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Jeb Bush abruptly cancels TV time to send staff into the field


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Are you kidding that two face liar..I hope the American public has more sense than that.

Careful what you wish for. Have you heard about the secret Trump plan to build a wall on the Canadian border and make the Canadians pay for it? coffee1.gif

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He is a smart man ..a little soft spoken and not brash.

Ben Carson is a great man. If he only had some political experience.

I really like Marco Rubio. He is very clever, very charismatic and he makes Hillary look OLD.

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One post with an aberrant spelling of a politician's names has been deleted and also one with quotes only. Please use the correct names of politicians, even though many of these are in jest, they do tend to derail a topic .

Also a special thanks to many of our posters who have done a nice job of posting their opinion on the topic without taking aim at other members. It's appreciated.

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If any of them were up for election in the UK, they would be laughed off the stage for their views on abortion and gun control alone.

Hilary would be compared to Maggie and found wanting.

Out of nearly 300 million this is the best you've got? We're doomed....

Arnie for Prez!

Edited by KarenBravo
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Back the OP, things are not looking good for Jeb Bush. Trump indeed hit a grand slam with his low energy attack. The republican establishment will eventually unite for a mainstream republican more likely to beat Trump or Cruz. Rubio, Christie, Kasich long shot. Carson another far right non-establishment wacko is out.

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Interesting how Trump makes Cruz look better than he is while completely dissembling Jebush. Of course Jebush was never much 'sembled to begin with. The word dork comes to mind (no offense intended toward present company).

Rubio meanwhile has a new ad running the the early primary states saying he too "feels like a stranger" in his own country. Must be that Rubio is a poor white guy too with an education that is also little, lacking or just lousy. Musta got the stranger in your country feelbad stuff from his Cuban parents who came over while Castro was rising. wink.png Maybe Marco could move to Issan.

Bush is a conservative guy but the Republican party has become, ahem, a really conservative party. Rubio is up against the fact too.

Rubio is only now beginning to be active which is normally good timing with a month to go before the first caucus vote, in Iowa. But the hard core of Republican voters in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina --the first three voting states-- have pretty much settled on their guy. There are of course undecideds but they tend not to vote.

Jebush on the other hand is in a full court panic.

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Instead of sending his staff into the field he should've sent them home. I would say "what a colossal waste of money" except the entire process is a colossal waste of money.

I see Rubio emerging as the only viable candidate last standing. But he doesn't stand a chance against HRC. I don't like her, never have, but to me she represents the lesser of all evils. More important is control of the House and Senate. That's where all the political energy should be focused.

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Instead of sending his staff into the field he should've sent them home. I would say "what a colossal waste of money" except the entire process is a colossal waste of money.

I see Rubio emerging as the only viable candidate last standing. But he doesn't stand a chance against HRC. I don't like her, never have, but to me she represents the lesser of all evils. More important is control of the House and Senate. That's where all the political energy should be focused.

To listen to these candidates you would think they were running for emperor, I will do this, I will do that, especially Il Duse or should I say ill Douche. They will do nothing other than what congress will allow, with the exception of some illegal unconstitutional wars and executive decisions. Though not as glamorous I agree Congress is where the game is at.

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Kasich would be an extremely viable candidate against HRC. But it seems the base is too stupid to realize that. Good news for the democrats!

I agree though he also made some very stupid comments while kissing evangelical ass,

"John Kasich on Thursday defended his call for a federal agency to promote what he termed "Judeo-Christian values"

What an act of desperation!!

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Jeb's days are obviously numbered. If he really hates the Donald that much, he'd be better off dropping out now and throwing his active support to a real contender now, at the New Hampshire-Iowa stage.

And that contender is?

The GOP has nothing but Trump....and that is scary!

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It's expected the next POTUS will likely have three if not four appointments to the Supreme Court.

Justice Ginsburg is ready to go but it's the worst rightwingnuts who are long in the tooth, Scalia appointed by Reagan, Thomas appointed on a fast track by GHW Bush and another Reagan legacy Anthony Kennedy who lately has gone over to the other side on a few decisions.

