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Iran: Low-key reaction on Tehran streets to the lifting of sanctions


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Iran: Low-key reaction on Tehran streets to the lifting of sanctions


TEHRAN: -- In a country now poised to emerge from years of economic isolation, the reaction in Iran to the lifting of sanctions has been somewhat subdued.

Parts of the press are enthusiastic but there have been no mass celebrations on the streets.

Iran’s main objectives have been achieved, for Tehran resident Mehran, who didn’t give his last name.

“Iran wanted a nuclear programme and it was realised. Iran wanted sanctions lifted and that happened too,” he said.

But for others the result has been disappointing.

“If America restores the sanctions, can Iran restore its nuclear programme? No it can’t! They have dismantled all the centrifuges. How many years will it take Iran to restore its programme?” asked fellow Tehran dweller Hossein Barati.

Much attention in the United States has focussed on the release of Americans detained in Iran, as part of a prisoner swap.

As for the deal itself and welcoming Iran back into the international community, views on the streets of New York were mixed.

“I think it is a good thing as long as they are following what the United Nations and we are asking them to do. I think it is a good thing,” said Atlanta resident Rodrick Williamson.

“Trusting Iran is a fool’s deal. Obama thinks this is going to be his legacy but I think it is going to be a legacy in a negative way. To sit there and make a deal with Iran, especially from weakness when we should be projecting strength, it is just a total disaster,” lamented New York City resident Chris Schmidt.

Republicans’ opposition to the deal failed to kill it off in Congress.

The party’s presidential hopefuls have praised the release of the US prisoners but say the Obama administration conceded too much to win their freedom.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-18

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"there have been no mass celebrations on the streets."

Simply untrue.

British news article July 14, 2015, "Thousands take to Iran streets to celebrate the historic nuclear deal"

"Thousands of Iranians took to the streets late at night to celebrate the newa of the nuclear agreement in Vienna, with jubilant crowds singing and dancing to mark a defining moment for the country 36 years after the Islamic revolution. People in the capital, Tehran, and other major cities gathered outside after iftar, the evening meal to break the day-long fasting during Ramadan. There were reports of drivers on Tehran’s long, tree-lined Vali Asr street honking horns and people with hands raised in V-for-victory signs and waving from open windows. Young Iranians danced in Vanak square in north Tehran. Such behaviour is officially banned in the Islamic republic but was tolerated at this rare moment of national unity."

The tone of ThaiVisa article appears to be have an ulterior agenda reflecting a pro-radical Iranian and anti-American political posture.



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The tone of ThaiVisa article appears to be have an ulterior agenda reflecting a pro-radical Iranian and anti-American political posture.

Did you remember to take your anti-psychosis meds today?

Only if you did, they're not working.

Edited by Chicog
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The graphic in the OP appears to be Islamist terrorists attacks Israel.

Less has changed than some might think.

The Iranian regime is a state terror sponsor but most of the people are just people. Maybe in the long run, they'll win out.

That would be why Israel sold arms to them during the Iran-Iraq war? Or was that for some other agenda?

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The graphic in the OP appears to be Islamist terrorists attacks Israel.

Less has changed than some might think.

The Iranian regime is a state terror sponsor but most of the people are just people. Maybe in the long run, they'll win out.

That would be why Israel sold arms to them during the Iran-Iraq war? Or was that for some other agenda?

Israel demonization never takes a holiday.

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The graphic in the OP appears to be Islamist terrorists attacks Israel.

Less has changed than some might think.

The Iranian regime is a state terror sponsor but most of the people are just people. Maybe in the long run, they'll win out.

That would be why Israel sold arms to them during the Iran-Iraq war? Or was that for some other agenda?

Israel demonization never takes a holiday.

Yet another deflection of an inconvenient truth.

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The graphic in the OP appears to be Islamist terrorists attacks Israel.

Less has changed than some might think.

The Iranian regime is a state terror sponsor but most of the people are just people. Maybe in the long run, they'll win out.

That would be why Israel sold arms to them during the Iran-Iraq war? Or was that for some other agenda?

Israel demonization never takes a holiday.

Yet another deflection of an inconvenient truth.

Totally off topic to today's realities. Basically you posted a troll attack on Israel. My point was directly related to Iran today AND the picture in the OP. The Iranian regimes statements in celebrating this step made sure to attack Israel as it is well known that the Iranian regime wants Israel to NOT EXIST and is acting towards their murderous goals. Now they will have a lot MORE MONEY for that. No, Israel isn't celebrating, with good reason.

Edited by Jingthing
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The graphic in the OP appears to be Islamist terrorists attacks Israel.
Less has changed than some might think.
The Iranian regime is a state terror sponsor but most of the people are just people. Maybe in the long run, they'll win out.
That would be why Israel sold arms to them during the Iran-Iraq war? Or was that for some other agenda?
Israel demonization never takes a holiday.

Yet another deflection of an inconvenient truth.

Totally off topic to today's realities. Basically you posted a troll attack on Israel. My point was directly related to Iran today AND the picture in the OP. The Iranian regimes statements in celebrating this step made sure to attack Israel as it is well known that the Iranian regime wants Israel to NOT EXIST and is acting towards their murderous goals. Now they will have a lot MORE MONEY for that. No, Israel isn't celebrating, with good reason.

I made no troll attack on Israel. Whenever anyone questions Israel's integrity ( and you were the one who introduced Israel through your comments on the graphic....BTW, those graphics are all over Tehran and do not necessarily have anything to do with Israel), you want to shout troll. If anyone is being off topic it's you by raising the Israel question in the first place. You have the right to do so but need to respect the right of others to question the veracity of your comments/opinions.
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You're joking, right?facepalm.gif

That's the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in the picture.

I guess Israelis can relax now, those aggressive posters are all over Tehran, as you claim.

Dude, as I said the regime has made CLEAR recent statements of aggression towards Israel and they are OPENLY working to end it.

Totally on topic to this news story now, and the PICTURE, as Iran is about to get the injection of BILLIONS of dollars to assist them with that.

Also, don't lie, very rarely have I said troll post to Israel demonizing posts. I said it here because it fits so well. What Israel did or not do during the Iran-Iraq war has ZILCH to do with this current news story.

I hardly invented a connection to the current Iran-Israel conflict in this regard. The Iranian regime reacting to the sanctions lifting mentioned it explicitly and then there is that graphic. More than enough valid direct connection to this NEWS event.

Edited by Jingthing
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You're joking, right?facepalm.gif

That's the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in the picture.

I guess Israelis can relax now, those aggressive posters are all over Tehran, as you claim.

Dude, as I said the regime has made CLEAR recent statements of aggression towards Israel and they are OPENLY working to end it.

Totally on topic to this news story now, and the PICTURE, as Iran is about to get the injection of BILLIONS of dollars to assist them with that.

Also, don't lie, very rarely have I said troll post to Israel demonizing posts. I said it here because it fits so well. What Israel did or not do during the Iran-Iraq war has ZILCH to do with this current news story.

I hardly invented a connection to the current Iran-Israel conflict in this regard. The Iranian regime reacting to the sanctions lifting mentioned it explicitly and then there is that graphic. More than enough valid direct connection to this NEWS event.

Iran's bluster over Israel has always been that, bluster.

You speak of an "Iran-Israel conflict" as if it's anything more than Iran burning a few flags and Israel waving a few cartoons around at the UN.

I discount the odd extra-judicial killing, because they both do it and in military terms it means next to nothing.

Benny is outside shouting through the window now, and no-one is listening because he's cried wolf too often.

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