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Muslim woman thrown out of Trump rally; group seeks apology


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Trump is trying to scapegoat Muslims in the same way that Jews have often been scapegoated. A reason why American Jews are showing leadership in resisting this scapegoating of Muslims in the USA. Just as they did after 9-11. The star wearing of the Muslim protesters made sense understanding that context. Trump's supporters include many fascists, some who affectionately call him the Trumpenfeuhrer.

She wasn't just wearing a yellow star, she was passing them out. This is a provocation and belies the assertions she was just standing there like an innocent little lamb.

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The evidence of disruption was there.....You!!! Rose Hamid!!! ...YOU, purposely went to this rally, with that in mind, as you knew you wouldn't be welcome.

Nice try....

Exactly. I am sick and tired of this Western "Who me?" crap where as long as people think they have a clever cover for action they have cover for status. In other words, as long as JackAs-es think they can articulate a clever excuse for their actions they are therefore provided total cover and can allege anything-- if it makes sense in your own mind the world must believe it. "I am just an innocent muslim woman who got kicked out for... for doing nothing at all. In fact, it was the other people who were staring at me, pointing at me, shouting 'Trump,' 'Trump.' Its their fault, not mine."

I am so sick of all these people. This behavior is not a muslim thing; most would never try this crap anywhere else in the muslim world because they would be beaten to death with a shoe for speaking such BS. This is an American thing where we teach everyone to claim victim hood and afford them goodies and jewels and free stuff because they "feel" hurt. This is an example of "Lawfare," using the existing legal and social constructs of our society to disable and blind us to what is right before us. The goal here is to perpetuate the fallacy that muslims are sacred cows in the US, above circumspection.

Both of you are spouting nonsense.

Standing silently is HARMLESS and non-disruptive.. It's the people that reacted to her STANDING SILENTLY that are idiots and disruptors.

I asked a question in a previous post...thus far nobody dares answer, so I'll ask again: Why was she ejected? Was it for standing. was it for being silent, or was it for being Muslim?.

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The evidence of disruption was there.....You!!! Rose Hamid!!! ...YOU, purposely went to this rally, with that in mind, as you knew you wouldn't be welcome.

Nice try....

Exactly. I am sick and tired of this Western "Who me?" crap where as long as people think they have a clever cover for action they have cover for status. In other words, as long as JackAs-es think they can articulate a clever excuse for their actions they are therefore provided total cover and can allege anything-- if it makes sense in your own mind the world must believe it. "I am just an innocent muslim woman who got kicked out for... for doing nothing at all. In fact, it was the other people who were staring at me, pointing at me, shouting 'Trump,' 'Trump.' Its their fault, not mine."

I am so sick of all these people. This behavior is not a muslim thing; most would never try this crap anywhere else in the muslim world because they would be beaten to death with a shoe for speaking such BS. This is an American thing where we teach everyone to claim victim hood and afford them goodies and jewels and free stuff because they "feel" hurt. This is an example of "Lawfare," using the existing legal and social constructs of our society to disable and blind us to what is right before us. The goal here is to perpetuate the fallacy that muslims are sacred cows in the US, above circumspection.

Both of you are spouting nonsense.

Standing silently is HARMLESS and non-disruptive.. It's the people that reacted to her STANDING SILENTLY that are idiots and disruptors.

I asked a question in a previous post...thus far nobody dares answer, so I'll ask again: Why was she ejected? Was it for standing. was it for being silent, or was it for being Muslim?.

It was because she started handing out yellow stars with "muslim" written on them, trying to provoke violence.

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The evidence of disruption was there.....You!!! Rose Hamid!!! ...YOU, purposely went to this rally, with that in mind, as you knew you wouldn't be welcome.

Nice try....

Get off the turps mate. Anger doesn't become you.

She has every right to be there.

No, no she does not. It was a private event. Most certainly her rights are limited in such a venue.

She has no right to be there in a Big Bird yellow outfit. Doing so would clearly disrupt the venue. Clearly, she does not have every right to be there.

She has no right to be there and turn her little seating space into a prayer mat and disrupt the reason for why others are there. Clearly, she does not have every right to do this at a private venue.

She does not have a right to scream "FIRE." Clearly, she does not have every right.

Couching her "Rights" in centering attention by standing or sitting when everyone else is sitting or standing is self evidently to affect those around her. It makes no difference whether she intended this or not- she did. She does not have a right to disrupt a private event because she "feels" like she can articulate innocence.

She should be removed as equally as black lives matter wingnuts, progressive campus wingnuts, muslim activist wingnuts, or any other at the will and fancy of the venue hosts. No one has a right that infringes upon another right in private or association space.

Her action is not a muslim thing, it is a leftist thing.

Edited by arjunadawn
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Other posters are right. She went into a private venue with the sole intent of disrupting. The event organizers had every lawful right to require her to leave. This is a non-event that interests only the far left loony birds in the MSM.

Say the people who like quoting the 'and then they came for me' saying at the drop of a hat...

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The evidence of disruption was there.....You!!! Rose Hamid!!! ...YOU, purposely went to this rally, with that in mind, as you knew you wouldn't be welcome.

Nice try....

Get off the turps mate. Anger doesn't become you.

She has every right to be there.

No, no she does not. It was a private event. Most certainly her rights are limited in such a venue.

She has no right to be there in a Big Bird yellow outfit. Doing so would clearly disrupt the venue. Clearly, she does not have every right to be there.

She has no right to be there and turn her little seating space into a prayer mat and disrupt the reason for why others are there. Clearly, she does not have every right to do this at a private venue.

She does not have a right to scream "FIRE." Clearly, she does not have every right.

Couching her "Rights" in centering attention by standing or sitting when everyone else is sitting or standing is self evidently to affect those around her. It makes no difference whether she intended this or not- she did. She does not have a right to disrupt a private event because she "feels" like she can articulate innocence.

She should be removed as equally as black lives matter wingnuts, progressive campus wingnuts, muslim activist wingnuts, or any other at the will and fancy of the venue hosts. No one has a right that infringes upon another right in private or association space.

Her action is not a muslim thing, it is a leftist thing.

Spare me.

Since when does running for public office become a private event?

If he can't stand scrutiny at every and any point, he really shouldnt be there.

