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Thailand's ousted Shinawatra clan defies govt with publicity drive


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As usual you choose to not address the issue. I believe the junta is everything but off topic. Look at the thread title for reference.

You're the pot calling the kettle black, rubl, the distraction is all your doing.

Your issue doesn't seem relevant in a Shinawatra publicity campaign. Of course you might be part of that campaign for all I care.

Shinawatras, elect us and be thanked. Your vote allows us to talk about responsibility and accountability without the need to take it serious. Even if someone dares to try we can still sue their pants off or simply state that "democracy died this day".

Not bad for a criminal fugitive who's getting impatient. Not bad for a family who let Thailand lose 500 billion Baht and let their 'political' party state to have paid out 870 billion Baht directly to 1.4 million rice farming families (out of 3.7 m eligible). Not bad for a former PM who had the state borrow a neighbouring country 2 billion Baht so they could buy services from his company. Not bad for some who are too rich to 'need' to be corrupt.

Publicity campaign, to let us not forget the outstanding bills, the outstanding accountability.

My issue is relevant to your post. where you were crying for accountability and responsibility for people that operated under a valid constitution and were covered by check and balances provided by that constitution. They did so with a clear electoral mandate, again within the boundaries for said constitution.

I simply ask for the very same accountability and reponsibility for the current lot. (who just as Thaksin broke the law, but will never be labelled criminal, despite the fact that they most certainly are).

But yet, you seem to attempt to bypass this issue, whilst at the same time repeating your Thaksin hatred. We already got the message, the Thai electorate will decide if that publicity drive will yield enough votes to be part of the next government.

It does not register in your mind rubl ? The current lot are not an inch better, have drafted their own constitution, with an amnesty clause Yingluck could only dream off, all this without any electoral mandate.

You're so impractical my dear chap. No wonder nothing moves.

As for hatred? Now that is typical. I only ask that a criminal fugitive and his clone sister show the responsibility and accountability they always talked about. What do I get instead? "democracy died today".

Now that's a Shinawatra publicity stunt.

Going on and on about the junta as if you expect them to put themselves in court. Now that's being blinded by Shinawatra reasoning. "but, but the others".

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5555. Classic, you mean a bit like your post rubl ? I of course wasn't referring to the accountability of Yingluck, she was accountable to the electorate at any time during her term as PM. I am talking about the responsibility and accountability of the current rulers, as it did disappear.

Apparently this does not pose a problem to you, as you appear to only want responsibility and accountability for certain kind of people.

You know the word for persons like that, and why no sane person. would take such persons seriously.

Typical shin lover response.. accountable only to the electorate.. justice is not a popularity game. Everyone is accountable to the law however there would have been no trial for the massive off books (not included in the countries budget) spending of the rice program. That is negligence all over the world spending the same amount as the health budget and hiding it calling it self financing. (that kind of financial negligence would result to a trial in most civilized countries). But no you want there only to be a trial in the eyes of the public.

The junta is far from perfect, but at least they got YL for a trial, there are many thing wrong with the junta but this is not one of them. Going after a PM who after being warned by the world bank among others that this was not financial sound still kept on saying it was self financing.. when one of the people on the rice program came out with figured bullied that person and wanted to prosecute that person (instead of accepting she was wrong in calling it self financing and not taking it up in the books) Thus leaving Thailand with a massive extra debt. The health budget for Thailand could have been financed with it for 2 !!! Years.

Of course someone asking for accountability and responsibility for ALL people invloved in Thailand's governement makes me a shin lover, a bit of a twisted mentality if you ask me.

I am sure the coup was NOT needed to bring accountability to Yingluck, the 2007 constitution had ample provisions to Ensure that.

Wrong, and whatever is / was in the 2007 version, whilst the paymasters puppet / gang remained in power nothing whatever would have happened to investigate the various items which were out of control.

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As usual you choose to not address the issue. I believe the junta is everything but off topic. Look at the thread title for reference.

You're the pot calling the kettle black, rubl, the distraction is all your doing.

Your issue doesn't seem relevant in a Shinawatra publicity campaign. Of course you might be part of that campaign for all I care.

Shinawatras, elect us and be thanked. Your vote allows us to talk about responsibility and accountability without the need to take it serious. Even if someone dares to try we can still sue their pants off or simply state that "democracy died this day".

