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blood tests[are we being CONNED]

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why i ask this,from september to saturday 16th.jan.our boy has had 13 tests.by 4different labs with each one giving a different reading.

eg.one lab.here in korat has always given a low platelet count,well we tested this lab.against one lab.in bkk.on wednesday 13th.jan.

this was the results both had the SAME normal range,platelet count bkk.160,000, platelet count korat 2,000.vet says need meds.

test done on wednesday bkk.creatinine kidney count 1.78,test done on satureday korat count 0.8.

vet who took the blood for wednesday phoned to say the kidney count is very high the dog needs a week of flushing one hr.every day.COST A LOT

we found out from the lab that done the test in bkk.that the blood was not presented for testing till 43hrs.after taken.[guide says not more than 24]

another lab gave a different reading for his rbc.which was half of what it was previous.different vet gave us blood support medicine plus tabs.

after another test by the same lab.who found his rbc.low this time it had doubled back to what it was 16days ago.but this time found a few ehrlichia canis.

yet the lab result says NOT FOUND.

again more meds.but this time the vet said he would deliver the tablets [doxy] tomorrow evening wife was out with the dog,but the vet tried to con me with a 400% mark up.i called the wife who sent him packing with a few choice words not in the thai dictionary.

apart from janaury 2015 to april. this last lot of so called illness and being conned with highly inflated prices has gone on for over 17weeks.

this past 4months we have studied all meds.he has been prescribed and all the testing and it doesnt make good reading as some of it is hard to beleive.

the vet that took the blood on saturday 16th.was told the platelet count must be wrong,his suggestion.

i will do another and have 2tests done using 2different labs,what does that mean, 3TIMES THE COST OF ONE.

oh nearly forgot the dog has been VERY VERY VERY WELL for the past 12weeks.

so can we trust the labs that do the tests,and the vets that seem to only care about their pockets and not the welfare of your pet.


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I think you know already, Meatboy, my opinion which is that you go way over the top with this testing. If you don't trust any vet, then stop all this testing, and only take Sam to a clinic when he is clearly unwell.

You have to choose one vet. If you don't trust anyone, you're up shit's creek (and that's strong ;language coming from me!).

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There are some excellent vets in BKK there is an animal hospital (believe near Kaset) that is really popular and visited by many Thais. If you are serious you would go there because there the chance is not high that you get conned. But you need to trust someone if you don't and doubt everything then it will go wrong.

I am sure there are frauds around but I doubt all vets are bad.

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Im in the same boat. I do just use one lab though. I think these, like other machines can get out of calibration. I pay 480b for each standard blood test. This includes CBC and Blood chems. Results the same day. The antibody test is 380 but will test positive for three months after the parasite is cleared. So I had to do the PBR or PCBR Test. That had to be sent to Bkk. It measures all the specific parasite DNA. She was on doxy the last time for 10 weeks before it was clear.........Now the spot test is clear as well. What they do is prescribe doxy for a guestimate dosage and read the blood test results and guess all is ok. Most times its still present and just keeps coming back.

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thanks guys for your reply's.as i said we have leaned a LOT.

as IB.says you have to trust one,well we have gone back to our first vet and he has found out where he stands with us.

the wife loves our boy as much as me and she wont take any crap anymore so she told him yesterday [he was taken back by what she said.

one thought which i have discussed with the wife IS.when he does have a blood test we should also have a sample aswell.the cost doesnt come into it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

going on what i posted regarding the difference between 2 different labs with the platelete count i am now convinced we are not getting true results.

thurs.morning our boy was crying as if something was hurting him,so it was decided we would take him to a top animal hospital 30mins.away.

the wife showed them his tests with his last platelet count impossible was their reaction if it was that low he would be bleeding internally.

so looks like we have been led up the garden path and taken for a ride aswell.

as for our boy he has been put on prednisolone and within 24hrs.he is fine.

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The dog is very very very well? I must be missing the point of all this.

we all have an off day.

yes he is very well has been for the past 3months,but when a vet tells the wife this needs treatment and it goes on and on.

when one treatment ends they [vets] find something else to fill their pockets.i myself dont deal with the vets but they are putting the frightners on the wife.

and she has had enough and they [vets] soon get the message she's not one to mess with.

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The dog is very very very well? I must be missing the point of all this.

if your trying to be sarcastic the point is you are,if thats all your interest is in this forum deleted- off

looking back 7months i dont see you have started 1 new topic in this section,so once again as you have no interest in what the topic is STAY AWAY.


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Yes forgive me for not knowing the reason you are complaining about endless associations with vets when your dog is healthy.

My advice, leave the vets alone and enjoy your dog.

And for your information I have had endless varieties of pets and livestock in my life and know quite a lot about animals and therefore I often read threads in this section. That I haven't started a thread here shouldn't disqualify me from comment.

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Yes forgive me for not knowing the reason you are complaining about endless associations with vets when your dog is healthy.

My advice, leave the vets alone and enjoy your dog.

And for your information I have had endless varieties of pets and livestock in my life and know quite a lot about animals and therefore I often read threads in this section. That I haven't started a thread here shouldn't disqualify me from comment.

apoligies accepted.if i told you all that these parasites [vets] have been telling the wife regarding our boy[who we love dearly] it would take a month.

it is begining to get to me and i am ready to expload.

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With both humans and animals, lab results should always be viewed in the clinical context and any lab result that is inconsistent with the clinical picture should be doubted.

Lab errors do happen.

It is also the case that, even in the absence of disease or treatment, lab values will vary from moment to moment, day to day -- though not, I agree, by as much as the OP seems to describe.

