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I didn't come here to be miserable

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Yeah, like everyone else says, who cares.

Not our country, not our government, not our problem.

I never talk about politics with my wife .... and she's studying Political Science at uni.

Strangely enough ..... she isn't allowed to talk about Thai politics with any of her lecturers or fellow students either.

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Good post. Ignorance is bliss so newbies are always head over heels about visiting first time. After I while you wake up to the cracks in the system. However, Thai people are generally good people and Thailand like anywhere has its advantages and disadvantages. Best to keep in mind you are a guest here and will never have the political clout to change anything let alone the local village chief. Cheer up. Happy new year!!!

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I am teetotal, but I do like my English cup of tea, and I don't smoke cigarettes, and that's how I was when I came here almost 21 years ago. I was under no illusion that what problems I had in England would just vanish and that all was going to be smooth. All I did was to swap one set of problems for another but that would have happened no matter where I went. I have been happy here and I've been unhappy here (divorce after 17 years of marriage). But in many ways this is a land where you can achieve much in the way of your personal dreams/wishes and this in I have been fortunate enough to do perhaps to about 80-90%. I won't say it's been easy but thinking positively and with effort I believe it has been worth it. For me, one essential was teaching myself the Thai language (one problem in marriage because my wife reused to help me) and that in itself can be satisfying as an endeavour (I hasten to add that I don't consider myself expert and in fact I still try to learn a new word or phrase every couple of days). I have found that language can reveal part of the country's traditions and customs where again one continues to learn. I realise this is not for everyone but I feel sure there is something here that will help you achieve whether it's sport, cooking, touring etc. but you have to make the effort.

So, basically I've repeated, on a personal level, what other posters here written.

Politics? Ugh! I have many of the thoughts about politicians worldwide that others have so I don't think I'm any different there. As foreigners we don't have many rights here but I think as long as one keeps 'one's nose clean' we can survive. My only concern is if they change the immigration requirements beyond my means and I might have to leave. That would be a sad day indeed.

However, there is one point that you,'theguyfromanotherforum', don't mention. If you are continuously miserable is it possible it's a genuine medical problem (mild form of Xenophobia, agoraphobia etc.) or perhaps you are naturally an introvert? Just a thought.

In any case, I do hope you find some way to improve your your outlook so best of luck in the New Year.

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This thread was an eye-opener for me. Now I know why (at times) I feel miserable here. = I follow the news ! A serious mistake. True happiness here, can only be achieved by adopting the policy of : Monkey no see, Monkey no hear, Monkey no speak......or even better: Take on the behavior of a sheep.

Sheep don't attack their sheppard(s). That's why sheep are so popular with dictators, potentates of all sorts, power brokers and run of the mill politicians.

My new years resolution is ironclad: In order to achieve happiness in Thailand, I must join the herd. And above all: Stop reading the news !

I haven't seen the star of Bethlehem but above posts had the same enlightening effect on me.

Greetings, the sheep.

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I really believe that foreigners living here and criticizing Thailand do not know the REALITY of their own countries..specially the ones that were very busy there, and are retired here. Too much time to thing about matters than do not need to be of their concern.

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This thread was an eye-opener for me. Now I know why (at times) I feel miserable here. = I follow the news ! A serious mistake. True happiness here, can only be achieved by adopting the policy of : Monkey no see, Monkey no hear, Monkey no speak......or even better: Take on the behavior of a sheep.

Sheep don't attack their sheppard(s). That's why sheep are so popular with dictators, potentates of all sorts, power brokers and run of the mill politicians.

My new years resolution is ironclad: In order to achieve happiness in Thailand, I must join the herd. And above all: Stop reading the news !

I haven't seen the star of Bethlehem but above posts had the same enlightening effect on me.

Greetings, the sheep.

If you think that you are for some reason above the sheep, then why did you come to Thailand?

Why did you follow all the sheep that comes here for the slaughter?

Obviously, your life would be so much better if you didn't have to go through all the life hazards mentioned above.

Me, I will let my ambassador sheep speak for my country and continue living my life.

I couldn't change the outcome of my own country I certainly will not lose sleep over Thailand.

If I may.... I think you are the king of sheep.

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Someone on this thread quoted the old saying, “Ignorance is bliss.” Another common quote is “Ignorance is no excuse.” I think politics impacts us all, whether Thai nationals or not. Politicians set policy, such as immigration policy, which can have a direct impact on many reading this forum. Economic policy is another area than can have a direct impact. I believe it is only possible to act to maximize your situation if you are informed. That leads to whatever makes you happy. I follow Thai and other news mostly because I want to be informed. Also, I find it very entertaining. I don’t let it stress me out though. I keep my opinions mostly to myself, but have been known to vent when I see an obvious injustice.