Not bad for a criminal fugitive who's getting impatient. Not bad for a family who let Thailand lose 500 billion Baht and let their 'political' party state to have paid out 870 billion Baht directly to 1.4 million rice farming families (out of 3.7 m eligible). Not bad for a former PM who had the state borrow a neighbouring country 2 billion Baht so they could buy services from his company. Not bad for some who are too rich to 'need' to be corrupt.

Publicity campaign, to let us not forget the outstanding bills, the outstanding accountability.

My issue is relevant to your post. where you were crying for accountability and responsibility for people that operated under a valid constitution and were covered by check and balances provided by that constitution. They did so with a clear electoral mandate, again within the boundaries for said constitution.

I simply ask for the very same accountability and reponsibility for the current lot. (who just as Thaksin broke the law, but will never be labelled criminal, despite the fact that they most certainly are).

But yet, you seem to attempt to bypass this issue, whilst at the same time repeating your Thaksin hatred. We already got the message, the Thai electorate will decide if that publicity drive will yield enough votes to be part of the next government.

It does not register in your mind rubl ? The current lot are not an inch better, have drafted their own constitution, with an amnesty clause Yingluck could only dream off, all this without any electoral mandate.

You're so impractical my dear chap. No wonder nothing moves.

As for hatred? Now that is typical. I only ask that a criminal fugitive and his clone sister show the responsibility and accountability they always talked about. What do I get instead? "democracy died today".

Now that's a Shinawatra publicity stunt.

Going on and on about the junta as if you expect them to put themselves in court. Now that's being blinded by Shinawatra reasoning. "but, but the others".

But dear rubl, how do you expect a democracy and legal system to work if some are subjected to it whilst others are not ?

I already know the answer to that question.

Now let's have the accountability and responsibility of the current lot. I'm not asking them to be prosecuted for staging the coup, but be accountable for whatever decisions they are making post the coup shouldn't be too much to ask, yet it quite clearly is.

Now that sheds a whole different light to the witchhunt Yingluck currenlty is subjected to, and any verdict will not be taken seriously. After all, a legal system that prosecutes certain people, whilst others remain untouched, is not a legal system that can be taken seriously.

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5555. Classic, you mean a bit like your post rubl ? I of course wasn't referring to the accountability of Yingluck, she was accountable to the electorate at any time during her term as PM. I am talking about the responsibility and accountability of the current rulers, as it did disappear.

Apparently this does not pose a problem to you, as you appear to only want responsibility and accountability for certain kind of people.

You know the word for persons like that, and why no sane person. would take such persons seriously.

Typical shin lover response.. accountable only to the electorate.. justice is not a popularity game. Everyone is accountable to the law however there would have been no trial for the massive off books (not included in the countries budget) spending of the rice program. That is negligence all over the world spending the same amount as the health budget and hiding it calling it self financing. (that kind of financial negligence would result to a trial in most civilized countries). But no you want there only to be a trial in the eyes of the public.

The junta is far from perfect, but at least they got YL for a trial, there are many thing wrong with the junta but this is not one of them. Going after a PM who after being warned by the world bank among others that this was not financial sound still kept on saying it was self financing.. when one of the people on the rice program came out with figured bullied that person and wanted to prosecute that person (instead of accepting she was wrong in calling it self financing and not taking it up in the books) Thus leaving Thailand with a massive extra debt. The health budget for Thailand could have been financed with it for 2 !!! Years.

Of course someone asking for accountability and responsibility for ALL people invloved in Thailand's governement makes me a shin lover, a bit of a twisted mentality if you ask me.

I am sure the coup was NOT needed to bring accountability to Yingluck, the 2007 constitution had ample provisions to Ensure that.

Wrong, and whatever is / was in the 2007 version, whilst the paymasters puppet / gang remained in power nothing whatever would have happened to investigate the various items which were out of control.

Wrong ? I seem to remember Yingluck being forced to resign as Pm based upon provisions in the 2007 constitution. The coup was not needed to bring accountability, and you know it.

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But dear rubl, how do you expect a democracy and legal system to work if some are subjected to it whilst others are not ?

I already know the answer to that question.

