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Yingluck receives warm welcome in Khon Kaen


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Anyone who has spent time in CHIANG MAI ( for instance) and seen the huge turn outs and beaming faces has very little doubt asto her charm and the popularity of her.

They would also have seen the violence and intimidation directed towards those who do not support the Shinawatras. Not so charming, red democracy.

BTW I preferred the picture with the cucumber.

Not as bad as the violence and intimidation directed towards those Thais, who tried to exercise their constitutional right to cast their votes in Feb 2014 election, but were blocked by a yellow "rent-a-mob"........................coffee1.gif

Your memory is cloudy, your skating on thin ice when you still talk this way---Knowing full well that the biggest thug force without doubt id the red coloured one.

You and your agenda and denial about the shin red movement is embarrassing. What is it with you westerners with this favourable slant towards PTP. disgusting.

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Quote "Many people waited for her at the market " She received a warm welcome at K . Khen ???

If, as the minority on TVF speaks. the place would have been gridlocked-----police out to control the masses-----

Is this the big rise again of PTP ??? ha ha ha, I would think the topic will be missing posts from her admirers.

You just can't help (making a fool of) yourself, can you?

Late delivery of pension payment or lack of access to the demon of alcohol make some people cranky. rolleyes.gif

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Yes, she is so hated that the opposition had to blockade the voting entrances during the last election. Even they knew she was going to be overwhelmingly re-elected.

I think that is what is known as "an inconvenient truth" and is therefore ignored by many on this forum!

Please stop reminding them of the truth. They get angry.

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Found this on YouTube of Yingluck at Khon Kaen market today.

Now there's some footage that won't be appearing on the Friday Night TV show!

You know, whether or not she is a devout Buddhist I get the distinct impression that this lady knows exactly what she is doing, and why she is doing it. She is, I suspect, notwithstanding any court decisions, a very long way from being finished as a political leader.

The atmosphere around the junta's supper tables must be glacial tonight!

Now there's some footage that won't be appearing on the Friday Night TV show!

no, but do you want to wager that it"s being analyzed at the Nakhon Chaisri temporary remand facility inside the 11th Army Circle military base in Bangkok? wink.png

Oh yes, without a doubt!

Thank you for a brilliant 5 minutes of laughter and enjoyment from your link.

Now, sadly back to the backbiting and pointless babble of the topic. Pointless because no matter who writes about the topic on TVF, none of us can change a single thing or do anything about it in Thailand.

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Yes, I sometimes wonder what Gilbert and Sullivan would have made of C21 politics/events, both here and elsewhere. I think they would have had an absolute field day!

Now as for the "babble". You are absolutely right, we can do nothing to change or even influence what happens here. I'm sure that most of us accept that as part of the deal when we come to live here. But, don't you think that our discussions on TVF, even when at their most rancorous, are a valuable safety valve for those of us with concerns and views, on either side of the political divide? Both of us certainly have strongly held (opposing) views, in both our cases I suspect because we both care about the country in which we have chosen to make our homes, and live with our respective families. I will always argue my side, I don't believe that makes you evil, and I hope you take the same approach. I don't think that because they have no effect beyond TVF necessarily makes them pointless. It is certainly preferable to going outside and howling at the moon!

Now back to Yingluck's well deserved phenomenal level of support...smile.png

Edited by JAG
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Found this on YouTube of Yingluck at Khon Kaen market today.

Now there's some footage that won't be appearing on the Friday Night TV show!

You know, whether or not she is a devout Buddhist I get the distinct impression that this lady knows exactly what she is doing, and why she is doing it. She is, I suspect, notwithstanding any court decisions, a very long way from being finished as a political leader.

The atmosphere around the junta's supper tables must be glacial tonight!

Political leader - you seriously think she has ever been one?

Capable actress and pretty. Does as her brother instructs. She's no more devout than any other politician, or the lies wouldn't have tripped off her tongue so easily.

Don't underestimate her. She appears as the ingenue but in reality she's smart as a whip and would have most of the other lot for breakfast.
Smart? Thank you three time. Did you not no she came from erection? She said so herself. 5555 Smart LOL.
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Now there's some footage that won't be appearing on the Friday Night TV show!

You know, whether or not she is a devout Buddhist I get the distinct impression that this lady knows exactly what she is doing, and why she is doing it. She is, I suspect, notwithstanding any court decisions, a very long way from being finished as a political leader.

The atmosphere around the junta's supper tables must be glacial tonight!

Political leader - you seriously think she has ever been one?

Capable actress and pretty. Does as her brother instructs. She's no more devout than any other politician, or the lies wouldn't have tripped off her tongue so easily.

Don't underestimate her. She appears as the ingenue but in reality she's smart as a whip and would have most of the other lot for breakfast.
Smart? Thank you three time. Did you not no she came from erection? She said so herself. 5555 Smart LOL.

I wander if she is smart enough to know the difference between "no" and "know"/

Very many Thais have difficulty differentiating between "r" and "l" when pronouncing English words. Perhaps you shouldn't take it as an indicator of a lack of political acuity?

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Yes, I sometimes wonder what Gilbert and Sullivan would have made of C21 politics/events, both here and elsewhere. I think they would have had an absolute field day!

