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I have been experiencing shortness of breath for the last three days, and picked up some Ventolin yesterday which has helped, but I know a person shouldn't self diagnose or try and treat a problem like this myself. If some kind reader could direct me to a hospital they can recommend in Bangna, close to Nations Tower, I'd appreciate it.


Not Bang Na but convenient to the BTS, SUKHUMVIT HOSPITAL in Ekkamai, just a few meters from the Ekkamai BTS station, Exit#3. About a 80 Baht taxi ride from Bang Na.

I was having chest discomfort and walked in with no appointment. Within minutes I was being seen by a cardiologist, Dr. Nevit who is fluent in English. He initiated a series of tests and initiated treatment that has been very effective. Hospital and Doctors charges are very reasonable but better to fill your pharmacy prescription elsewhere if possible. Unfortunately, some drugs can only be distributed by a hospital pharmacy.


Should chose the doctor, not the hospital.

As shortness of breath could be either cardiac or respiratory in origin would help to know a little more, like

your age

any previous history of heart problems or asthma?

any swelling of the feet?

medications you take regualry?

other pertinent medical history?

As I don't know if you need a cardiologiost or pulmonologist.

If you are set on a hospital in Bang Na, Sikarin is a nice community hospital



Thanks for your reply too Sheryl.

I'm 68 and a smoker, don't drink a heck of a lot in comparison to my younger days, one to two beers a day.

No swelling of feet, very slight numbness though.

I take Mertazapine daily (45 Mg), primarily for PTSD.

I suffered every symptom of PTSD going, Mertazapine saved my life.

Everything started about 6 -7 weeks ago when I developed tremendous upper back pain, I "think" by carrying a box a couple of days earlier that was too heavy, couldn't walk more than twenty feet for first couple of weeks, but now pain is more general on my sides as well as upper back. Can't take NSAIDS because of tummy, so I have been taking just 2 tylenol very 5 - 6 hours... Doesn't help much.

Shortness of breath started 3 days ago, I woke up and thought I was drowning, just couldn't breathe, exacerbated by back pain, but eventually got my breath back and bought Ventalin yesterday, which does help when a shortness of breath occurs, usually after I've walked a short distance.

Do have an extreme loss of appetite, I think because of the back pain.

No history of heart problems or Asthma.


OK. Given the history of smoking and accompanying back/side pain (which could be from the lung) I suggest you see this doctor at Sikarin, who is a Pulmonologist on faculty at Siriraj and seems well qualified:

Prof. Aroon Lertworawiwat

Monday 07.00 - 11.00
Tuesday 07.00 - 19.00
Wednesday 07.00 - 19.00
Thursday 07.00 - 12.00
Friday 07.00 - 19.00
Saturday 07.00 - 12.00
Sunday 07.00 - 12.00

You can make an appointment online http://www.sikarin.com/en/doctor but could also probably go in without one.

Note that cardiac problem cannot be excluded as cause, but given your history I think lung is first place to look. Also, pulmonologist should be able to detect heart failure if present and refer accordingly.

I urge you not to wait as your symptoms are potentially quite serious. In fact, should you worsen before you can see him (next opening being tomorrow), go straight to the ER.


Can't make appointments there before Sunday, so think I'll go in tomorrow without an appointment and hope I can see Prof. Aroon Lertworawiwat. I can see Sikirit hospital from my Condo balcony. I had looked at their website but was a bit worried about cost, oh well, can't look at the $$$ right now.

Thanks Sheryl for your advice!


Thainakarin past central is good

Thanks Jacky64 for your comment, but as you can see I'm being directed to Sikirit.


Can't make appointments there before Sunday, so think I'll go in tomorrow without an appointment and hope I can see Prof. Aroon Lertworawiwat. I can see Sikirit hospital from my Condo balcony. I had looked at their website but was a bit worried about cost, oh well, can't look at the $$$ right now.

Thanks Sheryl for your advice!

