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Vitamins, How much is to much?


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I take an assortment of vitamins and recently I got to thinking maybe I'm overdoing it. Here is what I take;

1. Fish oil cap, 1000mg: 3 a day

2. Multi vitamin: 1 a day

3. Calcium tablet, 600mg 1 a day

4. AREDS 2 2 a day

5. Asprin, .81 mg 1 a day (evening)

6. Flax seed, ground, 1 TBL with oat meal: Breakfast

For comparison, what do others take?

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I take only 1 fish oil.

No multiple vitamin.

Aspirin, 81., one a day.

Flax seed 1 TBL ground very other day with cereal (should do daily but I don't eat cereal daily).

1 standard turmeric pill.

That's it.

I used to take multi vitamin pills but my take on the current research is that it's not worth doing unless you eat a really poor diet. Which I don't.

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I used to do fish oil every day, but read somewhere that is no good, so 1000mg twice a week.

The rest I try to get through vegetables nuts and legumes, I have Brazil nuts, pecans and walnuts.

I do the flax seed with oats with banana and milk every other morning.

No multivitamin

Sometimes do a 1000mg vitamin C effervescent tablet with electrolytic drink

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Wheat germ and yoghurt on cereal

Usually do this in the AM and Evenings:

1 Berocca

Couple or three B-3

Big Scoop of Nutritional yeast

Big scoop of Kale Powder

Flax seed oil capsule

Try to eat healthy throughout the day.

Edited by Rob13
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Doctors say that with a healthy diet, humans don't need vitamin supplements. They do more harm than good. Vitamin companies are brain washing you.

Largely, yes, but I still think there is a case to be made for some supplements for some people.

And the aspirin isn't a supplement. It's a medication.

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Doctors say that with a healthy diet, humans don't need vitamin supplements. They do more harm than good. Vitamin companies are brain washing you.

Back in Germany, I've got two friends, both doctors. I remember a heated argument when one said that 2000 mg/ of vitamin C would be best, while the other guy insisted that 1,000 mg would be enough.

And there're docs who take up to 5 grams a day, but you pee most of it out. I take what nature provides and I think that's okay.

Fruits and veggies.

Edited by lostinisaan
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How much is too much? Depends on whether the vitamin is water soluble or fat soluble. Normally excess water soluble vitamins are excreted through the urine (notice how much more yellow your urine is when you take an excess of water soluble vitamins, Vitamin C is a good example). Excess fat soluble vitamins e.g., D and E are stored in the body and can lead to a condition termed hypervitaminosos.

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Vitamin C is the one vitamin where your body can handle high dosages, and is recommended for people ( me included) who suffer from gout

We might all look similar, but our immune systems aren't.

I've even met men who take Viagra when they go fishing in Pattaya.......biggrin.png

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I take an assortment of vitamins and recently I got to thinking maybe I'm overdoing it. Here is what I take;

1. Fish oil cap, 1000mg: 3 a day

2. Multi vitamin: 1 a day

3. Calcium tablet, 600mg 1 a day

4. AREDS 2 2 a day

5. Asprin, .81 mg 1 a day (evening)

6. Flax seed, ground, 1 TBL with oat meal: Breakfast

For comparison, what do others take?

I hope your Cocker isn't hyper.....thumbsup.gif

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I would strongly encourage you to knock off the fish oil. This fad has passed by. Cardiologists discovered it has little or no heart benefit several years ago. The American Heart Association no longer takes a position on it. The Ohio State Medical Center some time ago completed a long, well controlled study of the effects of high dose fish oil intake (high dose being greater that 3mg per day). Their very disturbing findings showed a 71% increase in the aggressive form of prostate cancer and a 43% increase in all forms of prostate cancer. If you insist on giving yourself some placebo benefit, at least keep it down to 1 gram per day. Search out the purest form online. Do not settle for the cheap cr*p you are probably buying from Target or Walmart.

Also watch your calcium intake. Much more than a gram a day will pre-dispose to kidney stones. I am assuming the OP is male and if so probably has no need for a supplement, baring some underlying medical condition. A blood test of your calcium level is cheap and quick.


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Yes, especially Vit E which would be why the finding re high dose fish oil.

However I think a case can be made for a small dose of fish oil in people who do not eat fish (I for example am vegetarian so eat no fish, and I take 1 capsule fish oil daily).

Should rethink the Aspirin unless it has been specifically recommended based on a medical condition or above average risk factors. While it has benefits it also has definite risks.

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Yes, especially Vit E which would be why the finding re high dose fish oil.

However I think a case can be made for a small dose of fish oil in people who do not eat fish (I for example am vegetarian so eat no fish, and I take 1 capsule fish oil daily).

Should rethink the Aspirin unless it has been specifically recommended based on a medical condition or above average risk factors. While it has benefits it also has definite risks.

Unless the Aspirin was prescribed by a cardiologist...I would consider stopping...BUT...BUT....you need to assess the risk now..

