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Ignorant & nasty Foreigner in our Condo..

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I am a non smoker.. Not a militant one but I do object if someones smoking in somewhere I am eating etc.. I would agree with 'common areas' being indoors etc..

But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

Surely thats not so disturbing...

In many Hotels etc there are non smoking signs around the pool. Most Songtaews have non smoking signs how different is that & if someone was smoking on a Songtaew should he be permitted? Smoking as we all know is even worse by second hand smoke within 30 meters. Why should non smokers be subjected to this indoors or outdoors. However the point is that he becomes violent is that acceptable?

Can you point me to where you found the paper that says with-in 30 meters???

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Can we get things in perspective. I also live in Riverside Condo and, from what I remember, the no smoking policy was imposed without reference to the tenants about 18 months ago. Personally I am a non-smoker but what's the problem. I understand, and agree with the policy of not smoking indoors, but outdoors - really get a life! These little "Hitlers" that constantly try to control how others may live are beginning to make me throw up. If you don't like it for Gods sake just move up wind. What next tenants will not be allowed to use sun cream in case the smell may offend. Get a life!!!

So having to breathe someone else's smoke is somehow acceptable when it's "outside"? I never understood that thinking. It's still rude, inconsiderate behavior...period. I remember when they passed the law and you'd go outside in downtown San Diego and you almost needed to go inside to get some fresh air there were so many smokers on the street. The air outside is not their air, it's everyone's. It's a nasty habit and I don't give a ___ if they feel put out.
For the next three months you're gonna be breathing plenty of Thai farmers and Thai mushroom hunters smoke.

Does the smoke from a few fags really matter to the overall state of the air?

The smoke from burning rice and mushroom waste doesn't have the added chemicals cigarette manufacturers include in their product.

Naturally, the less smoke inhaled, from any source, the better, but cigarette smoke is far more harmful.


I am a non smoker.. Not a militant one but I do object if someones smoking in somewhere I am eating etc.. I would agree with 'common areas' being indoors etc..

But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

Surely thats not so disturbing...

In many Hotels etc there are non smoking signs around the pool. Most Songtaews have non smoking signs how different is that & if someone was smoking on a Songtaew should he be permitted? Smoking as we all know is even worse by second hand smoke within 30 meters. Why should non smokers be subjected to this indoors or outdoors. However the point is that he becomes violent is that acceptable?

what about the smoke of everyones car is that acceptable?

No, driving around the condo swimming pool is not acceptable!

And everyone would not fit....


I agree with you Les 1 even though the medical authorities/Doctors/law enforcement have totally

misled all the general non smoking public ! Did you know that just last week the AMA American

Medical association approved SMOKERS lungs for transplants and several leading studies indicate that second hand smoke is a myth perpetrated by people who earn big bucks with scare tactics! What you

breathe is measured in parts per million and, even a foot away from a smokerin a reasonably well

ventilated room or especially outdoors, the dilution of my smoke into your breathing apparatus is

not even measurable.Why is it people don't complain about the other, far more numerous and far more dangerous fumes ? Essentially because there is no money in it -- my excess "Sin " taxes put severalpeople thru college and filled many Doctors/lawyers/authors/sign makers pockets. Second hand smoke

is a big,very big,BUSINESS - remember when medics said bacon and eggs no good and alcohol was poisonand even cranberries and grilled meats caused cancer and now ? Only Santa claus and Brooklyn bridge sales are bigger myths !

Love to see these "studies" can you cite them.


If people live in a condo they should abide by the rules the committee is elected to represent owners and have that mandate if you don't like the rules vote them off. The person who should be involved is the landlord the tenant has no right sor say.


