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'Western controlling is spreading like cancer'


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I agree with him westerners are a problem.They come here want the same things as back home but cheaper. People should look for places that have what they want and go there. Not go somewhere and expect the country to change to their needs. I have watched Thailands culture and everyday lifestyle suffer because of change brought by selfish ,unknowledgeable foreigners coming here and wanting change.But of course the rest of the world suffers the same problem through immigration.Look at what is happening in Europe,America,etc.Foriegners come and so do problems.

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Those terrible westerners trying to stop the noise blasting at 3:00am every night on the beach, and complaining about the garbage everywhere, and making a fuss about the jet ski scammers and their police buddies, and worrying about those terrible Thai drivers running red lights and their noisy bikes racing up the road... Etc etc .... This is all part of Thai culture and if you can't fit in and learn to be more Thai go home !!!

Is this what he means ???

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He does make good points. I hate a nanny state and I love freedom. Freedom comes with risks, or as we say "freedom isn't free". So many Westerners have been brainwashed into giving up their freedom for what they falsely perceive as safety that it's sickening. I don't want to be "safe" under the fist of a government when it costs me my freedom.


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John Arnonne should spend some time working with the victims of domestic violence. He might then understand that protecting people against violent abuse is not a cancer.

You should spend some time working with men who lost their homes and children because of false accusations of domestic violence. Then you might understand why some men no longer care about such foolishness.

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The OP tells readers that farangs or farang-influenced Thais, who then want to introduce laws to control people, are a major social problem.

He is thus himself a farang, telling Thais & farangs that they're causing trouble, just the sort of person his article warns against ! wink.png

Perhaps there should be a law against people like him ? rolleyes.gif

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John Arnonne should spend some time working with the victims of domestic violence. He might then understand that protecting people against violent abuse is not a cancer.

As he said though there are laws in Thailand against domestic violence. You have also twisted the words of the author. If you are from the West do you have a remit to be involved?

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John Arnonne should spend some time working with the victims of domestic violence. He might then understand that protecting people against violent abuse is not a cancer.

As he said though there are laws in Thailand against domestic violence. You have also twisted the words of the author. If you are from the West do you have a remit to be involved?

There are 'laws' just about every damn thing here in Lilliput. Unfortunately, very rarely enforced unless for pecuniary advantage/Nationalism.

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The only problem with Thai laws is--they are subject to change at any moment and dependent on your attitude check (when at a government establishment). Don't make the mistake of thinking western methods of assertiveness are going to work for you in Thailand. They won't. If anything, they will dig you a bit deeper into that hole that is pissing you off in the first place...

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Marriage Mr John Arnone does not give you the right to abuse your wife, this was a problem in western society until quite recently, but fortunately a zero tolerance policy has reduced these abuses in the western world. Why you should thing that this is a problem best left to the parties involved is idiotic, its like saying we should leave the problem of slavery in the hands of the slave owners.

I see no evidence that there is a powerful falang lobby calling for changes to Thai law, perhaps Mr Arnone needs a session of attitude adjustment to understand the reality of Thai society.

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Thailand has three major problems. Scamming on tourists, skimming off government, and too many westerners with demands? Really, this is an adult journalists conception of Thailand's major woes.

Too bad he missed the one that would help out with all three of those. A police department and a judiciary that sees crime as a problem rather than an opportunity. Yes there are sufficient laws on the books, but you would never know it.

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I don`t think Farlangs living in Thailand have a lot of influence on the Thai people, even if they think they do. The Thais have us firmly under control.

The Farlangs that do decide to live here expect Thailand to be like a home from home with the same principles and service levels but at vastly cheaper rates believing they can bend the rules to suit them by paying money or knowing the right people. They are pig headed whereas in the their own countries would be living on basic pensions or just ordinary working class then think they are the elite when they arrive in Thailand because their money goes further and are of a higher cast then the average working class Thais. All they do once here is complain about the system and flatly refuse to step into the Thai world. These Farlangs even have low tolerance levels for each other considering themselves to be more upmarket and superior compared to other expats. The older ones seem to be the worse believing that the world owes them respect and certain privileges above everyone else.

Too many of these types in Thailand now.

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Agreed and why should Westerners have influence? And since when has domestic violence just been about men on women, it is about 50 / 50 in the West now i believe.

The question to ask about the domestic violence issue is, if John Arnonne really believes that westerners are influencing Thai society, why does he believe that western influences over issues surrounding domestic violence are worth mentioning.

Does he understand the issues around domestic violence in Thailand? Does he have any understanding of how those issues have changed over the past few years? Does he know with any certainty that the changes have been brought about by western influence? Does he know for sure if the changes are improvements or regressive?

We can repeat these questions for car accidents, drink driving.... the list goes on.

How does he equate Thai people deciding to do something to improve these issues, Thai society working towards reducing the number of people killed in road accidents, or numbers of women and children being violently abused as a cancer?

John Arnonne comes across as a twisted misanthrope, concerned more with taxes than attempts to improve society.

It is not a matter of why Thai people might adopt western standards or why westerners influence Thai people and Thai society in these matters.

Ask why John Arnonne, and a few other westerners, are so opposed to Thai people trying to improve their own society?

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I have never seen Thais listening to Westerners.. all things that change come from Thais themselves.. not from Western influences we have zero influence here.

Just the way it ought to be

If that were true, why then is it that John Arnonne and others are so concerned over western influence?

Thai society is changing, westerners in Thailand are part of that change and are influence part of that change.

John Arnonne and those who support his point of view are playing the part of <deleted> (I assure you I have spelled that correctly)

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In my idea the problem is Thai...

Too many of them here ;-)

I can understand that you don't like to be around the Thais. But the fact that you chose to live in the only place on the planet where there are predominately Thais can only mean that you're either a masochist or the stupidest man alive.

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