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IS militant in Syria kills his mother in public for apostasy


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Now now let's not be judgemental...it's just a cultural norm different to ours in the West and who's to say if it's right or wrong.

OMG you sound like one of the "meek". Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

The fundamentalists will not leave any earth for you to inherit! Get real and open your eyes!

Since when is it acceptable to slaughter your own family? It should never be right!

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I was just pointing out that it's happened in the past and that the practice is sanctioned in the "holy" books of these religions as well.

Tell me where, please?

Have you ever read the Bible...ever heard of the inquisition? I could point out endless cruelties carried out in the name of religious belief of just about all "faiths." The point being they are all equally odeous.

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Now now let's not be judgemental...it's just a cultural norm different to ours in the West and who's to say if it's right or wrong.

OMG you sound like one of the "meek". Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

The fundamentalists will not leave any earth for you to inherit! Get real and open your eyes!

Since when is it acceptable to slaughter your own family? It should never be right!

Satire is apparently lost on some of our esteemed forum members...maybe English is not your native tongue. My post is most definitely not to be taken literally. ☺

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Any religious belief system is susceptible such twisted thinking...ever hear of the story of Abraham and Jacob? This similar family sacrifice narrative is a key touchstone in Judaism and Christianity.

A serious lack of understanding in this post. For starters the story I believe you refer to is Abraham and Isaac. Neither of these two were killed. It was a test of Abraham's faith in God. He passed, nobody was sacrificed. And family sacrifice is neither a touchstone of Judaism or Christianity, in fact there are no sacrifices at all in Christianity, except for perhaps giving up your old ways in search of a better way.

To attempt to compare ISIS' behaviour to these two other religions shows not only ignorance, but a simple hatred of people of faith.

ISIS is drunk on hatred, blood, and violence. Clearly any comparison to them and any other religion would need to be done with other Satanic groups.

I think thou dost protest too much...but I'll give you the names. I'm a little rusty on my old testiment as I gave up christanity for Lent many decades ago. The key point in the story of Abraham, and the reason it is taught to little kids of the religions, is his WILLINGNESS to make the sacrifice. That he was was willing to carry it out if the command to cease had not been forthcoming. The fact that it wasnt carried out is incidental to the story. This is no different than the test of faith for this ISIS fellow in killing his mother...to him, the test of his faith is his willingness to carry out the killing of his mother for her supposed wrong doing and in his eyes an his fellows he did the right thing.

And you say I don't understand religion...the whole of Christanity is build around a "family" member sacrificing himself for others and the celebration of this sacrificial act is the main sacramental act of the Christian church and re-enacted on a daily basis, with believers even drinking the blood and eating the body of their sacrificed "father."

There is also endless blood and gore, including the slaughter of children, in the Torah, the Jewish holy book. The point I'm making is that ALL these belief systems are equally abhorent and should be dumped in the trash bin of history.

The fallaciousness of you argument will cause me to be seriously of topic in order to rebut sufficiently.

But briefly here is the problem. You said family sacrifice was a cornerstone of Christianity and Judaism. This is patently wrong. Neither religion has ever suggested the sacrifice of a human. The story you refer to with Isaac and Abraham was pre Judaism and in addition to this, no human sacrifice was actually made. Also your argument that this ISIS murder and Abraham's situation are equal is also nonsense. In the example with Abraham he was being instructed by the audible voice of God to do it (If you believe the event took place, then you must accept all the details). It wasn't his idea. Whereas in the ISIS example the person took it upon himself to not only murder (not sacrifice) his mother, but to make a public spectacle of it. To compare the two is asinine. But clearly your real point is all religion is equal. By the abundance of evidence that conclusion is stupid.

As to the sacrifice in Christianity, you have it very wrong. Jesus was sentenced to die by Romans. It was His willingness to die for others that was the sacrifice. How can you compare selflessness with an ISIS patricide.

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Is there any way we can just turn the whole Middle East into a giant glass crater and just start over?

The problem is not located solely in the Middle East.

Islam is the world's fastest growing religion, through conversation and births. Islam controls almost at one third of the population.

Looks to me like critical mass has been reached, and through the dogmatic application of "multiculturalism and tolerance" will continue to make inroads in Europe and Asia.

To be honest I am in a way happy to be old enough that I will die before the dominance of the religion is felt. I don't think it will be the happy world that the "hug a muslim today" crowd hope for.

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He'll fit in nicely in Merkels Germany.

What on earth do you mean by that? Kindly enlighten me

Are you serious? Enlighten yourself and read about the fun these Muslim animals had on New Years Eve in Cologne (and other major cities) in Merkel's Germany - all down to the fact that Merkel invited them in and explained it as "a great opportunity" for Germany.

