I wonder will you have the same argument when and if Putin or Xi will invade your own country? Will you call your compatriots the war mongers in case they will decide to resist the invaders? Will you be the one who will consider the full occupation of your country as a true peaceful solution?
Friends with lefties in Europe and US
You guys are a hoot. Euros hate each other. Countries trade for money not friendship.....
Lets all be friends....
You go into the bank they will want ID. Same for Thais. ATM obviously no ID required. Just your number. You go into the bank good for you. Possibly a couple of minutes at the ATM and a lot longer inside. BTW why do you need to update your passbook? Do you not have the bank app on your phone? Deposit ATM's are not difficult. Put in your card and number. Hit deposit. It opens and you put your money in. It counts it. You hit ok. Admittedly sometimes the ATM will reject some notes. Peace of mind for me is not sitting in a bank for a couple of hours waiting to deposit some money. Technology.
Are you that stupid? Must be. I'm anti-war. And unlike you I'm a US veteran with 8 years of service. Back when the Soviets were actually a threat. Russian today is not a threat. But you're another Russian hater so don't miss your chances to go kill Ivan for your God Zelensky. Here's your chance Adolf. Go push the Ruskies back to Moscow.
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