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"with the sole intent of disrupting" facepalm.gif


"a Muslim woman standing in silent protest at one of his rallies was heckled and escorted out."

"I'd like to hear because if they say that it was because we were disrupting things, then I would like him to show evidence of where the disruption came, because the disruption didn't come from me."

"Whatever are they talking about?" "I didn't say a thing. I didn't make any of those other people stare at me, heckle me, etc. In fact, I was horrified when they all stared at me. I was just present to hear Trump speech. My back hurt. My leg was spasm. My seat had syrup on it. I was letting someone pass...This is awful. I am such a victim. I did nothing. I am a good girl. Oh, the horror of it all. I want an apology (parody)." (See Medina Surahs).

Nothing new in this behavior at all. It is the foundation of Defensive Jihad. "I was pushed... I was made too... Those bad people did... I was innocent but..." It is the same for 1,400 years of this aspect of ACT UP because you forced [me]. (Contrast with Mecca 1, and 2 Surahs).

No, what [they] want is self dhimmitude; its [their] only pre-islamization option. [They] want to use your mores and laws and regulations to force others to subsume a subservient role to islam. She is no better than then IS or AQ, one uses bombs the other poison in the social space. In fact, her Muslim Brotherhood CAIR handlers raced out right away to prop up her choreographed delusion (bomb boy too). This is what is called the "Muslim Mafia." She, like clock boy, is a plant of course; this is so obvious. In this case the goal was not to stop Trump's media coverage (not possible), rather to briefly hijack it to use against him- smart tactic. Redirection. "All news is good news when you have no news."

I want no part of any world this loser offers.

Edited by arjunadawn
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The evidence of disruption was there.....You!!! Rose Hamid!!! ...YOU, purposely went to this rally, with that in mind, as you knew you wouldn't be welcome.

Nice try....

Get off the turps mate. Anger doesn't become you.

She has every right to be there.

No, no she does not. It was a private event. Most certainly her rights are limited in such a venue.

She has no right to be there in a Big Bird yellow outfit. Doing so would clearly disrupt the venue. Clearly, she does not have every right to be there.

She has no right to be there and turn her little seating space into a prayer mat and disrupt the reason for why others are there. Clearly, she does not have every right to do this at a private venue.

She does not have a right to scream "FIRE." Clearly, she does not have every right.

Couching her "Rights" in centering attention by standing or sitting when everyone else is sitting or standing is self evidently to affect those around her. It makes no difference whether she intended this or not- she did. She does not have a right to disrupt a private event because she "feels" like she can articulate innocence.

She should be removed as equally as black lives matter wingnuts, progressive campus wingnuts, muslim activist wingnuts, or any other at the will and fancy of the venue hosts. No one has a right that infringes upon another right in private or association space.

Her action is not a muslim thing, it is a leftist thing.

Spare me.

Since when does running for public office become a private event?

If he can't stand scrutiny at every and any point, he really shouldnt be there.

It was a pre-registered ticket only event. I read Trump's team had a designated "Freedom of Speech area" outside of the hall itself and attendees were informed no protests were permitted within the hall; how this gels with the US idolisation of the First Amendment unsure.

It's obvious the woman is a political activist, but should not to be vilified just because she's an American from the Muslim faith.

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The woman went there with the sole purpose of creating a scene and getting her name in the news. Period.

it was Trump and his wingnuts who created the scene , all they had to do was ignore her, and there would be no story , no news,

You are right , she was there to bait them and display their stupidity, and they took the bait, Hook.line and sinker.

If there was a story it would had being , "Muslims stand for Trumplaugh.png "

But The Trump wingnuts chose to publicly display their stupidity.thumbsup.gif

Trump has stopped being just an embarrassment to him self and is now being an embarrassment to the whole country

Personally when I show that scene I was embarrassed to be an American,

Edited by sirineou
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No, no she does not. It was a private event. Most certainly her rights are limited in such a venue.

She has no right to be there in a Big Bird yellow outfit. Doing so would clearly disrupt the venue. Clearly, she does not have every right to be there.

She has no right to be there and turn her little seating space into a prayer mat and disrupt the reason for why others are there. Clearly, she does not have every right to do this at a private venue.

She does not have a right to scream "FIRE." Clearly, she does not have every right.

Couching her "Rights" in centering attention by standing or sitting when everyone else is sitting or standing is self evidently to affect those around her. It makes no difference whether she intended this or not- she did. She does not have a right to disrupt a private event because she "feels" like she can articulate innocence.

She should be removed as equally as black lives matter wingnuts, progressive campus wingnuts, muslim activist wingnuts, or any other at the will and fancy of the venue hosts. No one has a right that infringes upon another right in private or association space.

Her action is not a muslim thing, it is a leftist thing.

Spare me.

Since when does running for public office become a private event?

If he can't stand scrutiny at every and any point, he really shouldnt be there.

It was a pre-registered ticket only event. I read Trump's team had a designated "Freedom of Speech area" outside of the hall itself and attendees were informed no protests were permitted within the hall; how this gels with the US idolisation of the First Amendment unsure.

It's obvious the woman is a political activist, but should not to be vilified just because she's an American from the Muslim faith.

But she was not vilified because she's... "from the muslim faith." If I wear a muslim skullcap and smack a cop am I arrested because I am muslim? No, of course not. Her accouterments are not a protective amulet from truth.

When I have someone over for dinner I have zero obligation to have a free speech area in my home. Say something impolite or steal the day's attention from Dad's wake service and we will kick you out. The abusive contortion you suggest of the 1st Amendment is hilarious. It is. I have zero duty to enable the free speech of others, only not to infringe upon it in the public space. In fact, the Bill or Rights are restrictions on governments primarily. Trump elected to provide a protest area so opponents could sycophantically suck off his media and it is far more than most would do.

Silent protest is protest; she broke the rules. This is a known fact of civil society/civil disobedience from Emerson/Thoreau era. Even here, however, the focus was on government not personalities. "Its obvious the woman is a political activist," yes. For this reason she was told to leave. Its evident from the footage and reports. As the onion layers of radical islam and its multifaceted Civilization Jihad are peeled away we will see the Regressive Left and Islamic Jihad frantically offer all manner of excuses, spin, howls and wailing and gnashing or teeth as they are both revealed for the world to really see- seditious bedfellows.

