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Ignorant & nasty Foreigner in our Condo..

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Wow, 182 responses to the OP, including mine.

I live at Riverside as well. Apart from the smoking guy, who I haven't encountered, there is an ignorant a...hole who slams his door so loudly it sounds like a cannon. And the memorable occasion exercising on the stairs when I thought I'd been tear-gassed - someone was cooking breakfast with enough chili for the whole suburb of Nong Hoi.

When you have so many people in close proximity, it is inevitable there will be some anti-social t..ds. Either ignore them, or move out. One feature of Riverside I do like is the walls are so thick ( was originally built as a hospital ) that there is almost no noise from the neighbours.

It doesn't hurt to get the security staff on side. I give each of them a bottle of whisky for Christmas, and they remember it. While the help I've requested ( e.g. flat battery on the scooter ) has not been in the area the OP is referring to, if you are in the right they would probably help. Bear in mind all the Riverside staff are aware of every fart or sneeze a resident makes.

Perhaps the OP can take comfort from the statistic that a smoker is 20 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker.coffee1.gif

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Perhaps the OP can take comfort from the statistic that a smoker is 20 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker.coffee1.gif

While the OP is 20 times more likely to die of a rage-induced heart attack.


Perhaps the OP can take comfort from the statistic that a smoker is 20 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker.coffee1.gif

While the OP is 20 times more likely to die of a rage-induced heart attack.

Haven't seen any stats on rage-induced heart attacks, so I'll have to take your word for it. The smoking stat is well established.

If everybody got worked up about the inconsiderate and selfish behaviours which are a constant in this country ( falang and Thai both ) we'd be dropping like flies in Mortein.


When it happens to me, someone decides to sit near and light-up even when there's plenty of vacant seats further away; I quietly inform them that cig smoke makes me vomit and "when I do it will be over you".


Thailand also has road rules. Most do not comply and I feel very much at risk..........to the point where a cigarette helps calm me.

Now considering what the urge would be if confronted by a flatulent wowser wearing speedos by the outdoor pool.whistling.gif


I feel your pain brother...been there and done that...ignorant and nasty foreigners is just an unpleasant part of the Thai condo life...learn to live with it...or do like I did and sell your condo and rent a nice home where uncouth and uncultured scumbags are not welcomed...


I feel your pain brother...been there and done that...ignorant and nasty foreigners is just an unpleasant part of the Thai condo life...learn to live with it...or do like I did and sell your condo and rent a nice home where uncouth and uncultured scumbags are not welcomed...

Which country is that in ?????smile.pngsmile.png


I feel your pain brother...been there and done that...ignorant and nasty foreigners is just an unpleasant part of the Thai condo life...learn to live with it...or do like I did and sell your condo and rent a nice home where uncouth and uncultured scumbags are not welcomed...

Which country is that in ?????smile.pngsmile.png

We were reporting on Thailand Condo experience...specifically, Jomtien condos in my case...tried condo life twice...same results...

Condos are arguably hotels where you buy the room rather than rent...same problems as hotels...


I feel your pain brother...been there and done that...ignorant and nasty foreigners is just an unpleasant part of the Thai condo life...learn to live with it...or do like I did and sell your condo and rent a nice home where uncouth and uncultured scumbags are not welcomed...

Which country is that in ?????smile.pngsmile.png

We were reporting on Thailand Condo experience...specifically, Jomtien condos in my case...tried condo life twice...same results...

Condos are arguably hotels where you buy the room rather than rent...same problems as hotels...

Hmmmm. And if the neighbour smokes just on the otherside the property boundary? By his/her own pool?


Govt should enact a law prohibiting smoking in all condominiums. There was a korean chain smoker (died) one floor below my unit and i could smell the smoke all the time in our living room. I am hoping they increase the tax on tobacco again in this year's budget.


If I relocate to Chiang Mai I will make sure to avoid this condo , it consists of nasty and ignorant foreigners , both smokers and non smokers.


I'm always surprised when I see 'controversial' threads that attract more than 20 posters with less than 100 posts each...

Would you mind explaining why?

Yes. I would.


It's because the netscpace is actually filled with paid trolls.

Say anything about Tobacco, not go mention guns, or Israel and they all come out.

Putin and China have their minions posting propaganga as well.


I'm always surprised when I see 'controversial' threads that attract more than 20 posters with less than 100 posts each...

Would you mind explaining why?

Yes. I would.

I'm not surprised.


So there is a no smoking policy and signs are posted accordingly and there are people on here who think it's OK to actually smoke?