I agree with you Les 1 even though the medical authorities/Doctors/law enforcement have totally

misled all the general non smoking public ! Did you know that just last week the AMA American

Medical association approved SMOKERS lungs for transplants and several leading studies indicate that second hand smoke is a myth perpetrated by people who earn big bucks with scare tactics! What you

breathe is measured in parts per million and, even a foot away from a smokerin a reasonably well

ventilated room or especially outdoors, the dilution of my smoke into your breathing apparatus is

not even measurable.Why is it people don't complain about the other, far more numerous and far more dangerous fumes ? Essentially because there is no money in it -- my excess "Sin " taxes put severalpeople thru college and filled many Doctors/lawyers/authors/sign makers pockets. Second hand smoke

is a big,very big,BUSINESS - remember when medics said bacon and eggs no good and alcohol was poisonand even cranberries and grilled meats caused cancer and now ? Only Santa claus and Brooklyn bridge sales are bigger myths !

Love to see these "studies" can you cite them.

Well, there's this one from 2013....published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute:

"A large-scale study found no clear link between secondhand smoke and lung cancer, undercutting the premise of years of litigation including a Florida case that yielded a $350 million settlement.

The article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute details a study of 76,000 women over more than a decade, which found the usual link between smoking and cancer. Lung cancer was 13 times more common in current smokers, and four times more common in former smokers, than in non-smokers.
The study found no statistically significant relationship between lung cancer and exposure to passive smoke, however."



There are certain limits regarding a common-area pool that should be honored- no peeling in the pool, fair enough- no exposing your hairy beanbag in front of other pool users, no argument there- no smoking, while you may not agree with it, should at least be respected. Treating it as a 'no smoking while others in proximity' rule isn't without merit, but, let's face it, eventually that gets cut finer and finer until it becomes a smoking free-for-all.

It's a habit that's looked upon as loathsome (for fair reasons), so infringement upon it shouldn't come as a shock.


Siem Reaper. You missed the point.

It's called 'the thin edge of the wedge', and people feel that if others are living outside the rules/laws, the less intelligent feel they can too, and the frequency and seriousness of violations increases.

The OP has a right to insist on compliamce.

A man has an obligation to defy laws he thinks are unjust???? A smoker would think that denying him the right to smoke on an aircraft was reasonable, so lights up. In many countries he'd face a large fine, and be offloaded at the next port.

I occasionally think that the 80 km/hr limit on the freeway is unnecessary, but if I drive at 100, a $400+ fine

Need I go on?

Being a sheep costs less

What happens if the smoker starts pi$$ing in the pool?

You'd stop laughing if it was your pool.

No, you missed the point. Blind obedience to authority is simply stupid. Blind obedience to a note outside a condo swimming pool? That's insane. The ban has no legal effect and it appears clear that the condo has no interest in enforcing it - thus breaking the rules is perfectly OK and costs the individual nothing whatsoever.

For the record, it doesn't matter whether people piss in the pool or not - it's still going to be fairly full of urine thanks to people's genitals being present (even when covered). Again there's plenty of research been carried out to show that.

The OP has manipulated the building management team but they have no desire to give him what he wants; which is why he is writing whining notes to strangers on a forum.


If I relocate to Chiang Mai I will make sure to avoid this condo , it consists of nasty and ignorant foreigners , both smokers and non smokers.

Good luck with that. I actually think Riverside is one of the more civilized condos. I've lived in it for 6 years with only minor irritants. Before I moved into it, I checked out a couple of other condos in CM in the same price range for rent, and they were very ordinary.

Or perhaps you'd like to try a Thai condo? Go on, spoil yourself. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


If I relocate to Chiang Mai I will make sure to avoid this condo , it consists of nasty and ignorant foreigners , both smokers and non smokers.

Good luck with that. I actually think Riverside is one of the more civilized condos. I've lived in it for 6 years with only minor irritants. Before I moved into it, I checked out a couple of other condos in CM in the same price range for rent, and they were very ordinary.

Or perhaps you'd like to try a Thai condo? Go on, spoil yourself. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Riverside is in a poor location and has had in fighting for years and years whilst it is certainly not the worst it is far from the best but I understand why someone who lived there would want to defend it but this thread is NOT about Riverside is it?

