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Sanders tries to fry Hillary in final Democrat TV debate


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Sanders tries to fry Hillary in final Democrat TV debate
Robert Hackwill


USA -- The Democrat party contenders for the 2016 presidential nomination felt the Bern in their last TV debate in the US as Bernie Sanders laid into frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

With the opening Iowa caucus on February 1 Martin O’Malley hardly got a word in, although he did join Sanders’ attacks on Clinton’s links tobig business.

“I don’t take money from big banks. I don’t get personal speaking fees from Goldman Sachs. I do not have a Super PAC, I do not want Wall Street’s money. I’ll rely on the middle class and working families,” thundered Sanders.

Hillary gave as good as she got, but Sanders pushed back each time. His rise in the polls in part encouraged Clinton to embrace Obama’s legacy and back his policies, policies popular with Sanders’ electorate.

“I have made it clear based on Senator Sanders own record that he has voted with the
N.R.A. with the gun lobby numerous times he voted against the Brady Bill five times. He voted for immunity from gun makers and sellers which the N.R.A. said was the most important piece of gun legislation in twenty years,” she said.

If Sanders should win in Iowa and New Hampshire Clinton could lose support ahead of Nevada and South Carolina, and the crucial 11-state vote on Super Tuesday on March 1 in which she has been forecast to do well. A poor start could change all that.

Source: http://www.euronews.com/2016/01/18/sanders-tries-to-fry-hillary-in-final-democrat-tv-debate/

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-18

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Hillary is a proven loser. Sanders can't get anywhere long term. They are playing to the loony fringe left to try to get the nomination. The winner will then hypocritically shift toward the middle to try to win the general. They are just phony politicians, pandering to whatever group they need to influence, to gain power.

Hillary is stupid to campaign on guns. Pro gun is mainstream America. The anti's are the loony fringe.

Neither one of these two-bit players can win the general election. This is a side show.


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Hillary is a proven loser. Sanders can't get anywhere long term. They are playing to the loony fringe left to try to get the nomination. The winner will then hypocritically shift toward the middle to try to win the general. They are just phony politicians, pandering to whatever group they need to influence, to gain power.

Hillary is stupid to campaign on guns. Pro gun is mainstream America. The anti's are the loony fringe.

Neither one of these two-bit players can win the general election. This is a side show.


You may want to consider cutting down on dessert's for a while, because I think you may have to eat so much humble pie soon you may burst ;)

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Hillary is a proven loser. Sanders can't get anywhere long term. They are playing to the loony fringe left to try to get the nomination. The winner will then hypocritically shift toward the middle to try to win the general. They are just phony politicians, pandering to whatever group they need to influence, to gain power.

Hillary is stupid to campaign on guns. Pro gun is mainstream America. The anti's are the loony fringe.

Neither one of these two-bit players can win the general election. This is a side show.


You may want to consider cutting down on dessert's for a while, because I think you may have to eat so much humble pie soon you may burst wink.png

Take a look at Hillary's thighs and you'll realize that she already ate everything in sight. Hillary couldn't get elected as dog catcher. Look what a nobody named Obama did to her the last time she was the Dem's anointed - 2007-2008. She simply collapsed as she's doing with Sanders. She's really and finally starting to get alarmed about the nobody, Sanders.

There is no way that someone with zero personality who's also packing a lot of negative baggage can get elected as POTUS. The Dems have done the world a great favor by zeroing in on Hillary and Sanders.

When the primaries are over and Hillary or Sanders actually has to face Trump they are toast. They are going to get run over by a freight train.


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You may want to consider cutting down on dessert's for a while, because I think you may have to eat so much humble pie soon you may burst wink.png

Take a look at Hillary's thighs and you'll realize that she already ate everything in sight. Hillary couldn't get elected as dog catcher. Look what a nobody named Obama did to her the last time she was the Dem's anointed - 2007-2008. She simply collapsed as she's doing with Sanders. She's really and finally starting to get alarmed about the nobody, Sanders.