How sad. quote]

Remiscient of the Irish teacher who thought it OK to take a few balloons (not a dozen....just a few), on the skytrain contrary to signs posted that it wasn't permitted?? He found out what a whack across the ear with a baton felt like when he reacted badly, thinking the rules shouldn't/didn't apply to him.

He may choose to light up on the skytrain. What then?

I know there are those will say it's not OK in a confined place, but it is OK outside, but there is a rule in place for both locations. Why is it OK to ignore?

Would a smoker by the pool think it unreasonable for somebody to take a breakable glass into the pool? It is, after all, just a minor breach of pool rules, albeit one for safety.

With non compliance, anarchy threatens.

If the smoker chooses to drive at 100 kms/hr along Sukhumvit Road (risking his own and others' wellbeing), when is it OK to do so? When the driver is the Red Bull heir (before somebody beats me).

Rules are in place to serve the majority, and those who choose to breach them are ignorant, arrogant, and selfish.

If this rule was arbitrarily created by somebody, or even if it was created democratically, he who wishes to smoke can attempt to change it via the democratic process.


I'm always surprised when I see 'controversial' threads that attract more than 20 posters with less than 100 posts each...

Would you mind explaining why?

Yes. I would.

I'm not surprised.

Imagine that! Your worst fears confirmed! What ever they may be. LOL!


I've lived in Asia for long enough to know something that some of the other posters here have missed:

1. The OP whined long enough for the management team to agree to a no smoking rule

2. The management team don't actually give two shakes of a dog's whatsit for this rule - therefore it's not being enforced. If they wanted it enforced, it would be. It's simply a zero priority issue for them.

Thus all the nonsense about juristic persons and forcing out tenants is simply that - nonsense.

You have to remember that in many face cultures (not just Thai face culture) people will tell the idiot doing the complaining, etc. that they can have what they want and then they will promptly go on to never deliver that. I'd think with all the fuss the OP is causing there that there is not a cat in hell's chance of his preferred policy ever being enforced. That's Asia and it's one of the many reasons I love it out here so much. :-)


So there is a no smoking policy and signs are posted accordingly and there are people on here who think it's OK to actually smoke?

How sad. quote]

Remiscient of the Irish teacher who thought it OK to take a few balloons (not a dozen....just a few), on the skytrain contrary to signs posted that it wasn't permitted?? He found out what a whack across the ear with a baton felt like when he reacted badly, thinking the rules shouldn't/didn't apply to him.

He may choose to light up on the skytrain. What then?

I know there are those will say it's not OK in a confined place, but it is OK outside, but there is a rule in place for both locations. Why is it OK to ignore?

Would a smoker by the pool think it unreasonable for somebody to take a breakable glass into the pool? It is, after all, just a minor breach of pool rules, albeit one for safety.

With non compliance, anarchy threatens.

If the smoker chooses to drive at 100 kms/hr along Sukhumvit Road (risking his own and others' wellbeing), when is it OK to do so? When the driver is the Red Bull heir (before somebody beats me).

Rules are in place to serve the majority, and those who choose to breach them are ignorant, arrogant, and selfish.

If this rule was arbitrarily created by somebody, or even if it was created democratically, he who wishes to smoke can attempt to change it via the democratic process.

Anarchy threatens? I can't stop laughing. You need a sense of proportion as does the OP. This isn't knifing old ladies for their pension money, it's an act of civil disobedience to a rule that the OP demanded be enforced. It is a man's duty to refuse to obey rules, laws, etc. that are unjust or unfit for purpose. People are lucky enough to be able to do their own thinking - it is a sheep which follows another's whims blindly not a man.


I stopped smoking 4 months ago mainly because it is so anti social...leaving a restuarant for a quick puff in the middle of a meal etc....however outside round a swimming pool....get a grip man..lifes too short to be a crabbit faced old codger...try taking up smoking it will calm your nerves

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


Siem Reaper. You missed the point.

It's called 'the thin edge of the wedge', and people feel that if others are living outside the rules/laws, the less intelligent feel they can too, and the frequency and seriousness of violations increases.

The OP has a right to insist on compliamce.

A man has an obligation to defy laws he thinks are unjust???? A smoker would think that denying him the right to smoke on an aircraft was reasonable, so lights up. In many countries he'd face a large fine, and be offloaded at the next port.

I occasionally think that the 80 km/hr limit on the freeway is unnecessary, but if I drive at 100, a $400+ fine

Need I go on?