Now let's have the accountability and responsibility of the current lot. I'm not asking them to be prosecuted for staging the coup, but be accountable for whatever decisions they are making post the coup shouldn't be too much to ask, yet it quite clearly is.

Now that sheds a whole different light to the witchhunt Yingluck currenlty is subjected to, and any verdict will not be taken seriously. After all, a legal system that prosecutes certain people, whilst others remain untouched, is not a legal system that can be taken seriously.

You simply acknowledge that things didn't work before. Like with the tearful confession in 2001 judges saying later "how could we find him guilty, he was just elected?".

Anyway, Ms. Yingluck is asked to justify and document her RPPS, give clear reasoning why the 500 billion loss on a 'self-financing' scheme isn't 'negligence' on her part as 'person in charge'. Now if you call that a witch hunt, you have clearly fallen for the Shinawatra propaganda.

The 'but, but the others' as just the diversion trying to get the Shinawatras a free pass.

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But dear rubl, how do you expect a democracy and legal system to work if some are subjected to it whilst others are not ?

I already know the answer to that question.

Now let's have the accountability and responsibility of the current lot. I'm not asking them to be prosecuted for staging the coup, but be accountable for whatever decisions they are making post the coup shouldn't be too much to ask, yet it quite clearly is.

Now that sheds a whole different light to the witchhunt Yingluck currenlty is subjected to, and any verdict will not be taken seriously. After all, a legal system that prosecutes certain people, whilst others remain untouched, is not a legal system that can be taken seriously.

You simply acknowledge that things didn't work before. Like with the tearful confession in 2001 judges saying later "how could we find him guilty, he was just elected?".

Anyway, Ms. Yingluck is asked to justify and document her RPPS, give clear reasoning why the 500 billion loss on a 'self-financing' scheme isn't 'negligence' on her part as 'person in charge'. Now if you call that a witch hunt, you have clearly fallen for the Shinawatra propaganda.

The 'but, but the others' as just the diversion trying to get the Shinawatras a free pass.

No it is not Rubl. As Yingluck is currently being prosecuted. All I'm asking for is for the current rulers not to hide behind their precious amnesty, so that they too can be prosecuted if the need arises. A justice system were some are prosecuted and others get a free pass isn't a justice system.

As to Yingluck prosecution not being a witch hunt, please rubl. How many persons in governement have ever been prosecuted for policies that went haywire beyond their control. How many self financing schemes do you actually think governments have implemented the world over, precious little of course. I am sure the rubber measures put in by the unelected government aren't self financing either.

I see the need for your continued mentioning of the 500 billion, yet the clowns currently in charge do cost money as well, with one big difference, they don't have an electoral mandate and grabbed power illegally.

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But dear rubl, how do you expect a democracy and legal system to work if some are subjected to it whilst others are not ?

I already know the answer to that question.

Now let's have the accountability and responsibility of the current lot. I'm not asking them to be prosecuted for staging the coup, but be accountable for whatever decisions they are making post the coup shouldn't be too much to ask, yet it quite clearly is.

Now that sheds a whole different light to the witchhunt Yingluck currenlty is subjected to, and any verdict will not be taken seriously. After all, a legal system that prosecutes certain people, whilst others remain untouched, is not a legal system that can be taken seriously.

You simply acknowledge that things didn't work before. Like with the tearful confession in 2001 judges saying later "how could we find him guilty, he was just elected?".

Anyway, Ms. Yingluck is asked to justify and document her RPPS, give clear reasoning why the 500 billion loss on a 'self-financing' scheme isn't 'negligence' on her part as 'person in charge'. Now if you call that a witch hunt, you have clearly fallen for the Shinawatra propaganda.

The 'but, but the others' as just the diversion trying to get the Shinawatras a free pass.

No it is not Rubl. As Yingluck is currently being prosecuted. All I'm asking for is for the current rulers not to hide behind their precious amnesty, so that they too can be prosecuted if the need arises. A justice system were some are prosecuted and others get a free pass isn't a justice system.

As to Yingluck prosecution not being a witch hunt, please rubl. How many persons in governement have ever been prosecuted for policies that went haywire beyond their control. How many self financing schemes do you actually think governments have implemented the world over, precious little of course. I am sure the rubber measures put in by the unelected government aren't self financing either.