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No, no she does not. It was a private event. Most certainly her rights are limited in such a venue.

She has no right to be there in a Big Bird yellow outfit. Doing so would clearly disrupt the venue. Clearly, she does not have every right to be there.

She has no right to be there and turn her little seating space into a prayer mat and disrupt the reason for why others are there. Clearly, she does not have every right to do this at a private venue.

She does not have a right to scream "FIRE." Clearly, she does not have every right.

Couching her "Rights" in centering attention by standing or sitting when everyone else is sitting or standing is self evidently to affect those around her. It makes no difference whether she intended this or not- she did. She does not have a right to disrupt a private event because she "feels" like she can articulate innocence.

She should be removed as equally as black lives matter wingnuts, progressive campus wingnuts, muslim activist wingnuts, or any other at the will and fancy of the venue hosts. No one has a right that infringes upon another right in private or association space.

Her action is not a muslim thing, it is a leftist thing.

Spare me.

Since when does running for public office become a private event?

If he can't stand scrutiny at every and any point, he really shouldnt be there.

It was a pre-registered ticket only event. I read Trump's team had a designated "Freedom of Speech area" outside of the hall itself and attendees were informed no protests were permitted within the hall; how this gels with the US idolisation of the First Amendment unsure.

It's obvious the woman is a political activist, but should not to be vilified just because she's an American from the Muslim faith.

It is only the second ammendment which is sacrosanct, the others are optional apparently.

Edited by samran
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No, no she does not. It was a private event. Most certainly her rights are limited in such a venue.

She has no right to be there in a Big Bird yellow outfit. Doing so would clearly disrupt the venue. Clearly, she does not have every right to be there.

She has no right to be there and turn her little seating space into a prayer mat and disrupt the reason for why others are there. Clearly, she does not have every right to do this at a private venue.

She does not have a right to scream "FIRE." Clearly, she does not have every right.

Couching her "Rights" in centering attention by standing or sitting when everyone else is sitting or standing is self evidently to affect those around her. It makes no difference whether she intended this or not- she did. She does not have a right to disrupt a private event because she "feels" like she can articulate innocence.

She should be removed as equally as black lives matter wingnuts, progressive campus wingnuts, muslim activist wingnuts, or any other at the will and fancy of the venue hosts. No one has a right that infringes upon another right in private or association space.

Her action is not a muslim thing, it is a leftist thing.

Spare me.

Since when does running for public office become a private event?

If he can't stand scrutiny at every and any point, he really shouldnt be there.

It was a pre-registered ticket only event. I read Trump's team had a designated "Freedom of Speech area" outside of the hall itself and attendees were informed no protests were permitted within the hall; how this gels with the US idolisation of the First Amendment unsure.

It's obvious the woman is a political activist, but should not to be vilified just because she's an American from the Muslim faith.

But she was not vilified because she's... "from the muslim faith." If I wear a muslim skullcap and smack a cop am I arrested because I am muslim? No, of course not. Her accouterments are not a protective amulet from truth.

When I have someone over for dinner I have zero obligation to have a free speech area in my home. Say something impolite or steal the day's attention from Dad's wake service and we will kick you out. The abusive contortion you suggest of the 1st Amendment is hilarious. It is. I have zero duty to enable the free speech of others, only not to infringe upon it in the public space. In fact, the Bill or Rights are restrictions on governments primarily. Trump elected to provide a protest area so opponents could sycophantically suck off his media and it is far more than most would do.

Silent protest is protest; she broke the rules. This is a known fact of civil society/civil disobedience from Emerson/Thoreau era. Even here, however, the focus was on government not personalities. "Its obvious the woman is a political activist," yes. For this reason she was told to leave. Its evident from the footage and reports. As the onion layers of radical islam and its multifaceted Civilization Jihad are peeled away we will see the Regressive Left and Islamic Jihad frantically offer all manner of excuses, spin, howls and wailing and gnashing or teeth as they are both revealed for the world to really see- seditious bedfellows.

Perhaps you are right, but this is politics, and If Trump wants to be president, and prove his claim that he would be a GREAT negotiator for as, he needs to display his political skill, and not fall for simple political ploys such as this.

All this "great negotiator" had to say was :

" Now now people leave this lady along, this is America, and we all have the right to out opinion, let her stand and listen to as, and perhaps by the end of this rally we will change her opinion of as"

It would had made him look good, and her look stupid standing there.

"Politics, the art of telling some one to go F%#k them selves in such a way that they say thank you"

Trump is just an Idiot with money, please don't mistake wealth with intelligence

Edit, stupid laptop key-board dropping letters smile.png . dont buy an HP envy , a piece of crap for a lot of money

Edited by sirineou
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Get off the turps mate. Anger doesn't become you.

She has every right to be there.

No, no she does not. It was a private event. Most certainly her rights are limited in such a venue.

She has no right to be there in a Big Bird yellow outfit. Doing so would clearly disrupt the venue. Clearly, she does not have every right to be there.

She has no right to be there and turn her little seating space into a prayer mat and disrupt the reason for why others are there. Clearly, she does not have every right to do this at a private venue.

She does not have a right to scream "FIRE." Clearly, she does not have every right.

Couching her "Rights" in centering attention by standing or sitting when everyone else is sitting or standing is self evidently to affect those around her. It makes no difference whether she intended this or not- she did. She does not have a right to disrupt a private event because she "feels" like she can articulate innocence.

She should be removed as equally as black lives matter wingnuts, progressive campus wingnuts, muslim activist wingnuts, or any other at the will and fancy of the venue hosts. No one has a right that infringes upon another right in private or association space.

Her action is not a muslim thing, it is a leftist thing.

Spare me.

Since when does running for public office become a private event?

If he can't stand scrutiny at every and any point, he really shouldnt be there.

"Spare me." With sarcasm like that you are clearly incapable of the answer. But we'll try. A person running for office has a private life. If he has engagement dinner with wife Saturday night it is not open to protesters. If he has a family reunion, it is not open to protesters. If he attends a private function at the American Legion, it is not open for protesters. If he hosts a private pay only dinner for supporters, it is not open to protesters. Though a public figure, if he attends his son's private graduation it is also not open to public protesters. If you cannot grasp this simple, fundamental fact of private-public space than you should not be focusing on this part of the thread.

