT work in developing countries. And now Western economies are faltering they are starting to feel that pinch as well...

Ill bet you would change your mind smartish if you found yourself waiting for the bullet in the back of the neck because you got on the wrong side of the party!

Asiamaster. Both Koreas were poor and economically ravaged after WWII and The Korean War. Now one of them has a flawed western model and one of them has something more akin to The Chinese model. Ask the people of both countries what they'd prefer. I think the answer would be near unanimous (and it wouldn't be 100% we love Kim).

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The reason the Thai "govt" says that 99% of Thais are happy with their government...may be the same as why 100% say they are happy with Kim Jong-un and his N. Korean government...

Love your non-elected government...or get on the govt radar...

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