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Pennsylvania girl, 12, killed after father aims gun at constable


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Pennsylvania girl, 12, killed after father aims gun at constable
By Greg Botelho

(CNN)Ciara Meyer stood directly behind her father as he raised a .223-caliber rifle and pointed it at the chest of a constable who'd come to serve an eviction notice at their apartment.

The constable responded with a single shot.

That bullet went through the arm of 57-year-old Donald Meyer and into his 12-year-old daughter, Ciara, killing her.

Meyer now faces charges of aggravated assault, simple assault, terroristic threats and recklessly endangering another person, according to a Pennsylvania State Police report.

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/01/13/us/pennsylvania-constable-shoots-girl-dead/index.html

-- CNN 2016-01-14

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Now we know why many ordinary Americans want the right to carry a gun...

So that they can point it at an officer? What are you thinking? If idiotville didn't have the gun the incident most likely wouldn't have happened.

Here is the sentence regarding the second amendment. Today, where is the regulated militia in regards to everyone carrying a weapon? This is where long ago the "right to bear arms" went totally astray.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

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Now we know why many ordinary Americans want the right to carry a gun...

So that they can point it at an officer? What are you thinking? If idiotville didn't have the gun the incident most likely wouldn't have happened.

Here is the sentence regarding the second amendment. Today, where is the regulated militia in regards to everyone carrying a weapon? This is where long ago the "right to bear arms" went totally astray.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It was just what was needed......in 1791.

The tragic irony is that its existence has created a situation (the US a free-fire zone) that its defenders believe make it a necessity.

What made the USA, will break the USA.

Edited by Enoon
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Now we know why many ordinary Americans want the right to carry a gun...

So that they can point it at an officer? What are you thinking? If idiotville didn't have the gun the incident most likely wouldn't have happened.

Here is the sentence regarding the second amendment. Today, where is the regulated militia in regards to everyone carrying a weapon? This is where long ago the "right to bear arms" went totally astray.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

and maybe the police officer shouldn't have escalated it into a shooting? Sounds like a good situation to stay calm and return later. It's just an eviction. Maybe the entire US police force needs retraining.

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Unfortunate. But if this was an eviction, where was the man to go with his family?

The US has all kinds of free housing for "refugees", but there is no compassion for citizens who try to live within the system during this economic collapse that is denied by the politicians and media.

I still strongly support the peoples' 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

And every non American on this forum that always is complaining about it can just <deleted> and KMA.

What about the Americans that 'complain' about it, particularly those who have been the victims, directly or indirectly, of the U.S.A.'s obsession with guns. Should they KYA, too?

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Unfortunate. But if this was an eviction, where was the man to go with his family?

The US has all kinds of free housing for "refugees", but there is no compassion for citizens who try to live within the system during this economic collapse that is denied by the politicians and media.

I still strongly support the peoples' 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

And every non American on this forum that always is complaining about it can just <deleted> and KMA.

And every non American on this forum that always is complaining about it can just <deleted> and KMA.

I am non American on this forum and I can surely tell you that I will still express my opinion toward this outdated 2nd amendment.

But I am happy to see that you don't have any civilized way to express yourself and are probably part of the redneck community here, polishing your gun like you would polish your.....

Life must be hard for you, living in Thailand and not able to carry your big gun, tough guy

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Unfortunate. But if this was an eviction, where was the man to go with his family?

The US has all kinds of free housing for "refugees", but there is no compassion for citizens who try to live within the system during this economic collapse that is denied by the politicians and media.

I still strongly support the peoples' 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

And every non American on this forum that always is complaining about it can just <deleted> and KMA.

There are none so blind...........

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There are many Americans who advocate the owning and use of firearms. Therefore they will die from guns and so will their children. One has to accept that this is their choice and so there is little sympathy that can be mustered. They could stop the slaughter but clearly they are happy to let it continue unchecked.

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Now we know why many ordinary Americans want the right to carry a gun...

So that they can point it at an officer? What are you thinking? If idiotville didn't have the gun the incident most likely wouldn't have happened.

Here is the sentence regarding the second amendment. Today, where is the regulated militia in regards to everyone carrying a weapon? This is where long ago the "right to bear arms" went totally astray.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

and maybe the police officer shouldn't have escalated it into a shooting? Sounds like a good situation to stay calm and return later. It's just an eviction. Maybe the entire US police force needs retraining.