And this final part is the icing on the entire underlying premise of Free Speech from the point of view of the Regressive Left: "If he can't stand scrutiny at every and any point, he really shouldnt be there." (Emphasis added)

We make the rules. We break the rules. We decide what is private and what is public. We support Free Speech 100%. We decide what is Free Speech 100%. We decide what is private, what is public. This same insurgent thinking is a premise in multiple threads throughout TV right now. It is to this reality Trump equally draws supporters. People are sick and tired of the destructive Leftist Train that is running a muck in America destroying reason, values, word meaning, and culture. People are sick of campuses being overrun by leftist radicals who state they decide "every and any point" of our discourse, and approve or disapprove speech. While formally only leaning Trump I read stuff like the above and I realize without someone like Trump people who think like this will destroy what is left of America for sure.

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The evidence of disruption was there.....You!!! Rose Hamid!!! ...YOU, purposely went to this rally, with that in mind, as you knew you wouldn't be welcome.

Nice try....

Exactly. I am sick and tired of this Western "Who me?" crap where as long as people think they have a clever cover for action they have cover for status. In other words, as long as JackAs-es think they can articulate a clever excuse for their actions they are therefore provided total cover and can allege anything-- if it makes sense in your own mind the world must believe it. "I am just an innocent muslim woman who got kicked out for... for doing nothing at all. In fact, it was the other people who were staring at me, pointing at me, shouting 'Trump,' 'Trump.' Its their fault, not mine."

I am so sick of all these people. This behavior is not a muslim thing; most would never try this crap anywhere else in the muslim world because they would be beaten to death with a shoe for speaking such BS. This is an American thing where we teach everyone to claim victim hood and afford them goodies and jewels and free stuff because they "feel" hurt. This is an example of "Lawfare," using the existing legal and social constructs of our society to disable and blind us to what is right before us. The goal here is to perpetuate the fallacy that muslims are sacred cows in the US, above circumspection.

Both of you are spouting nonsense.

Standing silently is HARMLESS and non-disruptive.. It's the people that reacted to her STANDING SILENTLY that are idiots and disruptors.

I asked a question in a previous post...thus far nobody dares answer, so I'll ask again: Why was she ejected? Was it for standing. was it for being silent, or was it for being Muslim?.

It was because she started handing out yellow stars with "muslim" written on them, trying to provoke violence.

Provoke violence????

Upon what do you base that rather radical assumption?

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No, no she does not. It was a private event. Most certainly her rights are limited in such a venue.

She has no right to be there in a Big Bird yellow outfit. Doing so would clearly disrupt the venue. Clearly, she does not have every right to be there.

She has no right to be there and turn her little seating space into a prayer mat and disrupt the reason for why others are there. Clearly, she does not have every right to do this at a private venue.

She does not have a right to scream "FIRE." Clearly, she does not have every right.

Couching her "Rights" in centering attention by standing or sitting when everyone else is sitting or standing is self evidently to affect those around her. It makes no difference whether she intended this or not- she did. She does not have a right to disrupt a private event because she "feels" like she can articulate innocence.

She should be removed as equally as black lives matter wingnuts, progressive campus wingnuts, muslim activist wingnuts, or any other at the will and fancy of the venue hosts. No one has a right that infringes upon another right in private or association space.

Her action is not a muslim thing, it is a leftist thing.

Spare me.

Since when does running for public office become a private event?

If he can't stand scrutiny at every and any point, he really shouldnt be there.

It was a pre-registered ticket only event. I read Trump's team had a designated "Freedom of Speech area" outside of the hall itself and attendees were informed no protests were permitted within the hall; how this gels with the US idolisation of the First Amendment unsure.

It's obvious the woman is a political activist, but should not to be vilified just because she's an American from the Muslim faith.

But she was not vilified because she's... "from the muslim faith." If I wear a muslim skullcap and smack a cop am I arrested because I am muslim? No, of course not. Her accouterments are not a protective amulet from truth.

When I have someone over for dinner I have zero obligation to have a free speech area in my home. Say something impolite or steal the day's attention from Dad's wake service and we will kick you out. The abusive contortion you suggest of the 1st Amendment is hilarious. It is. I have zero duty to enable the free speech of others, only not to infringe upon it in the public space. In fact, the Bill or Rights are restrictions on governments primarily. Trump elected to provide a protest area so opponents could sycophantically suck off his media and it is far more than most would do.

Silent protest is protest; she broke the rules. This is a known fact of civil society/civil disobedience from Emerson/Thoreau era. Even here, however, the focus was on government not personalities. "Its obvious the woman is a political activist," yes. For this reason she was told to leave. Its evident from the footage and reports. As the onion layers of radical islam and its multifaceted Civilization Jihad are peeled away we will see the Regressive Left and Islamic Jihad frantically offer all manner of excuses, spin, howls and wailing and gnashing or teeth as they are both revealed for the world to really see- seditious bedfellows.

Everyone is the enemy, aren't they?

Best this lady go to bumfark Idaho and takeover some toilet block on federal land. As long as she yells 'second amendment!' While she points her guns at all and sundry and threatens violence and government overthrow - then her actions wouldnt have been an issue...

I mean poor poor Donald and his fellow travellers, great at being the bullies. But like all bullies, stand up to them and you quickly find out that they are all tip and no iceberg.

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The evidence of disruption was there.....You!!! Rose Hamid!!! ...YOU, purposely went to this rally, with that in mind, as you knew you wouldn't be welcome.

Nice try....

Exactly. I am sick and tired of this Western "Who me?" crap where as long as people think they have a clever cover for action they have cover for status. In other words, as long as JackAs-es think they can articulate a clever excuse for their actions they are therefore provided total cover and can allege anything-- if it makes sense in your own mind the world must believe it. "I am just an innocent muslim woman who got kicked out for... for doing nothing at all. In fact, it was the other people who were staring at me, pointing at me, shouting 'Trump,' 'Trump.' Its their fault, not mine."