There is no way that someone with zero personality who's also packing a lot of negative baggage can get elected as POTUS. The Dems have done the world a great favor by zeroing in on Hillary and Sanders.

When the primaries are over and Hillary or Sanders actually has to face Trump they are toast. They are going to get run over by a freight train.


Welcome to the Twilight Zone !

Now for some (just a little) contradiction

There is no way that someone with zero personality who's also packing a lot of negative baggage can get elected as POTUS
When the primaries are over and Hillary or Sanders actually has to face Trump they are toast. They are going to get run over by a freight train.

Sigh !!

I just don't have the energy or the inclination. I'm sorry Dorothy This isn't Kansas!

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Hillary is a proven loser. Sanders can't get anywhere long term. They are playing to the loony fringe left to try to get the nomination. The winner will then hypocritically shift toward the middle to try to win the general. They are just phony politicians, pandering to whatever group they need to influence, to gain power.

Hillary is stupid to campaign on guns. Pro gun is mainstream America. The anti's are the loony fringe.

Neither one of these two-bit players can win the general election. This is a side show.


You may want to consider cutting down on dessert's for a while, because I think you may have to eat so much humble pie soon you may burst wink.png

Take a look at Hillary's thighs and you'll realize that she already ate everything in sight. Hillary couldn't get elected as dog catcher. Look what a nobody named Obama did to her the last time she was the Dem's anointed - 2007-2008. She simply collapsed as she's doing with Sanders. She's really and finally starting to get alarmed about the nobody, Sanders.

There is no way that someone with zero personality who's also packing a lot of negative baggage can get elected as POTUS. The Dems have done the world a great favor by zeroing in on Hillary and Sanders.

When the primaries are over and Hillary or Sanders actually has to face Trump they are toast. They are going to get run over by a freight train.


A friend of mine insists that guy standing on the left in the photo (can't remember his name) will win the nomination because he'll be the last man standing after Hillary is frog-marched to the federal pen and Bernie is such an anti-American, communist-loving socialist that there is no way he'll win. Although that didn't seem to hurt the last guy, maybe more voters have wised up a bit more since then.

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Hillary is going to win the nomination. She probably already has enough super delegates to conclude the deal.

Biden is the only one that could screw up her deal this time around.

Of course, Bernie could threaten a third party run and blow the mind of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, she of the Christmas Eve prime time Democratic debate.

I think it is high time the Democrats laid off all the clown talk when referring to the Republicans.

The Republicans don't have a monopoly on the title. It can be equally shared with the Democrats.

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A friend of mine insists that guy standing on the left in the photo (can't remember his name) will win the nomination because he'll be the last man standing after Hillary is frog-marched to the federal pen and Bernie is such an anti-American, communist-loving socialist that there is no way he'll win. Although that didn't seem to hurt the last guy, maybe more voters have wised up a bit more since then.

The third branch of government - the Executive Branch works for the POTUS. I think that's Obama even though he's never acted like a POTUS. The FBI, The CIA, The Justice Dept. all work for Obama - the Democrats. If it weren't for that Hillary just might be in chains. Dunno.

I've called Hillary a proven loser from the beginning on here. Dunno if she'll win the nomination but the Dems are stupid to have her. Again a nobody is really challenging her and she's beginning to worry. If she does get the nomination Trump will steamroll her. It takes a strong public personality and an aura of leadership (whether true or not, at least an aura) to win this thing.

The economy is going to come into play here and that's a big deal to people. "It's the economy, stupid" was said when Bill Clinton ran. Who will impress most about being able to handle an economy? Trump, or Hillary/Sanders?

There's just so much going with foreign affairs (which is an embarrassment for Hillary) and the economy and all that Trump will convince people he's the guy.


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Here's the deal with Trump, even though I'm actually not a big supporter. He's figured out how to push all of the right buttons that resonate with a majority of the people. In the beginning he said outrageous things for which the pundits declared his doom. But the majority agreed with him and he rose in the polls.

