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Virus on all my devices?


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Looking for some virus detection and removal help here guys.

First off, several months ago I had some malware or something that would randomly redirect me to websites and I posted about this at the time


I can't recall what I did to remove it but I think I just ran some virus scan programs as the problems stopped after that, then I had another problem a few weeks later where Google ads on many sites had other ads overlayed which said 'Ads by dns unlocker' this was on my Windows 7 PC and my iPad and iPhone 5 and even thought I didn't seem to be getting it on my Mac laptop I did occasionally see a few ads banners on some sites such as PCgamer.com which were intrusive and not the kind of ads you would expect a major site to run (they were tower banners that overlapped a pages content and didn't look right etc) although these did not say 'Ads by DNS unlocker' and PCgamer was pretty much the only site I saw them, all other devices had these spam ads eveywhere.

Ive always had the paid version of Norton on my PC and that hadn't warned me about anything and I did several deep scans and found nothing, I then ran other free versions of programs such as Malware bytes, R-Kill and 9-lab removal tool as well as CCleaner, these programs did find a couple of suspicious things which they removed but the ads were still there so eventually I decided to format the router as read somewhere that the virus could be in there, I posted about that here too:


so finally after doing that the virus/malware was gone. Then just a few days ago started getting redirected to spammy websites selling things (all Thai language sites too) and again this was on my PC and iPad and iPhone but again Mac seems ok (but still occasionally see those weird looking ads on PCgamer.com) also this wasn't just when I was using a web browser if I was using any app on the iPad or iPhone e.g. Facebook, BBC sport, The Guardian, Reddit it would often redirect me when clicking a page within the app or a link to something external from the app, also my mrs started getting it to on her brand new iPhone. This would all happen very sporadically though so sometimes nothing for a full day and then in the evening almost every link clicked in an app or web browser would try and redirect me.

I hadn't had time to look into this properly yet and yesterday my mrs went on some thai site and asked what to do as and she was advised to check and change the DNS settings, this is something Id read about before with the 'ADS by DNS unlocker' and that it changed your DNS settings but at that time it had never changed mine so I didn't think of it this time, anyway she changed her DNS to something else and hey presto spam ads gone, so I did the same and no spam ads again. That was yesterday and Im in the gym today and on cellular connection with my iPhone and there are the redirect spam ads again and from what I can tell there is no way to change the DNS on a iPhone unless its jail broken.

So....any ideas? I was thinking that the virus was in the router again but I guess if Im getting it on my phone with celluar connection then its on all my devices?? How has this happened too? I had a premium version of Norton plus CCleaner plus I ran R-Kill etc yesterday and nothing found again, also how can one virus work on different OS like with Windows and iOS?

I should also point out that we have two isp, AIS fiber (which is the one I formatted last month) and TOT (never formatted) I haven't done full tests to see if I get the malware when on each connection, I *think* its been mainly when on the AIS one but not sure.

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