I am so sick of all these people. This behavior is not a muslim thing; most would never try this crap anywhere else in the muslim world because they would be beaten to death with a shoe for speaking such BS. This is an American thing where we teach everyone to claim victim hood and afford them goodies and jewels and free stuff because they "feel" hurt. This is an example of "Lawfare," using the existing legal and social constructs of our society to disable and blind us to what is right before us. The goal here is to perpetuate the fallacy that muslims are sacred cows in the US, above circumspection.

Both of you are spouting nonsense.

Standing silently is HARMLESS and non-disruptive.. It's the people that reacted to her STANDING SILENTLY that are idiots and disruptors.

I asked a question in a previous post...thus far nobody dares answer, so I'll ask again: Why was she ejected? Was it for standing. was it for being silent, or was it for being Muslim?.

It was because she started handing out yellow stars with "muslim" written on them, trying to provoke violence.

Clearly a combination of standing, being silent, handing out Judenstars, and maybe the burka. Yep. Getting a prime seat behind the dais and remaining standing, however non confrontational, is clearly trafficking a message- any message. Lets stop insulting the world's intelligence and assigning her a lower standard of expectation.

Had I done this at a Hillary Clinton Campaign- wearing my Army Dress Uniform, standing non stop behind her podium, with ribbons and polished stars, within no time the dissonance of my mis-timed standing would have its own gravity in the room in my deportment would affect those around me. Verbal communication is a small part of human language. Within a short time people would react though not all would react for the same reasons- but all would know I was saying "F---You!" to the speaker. Some would think it was Benghazi, some other reasons. All would collectively share in a silent language exchange that fundamentally altered the environment for the speaker. The dissonance would be palpable, and quickly. All I would have done is stand there silently. Based on past experience I would have been quickly ID'd and removed by the secret service or other LEA.

I would have said I was kicked out for being a veteran. I would have insisted I did nothing wrong. I said nothing. I would have been correct and I would have gotten many, many people to agree with me that I was a victim. However, I would be a liar! Anyone with a spittle of intelligence would know I was lying.

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Get off the turps mate. Anger doesn't become you.

She has every right to be there.

No, no she does not. It was a private event. Most certainly her rights are limited in such a venue.

She has no right to be there in a Big Bird yellow outfit. Doing so would clearly disrupt the venue. Clearly, she does not have every right to be there.

She has no right to be there and turn her little seating space into a prayer mat and disrupt the reason for why others are there. Clearly, she does not have every right to do this at a private venue.

She does not have a right to scream "FIRE." Clearly, she does not have every right.

Couching her "Rights" in centering attention by standing or sitting when everyone else is sitting or standing is self evidently to affect those around her. It makes no difference whether she intended this or not- she did. She does not have a right to disrupt a private event because she "feels" like she can articulate innocence.

She should be removed as equally as black lives matter wingnuts, progressive campus wingnuts, muslim activist wingnuts, or any other at the will and fancy of the venue hosts. No one has a right that infringes upon another right in private or association space.

Her action is not a muslim thing, it is a leftist thing.

Spare me.

Since when does running for public office become a private event?

If he can't stand scrutiny at every and any point, he really shouldnt be there.

"Spare me." With sarcasm like that you are clearly incapable of the answer. But we'll try. A person running for office has a private life. If he has engagement dinner with wife Saturday night it is not open to protesters. If he has a family reunion, it is not open to protesters. If he attends a private function at the American Legion, it is not open for protesters. If he hosts a private pay only dinner for supporters, it is not open to protesters. Though a public figure, if he attends his son's private graduation it is also not open to public protesters. If you cannot grasp this simple, fundamental fact of private-public space than you should not be focusing on this part of the thread.

And this final part is the icing on the entire underlying premise of Free Speech from the point of view of the Regressive Left: "If he can't stand scrutiny at every and any point, he really shouldnt be there." (Emphasis added)

We make the rules. We break the rules. We decide what is private and what is public. We support Free Speech 100%. We decide what is Free Speech 100%. We decide what is private, what is public. This same insurgent thinking is a premise in multiple threads throughout TV right now. It is to this reality Trump equally draws supporters. People are sick and tired of the destructive Leftist Train that is running a muck in America destroying reason, values, word meaning, and culture. People are sick of campuses being overrun by leftist radicals who state they decide "every and any point" of our discourse, and approve or disapprove speech. While formally only leaning Trump I read stuff like the above and I realize without someone like Trump people who think like this will destroy what is left of America for sure.

Have learned through long experience that trying to reason with paranoia is a waste of breath, or in this case, key strokes. Much easier to walk away, or if I am feeling week, ridicule.

There is much I am sympathetic to on the conservative side of the ledger. Economics, the concept of personal responsibility, risk and reward.... for starters. But when these are combined with a tin foiled hatters view of the world, you lose me.

As such, I'll save my persuasive arguments for people that pay me for them.

Edited by samran
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But she was not vilified because she's... "from the muslim faith." If I wear a muslim skullcap and smack a cop am I arrested because I am muslim? No, of course not. Her accouterments are not a protective amulet from truth.

When I have someone over for dinner I have zero obligation to have a free speech area in my home. Say something impolite or steal the day's attention from Dad's wake service and we will kick you out. The abusive contortion you suggest of the 1st Amendment is hilarious. It is. I have zero duty to enable the free speech of others, only not to infringe upon it in the public space. In fact, the Bill or Rights are restrictions on governments primarily. Trump elected to provide a protest area so opponents could sycophantically suck off his media and it is far more than most would do.

Silent protest is protest; she broke the rules. This is a known fact of civil society/civil disobedience from Emerson/Thoreau era. Even here, however, the focus was on government not personalities. "Its obvious the woman is a political activist," yes. For this reason she was told to leave. Its evident from the footage and reports. As the onion layers of radical islam and its multifaceted Civilization Jihad are peeled away we will see the Regressive Left and Islamic Jihad frantically offer all manner of excuses, spin, howls and wailing and gnashing or teeth as they are both revealed for the world to really see- seditious bedfellows.

Perhaps you are right, but this is politics, and If Trump wants to be president, and prove his claim that he would be a GREAT negotiator for as, he needs to display his political skill, and not fall for simple political ploys such as this.

