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Kanjanapisek Wittiyalai Chayphum


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My daughter will finish Pratom school next spring and I start to look around for a good Matayom school. We live near Manchakiri (KhonKaen) and somebody mentioned Kanjanapisek Wittiyalai School in Chayphum as a boarding school with a good name.

Because I like to ride my motorbike, this will be a swell excuse for a ride to Chayphum. On the other hand, I intend to take may wife along and she does not enjoy motorbiking to the same extent as I do - mostly not, when we get lost in the wilderness ...

I would welcome any hint on how to get there: is it in town or North or South of town? Very nice would be an address, but any description of the way to get there will be much appreciated.

Also - or even more ;-) appreciated - would be any comments from first hand experiances of this school.

Thanks for your help


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Thedi, There is a Kanchanapisekwitthayalai School in Kalasin, are you sure the one you are looking for is in Chaiyaphum? The one in Kalasin is a boarding school and it is in Amphur Khao Wong at the east end of the province. I was looking for an English Teaching job their, but the y were only paying 15,000 baht a month which I thought for a Native English Speaker with a BA and TEFL certificate was to low, also it is 40 kms from my house so I bit of a commute. I know nothing of the quality of the school. Issangeorge.

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I visited Kanjanapisek Wittiyalai Chayaphum:

From Chayaphum drive north on route 2051 which goes to Ta Ton waterfall. Between km stone 7 and 8 is a small road going off on your left. Signs are only in Thai, but there is a conspicuous green archway like at the entry to some rural villages with 'Nong Waeng' written (in Thai) on it. Follow this small road for about 300 meters and the school is on your left. It has yellow roofs like everybody tells you when you ask for directions, but the roofs are hidden behind trees, as long as you are on route 2051.

The school was not open when I visited it last Sunday. It looks a bit come down and is NOT an international school. All signs are in Thai only and of the view people who where around every body was very happy that I was fluent enough in Thai for a little conversation.

There are 1800 students there (Matayom only), but only about 500 stay in the school. The dormitories look rather cramped considering there are 40 kids to a room.

I liked it that the school is in the country. Lots of good air and nature around. I also liked that it is a Thai school and does not pretend to be anything like Christian or the like. Its rather cheap too. They emphasise the good home care for boarding students: there is a teacher assigned to each sleeping room which looks after the kids. Bed times are checked etc.

On the down side: only two non-Thai english teachers from Philipines and India - no farangs. Each dormitory-house has 6 rooms with 40 kids each and downstairs a closed room with one TV and six computers with internet (for 240 kids!), an other room is open and contains an other TV. There are not enough tables and chairs in this rooms for everybody to sit in cosy groups, but there are more tables under trees outside and then the place has a lot of rather scruffy grasland and bushland within its walls.

I intend to visit this school again in about two weeks, when it is open to see it how it is when full of students and to interview one or two teachers.



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