Being a sheep costs less

What happens if the smoker starts pi$$ing in the pool?

You'd stop laughing if it was your pool.


Tough guys disobey rules until a tougher guy comes along and beats their head in. Then they realise it is better to obey rules.

OP, just wait until that tougher guy comes along. Problem solved. smile.png

People who openly disobey rules are idiots.


Can't help you with your problem, but the law here in Australia says that you're not allowed to smoke in areas where food is served. Now in all the bars there are "NO EATING" signs and everyone's sitting round smoking...Thai logic has migrated down under 55


As previously stated I live at the condo in question. I have been closely monitoring comments made in this posting particularly noting some guys state that if condo has no smoking signs around pool these should be respected. However it should be noted when OP moved in there was no no smoking policy in operation. Indeed OP has already admitted in an earlier post that this policy was never agreed at a general meeting by the owners with the OP going direct to the committee without consultation to and getting this policy implemented. The vast majority of residents have never had, and currently have, no objection to smokers around the open air pool. I very much doubt that if the OP was to raise a petition that he would gain the support required. It's also somewhat disconcerting that some posters have suggested our condo is not a nice place to live whereas the fact is most residents, with one obvious exception, have a live and let live attitude

The Op is Busted!!! The ulterior motive raises it's ugly head - he says he don't like cigarette smoke - so no one on the planet (or in his Condo) can't like cigarette smoke - Well, I quit smoking on June 30th 1980 and never restarted - Why, I had an accident, wrecked an almost new Pickup Truck, reaching for a pack of cigarettes that fell off the seat - I was 30, and just lucky I didn't kill anyone. OK old man, (the OP) you don't like Cigarette smoke?? Move to a different part of the pool, or buy some air freshner, and iof the smoker gets too close, spray it in his direction...............and mind your own business - please. Just lucky you don't live in America, people have been shot for a lot less. Happy New yearmfr_closed1.gif


As previously stated I live at the condo in question. I have been closely monitoring comments made in this posting particularly noting some guys state that if condo has no smoking signs around pool these should be respected. However it should be noted when OP moved in there was no no smoking policy in operation. Indeed OP has already admitted in an earlier post that this policy was never agreed at a general meeting by the owners with the OP going direct to the committee without consultation to and getting this policy implemented. The vast majority of residents have never had, and currently have, no objection to smokers around the open air pool. I very much doubt that if the OP was to raise a petition that he would gain the support required. It's also somewhat disconcerting that some posters have suggested our condo is not a nice place to live whereas the fact is most residents, with one obvious exception, have a live and let live attitude

The Op is Busted!!! The ulterior motive raises it's ugly head - he says he don't like cigarette smoke - so no one on the planet (or in his Condo) can't like cigarette smoke - Well, I quit smoking on June 30th 1980 and never restarted - Why, I had an accident, wrecked an almost new Pickup Truck, reaching for a pack of cigarettes that fell off the seat - I was 30, and just lucky I didn't kill anyone. OK old man, (the OP) you don't like Cigarette smoke?? Move to a different part of the pool, or buy some air freshner, and iof the smoker gets too close, spray it in his direction...............and mind your own business - please. Just lucky you don't live in America, people have been shot for a lot less. Happy New yearmfr_closed1.gif

Your logic is appallingly illogical.

I'm sure the OP didn't say nobody else can enjoy cigatette smoke, but he does say that he doesn't want to be annoyed by smoke in a NO SMOKING AREA............WITH A SIGN!!

Maybe in the US the smoker would be shot first??


I dislike French for more reasons...

You are right.

And if you knew what the French think of you, you would hate them even more ...

Could not care less, nobody likes French. Even French don't like French. Every bar owner hates then, consume too less and talk too much, coming in groups and scare away better consumers with loud crap talk.


I am a smoker,i am a foreigner,i live at the same condo, and yes i smoke at the outdoor pool, but i am adamant that i am neither ignorant or nasty.The only possible exception to my not being nasty is when i am told to stop smoking,then, by golly i can become Nasty with a capital H.

The ban on smoking at the outdoor pool is an infringement of my god given rights, and is totally unenforceable by anyone at all.I live here because , unlike in the west, with all the PC bullshit and erosion of ones rights one can do as one pleases.

Get used to it is all i can say.coffee1.gif

Edit...i must admit though that i really hate when others see me smoking and follow my cue and near automatically light up, i mean hey, i do smoke, but i hate second hand and others doing it in my special spot!!

Trolling after 273 posts.

You certainly like breaking tbe rules.

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