All this "great negotiator" had to say was :

" Now now people leave this lady along, this is America, and we all have the right to out opinion, let her stand and listen to as, and perhaps by the end of this rally we will change her opinion of as"

It would had made him look good, and her look stupid standing there.

"Politics, the art of telling some one to go F%#k them selves in such a way that they say thank you"

Trump is just an Idiot with money, please don't mistake wealth with intelligence

Edit, stupid laptop key-board dropping letters smile.png . dont buy an HP envy , a piece of crap for a lot of money

Posts removed for response.

Ah, now this is a different angle. Was there a different way to handle this? Maybe. But if recent management of such persons by Obama and HRC are any indication, Trump should bear no greater burden than they have- they often handle things the same way.

I have primarily said I dislike Trump least but with each passing day this quality of my affection changes. I increasingly like Trump more than the others. Sorry, I suppose I am a "wingnut." Those with interests in the status quo will not let Trump win easily. It is better to maintain the illusion of choice between two wings of the same party- Democrat and Republican. But if Trump does win, it'll be worth the ride. IMO, America is so far to the tipping point that anything is worth a shot to avoid the world Obama and Hillary are giving us.

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Other posters are right. She went into a private venue with the sole intent of disrupting. The event organizers had every lawful right to require her to leave. This is a non-event that interests only the far left loony birds in the MSM.

This is nothing unusual.

Happens every weekend at the entrances of thousands of nightclubs and discos worldwide.

If you did not fit in, the bouncers do not let you pass, or if you make trouble, they take you out.

Go into any european mosque and holding a sign high that reads:

"The Bible is better." Then you can see what happen then, if you do not fit in.

Edited by tomacht8
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Spare me.

Since when does running for public office become a private event?

If he can't stand scrutiny at every and any point, he really shouldnt be there.

It was a pre-registered ticket only event. I read Trump's team had a designated "Freedom of Speech area" outside of the hall itself and attendees were informed no protests were permitted within the hall; how this gels with the US idolisation of the First Amendment unsure.

It's obvious the woman is a political activist, but should not to be vilified just because she's an American from the Muslim faith.

But she was not vilified because she's... "from the muslim faith." If I wear a muslim skullcap and smack a cop am I arrested because I am muslim? No, of course not. Her accouterments are not a protective amulet from truth.

When I have someone over for dinner I have zero obligation to have a free speech area in my home. Say something impolite or steal the day's attention from Dad's wake service and we will kick you out. The abusive contortion you suggest of the 1st Amendment is hilarious. It is. I have zero duty to enable the free speech of others, only not to infringe upon it in the public space. In fact, the Bill or Rights are restrictions on governments primarily. Trump elected to provide a protest area so opponents could sycophantically suck off his media and it is far more than most would do.

Silent protest is protest; she broke the rules. This is a known fact of civil society/civil disobedience from Emerson/Thoreau era. Even here, however, the focus was on government not personalities. "Its obvious the woman is a political activist," yes. For this reason she was told to leave. Its evident from the footage and reports. As the onion layers of radical islam and its multifaceted Civilization Jihad are peeled away we will see the Regressive Left and Islamic Jihad frantically offer all manner of excuses, spin, howls and wailing and gnashing or teeth as they are both revealed for the world to really see- seditious bedfellows.

Perhaps you are right, but this is politics, and If Trump wants to be president, and prove his claim that he would be a GREAT negotiator for as, he needs to display his political skill, and not fall for simple political ploys such as this.

All this "great negotiator" had to say was :

" Now now people leave this lady along, this is America, and we all have the right to out opinion, let her stand and listen to as, and perhaps by the end of this rally we will change her opinion of as"

It would had made him look good, and her look stupid standing there.

"Politics, the art of telling some one to go F%#k them selves in such a way that they say thank you"

Trump is just an Idiot with money, please don't mistake wealth with intelligence

Edit, stupid laptop key-board dropping letters smile.png . dont buy an HP envy , a piece of crap for a lot of money

John McCain would have done exactly as you described. To my mind he was the last real Republican to run. But even he had to pander to to the wingnuts by bringing along the lady who could see Russia from her porch. Edited by samran
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Was the OP political rally actually a private event or open for any member of the public to attend?

When you rent a hall or a place of business or even a house it becomes private for you. No one has a right to come into it and be disruptive.

The woman wasn't complying with the purpose for which the event was intended. It was Trump's property at that moment because he rented it and he gets to make the rules just like a business does or you do if you rent a home.


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But she was not vilified because she's... "from the muslim faith." If I wear a muslim skullcap and smack a cop am I arrested because I am muslim? No, of course not. Her accouterments are not a protective amulet from truth.

When I have someone over for dinner I have zero obligation to have a free speech area in my home. Say something impolite or steal the day's attention from Dad's wake service and we will kick you out. The abusive contortion you suggest of the 1st Amendment is hilarious. It is. I have zero duty to enable the free speech of others, only not to infringe upon it in the public space. In fact, the Bill or Rights are restrictions on governments primarily. Trump elected to provide a protest area so opponents could sycophantically suck off his media and it is far more than most would do.

Silent protest is protest; she broke the rules. This is a known fact of civil society/civil disobedience from Emerson/Thoreau era. Even here, however, the focus was on government not personalities. "Its obvious the woman is a political activist," yes. For this reason she was told to leave. Its evident from the footage and reports. As the onion layers of radical islam and its multifaceted Civilization Jihad are peeled away we will see the Regressive Left and Islamic Jihad frantically offer all manner of excuses, spin, howls and wailing and gnashing or teeth as they are both revealed for the world to really see- seditious bedfellows.

Perhaps you are right, but this is politics, and If Trump wants to be president, and prove his claim that he would be a GREAT negotiator for as, he needs to display his political skill, and not fall for simple political ploys such as this.

All this "great negotiator" had to say was :

" Now now people leave this lady along, this is America, and we all have the right to out opinion, let her stand and listen to as, and perhaps by the end of this rally we will change her opinion of as"

It would had made him look good, and her look stupid standing there.

"Politics, the art of telling some one to go F%#k them selves in such a way that they say thank you"

Trump is just an Idiot with money, please don't mistake wealth with intelligence

Edit, stupid laptop key-board dropping letters smile.png . dont buy an HP envy , a piece of crap for a lot of money

Posts removed for response.