Now as for the "babble". You are absolutely right, we can do nothing to change or even influence what happens here. I'm sure that most of us accept that as part of the deal when we come to live here. But, don't you think that our discussions on TVF, even when at their most rancorous, are a valuable safety valve for those of us with concerns and views, on either side of the political divide? Both of us certainly have strongly held (opposing) views, in both our cases I suspect because we both care about the country in which we have chosen to make our homes, and live with our respective families. I will always argue my side, I don't believe that makes you evil, and I hope you take the same approach. I don't think that because they have no effect beyond TVF necessarily makes them pointless. It is certainly preferable to going outside and howling at the moon!

Now back to Yingluck's well deserved phenomenal level of support...smile.png

Nothing like a good howl at the full moon up here in rural Thailand. It starts all the village dogs going as well.

I usually do that when I read comments like quote "Now back to Yingluck's well deserved phenomenal level of support...smile.png"


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Yes, she is so hated that the opposition had to blockade the voting entrances during the last election. Even they knew she was going to be overwhelmingly re-elected.

I think that is what is known as "an inconvenient truth" and is therefore ignored by many on this forum!

Please stop reminding them of the truth. They get angry.

Amnesty was the final nail in the coffin for Yingluck---pushing a bill through at 3am------------hence a general revolt for it's bad governance TRUTH, It is your crowd that's angry because things are not going according to Shin plan TRUTH. slag the governing all you lot like you will never change anything here.

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Yes, I sometimes wonder what Gilbert and Sullivan would have made of C21 politics/events, both here and elsewhere. I think they would have had an absolute field day!

Now as for the "babble". You are absolutely right, we can do nothing to change or even influence what happens here. I'm sure that most of us accept that as part of the deal when we come to live here. But, don't you think that our discussions on TVF, even when at their most rancorous, are a valuable safety valve for those of us with concerns and views, on either side of the political divide? Both of us certainly have strongly held (opposing) views, in both our cases I suspect because we both care about the country in which we have chosen to make our homes, and live with our respective families. I will always argue my side, I don't believe that makes you evil, and I hope you take the same approach. I don't think that because they have no effect beyond TVF necessarily makes them pointless. It is certainly preferable to going outside and howling at the moon!

Now back to Yingluck's well deserved phenomenal level of support...smile.png

Nothing like a good howl at the full moon up here in rural Thailand. It starts all the village dogs going as well.

I usually do that when I read comments like quote "Now back to Yingluck's well deserved phenomenal level of support...smile.png"


Hit the nail on the head there. If the next government is not the PTP what will all these anti good government people do, as they all seem to love wicked and crooked government. So if they love crooked and wicked government why they not love the PM now BECAUSE EVERY DAY they think he is a bad man.

Edited by ginjag
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Smart? Thank you three time. Did you not no she came from erection? She said so herself. 5555 Smart LOL.

I wander if she is smart enough to know the difference between "no" and "know"/

Very many Thais have difficulty differentiating between "r" and "l" when pronouncing English words. Perhaps you shouldn't take it as an indicator of a lack of political acuity?

But your problem is you do not KNOW the difference between PTP= wrong---and good governance =right.

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Yes, she is so hated that the opposition had to blockade the voting entrances during the last election. Even they knew she was going to be overwhelmingly re-elected.

How many voting entrances were actually blocked?

Nationally what percentage?

How many outside Bangkok?

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Reply to JAG #76

So you´r the spelling police? The word should have been know, yes. The TVF is represented by people from all over the World and not al of us is native to english spaking countrys.
I will say again!
Smart? Thank you three time. Did you not know she came from erection? She said so herself. 5555 Smart LOL.
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I wander if she is smart enough to know the difference between "no" and "know"/

Very many Thais have difficulty differentiating between "r" and "l" when pronouncing English words. Perhaps you shouldn't take it as an indicator of a lack of political acuity?

Not only English but Thai as well. But it is not so much difficulty as laziness and/or lack of education.

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Smart? Thank you three time. Did you not no she came from erection? She said so herself. 5555 Smart LOL.

I wander if she is smart enough to know the difference between "no" and "know"/

Very many Thais have difficulty differentiating between "r" and "l" when pronouncing English words. Perhaps you shouldn't take it as an indicator of a lack of political acuity?

But your problem is you do not KNOW the difference between PTP= wrong---and good governance =right.

I rather think you missed the point. You don't do irony do you?

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Reply to JAG #76

So you´r the spelling police? The word should have been know, yes. The TVF is represented by people from all over the World and not al of us is native to english spaking countrys.
I will say again!
Smart? Thank you three time. Did you not know she came from erection? She said so herself. 5555 Smart LOL.

Not really spelling police, I fully understand the international nature of this forum. But if you are going to use Yingluck's English skills as a means of ridiculing her, perhaps it is reasonable to point out some of the mistakes you made in ridiculing her. There again, rather like Ginjag who is clinging desperately to the tailboard of your bandwagon, you don't do irony do you?

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Poor junta, because of the Shins, they now have to chase their tail again................................coffee1.gif

It sounds from your comments you have still not seen the light about the Shinawatras. Reminds me of radicalised Muslims

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