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.Stories about how they are catching and arresting people who have made on-line defaming comments about them. This stuff hasn't been hidden. There have been news accounts, television reports, even threads right

I don't know why you say this. All the gov't officers I've dealt with since my arrival have been friendly and very helpful. The other farangs I talk with say the same thing. Being a musician you probably smoke a lot of weed, makes you paranoid and edgy around people with authority.

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Now now everybody, let's play nice.

The thread, which discusses an important topic will die if it just turns from a weeing competition to an insulting competition.

It really is an important topic which we should keep going, can we draw a line under this and start again? Please?

I'll throw something out there - what, if anything should we, as outsiders, do about this corruption, which I'm sure we all agree is wrong. Opinions?

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Now now everybody, let's play nice.

The thread, which discusses an important topic will die if it just turns from a weeing competition to an insulting competition.

It really is an important topic which we should keep going, can we draw a line under this and start again? Please?

I'll throw something out there - what, if anything should we, as outsiders, do about this corruption, which I'm sure we all agree is wrong. Opinions?

Well, to be honest, all that you can hope to achieve,as an outsider,is just to wee in the wind for all your worth, but IMO will be a wasted effort.

As far as general policing activities go and the main reasons for them as per this thread, see my post #251.

If you are so keen to clean things up, this may be the place to start..get the police their basics at least , so they don't need personal collections.

As far as overall corruption in Government etc,something more than 60% of the Thai people say they see no problem with corruption, as long as it benifits them.

So, you are up against the millions of Thais who are happy with the processes that take place.

It is their country, their choice, and unless you, yourself hold a Thai passport, its not really up to you to decide what you want to do about it.

Good luck, i feel you will need it in bucketfuls.

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.Stories about how they are catching and arresting people who have made on-line defaming comments about them. This stuff hasn't been hidden. There have been news accounts, television reports, even threads right

1. I don't know why you say this.

2. All the gov't officers I've dealt with since my arrival have been friendly and very helpful. The other farangs I talk with say the same thing.

3. Being a musician you probably smoke a lot of weed, makes you paranoid and edgy around people with authority.

1. Are you saying that you are unaware of the criminal charges that were brought against the fellow who posted his thoughts on Facebook, about how the Thai Police handled his complaint? You aren't aware that he's been sentenced to over 50 years in jail for it? Or that you aren't aware that the Police are planning to charge the sister of the woman who was murdered on Koh Tao with a Defamation suit for her comments about how the police handled the murder investigation? The newspapers have been filled with both of these stories for the past few weeks. They have even been mentioned here on ThaiVisa. Do you read the newspapers?

2. And I agree. It's very true that government officers are very friendly and helpful... so long as one doesn't violate their laws.

3. As far as smoking marijuana goes... No... sorry, I don't smoke. It's not worth the risk of getting kicked out of the Kingdom just to smoke a joint.

Besides, I've found that there are much better natural highs.

Perhaps one of the reasons that I've never experienced any corruption when dealing with the Polices is that I'm NOT paranoid or edgy. Possible, eh?

Edited by FolkGuitar
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Now now everybody, let's play nice.

The thread, which discusses an important topic will die if it just turns from a weeing competition to an insulting competition.

It really is an important topic which we should keep going, can we draw a line under this and start again? Please?

I'll throw something out there - what, if anything should we, as outsiders, do about this corruption, which I'm sure we all agree is wrong. Opinions?

Corruption, when it exists, where ever it exists, is wrong. Plain and simple. That much is a given.

That foreigners in any country can influence decision making policy of a government is a non-entity. That is also a given.

Many governments won't even listen to their OWN people's wants. Why should they listen to a handful of foreigners?

Lovely in thought but it ain't gonna happen.

If a government wants ABC, and its people are satisfied with ABC, what's the incentive that would make the government switch to XYZ just because a handful of foreigners want it? Perhaps LESS than a handful... as we've seen.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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They have even been mentioned here on ThaiVisa. Do you read the newspapers?

What this forum, you want me get my news from a ThaiVisa, give me a break. Yeah, I read papers, always good to keep up with the latest news.

so long as one doesn't violate their laws.

Lke I said the Thai gov't officers I've encountered have been very respectful, even when I have broken the law here. You;ve got a persecution complex, thinking the Thai gov't is watching you and trying to catch you at something. Terrible way to live, you've been here too long, time for a break and some fresh air from back home.

Edited by Rob13
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Flame/bickering posts removed.

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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1. What this forum, you want me get my news from a ThaiVisa, give me a break. Yeah, I read papers, always good to keep up with the latest news.

2. Lke I said the Thai gov't officers I've encountered have been very respectful, even when I have broken the law here.

3. You;ve got a persecution complex, thinking the Thai gov't is watching you and trying to catch you at something. Terrible way to live, you've been here too long, time for a break and some fresh air from back home.

1. If you do, then you are familiar with the new Police Cyber-Crimes Unit that has been so active lately. You seem to think you are somehow exempt.

2. Why do you break the law so often?

3. The Thai government has stated that they are watching. They have stated that they formed a new Cyber-Crimes Unit just for that purpose.

No complex involved. That you are unaware of what the government says just shows a lack of knowledge of current affairs. If you ARE aware, and choose to ignore it, that shows criminal intention. Why do you behave this way?

Edited by FolkGuitar
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1. What this forum, you want me get my news from a ThaiVisa, give me a break. Yeah, I read papers, always good to keep up with the latest news.