I hate smoking but each condo should have it's own rules and residents should adhere to them. Smoking by the pool is an internal issue and could be enforced in several ways (fines etc.). It's up to the OWNERS not tenants and the JP should enforce the rules.


Siem Reaper. You missed the point.

It's called 'the thin edge of the wedge', and people feel that if others are living outside the rules/laws, the less intelligent feel they can too, and the frequency and seriousness of violations increases.

The OP has a right to insist on compliamce.

A man has an obligation to defy laws he thinks are unjust???? A smoker would think that denying him the right to smoke on an aircraft was reasonable, so lights up. In many countries he'd face a large fine, and be offloaded at the next port.

I occasionally think that the 80 km/hr limit on the freeway is unnecessary, but if I drive at 100, a $400+ fine

Need I go on?

Being a sheep costs less

What happens if the smoker starts pi$$ing in the pool?

You'd stop laughing if it was your pool.

No, you missed the point. Blind obedience to authority is simply stupid. Blind obedience to a note outside a condo swimming pool? That's insane. The ban has no legal effect and it appears clear that the condo has no interest in enforcing it - thus breaking the rules is perfectly OK and costs the individual nothing whatsoever.

For the record, it doesn't matter whether people piss in the pool or not - it's still going to be fairly full of urine thanks to people's genitals being present (even when covered). Again there's plenty of research been carried out to show that.

The OP has manipulated the building management team but they have no desire to give him what he wants; which is why he is writing whining notes to strangers on a forum.

If you don't agree with the rules, have the rules changed. What can be simpler than that?

Are you suggesting the same volume of urine will be in the pool if people pi$$ in as if they don't, and the .0000005 mL present on genitals will contaminate to the same degree? You can't be serious?? 250 mL versus .0000005 mL creates the same contamination?

Give me a link, one will do, to 'the plenty of research'. This will be interesting.


As previously stated I live at the condo in question. I have been closely monitoring comments made in this posting particularly noting some guys state that if condo has no smoking signs around pool these should be respected. However it should be noted when OP moved in there was no no smoking policy in operation. Indeed OP has already admitted in an earlier post that this policy was never agreed at a general meeting by the owners with the OP going direct to the committee without consultation to and getting this policy implemented. The vast majority of residents have never had, and currently have, no objection to smokers around the open air pool. I very much doubt that if the OP was to raise a petition that he would gain the support required. It's also somewhat disconcerting that some posters have suggested our condo is not a nice place to live whereas the fact is most residents, with one obvious exception, have a live and let live attitude

The Op is Busted!!! The ulterior motive raises it's ugly head - he says he don't like cigarette smoke - so no one on the planet (or in his Condo) can't like cigarette smoke - Well, I quit smoking on June 30th 1980 and never restarted - Why, I had an accident, wrecked an almost new Pickup Truck, reaching for a pack of cigarettes that fell off the seat - I was 30, and just lucky I didn't kill anyone. OK old man, (the OP) you don't like Cigarette smoke?? Move to a different part of the pool, or buy some air freshner, and iof the smoker gets too close, spray it in his direction...............and mind your own business - please. Just lucky you don't live in America, people have been shot for a lot less. Happy New yearmfr_closed1.gif

The OP has been busted?? Only if you choose to believe an anonymous post online.

You see, I live in that condo when I'm in town, and I can say, unequivocally, that the OP had nought to do with the sign being placed. I stake my fortune on that claim.

Who do you believe?? You believe whoever fits your position better, regardless of whether you know it to be factual.....or otherwise.


Most things I'm patient about - but not this.....

If you were living in the US, I might see some traction here, but this is SE Asia. Yes, he's breaking the condo rule. But this is the Wild, Wild West of the East. As long as he isn't right next to you blowing his smoke in your face, then what are you willing to do?

Sixty-eight or 71, try picking a fight over smoking in an outside place (against the condo rule) and see what happens. (I realize the OP doesn't want to fight, for very sound reasons.)

