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Thai police defend Koh Tao murders investigations


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So sad to see yet another nail being driven into the coffin of Thailand by my fellow countrymen.They will answer for their misdeeds but Thailand in general will suffer too if these people are not weeded out of the system .

Corruption has to be destroyed.

Thailand won't suffer at all, it's been like this for years and years, things will carry on just the same and it's not just Thailand it's world wide, it's how the world works.

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Prosecutors ask three times for the report to be improved. So how do you improve your report if you have carried out a thorough investigation the first time? then the second then the third.Thailand must get its act together, losing face more and more each day in the international community. You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time.

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It's an disgrace but par for the course here. How we got from this in the beginning to 2 x completely new suspects (conveniently) is insane:


"The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.

Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

That was before Pol Lt-Gen Panya was transferred & changed by someone elsecrying.gif

Why was'nt Panya x examined during the case. Why does he remain silent.

Based on what I've seen here over the years, and more recently as seen in the human traficking case, I would suspect:

1. the "promotion" came with conditions/inducements to keep quiet


2. speak and you or your family are silenced

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If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

Joseph Goebbels

Sources: Thinkexist.com

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Don't know if they were tortured.

The dna was certainly collected poorly.

The dna was presented badly in court by both the prosecutor and the defense.

But no getting around they had David's phone. They were there.

And for now are in the correct place.

Just to make it simple, that whole farce was RIGGED from the beginning to the end............

Incorrect ! Not rigged from the beginning as the first investigating officer found and declared who the real murders were, namely brother of Village headman, owner of AC bar, MON and head mans son. Proved, so he said by CCTV. However this person Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen , was quickly replaced by another. Then the RIGGING began. whistling.gif

just to avoid giving the trolls another chance to nag around:

It seems that Panya Mamen's transfer at that date was planned long before this case.

So it was just good fortune for the criminals to replace him by another one who "knew how to behave."

Edited by sweatalot
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Don't know if they were tortured.

The dna was certainly collected poorly.

The dna was presented badly in court by both the prosecutor and the defense.

But no getting around they had David's phone. They were there.

And for now are in the correct place.

Just to make it simple, that whole farce was RIGGED from the beginning to the end............

Incorrect ! Not rigged from the beginning as the first investigating officer found and declared who the real murders were, namely brother of Village headman, owner of AC bar, MON and head mans son. Proved, so he said by CCTV. However this person Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen , was quickly replaced by another. Then the RIGGING began. whistling.gif

just to avoid giving the trolls another chance to nag around:

It seems that Panya Mamen's transfer at that date was planned long before this case.

So it was just good fortune for the criminals to replace him by another one who "knew how to behave."

Good fortune, indeed.

And I suppose it is just coincidence that his replacement, Khun Somyot, after expeditiously "solving" this despicable crime and confirming the earlier official declaration that "no Thai person could ever do such a thing," found himself quickly promoted again - all the way to the very top of the RTP?

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I've found that a useful tool for interpreting/decoding most, if not all public statements made by Thai police or politicians is to take whatever they say, and deduce the truth to be precisely the polar opposite. It's uncanny how accurately this method works.

Post of the week, if not the year!!! thumbsup.gif

Edited by Gsxrnz
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More useful would be a point by point rebuttal.

Wasn't the alleged issue with the translator that he was just a noodle vendor so wasn't qualified?

I also read that the noodle vendor/s spoke a different dialect, were from a group who hate the group the B2 are from and were told before hand that the B2 had just killed and raped the victims. This must make them just about the worst choice of translator choice imaginable.

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I've found that a useful tool for interpreting/decoding most, if not all public statements made by Thai police or politicians is to take whatever they say, and deduce the truth to be precisely the polar opposite. It's uncanny how accurately this method works.

Post of the week, if not the year!!! thumbsup.gif

So based on this theory which I agree with, There will be a retrial and a complete overhaul of the justice system. 555! By order of?

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Thai police said they had recieved DNA samples on the 17th of Sept and that extraction began at 8am with results recieved at 22.00 less then 12 hours.

This seems unlikely as the coroner only began his autopsy at 11 am.

International DNA expert Mss Taupin who was not allowed to testify said mixed DNA (3 peoples ) was a long and complex task and was not easy and it was doubfull that it could be complted in this time.

The Police's marvellous DNA is no longer available and was not available to the defense.

Thailands best forensic scientist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand whose institute ws not allowed any involvement in the investigation, testified at the trial that the crime scene was poorly managed and evidence poorly collected.

