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Najib shocked over Malaysian suicide bombers


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Najib shocked over Malaysian suicide bombers

KUALA LUMPUR: -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on Monday expressed his shock over reports that two Malaysians were involved in the recent suicide bombings in Iraq and Syria, according to New Straits Times.

He said such an ideology neither belonged in Malaysia nor was derived from Islam. The government, he said, was committed to countering terrorism from all aspects both domestically and internationally.

“Shocked and appalled to hear that two Malaysians were reported to have been involved in suicide bombings in Iraq and Syria, resulting in the loss of more than 30 innocent lives.

“Their actions and ideology have no place in Malaysia or Islam, and the government is absolutely committed to fighting terrorism in all its forms and guises, both at home and overseas,” he said in his Facebook post.

He said the government would spare no effort in finding out how and why the two men were able to commit such atrocious acts, and would take all measures necessary to prevent others from doing so in the future.

Recent reports said two Malaysian suicide bombers blew themselves up, killing more than 30 others during their assigned missions in Syria and Iraq last week.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/najib-shocked-over-msian-suicide-bombers

-- Thai PBS 2016-01-12

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Why are young Muslims so gullible? This is the question to be answered by the Islamic world.

It is not just islam.

All religions are full of gullible believers.

40% of Americans reckon the world sprang into existence 10,000 years ago.

80% believe in miracles.


Religions should be banned from schools and politics, with ethics and morality taught instead.

A bit of science might be useful too.

But if it happened I would then have to believe in miracles.

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Why are young Muslims so gullible? This is the question to be answered by the Islamic world.

It is not just islam.

All religions are full of gullible believers.

40% of Americans reckon the world sprang into existence 10,000 years ago.

80% believe in miracles.


Religions should be banned from schools and politics, with ethics and morality taught instead.

A bit of science might be useful too.

But if it happened I would then have to believe in miracles.

More false equivalency. Gullible believers of other religions are not killing people en mass around the planet - Muslims are.

I'm agnostic but against organized religion - it is just for manipulating people for power & money. That said, atheists in the 20th century killed more people than all religious wars combined in the history of mankind.

But I agree with your part about teaching ethics and morality. Obviously parents aren't doing the job at home.

Edited by mopar71
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Why are young Muslims so gullible? This is the question to be answered by the Islamic world.

It is not just islam.

All religions are full of gullible believers.

40% of Americans reckon the world sprang into existence 10,000 years ago.

80% believe in miracles.


Religions should be banned from schools and politics, with ethics and morality taught instead.

A bit of science might be useful too.

But if it happened I would then have to believe in miracles.

More false equivalency. Gullible believers of other religions are not killing people en mass around the planet - Muslims are.

I'm agnostic but against organized religion - it is just for manipulating people for power & money. That said, atheists in the 20th century killed more people than all religious wars combined in the history of mankind.

But I agree with your part about teaching ethics and morality. Obviously parents aren't doing the job at home.

Wow...I have never knew that the soldiers in WW1, 2, Vietnam and Korean wars were atheist. You learn something nee everyday :rolleyes:

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Why are young Muslims so gullible? This is the question to be answered by the Islamic world.

It is not just islam.

All religions are full of gullible believers.

40% of Americans reckon the world sprang into existence 10,000 years ago.

80% believe in miracles.


Religions should be banned from schools and politics, with ethics and morality taught instead.

A bit of science might be useful too.

But if it happened I would then have to believe in miracles.

More false equivalency. Gullible believers of other religions are not killing people en mass around the planet - Muslims are.

I'm agnostic but against organized religion - it is just for manipulating people for power & money. That said, atheists in the 20th century killed more people than all religious wars combined in the history of mankind.

But I agree with your part about teaching ethics and morality. Obviously parents aren't doing the job at home.

I dispute your statement of atheists killed more people than the religious of history but the more salient point is that THEY DIDN'T KILL IN THE NAME OF ATHEISM. The leaders whom you are likely referring killed for political, territorial, or egomaniacal reasons...not because their victims weren't atheists. Religionists often kill people BECAUSE they are non-believers in a certain faith or any faith...and that's a big difference.

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Why are young Muslims so gullible? This is the question to be answered by the Islamic world.

It is not just islam.

All religions are full of gullible believers.

40% of Americans reckon the world sprang into existence 10,000 years ago.

80% believe in miracles.