He wasn't a police officer; he was a constable, an elected official. And at the end of the day, we have another citizen with a fully loaded rifle, and a child on the premises. As you say, it was just an eviction; and now there are at least two people who will live to regret the events that resulted.

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I bet Brit wished they could own guns to rid themselves of those pesky bailiffs ?

British law enforcement officials are unionised, bound by endless health and safety over-regulation, whingeing poms.

If they ever asked for general arming of law enforcement officials, they would surely get it.

Time and again, they have rejected arming the police in the UK as an unnecessary escalation of social violence.

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This Constable was an idiot. All he had to do was back away from the situation, regroup and approach the man when he didn't have someone else that could get hurt in the situation. Instead he shot and killed a 12 year old girl so he could deliver an eviction notice.

Typical cop. Shoot em up. Wahoo.


Edited by MadDog2020
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Donald Meyer must not have been black. Otherwise, all we would have heard about in this topic and on the news is that Black Lives Matter.

I am wondering about the nature of a person who would use the tragic death of a child to launch a racist attack on African American people.

Just keep on defining the true nature of the Trump demographic. Thankfully the racism, bigotry and complete lack of socialisation of this minority is getting old quickly among those who actually have respect for themselves and other people.

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amazed at the crazy aspects of thai culture?

try comprehending american gun culture

85,000 shootings a year in a country of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population.

11,000 gun related homicides in a country with 2,500,000 deaths per year = .0044% of the population.

I know it's no use trying to talk sense to the ethnocentric America-bashers on this site, but the "slaughter"--as one poster put it--isn't really a slaughter at all.

Don't let facts interrupt your circle jerk, though.

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The policeman should be investigated for unsafe use of firearms. You can't shoot at crowd and two people one behind the other is exactly that. He was young and afraid, probably.

At the end is the f... banks and their own digital & printed on worthless paper money, which governs all other slaves - like you and me - and their lives.

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I fully support the right of Americans to form well-regulated militias armed with single shot muzzle-loaded muskets to provide additional security in the States as was the purpose and intent of the Second Amendment. What this has to do with the current situation and the thousands of incidents and hundreds of thousands of people who die in the USA from handguns and various other modern weapons is beyond me.

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I fully support the right of Americans to form well-regulated militias armed with single shot muzzle-loaded muskets to provide additional security in the States as was the purpose and intent of the Second Amendment. What this has to do with the current situation and the thousands of incidents and hundreds of thousands of people who die in the USA from handguns and various other modern weapons is beyond me.

By your logic, all laws made after muzzle loaders should be void.

All you keyboard whiners should get a life, grow a tomato and keep

your stress down. If you can't vote in the US, who gives a crap, fix

your own house.


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I fully support the right of Americans to form well-regulated militias armed with single shot muzzle-loaded muskets to provide additional security in the States as was the purpose and intent of the Second Amendment. What this has to do with the current situation and the thousands of incidents and hundreds of thousands of people who die in the USA from handguns and various other modern weapons is beyond me.

By your logic, all laws made after muzzle loaders should be void.

All you keyboard whiners should get a life, grow a tomato and keep

your stress down. If you can't vote in the US, who gives a crap, fix

your own house.


No, by my logic, when technology changes then laws adjust to ensure that the intent of the original law is maintained. You know, like all the other amendments that have occurred since God hisownself passed the US Constitution down to Thomas Jefferson on two tablets carved in stone and Republican Jesus added the 2nd Amendment. At least that seems to be a common perception among the tea party-guns-Jeebus crowd that you no doubt are a card-carrying member of.

And thanks for your concern, but my stress levels are fine. When I get a bit uptight, I just look at the demographic statistics that tell me that your kind are going the way of the Dodo and will soon be a footnote in the history pages.

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I bet Brit wished they could own guns to rid themselves of those pesky bailiffs ?

I have been present at a number of evictions...

In most cases the tenants have already left, in most cases the tenant owes over 6 months rent and done considerable damage to the property, that's the minimum time it takes to legally get tenants who are in default out, try short cutting the system and it can take a lot longer.

Recall one landlord, had been trying to get his tenant out for two years, he tried to persuade his tenant to leave, ended up with an injunction for harassment, had to start legal proceedings again, when the courts finally awarded him possession, his tenant was in prison, the police had kicked the door in, holes had been knocked through virtually every internal wall and ceiling, all the electrics has been ripped out, the electricity meter had been bypassed, there were bags of soil one the floor in every room after the police had removed all the plant material.

Just think what could happen if landlords could get their hands on guns...

Edited by Basil B
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