I cannot really follow the dates of the various results but if all those abnormal results in Korat were on the same day, my guess is that there was a mix-up and these are actually the results from a different dog altogether -- one that would indeed be obviously and severely ill.

You do indeed need to get a good vet -- a really good one with access to an on premises lab and other diagnostic back-up -- and stick with them. You are not going to find the caliber needed in Korat. I know it is a long drive, but sticking to top animal hospitals in

Bangkok will save you time and money in the long run.

Suggest Kasetsart Univ Small animal clinic or Dr. Maytee at the Ari Pet Hospital, latter needs an appointment in advance. Dr. Maytee is currently out of the country but expected back later this week, I know because I am waiting to get an appointment with him myself.

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With both humans and animals, lab results should always be viewed in the clinical context and any lab result that is inconsistent with the clinical picture should be doubted.

Lab errors do happen.

It is also the case that, even in the absence of disease or treatment, lab values will vary from moment to moment, day to day -- though not, I agree, by as much as the OP seems to describe.

I cannot really follow the dates of the various results but if all those abnormal results in Korat were on the same day, my guess is that there was a mix-up and these are actually the results from a different dog altogether -- one that would indeed be obviously and severely ill.

You do indeed need to get a good vet -- a really good one with access to an on premises lab and other diagnostic back-up -- and stick with them. You are not going to find the caliber needed in Korat. I know it is a long drive, but sticking to top animal hospitals in

Bangkok will save you time and money in the long run.

Suggest Kasetsart Univ Small animal clinic or Dr. Maytee at the Ari Pet Hospital, latter needs an appointment in advance. Dr. Maytee is currently out of the country but expected back later this week, I know because I am waiting to get an appointment with him myself.

thanks sheryl for your concern,on thurs.we decided we would go to the most recomened animal hosital in korat although a fair distance to travel and one of the busyest roads in the area,[uni's and schools] hospital name ittivech.she found the vets and staff very professional and they said the same as you when she showed them the results of previous blood tests going back as far as april 2015.some of the platelete tests could not have been a true figuer.

160,000 on the wednesday 13th.and only 2,000 on sat.16th.the vet said if the 2,000 count had been right the dog would have bled internally.the vet who had the last test done was most surprised when the wife told him the count on the 13th.he had been caught out.

he was exspecting her to start another course.MORE MONEY.

at ittivech they tested the sample they took 3times to make sure it was acurate.the wife was very pleased with the service.

now came the part PAYING as everyone said if you want the best you have to PAY.with our boy cost doesnt matter.

well sheryl to give you an idea of what she has been paying in the past 4different vets the hospital was CHEAPER.

so you see she has been ripped off something rotten.i try not to get involved because i know i will regret my actions.

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what concerns me now is,could there be any lasting damage to our boy,the amount of meds he has been given,over the past 13months there was a break of 4months without any.before the break 4months of doxy,and after the break he has been given doxy for 5months.

then there is all the other meds he was given,maybe not needed.

when i started the topic HIDDEN DANGER was this a load of BS that we were told.

it is now time for me to get involved as i have kept my mouth shut for so long and beleived what we were being told.

as we know T.I.T.and nobody takes responsibility for anything but i cant take anymore. and i cant let the wife take all the flak.its eating her up inside where she is at breaking point.

a lot of you might say its only a dog,but with us we have been together over 30yrs.and we have got everything.she has never had any children,SO HE IS OUR SON.

HE IS LOVED AND CHERISHED like no other and is irraplaceable.so please understand our feelings.


Edited by meatboy
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Hey, we are facebook friends now!! (joke)

It's time to calm down and sort things out for Sam. Don't go running off to different vets, who give you different diagnoses. Choose one that you trust. And get a proper diagnosis of his ailments.

Everyone who reads here knows that Sam is your baby, in a way he is ours too. Well, mine anyway. He is beautiful.

Choose one vet, get whatever pills and potions from that one vet and basta. And don't get yourselves in a tizzy, that may also make Sam ill. He will be feeling your stress. And respond to it. If you two are crying and lounging around he feels it.

Or if push comes to shove - put him in his crate and take him to the UK for a holiday and get him sorted there.

You are not letting him or your wife down, and not knowing dogs in Thailand, i would think that the vets there are not very up in the ups and downs of huskies.

He would love the snow we have up in the sunny mountains here, now.


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Sorry to hear about your problems MB, I know you love your boy so I hope it all gets sorted soon. Am also really concerned that the malpractice trend of requiring diagnostic test after diagnostic test, marked up pharmacy costs and dubious advice that started some with parts of the medical system here, has extended to the veterinary field also, that's sad.

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  • 1 month later...

thank you for your support,hopefully we are goner get somewhere by going to the best.you might ask why not before,well its called trust which is not very forthcoming.

so thanks PC,AND CM.

well after 7months and 4vets we seem to have found one who we can trust.

itthivech pet hospital here in korat.its been just over 6weeks since we took him there and the vet has signed him off.he explained in detail all his blood tests and what the medication he gave us was for.no overcharging,so all in all we are very happy for our boy.not tempting fate lets hope he has a trouble free life.

we are goner keep giving him blood support ect.as directed by the vet.

so my message to all who's pets need testing is to study the print out of the test and ask the vet to explain it.i did post the guide for the normal range.and keep the tests so you can see if medication is working or not.

meatboy love me love my dog.

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People who refer to a dog as "their boy" and use pets as a substitute for children are easy targets for con artiest.

From the start, they know you are not rational or logical.

Good luck with your baby.

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People who refer to a dog as "their boy" and use pets as a substitute for children are easy targets for con artiest.

From the start, they know you are not rational or logical.

Good luck with your baby.

a message from my baby,THANKS GRANCHA.

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