I see the need for your continued mentioning of the 500 billion, yet the clowns currently in charge do cost money as well, with one big difference, they don't have an electoral mandate and grabbed power illegally.

And the distractions, diversions and propaganda continues.

Again an attempt to compare the wonderful 'self-financing' scam with a real subsidy which is within the National Budget..

So, propaganda continues, Shinawatras too rich to 'need' to be accountable.

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But dear rubl, how do you expect a democracy and legal system to work if some are subjected to it whilst others are not ?

I already know the answer to that question.

Now let's have the accountability and responsibility of the current lot. I'm not asking them to be prosecuted for staging the coup, but be accountable for whatever decisions they are making post the coup shouldn't be too much to ask, yet it quite clearly is.

Now that sheds a whole different light to the witchhunt Yingluck currenlty is subjected to, and any verdict will not be taken seriously. After all, a legal system that prosecutes certain people, whilst others remain untouched, is not a legal system that can be taken seriously.

You simply acknowledge that things didn't work before. Like with the tearful confession in 2001 judges saying later "how could we find him guilty, he was just elected?".

Anyway, Ms. Yingluck is asked to justify and document her RPPS, give clear reasoning why the 500 billion loss on a 'self-financing' scheme isn't 'negligence' on her part as 'person in charge'. Now if you call that a witch hunt, you have clearly fallen for the Shinawatra propaganda.

The 'but, but the others' as just the diversion trying to get the Shinawatras a free pass.

No it is not Rubl. As Yingluck is currently being prosecuted. All I'm asking for is for the current rulers not to hide behind their precious amnesty, so that they too can be prosecuted if the need arises. A justice system were some are prosecuted and others get a free pass isn't a justice system.

As to Yingluck prosecution not being a witch hunt, please rubl. How many persons in governement have ever been prosecuted for policies that went haywire beyond their control. How many self financing schemes do you actually think governments have implemented the world over, precious little of course. I am sure the rubber measures put in by the unelected government aren't self financing either.

I see the need for your continued mentioning of the 500 billion, yet the clowns currently in charge do cost money as well, with one big difference, they don't have an electoral mandate and grabbed power illegally.

And the distractions, diversions and propaganda continues.

Again an attempt to compare the wonderful 'self-financing' scam with a real subsidy which is within the National Budget..

So, propaganda continues, Shinawatras too rich to 'need' to be accountable.

What distraction ? Be a fair person and try to address the issue I raised. The fact that you don't speaks volumes about you.


The Shinawatras aren't too rich to be accountable, considering cases both criminal and political have been launched. The issue I raised is the accountability of the CURRENT RULERS.

I am sure they are amply rich as well, the question here is why should they not be accountable, I am dying to hear that answer, but will get diversions instead of course.

Edited by seedy
troll / flaming
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What distraction ? Be a fair person and try to address the issue I raised. The fact that you don't speaks volumes about you.

You should stop accusing others of something you are quite clearly quilty off, for all to see, hypocrite.

The Shinawatras aren't too rich to be accountable, considering cases both criminal and political have been launched. The issue I raised is the accountability of the CURRENT RULERS.

I am sure they are amply rich as well, the question here is why should they not be accountable, I am dying to hear that answer, but will get diversions instead of course.

The issue is the Shinawatra publicity campaign. You're just helping them it seems with obfuscation.

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What distraction ? Be a fair person and try to address the issue I raised. The fact that you don't speaks volumes about you.

You should stop accusing others of something you are quite clearly quilty off, for all to see, hypocrite.

The Shinawatras aren't too rich to be accountable, considering cases both criminal and political have been launched. The issue I raised is the accountability of the CURRENT RULERS.

I am sure they are amply rich as well, the question here is why should they not be accountable, I am dying to hear that answer, but will get diversions instead of course.

The issue is the Shinawatra publicity campaign. You're just helping them it seems with obfuscation.

No I have no intention of helping them, I just responded to your cry for accountability and responsibility. Thanks for your continued dodging of a very relevant question to your own posts.

I personally think the fact that they ARE accountable whilst the current rulers are not, would be more beneficial to their political success than any publicity campaign.