It would be super to reduce the 5 justice majority to a two justice minority among the nine. It would put the court out of the reach of the lunatic right for the next 25 years, same as Reagan and his Bush put the extreme right in charge of the Court since the mid-1980s. GW kept it going (Roberts and Alito).

Think of Trump or Cruz or Carson or Rubio or any one of the clown car crew appointing SCOTUS justices over the next several years. facepalm.gif

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It's expected the next POTUS will likely have three if not four appointments to the Supreme Court.

Justice Ginsburg is ready to go but it's the worst rightwingnuts who are long in the tooth, Scalia appointed by Reagan, Thomas appointed on a fast track by GHW Bush and another Reagan legacy Anthony Kennedy who lately has gone over to the other side on a few decisions.

It would be super to reduce the 5 justice majority to a two justice minority among the nine. It would put the court out of the reach of the lunatic right for the next 25 years, same as Reagan and his Bush put the extreme right in charge of the Court since the mid-1980s. GW kept it going (Roberts and Alito).

Think of Trump or Cruz or Carson or Rubio or any one of the clown car crew appointing SCOTUS justices over the next several years. facepalm.gif

Good point

I dont worry about Rubio so much, I have met him personally and he did not seem like a wingnut.

But the other Three........ Thank god they have an ice-cubes chance in hell of being elected.

SCOTUS appointments no doubt are important, but I trust the system and the process.

Supreme court appointees tend to be independent once they get there and for the most part hand out rational decisions,though I am still trying to figure out the " Corporations are people " decision .

Corporations can live for ever, can you imagine the influence a person could have on the process if a person could live for ever?

Edited by sirineou
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It's expected the next POTUS will likely have three if not four appointments to the Supreme Court.

Justice Ginsburg is ready to go but it's the worst rightwingnuts who are long in the tooth, Scalia appointed by Reagan, Thomas appointed on a fast track by GHW Bush and another Reagan legacy Anthony Kennedy who lately has gone over to the other side on a few decisions.

It would be super to reduce the 5 justice majority to a two justice minority among the nine. It would put the court out of the reach of the lunatic right for the next 25 years, same as Reagan and his Bush put the extreme right in charge of the Court since the mid-1980s. GW kept it going (Roberts and Alito).

Think of Trump or Cruz or Carson or Rubio or any one of the clown car crew appointing SCOTUS justices over the next several years. facepalm.gif

Good point

I dont worry about Rubio so much, I have met him personally and he did not seem like a wingnut.

But the other Three........ Thank god they have an ice-cubes chance in hell of being elected.

SCOTUS appointments no doubt are important, but I trust the system and the process.

Supreme court appointees tend to be independent once they get there and for the most part hand out rational decisions,though I am still trying to figure out the " Corporations are people " decision .

Corporations can live for ever, can you imagine the influence a person could have on the process if a person could live for ever?


It was this Court that delivered for the billionaires and the Republican party in the Citizens United decision to allow truckloads of superpac money to plow into and through election campaigns.

The decision came from a previous lunar-inspired ruling some time back that money is free speech. In other words, provide heaps of money to whomever you want to have elected because giving money in politics is free speech. It certainly is free speech for the candidate who finds himself a rightwing billionaire. Gingrich did it in 2012 most recently, same for Santorum, and they are but a few on the right who get to overstay election campaigns in the name of free speech.

In government we have the rule of law. In elections we have the rule of money. Then each of 'em meet in the middle somewhere. It's hard to tell 'em apart cause they become a big ball of green slime. Which brings us full circle to this conservative dominated Supreme Court.

The only reason really that Jebush the three percenter is still active at this point is cause his family name enabled him to get loaded up early with $100 million bucks. The Gone Old Party old time bosses took it for granted he'd be a shoo-in. Instead however he's shoe outta luck.

Edited by Publicus
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