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Thailand's Computer Crime Act has issues, Google tells censorship committee


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The whole crux of this exercise is the ladies running the show can't take criticism , mind you Google needs to lift its game or I might look for another home page, they intend to co-operate with the junta when they sort out the legal issues, the big buck rules the waves no morals here to be seen , Google should tell the Junta to go and take a walk, but then again they cowered to the Chinese Government , that say's it all...........................................coffee1.gif

Yes you nailed it a draw dropper all the way around. Google Greed is the game The big buck rules the waves no morals only money. Sad what the world has become. They would dance with the devil if there was any profit involved. I to use Google but am seriously looking for a good alternative.

So will I look for another home page what about dogpile.com

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i am so dumb i hope i can find my way home... maybe i will use this GPS thing... oh sorry another American dumb ass thing. Internet? The transistor? Integrated circuits? the airline industry? the auto industry? gee we dumb ass Americans sure are lucky all this stuff just fell into our laps. no doubt stolen from "German rocket scientists".

ok there, nice to meet you. now my cousin is going to make you squeal like a pig.

America did not invent the internet, despite what you think and Al Gore claimed. Google Tim Berners-Lee.

Berners-Lee developed HTTP, an application-level protocol used to retrieve web pages. HTTP only supports 9 commands and is completely useless without the underlying services that control the routing and congestion (i.e. the 'plumbing' of the internet), which were developed by the US Department of Defense.

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If this report is accurate it is not good news. Taking things away from people may create resentment and negative feelings. More restrictions or removal of content from Google, Facebook, and LINE application mirrors China.

If such dramatic changes were to come about, I think the way the climate is these days, not many ordinary people in Thailand could make their voices heard in order to block such moves. The road ahead may get more bumpy.

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Despite expressing anxiety about the laws ambiguity, the search engine company indicated it was willing to cooperate with Thai authorities and take down websites deemed illegal once a court order was issued

Google can't itself "take down" websites unless they are Google websites...what they are in fact agreeing to do is edit the search results so they don't display the banned sites, and more likely than not this will just be the results obtained from google.co.th. not .com. They already do this is the EU for similar reasons as well as the "right to be forgotten" so nothing new really.

And so are there other sites/ search engines one can use if you cannot retrieve it from Google? Just asking.

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Is Google preparing itself for an attitude adjustment?

I think I'd like to know a bit more detail about its concerns other than just a vague expression of concern, and an indication of willingness to comply.

No, it is easy.

One set of Asian con men being conned by another set of conmen. Only these conmen have been around much longer and are much better at it.

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If this report is accurate it is not good news. Taking things away from people may create resentment and negative feelings. More restrictions or removal of content from Google, Facebook, and LINE application mirrors China.

If such dramatic changes were to come about, I think the way the climate is these days, not many ordinary people in Thailand could make their voices heard in order to block such moves. The road ahead may get more bumpy.

I'm sorry man. You sound like a nice guy, but, don't you think that these people have been and always will take away our freedoms whenever and wherever they feel like it..

They have even got to a stage where they don't even try and hide it any more. They just laugh right in our face.

After all, what are we going to do about it?

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i am so dumb i hope i can find my way home... maybe i will use this GPS thing... oh sorry another American dumb ass thing. Internet? The transistor? Integrated circuits? the airline industry? the auto industry? gee we dumb ass Americans sure are lucky all this stuff just fell into our laps. no doubt stolen from "German rocket scientists".

ok there, nice to meet you. now my cousin is going to make you squeal like a pig.

America did not invent the internet, despite what you think and Al Gore claimed. Google Tim Berners-Lee.

Berners-Lee developed HTTP, an application-level protocol used to retrieve web pages. HTTP only supports 9 commands and is completely useless without the underlying services that control the routing and congestion (i.e. the 'plumbing' of the internet), which were developed by the US Department of Defense.

hey there little buddy, how you doin'? Al Gore is a frickin' dumb ass.

i was talking about the internet.

HTTP is not the internet.

"In 1973, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a research program to investigate techniques and technologies for interlinking packet networks of various kinds. The objective was to develop communication protocols which would allow networked computers to communicate transparently across multiple, linked packet networks. This was called the Internetting project and the system of networks which emerged from the research was known as the "Internet." The system of protocols which was developed over the course of this research effort became known as the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, after the two initial protocols developed: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP)."


note it said 1973.

ok. you are totally wrong. you have a nice day. and i will give until the count of 10 to run.