But alas, the coup mongers never ever learn, not the brightest people around, same could be said from people that actually support them of course.

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What distraction ? Be a fair person and try to address the issue I raised. The fact that you don't speaks volumes about you.

You should stop accusing others of something you are quite clearly quilty off, for all to see, hypocrite.

The Shinawatras aren't too rich to be accountable, considering cases both criminal and political have been launched. The issue I raised is the accountability of the CURRENT RULERS.

I am sure they are amply rich as well, the question here is why should they not be accountable, I am dying to hear that answer, but will get diversions instead of course.

The issue is the Shinawatra publicity campaign. You're just helping them it seems with obfuscation.

No I have no intention of helping them, I just responded to your cry for accountability and responsibility. Thanks for your continued dodging of a very relevant question to your own posts.

I personally think the fact that they ARE accountable whilst the current rulers are not, would be more beneficial to their political success than any publicity campaign.

But alas, the coup mongers never ever learn, not the brightest people around, same could be said from people that actually support them of course.

and on and on we go about everything but Shinawatra accountibility.

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How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

Stop rewriting history.. they were late paying even before the street protests. They just did not have the money. Also before she stepped down she should have made provisions for paying the farmers. She did not and then, the farmers could not be paid because YL had not made the provisions. So stop blaming others for her failure.

Get off the grass mate, are you really denying that good O'L uncle Suthep didn't block backs, didn't make threats if loans were made there would be repercussions???

being late is not refusal of payment, it just that late, and what government has never ever been late in making payments, anyone who has ever done work for a government will most defiantly say that it happens a lot and that they are some times the worst to work for as far as payment...

Yes he blocked the banks because YL had not made provisions so payment could have been illigal and the people paying could have been facing legal problems. Had YL made the provisions before she stepped down (like a responsible PM should have) his blocking of banks would not have any use. She just left others to clean up her mess.

They were many months behind already.. people had killed themselves because of it already. But hey follow the red line and rewrite history its what your good at.

Suthep was trying to keep the banks out of trouble?


Hadn't heard that one before... thumbsup.gif

Edited by tbthailand
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Stop rewriting history.. they were late paying even before the street protests. They just did not have the money. Also before she stepped down she should have made provisions for paying the farmers. She did not and then, the farmers could not be paid because YL had not made the provisions. So stop blaming others for her failure.

Get off the grass mate, are you really denying that good O'L uncle Suthep didn't block backs, didn't make threats if loans were made there would be repercussions???

being late is not refusal of payment, it just that late, and what government has never ever been late in making payments, anyone who has ever done work for a government will most defiantly say that it happens a lot and that they are some times the worst to work for as far as payment...

Yes he blocked the banks because YL had not made provisions so payment could have been illigal and the people paying could have been facing legal problems. Had YL made the provisions before she stepped down (like a responsible PM should have) his blocking of banks would not have any use. She just left others to clean up her mess.

They were many months behind already.. people had killed themselves because of it already. But hey follow the red line and rewrite history its what your good at.

Suthep was trying to keep the banks out of trouble?


Hadn't heard that one before... thumbsup.gif

You were probably not really paying attention.

If the caretaker government couldn't legally commit to extra loans of a hundred billion Baht or more which the next government(s) would need to honor, the banks lending money to the caretaker government might need to wait a long time before getting the loan back, if ever.

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I make no apology for my opinion that "any " government that manipulates votes by the various methods of purchase, purchase under duress, or disallowing for vague reason can ever be considereda democratic institution. And that despite the crude perception of validity indicated by official vote counts!

Disregarding previous coups, this one has the stated and demonstrable intent to provide a platform which can enable a genuine democratic process.

Those nations considered examples of Democracy did not acheive that status by birthright or some magical or divine wave of a hand.

The "attitude adjustment" Thailand is undergoing neccesitates the sidelining of and/or the bringing to account of previous perpetuants in a corrupted pseudo democracy.

The process may not be democratic but at very least has been almost bloodless whilst continuing prudent social governance in a time of global downturn.

And accusations that it has been biased appear baseless when considering that historical political figures have not had any prominence in the current situation.

Resistance with intent to create failure only delays. Perhaps better to suport and if it has no merit will fail without delay. But if it succeeds ...........smile.png

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