He wants to seal the borders. He wants to challenge China and the corporations who've shipped jobs to China. He wants those jobs back via tariffs and other methods. That even resonates with unions who are traditionally Democrat. Who would be against bringing jobs back from China? Who but a few nutcases would be against sealing the border? Who but a few nutcases would be against vetting Muslims thoroughly before letting them in?

Hillary made a big mistake in the debate by hammering on gun control and Obamacare. Neither are popular with the majority of Americans. Many liberal Democrats are gun owners, you know. Obamacare was a lie and many are unhappy with it. She picked two unpopular things to highlight as part of her platform in her chance at the national stage.

This is going to come down to a race of ideas and to the one who can best articulate them. It's going to come down to Americans being tired of broken promises, of getting ripped off by free trade and being tired of illegal immigration and a dysfunctional government. People are worried about the economy. People are sick of same ole.

If Trump can continue to convince people that he has those things that concern people in his gun sights he'll win this thing going away.


Edited by NeverSure
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Word is that Sanders won this debate and has a good chance of winning both Iowa and New Hampshire. But not the same thing as winning the nomination.

Hillary is in full panic mode. Not long ago she thought she had a lock on the nomination but if anyone can figure out a way to lose, it's Hillary. Sanders can't win the general because he's the next thing to a communist. Trump would eat his lunch. Hillary is actually a lot more sane than the other candidates, but she's such a bale of hay that she's easy to beat.

How did the Dems get into this position with every candidate being a fourth rate campaigner? I'm not talking about their politics. I'm talking about their utter inability to motivate anyone. There are some bright younger Democrats who are governors and congressmen who could do something other than appear to be Obama's boring third term.


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Word is that Sanders won this debate and has a good chance of winning both Iowa and New Hampshire. But not the same thing as winning the nomination.

I think that's why Hillary was doing so much African American pandering at the South Carolina debate. She's looking past Iowa and New Hampshire. Her campaign's in serious trouble IMO, and if its not it should be.

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Hillary is a proven loser. Sanders can't get anywhere long term. They are playing to the loony fringe left to try to get the nomination. The winner will then hypocritically shift toward the middle to try to win the general. They are just phony politicians, pandering to whatever group they need to influence, to gain power.

Hillary is stupid to campaign on guns. Pro gun is mainstream America. The anti's are the loony fringe.

Neither one of these two-bit players can win the general election. This is a side show.


You may want to consider cutting down on dessert's for a while, because I think you may have to eat so much humble pie soon you may burst wink.png

Take a look at Hillary's thighs and you'll realize that she already ate everything in sight. Hillary couldn't get elected as dog catcher. Look what a nobody named Obama did to her the last time she was the Dem's anointed - 2007-2008. She simply collapsed as she's doing with Sanders. She's really and finally starting to get alarmed about the nobody, Sanders.

There is no way that someone with zero personality who's also packing a lot of negative baggage can get elected as POTUS. The Dems have done the world a great favor by zeroing in on Hillary and Sanders.

When the primaries are over and Hillary or Sanders actually has to face Trump they are toast. They are going to get run over by a freight train.


Hillary will not make it to the Dem nomination as she will be indicted by the FBI. To save Obama's legacy, Michelle or Biden will get the nomination at the Dem convention and will save the Democrats from Trump. Sounds strange, but who knows what Obama will do to save his legacy.

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Hillary is a proven loser. Sanders can't get anywhere long term. They are playing to the loony fringe left to try to get the nomination. The winner will then hypocritically shift toward the middle to try to win the general. They are just phony politicians, pandering to whatever group they need to influence, to gain power.

Hillary is stupid to campaign on guns. Pro gun is mainstream America. The anti's are the loony fringe.

Neither one of these two-bit players can win the general election. This is a side show.


"They are just phony politicians, pandering to whatever group they need to influence, to gain power."

"Hillary is stupid to campaign on guns. Pro gun is mainstream America. "

So you say she's pandering to whoever she needs to get votes, but she's taking a stance against a big vote-generating bloc?

