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Be VERY weary about moving toThailand! Don't!


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Unfortunately this is all pretty true, I have learned it by experience over the last ten years the hard way.

I am seriously thinking of leaving. I only wish I had seen and believed this ten years ago.

I tried to bring a plane here, opened a car wash, and massage place with girlfriend.

Everything below turned out to be 100% spot on. I also own a couple of condos.

(bought with 90/90 year lease and assured was 100% "bullet proof" by best lawyers.)

They too are "now being looked at by the courts and may be voided", whatever that means!

Basically they are unsaleable, yet I did my due diligence WAY above and beyond what is usually required


Cheers, NS

Edited by Tywais
Direct quote from Stickman with no attribution
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Lol - stopped reading after the 2nd paragraph. Hope the OP feels better with that off his chest. Dumb to put you name on something. Malaysia aint much better, as he is going to find out (followed by an epic rant on Malayvisa.com no doubt ) poor muggle

Edited by Stradavarius37
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here it s all about not losing face and what you wear . do you want really invest in a country who can kill you because some government agencies don't accept to lose face. (example : ko Tao murders)

and look at the way they work, it's hilarious... when something not normal happen at work, they stand, and do like nothing happened.

normal people take Initiatives and fix the problem (and learn from it) but here they look at customers and smile....

don't forget that Thailand is a third world country

Edited by papayasalad
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I painfully read it all and it comes across like a disgruntled employee who got fired. The first 2 paragraphs after NS's ending written by a SVP covers the majority of the people living here which he supports the reasons they are so who are the others? The ones who came to Thailand a dumped a wad into the place thinking they found a loop hole to make a killing and then found out later that you are not the elite whom they thought they were?

Always amazes me......

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Lol - stopped reading after the 2nd paragraph. Hope the OP feels better with that off his chest. Dumb to put you name on something. Malaysia aint much better, as he is going to find out (followed by an epic rant on Malayvisa.com no doubt ) poor muggle

Didn't write it just cut/paste from other post that signed it, which was not NS, however I 100% agree with his conclusions.

He obviously wanted to be contacted by complainers like you.

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Well..I have my own business in Thailand, it is indeed challenging but if you can set up a succesful business in Europe or elsewhere, you can be equally succesful here in Thailand. I know many foreigners having their own business here and while my business is ok, most of them did better and some became very rich.

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Ok . I'll keep it short. Some essays might be exaggerated, some may have an agenda, but I in essence agree that unless you are ultra rich (in which case you should be in another country anyway) I wouldn't invest a dollar here.

In the past 2 something years Thai people have been super nice to me. My future wife is super honest. I trust regular folks, it's just that if you are unlucky and cross paths with someone who can make your life a living hell, you simply have no rights here.

This is why I always laugh at people who complain about their "nanny state" but will cry like babies that they are if something happens to them here. Heck, I was so depressed in Canada, but I do realize I'm very lucky to have a residency there. I'm still gladly paying taxes. Heck, even after a civil war in Yugoslavia and my promise to never return there I still didn't burn bridges with that country. I just facepalm myself every time I read a post by some crybaby here complain about UK /Canada /USA or Australia.

You can always give up your passport, you know.

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Too much here to comment on - but plenty of holes -

Sorry for your frustrations and loses. People who do business anywhere can have bad luck and there will always be competition. Coming here and thinking what works in your country might work here can also be problematic.

But let me point this out - you say… Basically they are unsaleable, yet I did my due diligence WAY above and beyond what is usually required elsewhere.

Checking re-salabiltiy would be one of the first things I would do - If your idea of due diligence yielded these results, while I know of others who have if not made a fortune, had some small success, then the blame might not be entirely on the culture. Though I agree with your general statement that it can be quite tough to come to another culture and make a living especially if you are basing your knowledge on what you know from your home culture.

At least you took the time to point out that certain groups can come here and enjoy Thailand as so many do… for me, I am glad that I fit into the retired category and do not seek to make a living here. Most of my flash in the pan good ideas would probably not have worked too well… and so, glad I did not try…

Best of luck with your new endeavors...

Edited by kenk24
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Yes, someones friend always did pretty well and there are always exceptions to the rule. The ultra rich can bypass the courts too. But this is simply a fact I have found to be true by experience. ...

"Remember too, that Thailand is dominated by a comparatively small military-industrial elite. They have all the power and most of the wealth in the country. The idea of western foreigners living in the country and achieving wealth and status through individual entrepreneurial efforts is seen as a threat to the hegemony that they have over the Thai underclass - the bulk of the population. For this reason, it is never allowed to happen."

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OP: Your online CV via Linkedin shows no experience of working in Thailand. Thinking about your post documenting current address and occupation in KL, indicates possible identity theft and a grudge held by you against Paul Sidhu.

Mods how about locking this topic until OP's identify can be verified.

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Lol - stopped reading after the 2nd paragraph. Hope the OP feels better with that off his chest. Dumb to put you name on something. Malaysia aint much better, as he is going to find out (followed by an epic rant on Malayvisa.com no doubt ) poor muggle

Didn't write it just cut/paste from other post that signed it, which was not NS, however I 100% agree with his conclusions.

He obviously wanted to be contacted by complainers like you.

You are posting someone else's contact information on an anonymous forum? Aint you a daisy...

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