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How much more Proof does the Whole World need ? Religion of Peace (My ass),The Quran,(Guide to Terrorism ), Kill ALL Non Believers Even you Mother & Family and Every body else in the world who's a non believer,,,,If this is not Proof Enough to ban All Muslims in the name of National security ,,,Than so be it You will be very sorry very soon,,,In the name of Stan Amen,,

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I think thou dost protest too much...

The saying is "The lady doth protest too much" and there's no such word as 'dost' unless you come from my hometown and have a thick accent: "Dost thee wanna go wom?" (Do you want to go home?)

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Any religious belief system is susceptible such twisted thinking...ever hear of the story of Abraham and Jacob? This similar family sacrifice narrative is a key touchstone in Judaism and Christianity.

A serious lack of understanding in this post. For starters the story I believe you refer to is Abraham and Isaac. Neither of these two were killed. It was a test of Abraham's faith in God. He passed, nobody was sacrificed. And family sacrifice is neither a touchstone of Judaism or Christianity, in fact there are no sacrifices at all in Christianity, except for perhaps giving up your old ways in search of a better way.

To attempt to compare ISIS' behaviour to these two other religions shows not only ignorance, but a simple hatred of people of faith.

ISIS is drunk on hatred, blood, and violence. Clearly any comparison to them and any other religion would need to be done with other Satanic groups.

I think thou dost protest too much...but I'll give you the names. I'm a little rusty on my old testiment as I gave up christanity for Lent many decades ago. The key point in the story of Abraham, and the reason it is taught to little kids of the religions, is his WILLINGNESS to make the sacrifice. That he was was willing to carry it out if the command to cease had not been forthcoming. The fact that it wasnt carried out is incidental to the story. This is no different than the test of faith for this ISIS fellow in killing his mother...to him, the test of his faith is his willingness to carry out the killing of his mother for her supposed wrong doing and in his eyes an his fellows he did the right thing.

And you say I don't understand religion...the whole of Christanity is build around a "family" member sacrificing himself for others and the celebration of this sacrificial act is the main sacramental act of the Christian church and re-enacted on a daily basis, with believers even drinking the blood and eating the body of their sacrificed "father."

There is also endless blood and gore, including the slaughter of children, in the Torah, the Jewish holy book. The point I'm making is that ALL these belief systems are equally abhorent and should be dumped in the trash bin of history.

The fallaciousness of you argument will cause me to be seriously of topic in order to rebut sufficiently.

But briefly here is the problem. You said family sacrifice was a cornerstone of Christianity and Judaism. This is patently wrong. Neither religion has ever suggested the sacrifice of a human. The story you refer to with Isaac and Abraham was pre Judaism and in addition to this, no human sacrifice was actually made. Also your argument that this ISIS murder and Abraham's situation are equal is also nonsense. In the example with Abraham he was being instructed by the audible voice of God to do it (If you believe the event took place, then you must accept all the details). It wasn't his idea. Whereas in the ISIS example the person took it upon himself to not only murder (not sacrifice) his mother, but to make a public spectacle of it. To compare the two is asinine. But clearly your real point is all religion is equal. By the abundance of evidence that conclusion is stupid.

As to the sacrifice in Christianity, you have it very wrong. Jesus was sentenced to die by Romans. It was His willingness to die for others that was the sacrifice. How can you compare selflessness with an ISIS patricide.

This is not the place to debate the meaning and merits of the mythical stories found in the world's religious texts. You have misquoted and misrepresented my statements but this is par for the course for believers.

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How much more Proof does the Whole World need ? Religion of Peace (My ass),The Quran,(Guide to Terrorism ), Kill ALL Non Believers Even you Mother & Family and Every body else in the world who's a non believer,,,,If this is not Proof Enough to ban All Muslims in the name of National security ,,,Than so be it You will be very sorry very soon,,,In the name of Stan Amen,,

Have you read the Torah or Bible lately...same stuff is in there too.

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You have to fear a mentality like this. I could not fathom in the slightest harming a family member based on some religious doctrine.

The submission to it is beyond my grasp.

It personifies evil and psychotic behaviour of the truly insane.

Any religion that can create such behaviour should be abandoned by any sane and intelligent person..

Any religious belief system is susceptible such twisted thinking...ever hear of the story of Abraham and Jacob? This similar family sacrifice narrative is a key touchstone in Judaism and Christianity.

No other religion or ideology is even close to Islam, in relation to the hate and death that it creates. It stands alone in relation to the evil that it spews out to the world. The only solution, is for the world to exterminate this virus from the face of the earth once and for all...

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How much more Proof does the Whole World need ? Religion of Peace (My ass),The Quran,(Guide to Terrorism ), Kill ALL Non Believers Even you Mother & Family and Every body else in the world who's a non believer,,,,If this is not Proof Enough to ban All Muslims in the name of National security ,,,Than so be it You will be very sorry very soon,,,In the name of Stan Amen,,

Have you read the Torah or Bible lately...same stuff is in there too.