Religions should be banned from schools and politics, with ethics and morality taught instead.

A bit of science might be useful too.

But if it happened I would then have to believe in miracles.

Utter nonsense.....everyone knows we climbed out of the sea as monkeys around 12,000 years ago.

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Utter nonsense.....everyone knows we climbed out of the sea as monkeys around 12,000 years ago.

It was the aliens who planted us onto this planet 12,000 years ago as the sea-monkeys sold in the intergalactic comic books.

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Not at all surprised. The Malaysian state of Kelantan supports insurgency for many years in the deep South and have been known to issue Malaysian ID cards to Southern Malays.

The Malaysian PM is one of the biggest racist and corrupt guy the country has ever seen.

Many Malaysian Muslims linked to UMNO and PAS are racists too and treat the Chinese and Indians as 2nd class citizen.

Singapore is a great example where even Islam can flourish with other religions but Malaysia has always been part of the global terrorism network. (JI - MKM etc)

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I think the Malaysian PM speaks the truth that it is not Malaysian government policy to support the kind of terrorist attack as happened in Turkey. The Malysian government is certainly not responsible for any rogue actions of some of it's citizens. I wouldn't go further than that though.

Edited by Jingthing
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Why are young Muslims so gullible? This is the question to be answered by the Islamic world.

It is not just islam.

All religions are full of gullible believers.

40% of Americans reckon the world sprang into existence 10,000 years ago.

80% believe in miracles.


Religions should be banned from schools and politics, with ethics and morality taught instead.

A bit of science might be useful too.

But if it happened I would then have to believe in miracles.

Right now, today, last year, this year 1,400 years- it is just one ideology who is marching across the world with a divine mandate to subjugate unbelievers. While any other religion who has ever pretended toward such proselytizing has never had the protection of their scriptures to do so.

These fallacies of false analogy reflect opinion desperately grasping at what seems a handhold, rather than the topic addressed- the false incredulity that suicide bombers came from islam

40% of of Americans who believe in creationism are not using bombs to make [you] believe it also.

80% who believe in miracles do not see themselves as the point of the miracle of God's spear.

I hear a lot of base lies from those like Najib that [they] could not possibly have learned such a thing from islam. Yet when you distill down every single islamic terrorist event, in every single place, all across the disparate reaches of the world, there is only one connection; only one link. An idiot could note it. It takes willful ignorance and deceit to deny the self evident. How come in every other facet of life where there is smoke there is fire its prudent counsel, but on this topic, with the world full of smoke, we are told it is not smoke, it is fog or some nonsense? In fact, we are not even told its fog, we are just constantly told it is not smoke.

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I am not sure how he can be surprised. When you enter Malaysia as a tourist from the west, your passport is stamped with the following:

'permitted to remain in West Malaysia and Sabah for 90 days". This is a concession to the East Malay Muslims who don't want you in their part of town . So the government actually restricts non Muslim tourists from visiting that part of the country because they know it is a hotbed of insurgency. This was also the area where the locals have burned churches because Christians there were referring to God as Allah (which is simply the Arabic name for God). Very tolerant...

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I am not sure how he can be surprised. When you enter Malaysia as a tourist from the west, your passport is stamped with the following:

'permitted to remain in West Malaysia and Sabah for 90 days". This is a concession to the East Malay Muslims who don't want you in their part of town . So the government actually restricts non Muslim tourists from visiting that part of the country because they know it is a hotbed of insurgency. This was also the area where the locals have burned churches because Christians there were referring to God as Allah (which is simply the Arabic name for God). Very tolerant...

There are several States that want Sharia Law and the Islamists that plague South Thailand come from that area

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Yea, there's no central connecting linkage between all these too numerous to count jihad events. Every single person, and there are now hundreds of thousands if not millions, are not real muslims at all; they all somehow represent... something else. Whats more shocking than the constant refrain that no islamic terrorism is islamic terrorism is the actual and real knowledge that those who say it "has nothing to do with islam" absolutely know for certain that their ridiculous proclamation will be picked up and repeated in the Western Media as a truism. They know this talking point has legs. This is the most alarming.