2. Lke I said the Thai gov't officers I've encountered have been very respectful, even when I have broken the law here.

3. You;ve got a persecution complex, thinking the Thai gov't is watching you and trying to catch you at something. Terrible way to live, you've been here too long, time for a break and some fresh air from back home.

1. If you do, then you are familiar with the new Police Cyber-Crimes Unit that has been so active lately. You seem to think you are somehow exempt.

2. Why do you break the law so often?

3. The Thai government has stated that they are watching. They have stated that they formed a new Cyber-Crimes Unit just for that purpose.

No complex involved. That you are unaware of what the government says just shows a lack of knowledge of current affairs. If you ARE aware, and choose to ignore it, that shows criminal intention. Why do you behave this way?



Edited by garryjohns
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1. What this forum, you want me get my news from a ThaiVisa, give me a break. Yeah, I read papers, always good to keep up with the latest news.

2. Lke I said the Thai gov't officers I've encountered have been very respectful, even when I have broken the law here.

3. You;ve got a persecution complex, thinking the Thai gov't is watching you and trying to catch you at something. Terrible way to live, you've been here too long, time for a break and some fresh air from back home.

1. If you do, then you are familiar with the new Police Cyber-Crimes Unit that has been so active lately. You seem to think you are somehow exempt.

2. Why do you break the law so often?

3. The Thai government has stated that they are watching. They have stated that they formed a new Cyber-Crimes Unit just for that purpose.

No complex involved. That you are unaware of what the government says just shows a lack of knowledge of current affairs. If you ARE aware, and choose to ignore it, that shows criminal intention. Why do you behave this way?


Yes. That covers it accurately.

As 'Baretta' used to say; "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." Whining about it is childish.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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1. What this forum, you want me get my news from a ThaiVisa, give me a break. Yeah, I read papers, always good to keep up with the latest news.

2. Lke I said the Thai gov't officers I've encountered have been very respectful, even when I have broken the law here.

3. You;ve got a persecution complex, thinking the Thai gov't is watching you and trying to catch you at something. Terrible way to live, you've been here too long, time for a break and some fresh air from back home.

1. If you do, then you are familiar with the new Police Cyber-Crimes Unit that has been so active lately. You seem to think you are somehow exempt.

2. Why do you break the law so often?

3. The Thai government has stated that they are watching. They have stated that they formed a new Cyber-Crimes Unit just for that purpose.

No complex involved. That you are unaware of what the government says just shows a lack of knowledge of current affairs. If you ARE aware, and choose to ignore it, that shows criminal intention. Why do you behave this way?


Yes. That covers it accurately.

As 'Baretta' used to say; "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." Whining about it is childish.

Hmmmmm,OK you must have missed this,#279 post-224886-0-75462200-1453525041_thumb. I see no one whining anyway.

But thanks as you may have answered the question ie "who do you think you are?"

Maybe your alter ego is Baretta, now that makes sense, well sort of anyway.

You like to play at being an authority, as is evident in many posts from you .

Thats cool, but try and keep it to yourself and save further embaressment.

Edited by garryjohns
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1. If you do, then you are familiar with the new Police Cyber-Crimes Unit that has been so active lately. You seem to think you are somehow exempt.

2. Why do you break the law so often?

3. The Thai government has stated that they are watching. They have stated that they formed a new Cyber-Crimes Unit just for that purpose.

No complex involved. That you are unaware of what the government says just shows a lack of knowledge of current affairs. If you ARE aware, and choose to ignore it, that shows criminal intention. Why do you behave this way?


Yes. That covers it accurately.

As 'Baretta' used to say; "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." Whining about it is childish.

Hmmmmm,OK you must have missed this,#279 attachicon.gifimages (13).jpg I see no one whining anyway.

But thanks as you may have answered the question ie "who do you think you are?"

Maybe your alter ego is Baretta, now that makes sense, well sort of anyway.

You like to play at being an authority, as is evident in many posts from you .

Thats cool, but try and keep it to yourself and save further embaressment.

You do a wonderful job of avoiding questions with childish personal attacks.

While they were asked of Rob13, you do fall under the same umbrella as he. Both of you appear willing to face Defamation charges by posting negative comments of governmental organizations in a public forum... Rather foolish behavior in my opinion, but it's your choice.

You personal attacks are certainly a diversion, but blatantly obvious. Here are the questions again;

1. If you do, then you are familiar with the new Police Cyber-Crimes Unit that has been so active lately. You seem to think you are somehow exempt. Why is that? Why do you think you are above the law, or that the laws don't apply to you?

2. Why do you break the law so often?

3. The Thai government has stated that they are watching. They have stated that they formed a new Cyber-Crimes Unit just for that purpose.

No complex involved. That you are unaware of what the government says just shows a lack of knowledge of current affairs. If you ARE aware, and choose to ignore it, that shows criminal intention. Why do you behave this way?

Do try to deal with the issues. Avoidance is as childish as posting silly little pictures.

Just answer the questions and be done with it. That's what grown-ups do.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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1. If you do, then you are familiar with the new Police Cyber-Crimes Unit that has been so active lately. You seem to think you are somehow exempt.

You are assuming poster is in Thailand.

But if he is posting from the UK on a Singapore based forum ........ what can they do?

No UK laws broken, no Singapore laws broken. Thailand has no jurisdiction.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Multiple off topic bickering posts and quoted replies have been removed, I suggest you stop hijacking the topic now, as we do not want to come back and sort this nonsense out again

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