I’m “past retirement age” and the happiest I’ve ever been. I attribute that to the belief system I have embraced and to the incredible relationship I have with my wife (i.e., faith and love). I have very few expectations about the future and try to live here and now as much as possible. I count myself very fortunate to be able to live in this country, and for the opportunities I’ve been afforded. If you are unhappy, figure out why and take action to change it.

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Some people bring their misery with them and then blame Thailand.

Too many people have unrealistic expectations for what Thailand will offer them, compared to the experiences they've had most of their lives back in farangland, just as children develop unrealistic expectations about all the presents they'll receive at Christmas. Once they've settled into life here, or opened all their presents, they may feel let down, but rather than accept that the problem was caused by their "irrational exuberance," [ to borrow a sentiment from Alan Greenspan] they want to blame Thailand or their parents for not fulfilling their childish dreams.

If you plan to come to Thailand to stay, don't fill your mind with "visions of sugarplums dancing in your head." Life here can be great, but of course there will be some frustrations and disappointments, just like most of us have experienced throughout our lives, along with the pleasures and enjoyment.

I'm still enjoying life in Thailand after over 15 years of part-time and full-time residence here. Don't go looking for reasons to be unhappy or focus on the minor inconveniences or delude yourself into thinking life back in farangland was so great. The problem isn't Thailand but more to do with your personal issues and outlook.

True dude, so true!

Edited by Pockys
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If I want to get myself in a lather, all I have to do is start thinking about Australian politics. It's just as corrupt, but a lot more subtle.

Every day here is an adventure for me. I dread going back to Australia as required to by medical checks, as I am bored out of my skull there.

Thai politics? I'm not a Thai citizen, none of my business.coffee1.gif

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This thread was an eye-opener for me. Now I know why (at times) I feel miserable here. = I follow the news ! A serious mistake. True happiness here, can only be achieved by adopting the policy of : Monkey no see, Monkey no hear, Monkey no speak......or even better: Take on the behavior of a sheep.

Sheep don't attack their sheppard(s). That's why sheep are so popular with dictators, potentates of all sorts, power brokers and run of the mill politicians.

My new years resolution is ironclad: In order to achieve happiness in Thailand, I must join the herd. And above all: Stop reading the news !

I haven't seen the star of Bethlehem but above posts had the same enlightening effect on me.

Greetings, the sheep.

Not quite right Swissie, follow the 'news' but remember the 'news' is written to stir up the reader, good news is no news, so headlines, especially in TV are often, to put it mildly, misleading. The news media relies on attracting a certain number of readers,viewers, so anything is game- Yes, things change as governments and leaders change but everyday life goes on as normal- make enough money to pay off the car/house installments, do the best you can for the kids-

Thais don't seemed to have changed to me, the gossip is still prevalent, the card games, the humour and laughter is still there, no sign of North Korea yet with bad haircuts and eating grass.

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I'm an ex commie. We celebrate New Year.

And there is your problem. "You your'e an EX commie" So why are you letting the old world bring you down.

You left that life in search of something different, but unfortunately you packed your old ideas into the bag along with your shorts.

Most of us Expats are running from something, in search of a new start but in 90% of cases we are actually running away from ourselves.

It's not where you come from, how you were brought up or how much money you had / have, the old problems always seem to catch up with us, that's because we brought the problems with us.

Shake off the past and live for the future my friend.

I've been down that road and as soon as you can distance yourself from then and now the sooner you will live the happy life you cherish.

Good luck

Edited by Mr Moo
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This thread was an eye-opener for me. Now I know why (at times) I feel miserable here. = I follow the news ! A serious mistake. True happiness here, can only be achieved by adopting the policy of : Monkey no see, Monkey no hear, Monkey no speak......or even better: Take on the behavior of a sheep.

Sheep don't attack their sheppard(s). That's why sheep are so popular with dictators, potentates of all sorts, power brokers and run of the mill politicians.

My new years resolution is ironclad: In order to achieve happiness in Thailand, I must join the herd. And above all: Stop reading the news !

I haven't seen the star of Bethlehem but above posts had the same enlightening effect on me.

Greetings, the sheep.

If you think that you are for some reason above the sheep, then why did you come to Thailand?