All of what you say might be more convincing if it weren't for the continuing distraction of the Trump-capades and the cabal of loonies trailing after him, all of whom are causing the GOP heart palpitations while providing comedy writers a gift that keeps on giving.

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Hillary is a proven loser. Sanders can't get anywhere long term. They are playing to the loony fringe left to try to get the nomination. The winner will then hypocritically shift toward the middle to try to win the general. They are just phony politicians, pandering to whatever group they need to influence, to gain power.

Hillary is stupid to campaign on guns. Pro gun is mainstream America. The anti's are the loony fringe.

Neither one of these two-bit players can win the general election. This is a side show.


"They are just phony politicians, pandering to whatever group they need to influence, to gain power."

"Hillary is stupid to campaign on guns. Pro gun is mainstream America. "

So you say she's pandering to whoever she needs to get votes, but she's taking a stance against a big vote-generating bloc?

All of what you say might be more convincing if it weren't for the continuing distraction of the Trump-capades and the cabal of loonies trailing after him, all of whom are causing the GOP heart palpitations while providing comedy writers a gift that keeps on giving.

Micheal Bloomberg is exploring a third party candidacy, seen as unlikely, but if that happens the Trumpdenburg crashes and burns.

Edited by lannarebirth
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How did the Dems get into this position with every candidate being a fourth rate campaigner? I'm not talking about their politics. I'm talking about their utter inability to motivate anyone. There are some bright younger Democrats who are governors and congressmen who could do something other than appear to be Obama's boring third term.

All of them stepped out of the way for "Queen" Hillary...and I doubt they did voluntarily.

Remember, in 2008 it was "Hillary's turn" but they allowed anyone to run, including a bright, younger Senator from Illinois who charmed so many people at the 2004 Dem National convention. He wasn't expected to be a threat either (I'm sure it was because of his inexperience).

Now, in 2016, all those bright, younger people who impressed at the 2012 Dem National Convention are nowhere to be seen. They were probably kept from exploding on the national stage after the convention to make sure Hillary had no contenders (and I'm sure Obama didn't want to share in his media love fest either). Oh, but there is this one guy who might run in 2016 but he is no threat (probably because he is an authentic Socialist and an old, white man...and we have already been told in 2008 & 2012 how the Dems hate old, white men running things).

And that is how we find ourselves where we are today, with the Dems' formally "big tent" holding only 2 old, white candidates for president.

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I really do like Sanders and think he would make the best Pres out of all the Dems and Reps running. That said, it's hard to see how he can move from where he is to the middle for the general election. Sanders is trying to create a movement and Trump is trying to create a media event. The prospect of Trump in Washington is truly frightening. It's hard to understand why the Dems could not find stronger candidates - both in my view are weak.

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There seems to be some fairly desperate straw clutching going on from our Republican friends.

Clearly they don't watch Fox News. Even O'Reilly has conceded that HRC will probably be the next President.

O'Reilly did not say that. You are making things up again. He said that she will be president if the Republicans do not offer better solutions to America's problems than the democrats. He was trying to motivate the candidates.

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There seems to be some fairly desperate straw clutching going on from our Republican friends.

Clearly they don't watch Fox News. Even O'Reilly has conceded that HRC will probably be the next President.

O'Reilly did not say that. You are making things up again. He said that she will be president if the Republicans do not offer better solutions to America's problems than the democrats. He was trying to motivate the candidates.

Which is why I used the word "probably" and no quotation marks.

Don't be so prickly.


Anyway, make your own mind up:

The O'Reilly Factor" host read an email from a woman named Nettie suggesting Congress should not move forward or make any concessions given the current administration.

"When Hillary Clinton is elected president in 2016, will you say the same thing, Nettie? Because that's what's gonna happen if the GOP does not begin to put forth smart solutions to the country's problems," O'Reilly said.

I look forward to the GOP putting forth "smart solutions to the country's problems".


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I like Sanders more after watching that debate. I will be a little sadder when he's not nominated now, which of course he won't be.

Thanks for the memories, Bernie, you are fighting the good fight and will lose it in a good way.


Edited by Jingthing
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