When was the last beahing carried out in the name of the bible?????

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Any religious belief system is susceptible such twisted thinking...ever hear of the story of Abraham and Jacob? This similar family sacrifice narrative is a key touchstone in Judaism and Christianity.
It is this bullshit story of Abraham and Isaac definitely made me an atheist when I was a teenager.
The saddest thing in this story is that this young man in his insane act was certainly heartfelt.
Edited by happy Joe
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jacko45k - The best reply I have yet read on this matter and agree wholeheartedly - Re CMNNightRider - Send in the Marines !! They would be good at this ..as they did in Vietnam ...worse than the Waffen SS ..do read 'Kill Anything That Moves': United States War Crimes and Atrocities in Vietnam, 1965-1973... a real account of what the marines are capable of ..yet if I recall they still lost !!!

You have to fear a mentality like this. I could not fathom in the slightest harming a family member based on some religious doctrine.

The submission to it is beyond my grasp.

It personifies evil and psychotic behaviour of the truly insane.

Any religion that can create such behaviour should be abandoned by any sane and intelligent person..

a real account of what the marines are capable of ..yet if I recall they still lost !!!

The marines/ army etc, though led by donkeys, did not lose. The military war was won, then the US politicians gave it all away.

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The subject matter is too sick for comprehension, so I propose some lighthearted humour to take the bad taste out of our mouths;

.....about those 72 virgins...

An 18-year-old suicide bomber blew himself up and appeared before Allah.

He said, "Oh, Allah, I did your bidding, but I have a request.

Since I'm only 18 and spent all my time in terrorist training school, I have never been with a woman. So, instead of 72 virgins, who also won't know what to do sexually, can I have 72 whores?"

Allah regarded him for a moment, then replied, "Actually, the 72 virgins are here in heaven because <deleted> like you murdered them before they could experience the pleasure of sex. So you're here to service them. Since they're virgins, they're quite sexually ravenous; and, frankly, you'll be on constant, exhausting duty."

The bomber responded, "Well, I guess I can live with that. How hard can it be to keep 72 women satisfied for all eternity?"

Allah replied, "Who said they were women?"

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The fallaciousness of you argument will cause me to be seriously of topic in order to rebut sufficiently.

But briefly here is the problem. You said family sacrifice was a cornerstone of Christianity and Judaism. This is patently wrong. Neither religion has ever suggested the sacrifice of a human. The story you refer to with Isaac and Abraham was pre Judaism and in addition to this, no human sacrifice was actually made. Also your argument that this ISIS murder and Abraham's situation are equal is also nonsense. In the example with Abraham he was being instructed by the audible voice of God to do it (If you believe the event took place, then you must accept all the details). It wasn't his idea. Whereas in the ISIS example the person took it upon himself to not only murder (not sacrifice) his mother, but to make a public spectacle of it. To compare the two is asinine. But clearly your real point is all religion is equal. By the abundance of evidence that conclusion is stupid.

As to the sacrifice in Christianity, you have it very wrong. Jesus was sentenced to die by Romans. It was His willingness to die for others that was the sacrifice. How can you compare selflessness with an ISIS patricide.

This is not the place to debate the meaning and merits of the mythical stories found in the world's religious texts. You have misquoted and misrepresented my statements but this is par for the course for believers.

The misrepresentation was all yours.

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He'll fit in nicely in Merkels Germany.

What on earth do you mean by that? Kindly enlighten me

Are you serious? Enlighten yourself and read about the fun these Muslim animals had on New Years Eve in Cologne (and other major cities) in Merkel's Germany - all down to the fact that Merkel invited them in and explained it as "a great opportunity" for Germany.

Well these people are indeed animals and have really abused Germany's generosity. They will probably end up having to deport many of them. Merkel is changing the law to enable that right now.

I still don't understand how you think a psychopath would fit in nicely.

I can suggest many countries where that kind of behaviour would be accepted but not Germany

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Got to be in awe of the lack of compassion of these people...what is next...killing your own children that do not want bombs strapped to their bodies?

Already done by the peace loving Pally Arabs. Ever since the peacekeeping barrier was erected they have been hampered in their sending of children that go kaboom.

In any case, it's not this guy's fault. He obviously saw the new Star Wars movie and was influenced by it.

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Got to be in awe of the lack of compassion of these people...what is next...killing your own children that do not want bombs strapped to their bodies?

Sorry, this is not next. Child bombers already passed. We are currently up to "Exporting Rape Jihad" in the islamic jihad tactics manual. How can any president ever utter the words "universal values?"




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