Edited by NCC1701A
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The Chinese are influencing Thai law and policy. Soon Thailand will be a satellite state, like Hong Kong, of China

Have you noticed Thai government has said nothing about the Hong Kong book publisher who went missing in Thailand and wound up in a Chinese prison.

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Despite expressing anxiety about the laws ambiguity, the search engine company indicated it was willing to cooperate with Thai authorities and take down websites deemed illegal once a court order was issued

Google can't itself "take down" websites unless they are Google websites...what they are in fact agreeing to do is edit the search results so they don't display the banned sites, and more likely than not this will just be the results obtained from google.co.th. not .com. They already do this is the EU for similar reasons as well as the "right to be forgotten" so nothing new really.
And so are there other sites/ search engines one can use if you cannot retrieve it from Google? Just asking.

Presumably, if only google.co.th has been edited.

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...like I said...'thinking is work'.....

...but no such work description to be found anywhere around here..

...pass through high school and university....regardless.....

...now the real world is filled with these 'professionals with degrees and titles'....

...all pretend.....wow....

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" the search engine company indicated it was willing to cooperate with Thai authorities and take down websites deemed illegal once a court order was issued....."

Just how exactly does that work if the website isn't hosted by Google?

I know Google is big, but are they slightly overstepping their mark a bit here with statements like that? And it seems by the above extract from the OP it isn't just Google stepping off the pavement....................wink.png

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The whole crux of this exercise is the ladies running the show can't take criticism , mind you Google needs to lift its game or I might look for another home page, they intend to co-operate with the junta when they sort out the legal issues, the big buck rules the waves no morals here to be seen , Google should tell the Junta to go and take a walk, but then again they cowered to the Chinese Government , that say's it all...........................................coffee1.gif

I am not sure that Google does not have an absolutely good handle on Thai-ism already. Have meeting. Politely agree to co-operate (vaguely) Do what they (Google) want and than react to any criticism by saying "We never did anything wrong." Surely Thais would understand that approach perfectly????

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Ah well if all goes TiTs up so to speak we can all go back to our home countries, as boring as they are. You must admit there is never a dull moment in Thailand!

Government : we want to control what the people can see and read. People of Thailand: That won't make us happy! Government: don't worry about that, if we keep telling you we are bringing you happiness then you will be happy! Thai expression: don't worry everything will be fine (head in sand).

I must admit the overly smiling people on the propaganda on thai tv makes me sick, along with the token smiling Muslim children for good measure.

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The Chinese are influencing Thai law and policy. Soon Thailand will be a satellite state, like Hong Kong, of China

Hong Kong isn't a satellite state of China, it is part of China.
yes and no.. From wiki : The special administrative regions (SAR;Portuguese: RAE) are autonomous territories that fall within the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China, yet do not form part ofMainland China. The legal basis for the establishment of SARs, unlike theadministrative divisions of Mainland China,
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we need one master portal. check-in with fingerprints and eye scanner at certified location connected to bank account and all assets (all seized if you commit crime)

let the top people make trillions...

control the sheep and make them watch the propaganda!!!

99.999% of the world's population are there to make the others super rich!!!

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"Pisit is now overseeing the committee’s renewed bid at winning cooperation from the internet multinationals. On Dec. 24, he said his committee would seek junta approval to use the absolute power it granted to itself under Article 44 to crack down on online media, especially that considered to affect national security and defame the monarchy."

How nice, 1984 with internet.

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" the search engine company indicated it was willing to cooperate with Thai authorities and take down websites deemed illegal once a court order was issued....."

Just how exactly does that work if the website isn't hosted by Google?

I know Google is big, but are they slightly overstepping their mark a bit here with statements like that? And it seems by the above extract from the OP it isn't just Google stepping off the pavement....................wink.png

I think something was either lost in translation or the copy was "massaged" to make it seem like a more powerful move. At most, google will remove a site from the search results on the google .com.th. As someone stated before, they do that all the time to adjust for different laws in different countries.

In this case, as more people are convicted and sentenced for something as simple as liking a facebook post, I think google is going to take a hard look at whether they should be in the Thai internet space at all. What's to stop the government from going after google for showing results that they think violate their draconian laws? Not that it would do them any good since google is not based in Thailand. But, since when has that ever stopped them from trying?

If it's not worth the hassle (or the bad publicity about censorship) then google has no reason to play ball with these people.

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