Personally, I think these people are not so against the smoke, but rather the fact that some can FLAUNT THE RULE! Shock! Horror! The very audacity!

"So how did you get a crushed esophagus?"

"Some A-hole was smoking a cigarette across the pool, and that's against the condo rule! So I took his pack of smokes and tossed them in the swimming pool."

"Ah, clever move, Grasshopper. Was it worth it? Oh, wait, let me put my ear closer to that breathing hole in your neck."

This is NOT the US. Try getting used to it. Shock! Horror! The very audacity!

If it is the condo rules which prohibit smoking in the pool area; then it has been condoned by the majority of the condo owners--they are the ones to approach if you want to change the rules. If renters don't comply they should be kicked out. Shock, horror, the very audacity of a smoker trying to force his filth on others.

The fact that so many of the posters entertain the thought of physical violence to get a tenant to obey the rules is quite reminiscent of the football rowdies who cannot enjoy a sporting event without fighting. Uncivilized savages at best.


Take a video of him doing it on your mobile handset and show it to the managementsmile.png

And if the above does not work then ring to your mummy and tell on the bad man. Grow up. It is out in the openair. Move away 10 feet and you will not smell it. What do you do when they burn the rice?

Condo has non-smoking policy in all common areas, I believe most new or well manage condos have this policy too. Some will set a smoking area at the back of the building to accommodate smokers. OP has the right to protest especially if the smoker is around the pool where children often are. I don't see why some are bashing the OP and asking him to toughen up.

If the management can't stop the guy from smoking, perhaps asking management to contact the police will solve the problem. My condo has a strict non-smoking policy and they even say they will contact the police if smokers don't obey by the law, even listing local police stations number by the notice. I think it all depends on the management, how far they are willing to go with enforcing the law. My condo is strict because the folks sitting on the board really cares about the condo, they are so strict they even posted notices saying guests are not allow to use swimming pools or the gym.


I also live in a Condo in Jomtien Beach. I have been here 7 years as a renter, but am constantly plagued by short term Russian Tourists that rent the room below mine and insist on smoking on the balcony. When I first moved here there were signs up everywhere saying it was against the law to smoke anywhere in the building, but at some point that changed to a polite plea to not smoke in common areas or the balcony for the safety and good health of others.

I have to re-fight this battle every few months as a new Russian arrives for a one to three month stay. They ignore rules and do as they please. I have to ask the new arrivals to not smoke on their balcony as the smokes come directly in to my room and causes me problems as I have Emphysema. It is like talking to a pile of bricks! The pleas turn in to a report to the office, which then tells me, they can not do anything to stop people smoking.

The newest arrival is a rather portly Russian woman that does not understand a word of English or Thai. When I pleaded with her to not smoke, she got loud and apparently abusive in Russian. I continued my pleas until she arrived at my door, kicking it so hard, she sent a 5 liter bottle of water I have propped against the door to keep it from rattling in the wind, skittering across the floor.

I went down to the security desk and reported her for smoking. The guard made a note of her room number, but did nothing else. The next night, I yelled down to her to PLEASE stop smoking. She waved her cigarette at me and spewed more abuse in Russian, ... then arrived at my door with the Thai woman that rents to room to her and the same guard I complained to the night before.

I started to explain why I wanted her to stop smoking but the Thai woman cut me off, started yelling that if I did not like it here to move to another place! The guard took my photo and they stormed off saying what a bad man I am. This morning I made my case to the office, ... but nothing will come of it. I will have to adjust my life to suit them. Why does she not smoke in her room? Probably the Thai woman told her not to because it makes the room smell! .. so, .. better to stink up my room and threaten my health!! Welcome to Thailand!!


If I were the smoker in question, I would go buy a sign that says, "SMOKING AREA" and put it up one night by the side of the pool.

Next morning everything is solved.