Ah, now this is a different angle. Was there a different way to handle this? Maybe. But if recent management of such persons by Obama and HRC are any indication, Trump should bear no greater burden than they have- they often handle things the same way.

I have primarily said I dislike Trump least but with each passing day this quality of my affection changes. I increasingly like Trump more than the others. Sorry, I suppose I am a "wingnut." Those with interests in the status quo will not let Trump win easily. It is better to maintain the illusion of choice between two wings of the same party- Democrat and Republican. But if Trump does win, it'll be worth the ride. IMO, America is so far to the tipping point that anything is worth a shot to avoid the world Obama and Hillary are giving us.

What is it that you like about Trump, more and more as time goes by?

His inability to deal with simple political ploys such as this?

His unelectability is not a function of the stutus quo, his unelectability is a result of his mouth not communicating with his brain.

Now he is starting with his birther runt toward Cruz. He says born in Canada disqualify him,

Only wingnuts would not know that it is not where you are born, but if one of your parents is a US citizen. Trump knows that, only the wingnuts he is trying to convince to make him president do not. He is a dangerous demagogue and the sooner he exits this race the better.

I agree with the lack of choice between the two parties, bringing in a clown does not enhance the choice.

Claiming that HRC or Obama would. or does ,act similarly is arguable, but even if one was to agree, I don't see how their stupidity would in any way diminish Trump's.

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Posts removed for response.

Ah, now this is a different angle. Was there a different way to handle this? Maybe. But if recent management of such persons by Obama and HRC are any indication, Trump should bear no greater burden than they have- they often handle things the same way.

I have primarily said I dislike Trump least but with each passing day this quality of my affection changes. I increasingly like Trump more than the others. Sorry, I suppose I am a "wingnut." Those with interests in the status quo will not let Trump win easily. It is better to maintain the illusion of choice between two wings of the same party- Democrat and Republican. But if Trump does win, it'll be worth the ride. IMO, America is so far to the tipping point that anything is worth a shot to avoid the world Obama and Hillary are giving us.

What is it that you like about Trump, more and more as time goes by?

His inability to deal with simple political ploys such as this?

His unelectability is not a function of the stutus quo, his unelectability is a result of his mouth not communicating with his brain.

Now he is starting with his birther runt toward Cruz. He says born in Canada disqualify him,

Only wingnuts would not know that it is not where you are born, but if one of your parents is a US citizen. Trump knows that, only the wingnuts he is trying to convince to make him president do not. He is a dangerous demagogue and the sooner he exits this race the better.

I agree with the lack of choice between the two parties, bringing in a clown does not enhance the choice.

Claiming that HRC or Obama would. or does ,act similarly is arguable, but even if one was to agree, I don't see how their stupidity would in any way diminish Trump's.

Why would you poison the well, and ask me to drink at the same time? What do I "like about Trump" is followed with a diatribe that clearly invites me to silence. Is this typical of you? I wouldn't think so. I think it is typical of the false liberal open discourse illusion Americans are sick of. There is none. But let me see if I can line item response.

How Trump handled this political ploy interests me. It was honest, not hiding behind guns and badges nor pre-screening like Obama and HRC. Without question political handlers know who is sitting behind the dais on screen. They allowed her there, sure. Had she sat silently they would have passively milked her presence as endorsement. But all her actions were her own. No one made her do anything. Thus, damned if you, damned if you don't.

The same formulas that predict Trump's unelectability predicted his demise for primaries many times. Still possible, though the numbers suggest an upset.

Trump's Birther rant toward Cruz is below the belt, and only helps Democrats. It is/was stupid.

"Only wingnuts would..." Sorry, I detest pejorative laced Leftist drivel. But ok, this would have value to those who are not smart enough to know better- agreed!

"Dangerous?" Of Trump, Obama, and Hillary only one has not waged wars, killed others, or/and openly regaled in the death of a human being on camera. Trump does not have Death Boards of unelected Americans meeting in secret on the life or death of American citizens and tallying collateral damage deaths. Obama does, and Hillary was counsel as SecState. "Dangerous?" You anticipate my response with an honorable closure. Thanks. No, it does not diminish Trump but it was you who offered Trump as "Dangerous." J. Turley "Obama is becoming the very threat the Constitution was created to prevent (para)." Hard to call Trump "dangerous" in this light. The word loses all meaning relative to Obama and the presidency.

Trump gains legitimacy in my eyes with this action. Under no circumstances should any leader have his podium commandeered by another. Its the equivalent of having to do your cell mate's laundry. Trump was correct to allow this upstart to be ejected. One more example of contrived exigency from the Left. Watch the Muslim Brotherhood wind up more of these Lawfare Drones.

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Posts removed for response.

Ah, now this is a different angle. Was there a different way to handle this? Maybe. But if recent management of such persons by Obama and HRC are any indication, Trump should bear no greater burden than they have- they often handle things the same way.

I have primarily said I dislike Trump least but with each passing day this quality of my affection changes. I increasingly like Trump more than the others. Sorry, I suppose I am a "wingnut." Those with interests in the status quo will not let Trump win easily. It is better to maintain the illusion of choice between two wings of the same party- Democrat and Republican. But if Trump does win, it'll be worth the ride. IMO, America is so far to the tipping point that anything is worth a shot to avoid the world Obama and Hillary are giving us.

What is it that you like about Trump, more and more as time goes by?

His inability to deal with simple political ploys such as this?

His unelectability is not a function of the stutus quo, his unelectability is a result of his mouth not communicating with his brain.

Now he is starting with his birther runt toward Cruz. He says born in Canada disqualify him,

Only wingnuts would not know that it is not where you are born, but if one of your parents is a US citizen. Trump knows that, only the wingnuts he is trying to convince to make him president do not. He is a dangerous demagogue and the sooner he exits this race the better.

I agree with the lack of choice between the two parties, bringing in a clown does not enhance the choice.

Claiming that HRC or Obama would. or does ,act similarly is arguable, but even if one was to agree, I don't see how their stupidity would in any way diminish Trump's.

Why would you poison the well, and ask me to drink at the same time? What do I "like about Trump" is followed with a diatribe that clearly invites me to silence. Is this typical of you? I wouldn't think so. I think it is typical of the false liberal open discourse illusion Americans are sick of. There is none. But let me see if I can line item response.

