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German welcome for refugees cools after New Year's Eve chaos


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German welcome for refugees cools after New Year's Eve chaos
Matthew Schofield

More New Year's Eve attacks have been reported in German cities in the wake of the mass assault on women revellers in Cologne, writes Matthew Schofield.

Berlin: The tales surfacing from German cities regarding the events of New Year's Eve keep getting worse.

First there was Cologne, where as many as 1000 men thought to be between 18 and 35 years old descended on a central square, breaking into packs of 30 or more that reportedly surrounded, molested and robbed hundreds of women. Two rapes were reported.

Now, similar, smaller-scale attacks are being reported in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Dusseldorf.

The reports point to a number of political issues raging in Germany, with the most worrying question being whether the attackers were bands of recently arrived refugees.

Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/german-welcome-for-refugees-cools-after-new-years-eve-chaos-20160107-gm1nyc

-- The Age 2016-01-08

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I can't believe this. It was never hot! The most citizens of Germany don't want the massive Muslim immigration. This is made by the government controlled media. It's a web of lies because of our history the German gov fears to be called Nazi again.


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The Age article is a masterpiece of nauseating "progressive" political correctness.

They, like the ABC and BBC, cannot bring themselves to use the word 'Muslim' anywhere in the report.

The best they can do is admit that many of the men involved were "recent arrivals" and that many of them "come from cultures that some critics argue lack respect for women."

Some critics?

And the best that vapid turncoat Merkel can do is to say that "she feared that the incidents showed contempt for women."

Gosh, really?

As "some critics" have pointed out, this invasion is not turning out well and it's going to get worse.

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I've always said that politicians are buffoons, but this is soooooooo good ( not for the average citizen that is suffering of course ). Now the politicians are really looking like they are wearing the emperor's non existent clothes. What a bunch of incompetent tossers.

"I told you so" x a million.

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This will get a hell of a lot worse before it can get better.

Liberals are hell bent on pursuing their ideals even when the evidence is against it, ordinary people are far wiser than most politicians when it comes to social issues of this kind.

I think you are confusing liberalism with stupidity. I am reasonably liberal, and reasonably pro-immigration and refugee issues, but that said, no country can take in unlimited, un-vetted immigrants or refugees. It is not in the interest of the country and it's not in the interest of real refugees.

It is never a wise idea to be resettling people without the underlying acceptance and sympathy of the citizens of the country.

Most of the people fleeing could have been housed in nearby countries pending vetting and approval for resettlement.

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The Age article is a masterpiece of nauseating "progressive" political correctness.

They, like the ABC and BBC, cannot bring themselves to use the word 'Muslim' anywhere in the report.

The best they can do is admit that many of the men involved were "recent arrivals" and that many of them "come from cultures that some critics argue lack respect for women."

Some critics?

And the best that vapid turncoat Merkel can do is to say that "she feared that the incidents showed contempt for women."

Gosh, really?

As "some critics" have pointed out, this invasion is not turning out well and it's going to get worse.

And notice the clever way the first photograph, that of the "refugees" only clearly shows 1 male.

The camera is concentrated on harassed looking women and cold, weary children. Even Goebbels would be proud of such manipulation.

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Where were all the German men? The boyfriends, husbands, single guys?

What would you do faced with 30 strong guys out for blood and unarmed? I don't blame them for not fighting. Next time there may be certain elements ( you know who they are ) that will resist the alien hord.

I wouldn't give a damn how many "strong guys" there were around, I'd grab my girlfriend and get the hell out.

Now, if I were a stranger, I'd pull out my gun and fire a shot in the air. That would put a stop to it. Oh, wait, sorry, strict gun laws, no conceal & carry permitted. So I guess I would just run away and allow the women to be assaulted, raped and robbed. Yeah, that really would be the best option in this case.

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Notice how there is no within group censure or ostracism for their behavior. That's the environment liberalism promotes. It's funny, there have been a few pedos caught here in Thailand recently, and the general sentiment is that of disgust from the other farang.. We know it makes us look bad. Is there any such of a mood within the refugees? Probably not because they know it won't effect them. They know the liberals running the show will find a way to blame anyone but those causing the problems.

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Where were all the German men? The boyfriends, husbands, single guys?

What would you do faced with 30 strong guys out for blood and unarmed? I don't blame them for not fighting. Next time there may be certain elements ( you know who they are ) that will resist the alien hord.

I wouldn't give a damn how many "strong guys" there were around, I'd grab my girlfriend and get the hell out.

Now, if I were a stranger, I'd pull out my gun and fire a shot in the air. That would put a stop to it. Oh, wait, sorry, strict gun laws, no conceal & carry permitted. So I guess I would just run away and allow the women to be assaulted, raped and robbed. Yeah, that really would be the best option in this case.

But then again someone could pull out a gun and shoot you?

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Where were all the German men? The boyfriends, husbands, single guys?

What would you do faced with 30 strong guys out for blood and unarmed? I don't blame them for not fighting. Next time there may be certain elements ( you know who they are ) that will resist the alien hord.

I wouldn't give a damn how many "strong guys" there were around, I'd grab my girlfriend and get the hell out.

Now, if I were a stranger, I'd pull out my gun and fire a shot in the air. That would put a stop to it. Oh, wait, sorry, strict gun laws, no conceal & carry permitted. So I guess I would just run away and allow the women to be assaulted, raped and robbed. Yeah, that really would be the best option in this case.