Like others have said he's smoking outside. I mean in life you have to choose your battles ,this should'nt be one of them.


Op, can you give us some details on how this guy is built, and some specs on yourself as well? How old is he? Maybe if you arranged for a fair fight this would be the easiest way to settle this. That is, have some people as witnesses that can break up the fight if it gets out of hand, so no one gets seriously hurt. If you challenge this guy to settle it like a man, I would say there's a 70% chance he avoids the scrap. If he does this, you call him a pansy every time you see him. If he has a woman around, you make sure you strip him of all of his manhood while she is around as well. If it does come to blows, you two will both probably have a new found respect for each other, and will probably become good drinking buddies in the future.

Could you be described as having a sloping forehead, brow ridges and a short, angled neck? Your comments seem right out of the cave. Try to grow up. Do you really think all matters are best settled with violence?

This situation is plainly a case of one member of a group ignoring the rules established for the group. If you disagree with the rules, get the rules changed; otherwise obey the rules and show respect for others who do likewise. If you do not like the rules but cannot get them changed, leave; go somewhere else where you fit in better.


As previously stated I live at the condo in question. I have been closely monitoring comments made in this posting particularly noting some guys state that if condo has no smoking signs around pool these should be respected. However it should be noted when OP moved in there was no no smoking policy in operation. Indeed OP has already admitted in an earlier post that this policy was never agreed at a general meeting by the owners with the OP going direct to the committee without consultation to and getting this policy implemented. The vast majority of residents have never had, and currently have, no objection to smokers around the open air pool. I very much doubt that if the OP was to raise a petition that he would gain the support required. It's also somewhat disconcerting that some posters have suggested our condo is not a nice place to live whereas the fact is most residents, with one obvious exception, have a live and let live attitude

The Op is Busted!!! The ulterior motive raises it's ugly head - he says he don't like cigarette smoke - so no one on the planet (or in his Condo) can't like cigarette smoke - Well, I quit smoking on June 30th 1980 and never restarted - Why, I had an accident, wrecked an almost new Pickup Truck, reaching for a pack of cigarettes that fell off the seat - I was 30, and just lucky I didn't kill anyone. OK old man, (the OP) you don't like Cigarette smoke?? Move to a different part of the pool, or buy some air freshner, and iof the smoker gets too close, spray it in his direction...............and mind your own business - please. Just lucky you don't live in America, people have been shot for a lot less. Happy New yearmfr_closed1.gif

The OP has been busted?? Only if you choose to believe an anonymous post online.

You see, I live in that condo when I'm in town, and I can say, unequivocally, that the OP had nought to do with the sign being placed. I stake my fortune on that claim.

Who do you believe?? You believe whoever fits your position better, regardless of whether you know it to be factual.....or otherwise.

You see, I live in that condo when I'm in town, and I can say, unequivocally, that the OP had nought to do with the sign being placed. I stake my fortune on that claim.

Well, i can say also ,unequivocally that the OP was 100% the instigator in having the sign placed.

If your fortune has a lot more substance than your claim, i will gladly relieve you of it.


What is the evidence that the OP was the instigator. Reading it here on TV is not evidence, hearsay is not evidence.

What's the solution? It would appear that a meeting needs to be called and owners vote on it. Problem is that smokers are sore losers, so will they comply? I'd suggest not.


I am a smoker,i am a foreigner,i live at the same condo, and yes i smoke at the outdoor pool, but i am adamant that i am neither ignorant or nasty.The only possible exception to my not being nasty is when i am told to stop smoking,then, by golly i can become Nasty with a capital H.

The ban on smoking at the outdoor pool is an infringement of my god given rights, and is totally unenforceable by anyone at all.I live here because , unlike in the west, with all the PC bullshit and erosion of ones rights one can do as one pleases.

Get used to it is all i can say.coffee1.gif

Edit...i must admit though that i really hate when others see me smoking and follow my cue and near automatically light up, i mean hey, i do smoke, but i hate second hand and others doing it in my special spot!!