How Trump handled this political ploy interests me. It was honest, not hiding behind guns and badges nor pre-screening like Obama and HRC. Without question political handlers know who is sitting behind the dais on screen. They allowed her there, sure. Had she sat silently they would have passively milked her presence as endorsement. But all her actions were her own. No one made her do anything. Thus, damned if you, damned if you don't.

The same formulas that predict Trump's unelectability predicted his demise for primaries many times. Still possible, though the numbers suggest an upset.

Trump's Birther rant toward Cruz is below the belt, and only helps Democrats. It is/was stupid.

"Only wingnuts would..." Sorry, I detest pejorative laced Leftist drivel. But ok, this would have value to those who are not smart enough to know better- agreed!

"Dangerous?" Of Trump, Obama, and Hillary only one has not waged wars, killed others, or/and openly regaled in the death of a human being on camera. Trump does not have Death Boards of unelected Americans meeting in secret on the life or death of American citizens and tallying collateral damage deaths. Obama does, and Hillary was counsel as SecState. "Dangerous?" You anticipate my response with an honorable closure. Thanks. No, it does not diminish Trump but it was you who offered Trump as "Dangerous." J. Turley "Obama is becoming the very threat the Constitution was created to prevent (para)." Hard to call Trump "dangerous" in this light. The word loses all meaning relative to Obama and the presidency.

Trump gains legitimacy in my eyes with this action. Under no circumstances should any leader have his podium commandeered by another. Its the equivalent of having to do your cell mate's laundry. Trump was correct to allow this upstart to be ejected. One more example of contrived exigency from the Left. Watch the Muslim Brotherhood wind up more of these Lawfare Drones.

"Why would you poison the well, and ask me to drink at the same time?"

ove it, I wanted to give you a "Like" but I did not want people to confuse it with agreement on your Trump stance.

any way, here it is, LIKE!!!smile.png

Now I will read the rest of your reply

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Why would you poison the well, and ask me to drink at the same time? What do I "like about Trump" is followed with a diatribe that clearly invites me to silence. Is this typical of you? I wouldn't think so. I think it is typical of the false liberal open discourse illusion Americans are sick of. There is none. But let me see if I can line item response.

How Trump handled this political ploy interests me. It was honest, not hiding behind guns and badges nor pre-screening like Obama and HRC. Without question political handlers know who is sitting behind the dais on screen. They allowed her there, sure. Had she sat silently they would have passively milked her presence as endorsement. But all her actions were her own. No one made her do anything. Thus, damned if you, damned if you don't.

The same formulas that predict Trump's unelectability predicted his demise for primaries many times. Still possible, though the numbers suggest an upset.

Trump's Birther rant toward Cruz is below the belt, and only helps Democrats. It is/was stupid.

"Only wingnuts would..." Sorry, I detest pejorative laced Leftist drivel. But ok, this would have value to those who are not smart enough to know better- agreed!

"Dangerous?" Of Trump, Obama, and Hillary only one has not waged wars, killed others, or/and openly regaled in the death of a human being on camera. Trump does not have Death Boards of unelected Americans meeting in secret on the life or death of American citizens and tallying collateral damage deaths. Obama does, and Hillary was counsel as SecState. "Dangerous?" You anticipate my response with an honorable closure. Thanks. No, it does not diminish Trump but it was you who offered Trump as "Dangerous." J. Turley "Obama is becoming the very threat the Constitution was created to prevent (para)." Hard to call Trump "dangerous" in this light. The word loses all meaning relative to Obama and the presidency.

Trump gains legitimacy in my eyes with this action. Under no circumstances should any leader have his podium commandeered by another. Its the equivalent of having to do your cell mate's laundry. Trump was correct to allow this upstart to be ejected. One more example of contrived exigency from the Left. Watch the Muslim Brotherhood wind up more of these Lawfare Drones.

"Why would you poison the well, and ask me to drink at the same time?"

ove it, I wanted to give you a "Like" but I did not want people to confuse it with agreement on your Trump stance.

any way, here it is, LIKE!!!smile.png

Now I will read the rest of your reply

:-) The thing that strikes me more about these pages is the often insightful points people raise, for and against my positions; but what strikes me most is the deeply seated venom that those on the Left (or, lets say opposing point of view) have for others. It seems impossible that those with the loudest voice on the Left can make their point without a back wound, a character inference, or assassination, or some other ridicule or abuse. This is the entire subtext of what Trump speaks to for others. People are sick of the political hostage taking, political isolation by contrived guilt, social debt, redistribution, bills of attainder, etc. People are tired of watching all their landmarks and institutions basically run asunder by American Brown Shirts and Modern Maoists (MO Professor- "Can I get some muscle over here?"). This is exactly what is happening. America is being destroyed by the very status quo that would be continued without a "Trump" galvanizing disgust and drawing lines in our sand (Real lines, not Obama Red Lines).

Wanna measure the degree of vitriol in America and its source? Look at Liberal Ideology and their discourse with others. Wingnuts, deniers, extremists, racists, bigot, and Rightwingers (this last one we get). We too need a reference point and refer to the Left by their own self assigned labels- the Left, Leftist, Progressive. Yet the daily barrage of back and forth in the Right's discourse rarely if ever uses the personal attributes of those engaged as a target. The Right does not have a highly evolved lexicon on ad hominem fallacies. There is something base, contemptuous, and disgusting in using such language assassination. It is evident on this thread regarding Trump ejecting a woman from the venue. It is self evidently intolerant of others. Thus, to the contrary, the Left represents what is consistently worst about the human condition. Every social event and political moment is radicalized by the left, and the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Bomb-boy, and others know this. It is within this strategic framework the MB evolved its Civilization Jihad formula (See United States Vs Holyland Foundation).

This is what we are sick of: that poisonous alienation and isolation of the majority by a minority- the Left. America is a center right country and remains so today. The only thing the Left has going for it is the complicity of other forces that also want to destroy the world that raised them and in its place erect some corporeal Multicultural Zion- Read Utopia. One thing a Trump crowd will not put up with is bowing to such aggression especially when couched in a hijab.

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