Why did you follow all the sheep that comes here for the slaughter?

Obviously, your life would be so much better if you didn't have to go through all the life hazar

Me, I will let my ambassador sheep speak for my country and continue living my life.

I couldn't change the outcome of my own country I certainly will not lose sleep over Thailand.

If I may.... I think you are the king of sheep.

Aha! I am the king of sheep, while I am opposing the "sheep syndrome". Have your wires crossed?

I know that some posters do not realize the essence or the purpose of a thread. (popular threads usually explode within a few hours.) After that, 747 posters will feel the urge to contribute to this interesting thread. ( A ladyboy has stolen my wallet, for example).

But none of those adventurers will ever marry one of my 2 step daughters.


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@ the OP, so to answer your thread subject... "Then don't be"

Thailand, like anywhere, is exactly what you make of it.

I know far too many that are miserable because they are wrapped up in politics, religion, daily news etc. My input; focus on your area of influence.

While I respect people with passions for some things, most do not know how to keep it all at arms length. They dive to deep into problems/issues that they cannot change or influence thus become frustrated due to their inability to change it. That frustration spills into everything in their life and soon no one wants to be around them.

Happy Holidays.

Edited by JAFO
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OP, do you read world news? Do you have any idea how many bombs are going off and people are being killed every day? There's some misery for ya. Get a news application for your phone. I suggest BBC, Reuters, or Al Jazeera. Thai politics will see like the comics section compared to what's happening elsewhere in the world.

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This thread was an eye-opener for me. Now I know why (at times) I feel miserable here. = I follow the news ! A serious mistake. True happiness here, can only be achieved by adopting the policy of : Monkey no see, Monkey no hear, Monkey no speak......or even better: Take on the behavior of a sheep.

Sheep don't attack their sheppard(s). That's why sheep are so popular with dictators, potentates of all sorts, power brokers and run of the mill politicians.

My new years resolution is ironclad: In order to achieve happiness in Thailand, I must join the herd. And above all: Stop reading the news !

I haven't seen the star of Bethlehem but above posts had the same enlightening effect on me.

Greetings, the sheep.

Perhaps you're confusing "following" the news with being "obsessed" with the news. I hope you're not one of those delusional types who think that complaining is actually doing something.

Let me put it another way. I follow US political news and have a deep understanding of US politics. No matter how well read, no foreigner is going to understand American politics the way I do. Yet, some of you think you understand Thai politics, which is way more foreign to the average westerner. Please. Unless you're a university researcher who's fluent in the language and directly involved with the players, you haven't a clue. Yet you feel qualified to complain about it. Like all the other sheep. Oh wait, who's the sheep now?

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Have to say +1 to all of today's posters. One of the best threads I've read for a while. Pat on the back, everyone,

and one more eggnog, especial thanks to theguyfromanotherforum.

Yes, agree muchly: "One of the best threads I've read for a while." Agree also that living in Thailand is pretty much what you make it and if you bring lots of "baggage" (from wherever) simply being in the LOS isn't going to make all that much difference...probably make it worse if anything? My motives for trialing a move to Thailand were not unusual...escape/reload to "new" life, expectation of easier lifestyle in terms of financial future etc., and, yes, new romance. I left Thailand vowing NEVER to return as the last six months were among the most harrowing of my life lol. But, more and more, I think mea culpa (well at least 50%...). As my Thai GF and I take more time to get to know each other and reading some of the more positive contributions to this thread, for example, well, I am becoming more positive about 'things-Thailand'. So, yes, filter out the negative (goes for the negative posts to TVF also which i used to lap up to crystallize my own bitterness). I have taken my foot off the accelerator, appreciate what I have here and stopped looking at the Thailand-option as some sort of "fix-it" scenario. Talk about karma...I got served up what i was serving out. Good lesson to learn.

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We all must make changes from time to time in order to be happy and healthy. If Thailand is bringing you down you need to find out what parts of it is the real problem and avoid. Years ago I was a little depressed and wasn't really sure why. I finally figured out that I had too many so called friends pulling me down day after day. After avoiding them I found more time to spend with the people who picked me up and also met new people. I also stopped going to many of the places I use to go to and discovered new and exciting places. Basically if things, places or people are having a negative effect on you make a change.

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Thai politics,,,,, why bother & stop grilling your wifee. Not her fault.

Thai exports down 5% ,,, down on what , Thai exports have been very good for the last 20 + years that I have been here

A good strong toddy is in order & shake yourself out of it for 2016

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