But then again someone could pull out a gun and shoot you?

They wouldn't need 29 friends to help them with the woman if they had a gun. Well, they probably would.

But even if they did, it's a risk you take. Just as if it were just one average built man assaulting/robbing/trying to rape a woman in public. Confronting him could go terribly wrong. It is a personal choice to step in and help or ignore it and run away. As they say, one doesn't know how they would really react until they are put into the actual situation. You can only hope you would do the right thing.

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Where were all the German men? The boyfriends, husbands, single guys?

Good point, they were joining in. Pack mentality, mob rule, whatever. With no societal contstaints, the underlying and pervasive sexual objectification of females was set free for all to see.

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Just read the article, and was surprised to read how useless the police were. Not a single arrest.

Also, PC run amok from the politicians.

They made many arrests that night , but out of political correctness they where not allowed to come into the open with it .

At the moment many officers start to talk about what really happened that night because they get fed up with the media telling that they did nothing .

This "rape wave" in europe is everywhere , but out of "political correctness" not comes out in the regular media .

Europe will never be the same , it will escalate .

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Germany must look again at deporting foreigners convicted of crimes following the Cologne sex attacks, Chancellor Angela Merkel says


Human rights is something I believe in passionately, and many of those Merkle wants to send back may be at risk.

But... do not Germans and others in Germany have human rights too? should they not expect to be protected from criminals?

Good on Merkle...

Maybe other leaders in Europe should think the same.

Edited by Basil B
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Notice how there is no within group censure or ostracism for their behavior. That's the environment liberalism promotes. It's funny, there have been a few pedos caught here in Thailand recently, and the general sentiment is that of disgust from the other farang.. We know it makes us look bad. Is there any such of a mood within the refugees? Probably not because they know it won't effect them. They know the liberals running the show will find a way to blame anyone but those causing the problems.

Really? I'm liberal and I think unfettered immigration of chauvinists is exactly the problem.

Is it " liberal " to find that refugees and unbridled immigration are two separate things?

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Was reading that Gaddafi warned Blair that NATO supporting the terrorists by bombing Libya would eventually lead to hordes heading to Europe. Seems he was right, revenge from the grave...

Apparently Swedish women are being well and truly raped as well following their joyous reception of Muslim migrants. Wasn't that an old medieval technique, raping the subjugated's women to spread the invaders genes?

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This is all very convenient as were the Paris attacks to use against Merkal and and her open refugee policy.

How to solve the Refugee problem - Create a constant state of fear in the population, demonize them , treat them all as radicalized Islamic terrorist and then 'kick' them out of Europe.

This is another example of blatant manipulation.

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This will get a hell of a lot worse before it can get better.

Liberals are hell bent on pursuing their ideals even when the evidence is against it, ordinary people are far wiser than most politicians when it comes to social issues of this kind.

I think you are confusing liberalism with stupidity. I am reasonably liberal, and reasonably pro-immigration and refugee issues, but that said, no country can take in unlimited, un-vetted immigrants or refugees. It is not in the interest of the country and it's not in the interest of real refugees.

It is never a wise idea to be resettling people without the underlying acceptance and sympathy of the citizens of the country.

Most of the people fleeing could have been housed in nearby countries pending vetting and approval for resettlement.

I see, yes, Pat Condell once considered himself liberal, but idiotic regressive loons have brought shame and contempt to the word. They have a stranglehold on the media though as seen by the delays and factual omissions now commonplace in the lamestream media.
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This is all very convenient as were the Paris attacks to use against Merkal and and her open refugee policy.

How to solve the Refugee problem - Create a constant state of fear in the population, demonize them , treat them all as radicalized Islamic terrorist and then 'kick' them out of Europe.

This is another example of blatant manipulation.

Or it could just be true.

Are you saying that the victims are lying and that nothing really happened?

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This is all very convenient as were the Paris attacks to use against Merkal and and her open refugee policy.

How to solve the Refugee problem - Create a constant state of fear in the population, demonize them , treat them all as radicalized Islamic terrorist and then 'kick' them out of Europe.

This is another example of blatant manipulation.

So you think it's o k for gangs of young me, who according to most if not all witnesses were of "Arabic and/or North African" appearance to go out and sexually assault non Muslim women who they regard as sluts because their poisoned version of a particular religion twists medieval texts and claims their Sharia Law permits it?

Or are you trying to claim the Paris massacre murders and these grotesque sexual assaults are in some way false flag operations? If so, I'd recommend you seek professional help, and quickly.

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The reluctance by the more 'liberal' media to talk about the importation of an Islamic/Mid Eastern rape culture makes me sick to my stomach.

Is it normal for women in the Middle East go out together at night without a bunch of male relatives? No, because if they did they would be raped.

The culture Germany is importing views women in general as inferior to a man, and a woman out at night without her body totally covered as some kind of whore who is fair game for whatever the man wants to do with them.

The regressive left is quite happy to talk about the non existent rape culture in the west but turns a blind eye to the very real one currently invading Europe.

Edited by teatree
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"That version, however, ran counter to the tales that have emerged since of women who report they were stripped of their dresses, underwear and purses and, begging police for help, were told "to keep a good grip on your champagne bottle to use as a weapon of defence".

"Other attack victims claimed that police told them they were too busy with traffic control to help. Accounts of assaults and police inaction filled social media."

"... were told "to keep a good grip on your champagne bottle to use as a weapon of defence"." Ridiculous.

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