Police faied to test for DNA on Withridges clothes or the Murder weapon, Dr Pornthip tested the Hoe and found DNA of 2 other people not the B2

Mss Taupin was not allowed to testify at the trial ,instead hat to sit in a back room , one of the inexplicable decisions made by the defense , however she highlighted several aspects of DNA testing that niether the defense team, police or the judges seemed to undertand.

The police presented there results on a single sheet of paper with bits crossed out and corrected some of it hand written followed by four other sheets of support.

The case files of the Thai forensics lab should have been supplied to the defense said Mss Taupin

A one page table with alterations is not presentable to a court especially when the alterations had no explanation.

Other problems as well was that the report originally said the date of the results was the 17th of sept, however the altered report submitted to the court said the results were 5th of October 2 days after they announced a positive match with the B2.Casting suspicion that the DNA had been tampered.

But low and behold a scrappy piece of paper with unexplained alterations which Mss Taupin says would not be acceptable to a court is good enough for a Judge and the Police to stand up and say there is nothing wrong here your sentenced to death, The DNA prove you did it even though we did not test the Hoe or the clothes nor did we further seach for anybody with DNA that would match Dr Porthips results

Neither should the police be put under any suspicion after a comander who at the beggining of the investigation was transfered after hinting that a powerfull Mafia persons son may be involved.

Then the Lawyer who wittnessed beating marks on the B2 was dissmissed.

Then the translator in the court was warned about what should be said to journalists. (threatened I should say)

The British police should step forward here with their forensic results which are rumored to say that they found no evidence of rape.

Then there is the condom thing , so you play guitar on a beach carry comdoms and a garden hoe waiting for someone to come along so you can bludgeon them to death put a condom on rape the poor girl and then smoke a ciggarette.

There is no shame here it seems , a hand written peice of paper with bits crossed out and corrected without explanation is Undesputable evidence put forward by a police investigation that is under world wide scrutiny for being shabby at the least and is now over as a Judge has accepted this and sentenced the B2 to death.

Unbelievable and shamefull at the least.

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The case will go to appeals and if overturned- the prosecution will appeal that decision and vice versa. This case will not be settled until it get to the Thai Supreme Court- many years from now. I wish there was a wealthy benefactor who would put up some investigation money for the defense. Every person who was in the AC Bar that night needs to be found and questioned. Someone saw something. It is not normal for there to be so much silence from potential witnesses. However, during the coming appeals process, someone will crack- they need a little help to make sure they are not then silenced.

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The case will go to appeals and if overturned- the prosecution will appeal that decision and vice versa. This case will not be settled until it get to the Thai Supreme Court- many years from now. I wish there was a wealthy benefactor who would put up some investigation money for the defense. Every person who was in the AC Bar that night needs to be found and questioned. Someone saw something. It is not normal for there to be so much silence from potential witnesses. However, during the coming appeals process, someone will crack- they need a little help to make sure they are not then silenced.

Before that happens our dear PM will order Thailand to shut itself down from the International world.......... wanna bet?

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"We work based on the principle of transparency and fairness"!


First the army, and now RTP. Mark Twain never visited Thailand, BUT he certainly had these guys summed up pretty well when he said, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics".

In the context of the RTP, the statistics speak for themselves.

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The case will go to appeals and if overturned- the prosecution will appeal that decision and vice versa. This case will not be settled until it get to the Thai Supreme Court- many years from now.

If this is true, and I guess it is, it is time to hire Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger to free them from prison and fly them out to Rangoon.

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'The Royal Thai Police yesterday reiterated strongly that the probe into the Koh Tao murder case met international standards ...' Not judging from the admission by the court, which ironically found the accused guilty, that the prosecution case had numerous flaws.
'“The DNA evidence cannot lie” announced a senior police officer, Pol Maj Gen Piyaphan Pingmuang ...' But it can be misinterpreted, it can be distorted ... and its presentation can be completely stuffed up.
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More useful would be a point by point rebuttal.

Wasn't the alleged issue with the translator that he was just a noodle vendor so wasn't qualified?

I also read that the noodle vendor/s spoke a different dialect, were from a group who hate the group the B2 are from and were told before hand that the B2 had just killed and raped the victims. This must make them just about the worst choice of translator choice imaginable.

You are correct Transporter. The boys come from the ethnic group Rakhine and the roti seller 'interpretors' were from the Bamar group - they've been sworn enemies for aeons!

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Looking at expressions on faces of police, brought to mind some 12 year olds caught cheating on a quiz and kept after school. Not really a look of sincere belief they did world class job, although may have done "their best" (which is just not good enough). Circle the wagons.

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