The inevitable trajectory of all... [this] islamic jihad must... must result in those who survive these days in the West one day announcing without social labeling that "Islamic jihad does in fact comes from... Islamic jihad." It must come to pass that people will be unable to couch and conceal this truth eventually; its simple math (2+2 does not =3, it =2). At a certain point people will be left with only their own tools of deduction and not the state/media. This positively means that that the effort to conceal the self evident origin of jihad is pursuant to short and intermediate range goals. It follows the efforts to conceal the obvious only has application in the short/near term- Why? What is so vital about concealing the source of islamic jihad... for... just a little... while longer? Najib and all the other dissemblers are brought to you by "The Chamberlain School of Modern Diplomacy."

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Yea, there's no central connecting linkage between all these too numerous to count jihad events. Every single person, and there are now hundreds of thousands if not millions, are not real muslims at all; they all somehow represent... something else. Whats more shocking than the constant refrain that no islamic terrorism is islamic terrorism is the actual and real knowledge that those who say it "has nothing to do with islam" absolutely know for certain that their ridiculous proclamation will be picked up and repeated in the Western Media as a truism. They know this talking point has legs. This is the most alarming.

The inevitable trajectory of all... [this] islamic jihad must... must result in those who survive these days in the West one day announcing without social labeling that "Islamic jihad does in fact comes from... Islamic jihad." It must come to pass that people will be unable to couch and conceal this truth eventually; its simple math (2+2 does not =3, it =2). At a certain point people will be left with only their own tools of deduction and not the state/media. This positively means that that the effort to conceal the self evident origin of jihad is pursuant to short and intermediate range goals. It follows the efforts to conceal the obvious only has application in the short/near term- Why? What is so vital about concealing the source of islamic jihad... for... just a little... while longer? Najib and all the other dissemblers are brought to you by "The Chamberlain School of Modern Diplomacy."

"Why? What is so vital about concealing the source of islamic jihad."


They've been saying for years it has nothing to do with Islam.

How can they possibly admit they've been wrong for years?

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Yea, there's no central connecting linkage between all these too numerous to count jihad events. Every single person, and there are now hundreds of thousands if not millions, are not real muslims at all; they all somehow represent... something else. Whats more shocking than the constant refrain that no islamic terrorism is islamic terrorism is the actual and real knowledge that those who say it "has nothing to do with islam" absolutely know for certain that their ridiculous proclamation will be picked up and repeated in the Western Media as a truism. They know this talking point has legs. This is the most alarming.

The inevitable trajectory of all... [this] islamic jihad must... must result in those who survive these days in the West one day announcing without social labeling that "Islamic jihad does in fact comes from... Islamic jihad." It must come to pass that people will be unable to couch and conceal this truth eventually; its simple math (2+2 does not =3, it =2). At a certain point people will be left with only their own tools of deduction and not the state/media. This positively means that that the effort to conceal the self evident origin of jihad is pursuant to short and intermediate range goals. It follows the efforts to conceal the obvious only has application in the short/near term- Why? What is so vital about concealing the source of islamic jihad... for... just a little... while longer? Najib and all the other dissemblers are brought to you by "The Chamberlain School of Modern Diplomacy."

"Why? What is so vital about concealing the source of islamic jihad."


They've been saying for years it has nothing to do with Islam.

How can they possibly admit they've been wrong for years?

Maybe, but this would really only be true for those dhimmis/dolts in the West who actually do not know the scriptures but profess a point of view- like the recent Mayor in Pennsylvania. Perhaps both types of "deniers" exist, those who know better and those are are too stupid or too heavily invested in their Multicultural Zion to backtrack. Perhaps both. But it is to those like Najib I am concerned most about. There is an intentional deceit, a taqqiya in offering a truth one knows is untrue. It is patently then a military strategy akin to a feign or psyops. This is hand in glove the other form of jihad that few discuss.

Jihad is not just bombs and virgins. Jihad is a highly developed religious/military doctrine for conquest. The jurisprudence and injunctions to jihad are so old as to be shrouded in time and its various forms are also variously incumbent upon believers. Jihad covers everything from migration jihad to rape jihad to sex jihad to financial jihad to active battlefield jihad to service and support jihad, etc. (The false narrative of jihad being akin to the Christian Ephesians spiritual device of the "armament of God" is a false analogy; that also exists but the majority of the injunctions to jihad are corporeal, very earthly). Disassembling is itself jihad.

People who know islam and avow such preposterous claims in the face of overwhelming source text evidence give sustenance to the very thing they allege is unrelated; reverse, obverse.

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