Research has shown that daily aspirin..once started....may lead to an increased incidence of heart attack and stroke after quitting suddenly....the risk of starting something ...also higher incidence of stomach ulcers and bleeding if you stay on...consult your doctor about this before you do anything.

What happens if you stop taking aspirin every day?

You might be surprised to learn that stopping daily aspirin therapy can have a rebound effect that may increase your risk of heart attack. If you have had a heart attack or a stent placed in one or more of your heart arteries, stopping daily aspirin therapy can lead to a life-threatening heart attack.

If you have been taking daily aspirin therapy and want to stop, it's important to talk to your doctor before making any changes. Suddenly stopping daily aspirin therapy could have a rebound effect that may trigger a blood clot.


Edited by tonray
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Why stop taking what you want to take, especially if it's low-dose aspirin for your heart? I assume that you have a reason for every supplement that you take and have researched dosage and interactions.

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Just a tad dangerous to get advice from all the so called experts on this forum....try a real doctor.?

With that said, unless you are a pisshead getting your daily intake from a 12oz bottle or eating off the street carts, multivitamins are a waste of time.....check with the Mayo Clinic on their advice for vitamins and the like....might save a few pennies for more important things like a coin operated girlfriend.....lol...?

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Depending on your age, the fish oil and aspirin would possibly be a concern for me. There seems to be some medical evidence that high doses of fish oil can possibly increase the risk of prostate cancer. As a result I stopped taking that supplement. Concerning the aspirin, if you have no history of heart problems, some medical opinions tell us that this could do more harm than good because it is a blood thinner. Again, with my heart in great shape, I avoid baby aspirin.

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I'm surprised that Vit C doesn't factor into your list (how many cats/dogs/lions/giraffes do you know of that have heart disease? - they can all make their own Vit C, unlike humans). It is water soluble so you can know your limits as your body will tell you in short order (bathroom time and doing a #1 through #2 egress point if you get the drift). Calcium I would look to actual food for that one rather than a supplement as ir would be bioavailable rather than chalk dust. It would be nice to think that our food was real and provided everything we need...however...

Vit C with L-Lysine/L-Proline in large quantities will prevent and even reverse any heart conditions. In fact recently the mainstream allopathic clan have finally admitted that Cholesterol is not a factor (I've been saying this for years but nobody listens to Paul). It's a symptom and not the cause. A well maintained system doesn't generate Cholesterol in the wrong places - it uses it as a base for hormones and other necessities. With the right nutritional profile it will go where you want it to go (but don't copy me, I'm not a good example to follow as I do abuse my privileges of being alive).

If you want to know more about Vit C then Linus Pauling is a good source. He died, as we all do, and had an alcohol issue, but despite that he made it well in to his 90's with 18 grams (yes grams, not milligrams) of Vit C per day.

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of the list I only take No: 5. Asprin, .81 mg 1 a day... and have done for many years.. Used to get blood clots many years ago well about 50 years ago, guess taken Asprin every day for 45 years... also my heart in great shape, but then it should be with taking Asprin every day [if some reports are true] pay 200 baht for a tub of 1,000 tablets, so not going to break the Bank or much of a dent in my Pension. that is 200 baht every 3 years @ 1 tablet x per day.

Vit C, well for past couple of months a Pickup has been doing its rounds in the Village, Tangerines by the sack.... 15 kg for 100 baht, so a couple of hours peel and [popping them in the electric juicer] = over 3 lts of pure juice.......... has the season finished ? hope he will be around again this year as only have 8 lts of juice in the Fridge... well it is season for nice big juicy Strawberries now 100 baht per kg..

​As for one poster with Amway, did have there Multi Vitamins, but then a year or so ago the price shot up so do not take any more.. went from 90 baht for the 3 packs to 120 baht.

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I would ditch the Calcium as it is not absorbed well without Magnesium and becomes toxic.

I would ditch Aspirin as it is very dangerous to your heart specifically long term.

I would never ask a doctor anything about nutrition as they have never studied more than 4 hours in 4 years in school.

I take 2,000 mg of fish oil (Genestra brand called SEP EFA) which is from a good source and stay with the flax additionally.

I take 400 IU of Vitamin E

1-3000 of C depending on what I am eating and that goes for fish oil also as when I consume lots of fish I require less oil.

I take 200 mg of Ubiquinol with Kaneka QH daily.

I take a B Complex daily

I take Product B (5 per day) from Isagenix to increase telomere length. This product has about 20 essential ingredients.

I take a prostate formula with organic saw palmetto daily.

I take food enzymes and pro-biotics (in the form of kombucha or kim-chi or miso daily and if I cut everything else out I would keep these.

I drink a smoothie daily with coconut water, meat and oil, gogi berries, maca, bee pollen, hemp protein, spirulina, cacao, chia seeds, mangosteen powder, Himalayan Salt, organic pure vanilla (most of these I get from Iherb). I am 72 and am very healthy!

All depends upon your age lifestyle, diet (vegan, veggie Paleo) how much you get outside, how much sunshine (Vitamin D) you receive, what physical exercise you perform....etc. ad infinitum!

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