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Head lice


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Our 9 year old has head lice again, almost certainly caught at school. (Private school). I remember when we had a case of lice at my school when I was the same age, 60 years ago, and the whole school got sent through the showers. Last year at least the class teacher told the kids to tell their parents. The teacher they have this year seems to be affronted when I suggest that kids in her class may have lice.

Is this a common problem in Thailand? I'm guessing we will have to go through her scalp every week now that I know there is a problem.

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This may be better in Health.

Even back in the UK we were fighting a never-ending battle with these guys. Five kids at three schools ensured a regular supply of lice to get caught.

A few drops of Tea-Tree oil in the shampoo makes the adults drop off, doesn't kill the eggs mind so regular treatment is needed. Or you can go for the chemical-warfare approach.

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It's a reasonably frequent occurrence. Even in some of the better schools in the city, there are occasionally outbreaks of lice. How quickly it is spotted and dealt with will determine how big of a problem it will be.

In the past 10 years, it seems to be less of a problem in the urban areas that I am associated with, but it still occurs.

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Here in the lower northeast, pretty much common at primary schools. It seems that kids at smaller schools are more affected. I always see older students who "clean up" some younger ones

It should have a much higher priority than the long morning assembly. But our superiors act like the problem doesn't exist. Ignorance at its best.

Edited by lostinisaan
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yes, head lice is common in schools. I thought I had this problem last year, and went to the Pharmacy and asked for some Permethrin anti lice shampoo.

I got blank looks and someone looked up the Pharmacy handbook, and told me it wasn't available.

Turns out the standard treatment in Thailand is a LINDANE based shampoo!!! It's nasty stuff.

Permethrin is used in most western countries, as it's safe. Lindane certainly isn't.

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yes, head lice is common in schools. I thought I had this problem last year, and went to the Pharmacy and asked for some Permethrin anti lice shampoo.

I got blank looks and someone looked up the Pharmacy handbook, and told me it wasn't available.

Turns out the standard treatment in Thailand is a LINDANE based shampoo!!! It's nasty stuff.

Permethrin is used in most western countries, as it's safe. Lindane certainly isn't.

Permethrin is available in tick and lice shampoo for dogs!

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yes, head lice is common in schools. I thought I had this problem last year, and went to the Pharmacy and asked for some Permethrin anti lice shampoo.

I got blank looks and someone looked up the Pharmacy handbook, and told me it wasn't available.

Turns out the standard treatment in Thailand is a LINDANE based shampoo!!! It's nasty stuff.

Permethrin is used in most western countries, as it's safe. Lindane certainly isn't.

Permethrin is available in tick and lice shampoo for dogs!

That's a lot safer than Lindane. look it up! it's not good.

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Regular hair conditioner is a good treatment and can safely be used as an ongoing treatment. When infested wash with shampoo, and condition. While the conditioner is in comb hair several times with a small lice comb (if the hair is tangled, start with a large comb and work your way down). With the conditioner the hair is easy to comb and this will flush the little buggers out along with their eggs. Continue this routine for 7 straight days. After that and for ongoing treatment, shampoo daily, condition every other day and use the lice comb. Your kids will be lice free and have great looking hair.

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  • 2 years later...

There's a Head Lice Removal Salon located in Chiang Mai Land Village (just off Mahidol Road 1141). 


I found this on the community resources page: https://sites.google.com/site/ccccrecent/home/community-resources 


"We are Head Lice Experts in Chiang Mai and have been open for nearly 1 year now. Our service is 100% pesticide and chemical free. We can get rid of all types of head lice problems including big infestations with hundreds of lice and thousands of eggs. We use the latest vacuum technology from the United Kingdom to safely remove all the lice from the hair and then we comb out the eggs. Our service involves 2 treatment sessions with a gap of 9 days between the 1st and 2nd session. Our average price for girls is ONLY BAHT 800 (for both sessions) Our service includes a 30 DAY GUARANTEE so you can be satisfied the problem has gone.

Call Gai for more information or for an appointment in our salon (Chiang Mai Land). 

Tel: 092-628-2125 (Thai or English) "

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On 1/10/2016 at 8:39 AM, Crossy said:

A few drops of Tea-Tree oil

Just put a few drops on the scalp before bedtime and massage in. Repeat once a week. 



Research has found that a 1 percent tea tree oilsolution is capable of killing 100 percent head licewithin 30 minutes. ... After performing a patch test, apply few drops of tea tree oil on the patient's scalp, and let it sit overnight. The following morning, the hair can be combed through to remove the dead lice.

It is also known to promote hair growth.

This will create a warm environment that will help open up and unclog your follicles. Wait with the towel on for 20 minutes and then rinse out the oil with shampoo and conditioner. Optionally, you can leave the oil in your hair overnight.

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