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Thai nurse's timely assistance saves German cyclist


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Thai nurse's timely assistance saves German cyclist

Gunter Retsch, a German tourist flashes the V sign from his bed in a Surat Thani hospital with nurse Srikanya Chuarob, centre, whose timely resuscitation helped save his life after he had suffered a stroke.

BANGKOK: -- A GERMAN cyclist who collapsed after suffering a stroke in Surat Thani on Saturday was saved by a passing nurse.

Srikanya Chuarob, who works at Surat Thani Hospital, was driving by when she saw Gunter Retsch, 49, had passed out and his friend, identified as Tomus, calling for help outside Surat Thani Cancer Hospital.

The man had no pulse, so she performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for half an hour until a rescue squad arrived. He then regained consciousness and was rushed to her hospital.

Dr Adikiat Iamworaniran, director of the hospital, said Retsch was in stable condition and out of danger but needed intensive care to prevent any complications.

Retsch had visited Koh Pha Ngan in the morning and was planning to bike to Krabi with his friend when he suffered the stroke. The nurse saved his life, Adikiat said.

Srikanya said she was taking her family to Wang Kho resort for the New Year holiday when she saw a foreigner yelling for help.

She saw Retsch biting his tongue, and his heart had stopped. So she pumped his chest and stuck a spoon in his mouth to prevent him from chewing his tongue.

She called 1669 and tried to revive him till the rescue vehicle arrived. She went inside to continue caring for him.

She said her family did not get to enjoy the beach but she was overwhelmed for helping rescue the tourist.

Governor Wongkasiri Promchana assigned his deputy Uaychai Innark and Pol Lt-Colonel Akkarapol Polcha, chief of Provisional Tourist Police, to visit Retsch at the ICU ward.

Retsch could manage a long conversation but complained about chest pain from the CPR.

He thanked the nurse for saving his life.

Dr Nattha Anonthaweesil said the tourist was safe and did not need to be put on a ventilator. The patient had suffered a stroke so she prescribed medication for the symptoms.

Doctors would further examine him and he needs to stay in the hospital for five more days, she said.

Uaychai said the province would award Srikanya a trophy to honour her for her selfless deed.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Thai-nurses-timely-assistance-saves-German-cyclist-30276067.html

-- The Nation 2016-01-04

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Well done Srikanyal, anyone who dose CPR for 30 mins is a hero , as in every country nurses are the back bone of the medical profession and without their dedication, hospitals , clinics etc would close , another Florence Nightingale story............................................clap2.gif

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good news and it's what Id expect from any nurse/doctor hopefully

PS 'outside Cancer Hospital'? it springs to mind that they could have helped? why 30 mins delay? anyway he got away with it good luck

Edited by LannaGuy
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She called 1669 ...

Good move as no one else did

not criticising this angel at all just observing that in Europe, and must be USA too, ALL hospitals have resus teams whether they are a specialist cancer unit or not and they were 'outside' one?

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"and stuck a spoon in his mouth to prevent him from chewing his tongue."

Well done and all but I thought you weren't supposed to do this?

Still 30 minutes of CPR is impressive.

Wow 30 minutes, very impressive ! Edited >> (as was the Stickboy video showing extra helpers.)

First aid procedures are continually changing and someone will post the answer re spoon or no spoon.

Chest compression are paramount but mouth to mouth seems to be less important now maybe because some air movement happens anyway.

His coming-to with this beautiful nurse giving him the "kiss of life" could have been a double bonus eh?

BTW; an older meaning of spooning was kissing. And there's an even newer meaning now. Just saying. giggle.gif

Times change.

Edited by Jing Joe
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A true saviour..Praise goes out to this nurse for her quick thinking, & determination to save the man.

Also (while I'm on the subject)..some praise needs to be given to the 1669 rescue teams across the country..many do not have expensive

equipment to help them do their tasks, but sometimes, in the case of say a road accident..these folk are all you have to get you out of the mess you may be in.

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Great job by a citizen...If it really took 30 minutes for emergency help to arrive, that is unacceptable....

Do they even record/study response times here? well documented in the West that minutes is the difference between life and death...

She was an exception...normal system another one dies...and it doesn't get reviewed...

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Well done Srikanyal, anyone who dose CPR for 30 mins is a hero , as in every country nurses are the back bone of the medical profession and without their dedication, hospitals , clinics etc would close , another Florence Nightingale story............................................clap2.gif

Amen to that! I hope that the patient has enough money left over after hospital expenses so that he can give a "Thank You" gift to that wonderful nurse and her family. Their sacrifice for this man deserves to be rewarded, and not just with a plaque. coffee1.gif

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A kind woman with quick thinking, common sense, initiative and a sense of duty.

She has my respect and admiration.

Well done Srikanya Chuarob

And as mentioned, a shout out to the 1669 folks. I hope your country realizes your needs. Keep up the good work.

Edited by Nowisee
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Great job by a citizen...If it really took 30 minutes for emergency help to arrive, that is unacceptable....

Do they even record/study response times here? well documented in the West that minutes is the difference between life and death...

She was an exception...normal system another one dies...and it doesn't get reviewed...

I often think about this in the city..., when I see an ambulance unable to move in traffic and no real adherence to clearing a path..., "I hope it's never the case when it's me waiting for that ambulance, as I'll likely be DOA".

I've never met a nurse in TH that I didn't like or who I questioned their desire to help others in need..., at work or elsewhere.

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The German is one lucky dude to have such a special lady come by his way in time of need. What a wonderfully uplifting story to start the year.

Couldn't agree more !

Hope those nauseous folk who habitually whinge about TV posters being a drunken Thai Bashing brigade will note the positive comments here.

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Said he suffered a stroke which is a blood clot in the brain - but sounds like a heart attack - very different.

I am not sure he was complaining about chest pains from the CPR but more like he was grateful for being alive and being able to notice them! Its not uncommon to crack ribs when aggressive CPR is administered and this just goes to show how hard this lady must have worked in that 30 minutes to save him.

She should get a public commendation for helping in a country where at least a nurse is more concerned about saving a life and doing the right thing rather than in some other countries where they are fearful of being sued by the patient for administering help!!

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"and stuck a spoon in his mouth to prevent him from chewing his tongue."

Well done and all but I thought you weren't supposed to do this?

Still 30 minutes of CPR is impressive.

So who cares? She saved the man's life and I bet he does not give a rats about a spoon being stuck in his mouth to save lacerating his tongue.

This woman deserves every accolade which I am sure she will receive. A good story for a change and please don't try and diminish the achievement.

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49 is a bit early to be having a stroke!

Well done to the nurse.


Anyone notice the tsta? Another quality tourist.

Anyone notice the tsta? Another quality tourist.

Another stupid comment from a Thaivisa poster !!

"Feel-good-threads" are clearly too much for some posters....................coffee1.gif

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"and stuck a spoon in his mouth to prevent him from chewing his tongue."

Well done and all but I thought you weren't supposed to do this?

Still 30 minutes of CPR is impressive.

So who cares? She saved the man's life and I bet he does not give a rats about a spoon being stuck in his mouth to save lacerating his tongue.

This woman deserves every accolade which I am sure she will receive. A good story for a change and please don't try and diminish the achievement.

I care because putting a spoon in the mouth can be dangerous.

Pointing this out diminishes nothing this remarkable lady did. 30 minutes CPR is astonishing.

Get off your wannabe horse and accept that querying something does not equate bashing.

Edited by Bluespunk
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