Their costs are quite reasonable, or were when last I used them (a few years ago now). I found it a very pleasant and friendly place, they don't get many farang and would like to start attracting them.

There as with all private hospitals, should not purchase medications at the hospital pharmacy, find out what they are and buy them outside. There is always a substantial mark-up. The consultaion itself will likely be well under 1000 baht.


We have mainly used Thai Nakarin over the past 12 years (2 births, skull fracture, stomach op, etc)...reasonably regularly as our kids are a bit accident prone..and occssionally Sikarin (I do health checks there and the wife takes her health insurance clients there). The locals opinion is Thai Nakarin is a notch up from Sikarin so a bit more expensive and TN is the best local hospital; by locals I mean consensus of school mums, local friends, etc. When our kids have an accident it's TN we run to.


Can't make appointments there before Sunday, so think I'll go in tomorrow without an appointment and hope I can see Prof. Aroon Lertworawiwat. I can see Sikirit hospital from my Condo balcony. I had looked at their website but was a bit worried about cost, oh well, can't look at the $$$ right now.

Thanks Sheryl for your advice!

Their costs are quite reasonable, or were when last I used them (a few years ago now). I found it a very pleasant and friendly place, they don't get many farang and would like to start attracting them.

There as with all private hospitals, should not purchase medications at the hospital pharmacy, find out what they are and buy them outside. There is always a substantial mark-up. The consultaion itself will likely be well under 1000 baht.

In the +10 times I've visited Sikarin I've never seen a farlang; I like that ;-)

Rarely seen a farlang at Thai Nakarin also.


1000 Baht for a consult, wow, that seems comfortable... Guess I'm used to US prices, I'll let you know what happens. Guess I've been lucky up to now (except for PTSD) because I haven't really looked after myself, but the shortness of breath gave me a very serious kick in the butt, I could finally see Damocles sword hanging over my head, up until now there's really been no sign to say "Pete, you should start looking after yourself." Obviously my hope is that shortness of breath is something like a lung infection, and my back is a genuine back injury which will take a while to cure but will get better after time

Can't make appointments there before Sunday, so think I'll go in tomorrow without an appointment and hope I can see Prof. Aroon Lertworawiwat. I can see Sikirit hospital from my Condo balcony. I had looked at their website but was a bit worried about cost, oh well, can't look at the $$$ right now.

Thanks Sheryl for your advice!

Their costs are quite reasonable, or were when last I used them (a few years ago now). I found it a very pleasant and friendly place, they don't get many farang and would like to start attracting them.

There as with all private hospitals, should not purchase medications at the hospital pharmacy, find out what they are and buy them outside. There is always a substantial mark-up. The consultaion itself will likely be well under 1000 baht.


Can't make appointments there before Sunday, so think I'll go in tomorrow without an appointment and hope I can see Prof. Aroon Lertworawiwat. I can see Sikirit hospital from my Condo balcony. I had looked at their website but was a bit worried about cost, oh well, can't look at the $$$ right now.

Thanks Sheryl for your advice!

Their costs are quite reasonable, or were when last I used them (a few years ago now). I found it a very pleasant and friendly place, they don't get many farang and would like to start attracting them.

There as with all private hospitals, should not purchase medications at the hospital pharmacy, find out what they are and buy them outside. There is always a substantial mark-up. The consultaion itself will likely be well under 1000 baht.

In the +10 times I've visited Sikarin I've never seen a farlang; I like that ;-)

Rarely seen a farlang at Thai Nakarin also.

I tend to agree, Particularly the type of Farang you find in emergency facilities on a Friday night.


1000 Baht for a consult, wow, that seems comfortable... Guess I'm used to US prices, I'll let you know what happens. Guess I've been lucky up to now (except for PTSD) because I haven't really looked after myself, but the shortness of breath gave me a very serious kick in the butt, I could finally see Damocles sword hanging over my head, up until now there's really been no sign to say "Pete, you should start looking after yourself." Obviously my hope is that shortness of breath is something like a lung infection, and my back is a genuine back injury which will take a while to cure but will get better after time

Likely under 1000. But you will at a minimum also need Xrays, several hundred baht for that. Still all very affordable.

