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German Chancellor Angela Merkel under pressure over attacks in Cologne


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German Chancellor Angela Merkel under pressure over attacks in Cologne


BERLIN: -- Of all the countries of Europe in 2015, Germany accepted the most asylum-seekers: more than one million last year. Some one half of these are thought to be from Syria, seeking refuge from its civil war. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s humanitarian, open-door policy for these people won her widespread praise.

She presented it as positive for Germany, and said it again on New Year’s Eve.

“I am convinced that if we tackle the formidable task posed by the influx and integration of so many people in the right way today, with our major civil action and our comprehensive political measures, then this will represent an opportunity for us tomorrow.”

That very night, however (Dec. 31st-Jan. 1st), came the sexual attacks in Cologne and other German cities. As anger built up in the days that followed, Merkel’s tone hardened.

She warned the refugees: “The right to reside in Germany and the right of asylum can be withdrawn if someone is sentenced to imprisonment or probation—either way.”

The justice minister said: “There is no justification for blanket agitation against foreigners,” but right-wing groups seized the on occasion to demand a stop to refugees entering Germany.

In Cologne, investigation of the complaints continues, with a close focus on the around 40 percent which included sexual offences, and at least two rapes. The adequacy of public security enforcement is being questioned and Cologne’s police chief has been sacked.

“For a horde of people to commit [the] crimes, it has to have been planned somehow,” Justice Minister Heiko Maas told German media.

He said: “The perpetrators must be punished. We must clarify if what happened is a new form of organised crime against which the state must take measures.”

The attacks threaten to further erode confidence in Merkel, and could stoke support for the anti-immigrant policies.

Meanwhile, sociologists warn that where men outnumber women violence, insurgence and mistreatment of women increases.

According to the UN, 58 per cent of the migrants who arrived in Europe last year were adult men, 17 per cent were women, and the remainder were children.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-12

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Well, what Angela wanted, Angela got.

She made her bed and now she must lay in it.

Unfortunately the migrants will have German passports before long and will be free to go anywhere in the EU, so it doesn't just affect Germany.

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Hard to fathom how an advance country like Germany will think for even a moment that allowing nearly

one million of stateless and shirtless aliens in to their country will go smooth, those refugees culture

are like chock and cheese to the german culture and a million miles away with every day's life...

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Hard to fathom how an advance country like Germany will think for even a moment that allowing nearly

one million of stateless and shirtless aliens in to their country will go smooth, those refugees culture

are like chock and cheese to the german culture and a million miles away with every day's life...

Using the absorption of East Germany as the paradigm, perhaps? If so they are being bloody foolhardy as we are seeing..
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Hard to fathom how an advance country like Germany will think for even a moment that allowing nearly

one million of stateless and shirtless aliens in to their country will go smooth, those refugees culture

are like chock and cheese to the german culture and a million miles away with every day's life...

you forgot to mention about those stateless and shirtless aliens: used to violence, uneducated, not interested in European culture, not interested in learning the language, with a deep ingrained religious background that makes them contempt their hosts, and always ready to produce little muslims like rabbits

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That's just the beginning.
Social peace is destroyed by this stupid, unprepared, unorganized, unlimited immigration policy.
Until now, over one million people.

The first lie is the war refugees lie.

Some are real war refugees, others are economic migrants.
That one wants to help war refugees is good, that is to say protection and temporary stay.
If the riots are over, the refugees must return to their home countries again.

And here lies the deception of the German people.
The government is planning in reality a permanent residence for them.
That will never openly expressed by the Government.
After 2-3 years these refugees are then equipped with the German nationality with voting rights and all.
So Merkel is trying to secure her re-election.

The second lie is the Integration lie.

How can germany integrate these crowds (millions of people!)?
All are:

- mostly muslims,
- mostly young men,
- mostly uneducated,
- mostly from unrest and
war zones which bring this struggle mentality with them,
- all poor with no money
unable to care for themselves long-term,
- mostly with no relationship
to our culture,
- 99% do not understand the german language,
- a very high
percentage are illiterate, etc

The integration from these people is 100% impossible in short, medium and long term.
The government knows this, but they no report this to the public.
Currently it is an organizational chaos; at all borders, at all authority bureaus, and in every village where the provisional tents and container towns are situated.

The third lie is the refinancing lie.

Who should pay for it all?
This silly migration policy is destroying our social security systems.
The refugees do not come to Germany because we are so nice and they respect german culture and laws, no, because they getting free 400 Euro lunch money + 500 Euro for housing and free health insurance!
Germany definitely has no jobs for uneducated, non-German speaking foreigners.
Where these millions people could find work to take care of themselves?
All at McDonalds?
Germany has no simple professions that you can just learn in 6 weeks without language skills.
Nurse, elderly care, construction, catering, agriculture are all apprenticeships with at least 3 years of learning time.

So when will be the first integrated refugee from one million, to be able to pay his first Euro into the state treasury?
What a refinancing lie!

The fours lie is the numbers lie

And 2016?
The government does not take any measures to stop the further influx of these crowds.
Now around 4,000 new people (official figure) enter every day.
Illegal border crossings not counting (the number of Illegal is high and by the authorities unknown!).
From the small number of arrested sexual offenders from Cologne were 9 illigal.
So 2015 over one million
2016 approximately 365 x 5000 = 1,8 millions, probably 2 million and more.
2017 ??? 2-3 millions?
This conceals the government!

A crime against their own people.
What a disaster!

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