Trolling after 273 posts.

You certainly like breaking tbe rules.

Gj you are trolling with the above response, nor do I propose reporting you, but somebody will, and you'll be on a TV sponsored holiday.


What is the evidence that the OP was the instigator. Reading it here on TV is not evidence, hearsay is not evidence.

What's the solution? It would appear that a meeting needs to be called and owners vote on it. Problem is that smokers are sore losers, so will they comply? I'd suggest not.

You made a strong and clear [unequivocally!!] claim; I can say, unequivocally, that the OP had nought to do with the sign being placed. I stake my fortune on that claim.

Now you are saying,, "Reading it here on TV is not evidence, hearsay is not evidence."

This is a lot different to your initial claim

Are you now reneging on that initial claim.?

The second sentence..., yes, i agree fully with as apparently this was not done in the first place.


I am a non smoker.. Not a militant one but I do object if someones smoking in somewhere I am eating etc.. I would agree with 'common areas' being indoors etc..

But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

Surely thats not so disturbing...

It sounds like it wouldn't be......But actually, for some reason the smoke seems to descend to the surface of the pool and if you're swimming front crawl coupled with the quick and deep inhalations you gulp it down........ I can attest that it's more acutely annoying than almost anywhere.


And if they do nothing, what then?

I don`t know what the rules are concerning private property or what it stipulates in the rules of the lease? If all else fails he could withhold his maintenance fees until some sort of action is taken, including putting some no smoking signs around the area.

But until he tries, he won`t know will he?

Already have large "NO SMOKING" signs. Also no "GLASS" signs no one complains about those!!


Siem Reaper. You missed the point.

It's called 'the thin edge of the wedge', and people feel that if others are living outside the rules/laws, the less intelligent feel they can too, and the frequency and seriousness of violations increases.

The OP has a right to insist on compliamce.

A man has an obligation to defy laws he thinks are unjust???? A smoker would think that denying him the right to smoke on an aircraft was reasonable, so lights up. In many countries he'd face a large fine, and be offloaded at the next port.

I occasionally think that the 80 km/hr limit on the freeway is unnecessary, but if I drive at 100, a $400+ fine

Need I go on?

Being a sheep costs less

What happens if the smoker starts pi$$ing in the pool?

You'd stop laughing if it was your pool.


Siem Reaper. You missed the point.

It's called 'the thin edge of the wedge', and people feel that if others are living outside the rules/laws, the less intelligent feel they can too, and the frequency and seriousness of violations increases.

The OP has a right to insist on compliamce.

A man has an obligation to defy laws he thinks are unjust???? A smoker would think that denying him the right to smoke on an aircraft was reasonable, so lights up. In many countries he'd face a large fine, and be offloaded at the next port.

I occasionally think that the 80 km/hr limit on the freeway is unnecessary, but if I drive at 100, a $400+ fine

Need I go on?

Being a sheep costs less

What happens if the smoker starts pi$$ing in the pool?

You'd stop laughing if it was your pool.

He already is snorting & spitting in the pool is that acceptable most these guys have missed the point.


Condo has non-smoking policy in all common areas, I believe most new or well manage condos have this policy too. Some will set a smoking area at the back of the building to accommodate smokers. OP has the right to protest especially if the smoker is around the pool where children often are. I don't see why some are bashing the OP and asking him to toughen up.

If the management can't stop the guy from smoking, perhaps asking management to contact the police will solve the problem. My condo has a strict non-smoking policy and they even say they will contact the police if smokers don't obey by the law, even listing local police stations number by the notice. I think it all depends on the management, how far they are willing to go with enforcing the law. My condo is strict because the folks sitting on the board really cares about the condo, they are so strict they even posted notices saying guests are not allow to use swimming pools or the gym.

Thank God for someone among'st others that see the sense in this. I care about the quality & & Condition of our Condo but surely would not be happy about many of these people living here.

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