It is possible that the back pain is actually pleuritic in origin (lining of the lungs). It could even be a collapsed lung (pneumothorax) but you'll know more once you've seen the doctor. Do be sure to mention it, don't assume it is unrelated.

Arriving early will maximize chances of seeing the doc despite so appointment.


1000 Baht for a consult, wow, that seems comfortable... Guess I'm used to US prices, I'll let you know what happens. Guess I've been lucky up to now (except for PTSD) because I haven't really looked after myself, but the shortness of breath gave me a very serious kick in the butt, I could finally see Damocles sword hanging over my head, up until now there's really been no sign to say "Pete, you should start looking after yourself." Obviously my hope is that shortness of breath is something like a lung infection, and my back is a genuine back injury which will take a while to cure but will get better after time

Likely under 1000. But you will at a minimum also need Xrays, several hundred baht for that. Still all very affordable.

It is possible that the back pain is actually pleuritic in origin (lining of the lungs). It could even be a collapsed lung (pneumothorax) but you'll know more once you've seen the doctor. Do be sure to mention it, don't assume it is unrelated.

Arriving early will maximize chances of seeing the doc despite so appointment.

I will arrive early, and I'm writing up a medical history plus drug regimen so I don't forget anything, answering yours and others questions has helped in that regards.


I recommend Thai Nakarin hospital in Bangna, close to Central Bangna. I just had Triple Bypass surgery there and was treated very well. My cardiologist, Dr. Ekasit is also recommended there. I like Sukhumvit hospital as well, but I think their emergency room does not compare with Thai Nakarin.


I can only confirm DDDDave's good findings at Sukhumvit Hospital with Dr Nevit who I have chosen as my new cardiologist. I changed from Phyathai 1 because of logistic reasons (only a short taxi ride away from my home), but also when I felt that my doctor at Pyathai 1 oversubscribed certain medicines like Atorvastatin without even regularly checking my LDL levels. He fumed when I told him about the intended change of hospital and practically threw me out from his room, which only supported my decision.

Interesting was that afterwards another doctor in Urology who I had to see, told me that I am not the first case of a patient who suffered the same fate with this man. He even suggested to make an official complaint with the Hospital management, but I just felt sorry for the guy and left it at that.


Thanks to everyone for their recommends, I'm certainly impressed by the power of Thai Visa and it's adherents.

I ended up going to Sikarin Hospital, as per the recommend from Sheryl. The first thing you see when you enter the building is an International desk with very competent translators, one of whom stays with you during the entire experience. The Specialist I wanted to see was on vacation until next Monday, however I have an appointment to see him next Tuesday. The Doctor I saw was totally bilingual and obviously knew well my type of health condition, after many tests and X-Rays I returned for a final consult with him. It turns out the two major problems I had, (Backache and shortness of breath), were indeed two separate situations and were not just a single problem with two symptoms. For the backache the Doctor was rather ho-hum with the comment, it'll go away over time, and take Paracetamol. The second condition, "shortness of breath," he spent half an hour explaining each medication and device he was prescribing... turns out I have the milder form of COPD, so you'll see me on the "Quit smoking" forum of TV.

Re: Recommending hospitals! I can't compare Thai hospitals, because Sikarin is the only Thai facility I've been too, but compared to British NHS hospitals, Canadian public hospitals Sikarin has them beat hands down, not because of staff competence, heaven forbid, more power to those poor guys... but because of the ease of use and absence of crowds, panic and "fed up of waiting" patients. Compare Sikarin to normal US private hospitals and I would call Sikarin easily equal to the higher end. I have a feeling that you'll like the bill at the end too.

Thanks again to everyone.

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