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Thai police defend Koh Tao murders investigations


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Thai police defend Koh Tao murders investigations
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Police Spokesman Pol General Dejnarong Sutticharnbancha Sunday held a press conference alongside investigators, forensic officials and forensic doctors to boost public confidence in the police investigation and gathering of evidence.

"We work based on the principle of transparency and fairness," he said.

He said the public could have confidence in Thailand's judicial process because there were effective check-and-balance mechanisms in the process.

Koh Pha Ngan Police Station's superintendent Pol Colonel Prachum Ruangthong said public prosecutors had asked police to improve investigation report three times before the case was accepted for prosecution.

"We have handled the case very carefully," he said.

He denied reports that the defendants were tortured into confessing to the crimes.

"Those reports are groundless. Doctors have examined the defendants' physical health and there is no sign of torture," Prachum said.

He also denied rumours that police had relied on the interpretation services of a man who had had conflicts with the defendants.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Thai-police-defend-Koh-Tao-murders-investigations-30275774.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-28

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"We work based on the principle of transparency and fairness," he said. About as transparent as klong water.

How dare he come out with such absolute lies. How are these people allowed to speak such BS on a daily basis.

From TAT to police to army spokesman, lies all day everyday.

Edited by jucel
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Incredible..just incredible...How low can the authorities in a country go to come out with this B*******. And you really get the impression they believe it....I have heard of the corruption and what happens in stitch ups in Thailand and although I have experience at a very low level ie police jumped up road traffic offences, I've never really followed anything more involved before.. They are so bad it's almost unbelievable ...A sad situation coming from a slowly sinking country...

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I've found that a useful tool for interpreting/decoding most, if not all public statements made by Thai police or politicians is to take whatever they say, and deduce the truth to be precisely the polar opposite. It's uncanny how accurately this method works.

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Standard ops for sure. So often when in the face of scrutiny where evidence of wrongdoing / mismanagement et al is plentiful and available for all to see, they just spin BS stories ad nauseum. Pathetic, embarrassing, disgraceful. It's all that all of the time

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"The case files of the Thai forensic lab should have been provided to the defence," Ms Taupin said.

"This is so the scientific data contained within, and used to provide conclusions, could be examined for a scientific review.

"The essence of scientific method is the testing and review of hypotheses. If these are not viewed, or even stated, then this does not inspire confidence in the scientific analysis.


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"Those reports are groundless. Doctors have examined the defendants' physical health and there is no sign of torture," Prachum said.

Water boarding and rubber hoses don't leave any physical signs. That might be the only "professional law enforcement procedure" the police carried out skillfully.

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So sad to see yet another nail being driven into the coffin of Thailand by my fellow countrymen.They will answer for their misdeeds but Thailand in general will suffer too if these people are not weeded out of the system .

Corruption has to be destroyed.

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"We work based on the principle of transparency and fairness," he said.

Actually, there was almost NO transparency given that reporters could not bring any recording devices into the court room and if I remember right, they could not even take notes. That is the opposite of transparency. This case was biased from the very start.

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It is not that they believe what they are telling . They expect Thai people to accept it because they say so, and they expect Thai people not to make them lose face by calling BS.

And they simply do not understand why Farang do not accept it too.

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"Koh Pha Ngan Police Station's superintendent Pol Colonel Prachum Ruangthong said public prosecutors had asked police to improve investigation report three times before the case was accepted for prosecution."

Improve? 3 times eh?

Improve, yeah, sure you did, sure you did.

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Standard ops for sure. So often when in the face of scrutiny where evidence of wrongdoing / mismanagement et al is plentiful and available for all to see, they just spin BS stories ad nauseum. Pathetic, embarrassing, disgraceful. It's all that all of the time

"there were no signs of physical injury" how strange.

Whatever happened to the Scotland Yard report? I'd have more faith in that.

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More useful would be a point by point rebuttal.

Wasn't the alleged issue with the translator that he was just a noodle vendor so wasn't qualified?

His ability to read and speak Thai, ability to speak the dialect of the accused and impartiality have also been questioned.

However I'm led to believe his pancakes were edible.

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of course they said they did a good job and "We work based on the principle of transparency and fairness," he said.

What are they going to do, admit they were wrong? That would never happen, better to execute two innocent

young men than to act like real men. Shame and disgrace will never be felt here because that would mean loss of face.

You've already lost by thinking you've won. It's times like these I hope there is a god and pray for judgement.

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Unfortunately this is not the first time that criminal trials have been held with the verdict a forgone conclusion in a capital case

Since history is censored here there have been a lot of scapegoats tried and convicted of crimes that they could not possibly have committed but because of "face" no appeals court will step in and right any wrong, even when it results in the death penalty

You have to go outside of Thailand to find historical accounts of just how corrupt the legal system in this country really is

With the way things are going here in Thailand, Thai Visa might not even be able to repeat the title

The Devil's Discus by Rayne Kruger

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"Those reports are groundless. Doctors have examined the defendants' physical health and there is no sign of torture," Prachum said.

Water boarding and rubber hoses don't leave any physical signs. That might be the only "professional law enforcement procedure" the police carried out skillfully.

Did the B2 provide any details of how they were tortured?

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