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David Cameron says migrants must learn English


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Its a start. Next he will be admitting that a large number of midland and northern English towns/cities are under sharia. Trump has started this ball rolling single handedly, and deserves praise from all quarters for ending the PC that has destroyed Europe.

This is just not true. You are either a liar or tremendously ignorant.

Tell me, are the approx 100 sharia courts in England there as a joke? One of the isis apologists on another thread claimed there was NO sharia in England. When I pointed out there was approx 100 sharia courts he went silent. Will you go silent?

There is NO Sharia Court in England

While there are undoubtedly lots of different councils and tribunals dealing with Sharia principles, they aren’t courts of law.

Most are Sharia ‘councils’ set up to make decisions on purely religious matters, and never overules law..

I m not saying there is not any problem with those councils but the way you try to "sell" this reminds me some far right wing nuts propaganda

Following your misleading path we could also say there are many Jedi Councils in USA....

And 40% of British Muslims desire to live under Sharia law showing how non-binding becomes de facto in the de facto Muslim no go zones.
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Its a start. Next he will be admitting that a large number of midland and northern English towns/cities are under sharia. Trump has started this ball rolling single handedly, and deserves praise from all quarters for ending the PC that has destroyed Europe.

This is just not true. You are either a liar or tremendously ignorant.

Tell me, are the approx 100 sharia courts in England there as a joke? One of the isis apologists on another thread claimed there was NO sharia in England. When I pointed out there was approx 100 sharia courts he went silent. Will you go silent?

There is NO Sharia Court in England

While there are undoubtedly lots of different councils and tribunals dealing with Sharia principles, they aren’t courts of law.

Most are Sharia ‘councils’ set up to make decisions on purely religious matters, and never overules law..

I m not saying there is not any problem with those councils but the way you try to "sell" this reminds me some far right wing nuts propaganda

Following your misleading path we could also say there are many Jedi Councils in USA....

Deliberately or otherwise you are being misleading.

Sharia courts/councils or whatever do not over-rule UK law but neither do they deal in purely religious matters. For many Muslim women they are the only 'court' available to them to deal with matters relating to divorce, children, domestic violence and other family matters. Since for such women, particularly if they speak no English, the home and the family is their whole world, these tribunals, based round the local mosque, are of supreme importance. A Muslim woman beaten regularly by her husband could go to the police, but in fact she will look to the Mosque, only to be told by the learned judge/scholar of the Sharia 'council' that the disciplining of women is part of Islam. Similarly any judgements relating to children or divorce will be very much to her disadvantage.

I doubt that anything Cameron proposes in the way of English lessons will address this issue. To allow the growth of an alternative system of arbitration and judgement that owes nothing to the centuries old traditions of the English common law is surely and act of folly almost beyond comprehension, and English lessons will do nothing to change this.

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weak not week, of course

As you can see I did correct it.

Thanks for lecture about luck (how fortune plays a part in all this...."unfortunately the uneducated and gullible...."). About 'tribes", which century are you living in?. (tribes exist in certain parts of Africa (actual tribes), America (actual and man-made. e.g.tea party??), and new zealand (actual - e.g. maori).

These "uneducated" and "gullible" you mention don't need a politician dressed in a cape to spoon-feed HIS idea of grandeur. especially since he has not provided adequate evidence of causality of the actual social evil he is trying to prevent.

You say there are evil "big men" out there trying to trick and fool "uneducated" and "gullible" victims. Isn't that what Mr Cameron is doing?. Does your theory only hold for the big men of religious sects. Unless of course you see the world as a battle of civilisations (and good versus evil) your "practical solutions" are best suited and (relics of) a bygone age.

p.s. I really have better things to do than have discussions about 'tribes' from someone who is lecturing about education, but who cannot even be bothered to spell check his own post and pick-out the difference between week and weak. Anyone who spots irony will tell you, how clueless you are, and how baseless your argument is. Before teaching migrants "language skills", I think we should, ourselves, learn to spell.

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Isn't religion based on a bygone age?

Aren't we just a higher form of chimpanzee. ( did I spell that correctly ? ) We share 95% of our DNA. So really we are just jumped up chimps.

That's why we are tribal.

If other tribes try to take our land etc we react, or should do.

Why are politicians and religious leaders so willing to help them ?

Tribes have leaders, religious sects have leaders but they all seem to be interested in making sure they are OK at the cost of all else.

Shouldn't they be looking after their own people first ?

Integrate or emigrate.

Not my words but I like them. "Nicholas Fairbairn"

Comments on spelling or grammar welcome.

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Its eyewash, no different then the pacifying nonsense in Switzerland to make new arrivals "pay." Here too, the target audience is not the "new arrivals" rather the citizenry. The effort is to assuage the outrage of the nation's leaders betraying their own culture/citizenry by importing wholesale a replacement culture. Under the premise of "we are taking your outrage seriously" lawmakers are making the injured- the citizens- complicit in the massive influx of an alien culture by adding some additional requirement as if this is a collectively agreed standard to make it all ok. Make 'em pay... make 'em learn "English," are no more than a magician waving his hand here so you do not look there any longer. For Leftist/Multiculturalists time is the solvent that renders the will of the people meaningless. They always tapdance to allow time to pass and make their injuries to society permanent. This is why "Progressivism" is called... progressivism.

If anyone thinks the modern rise of islamic jihad coupled with a massive movement of muslim populations is unrelated are fools. Living in history's watersheds as they are unfolding makes it difficult to appreciate correlation and causation because the window of time is so narrow. So, we look to past history to inform us; today few look back to the ample examples in history to inform us what is happening is not new. Any future historian looking back will declare "Fools, it was clearly obvious what was happening." Learn English? That horse left the barn a long time ago.

" If anyone thinks the modern rise of islamic jihad coupled with a massive movement of muslim populations is unrelated are fools."

A fact....but......the motivation for movement of muslim populations may contradict the concept of total islamic complicit collaboration.

Infilitration of genuine refugee groups by jihadists who are likely to have perpetrated events causing the migrant motivation would indicate a complicit design much greater than the simplistic propagandist focus on muslims in general.

History surely does provide examples in restropective comprehension. And many of those examples illustrate that the populist propagandist generalistic perception of events at the time of occurrence were deliberately invoked to satisfy a different desired agenda.

" Divide and Conquer"......a method often effectively utilized.

In the game of Chess the pieces are unwittingly moved.

The empowered players can and have historically used subordinates to direct the movement of the pieces.

Perhaps better to consider the players rather than be distracted by the movement of the pieces.wink.png

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Its a start. Next he will be admitting that a large number of midland and northern English towns/cities are under sharia. Trump has started this ball rolling single handedly, and deserves praise from all quarters for ending the PC that has destroyed Europe.

This is just not true. You are either a liar or tremendously ignorant.

Which bit is not true? There are 85+ Sharia courts operating in England now. A recent study by a Dutch academic, done as part of her Phd. outlined the inherent discrimination against women running throughout the proceedings of these courts. A great many Muslim women are more or less prisoners in their own homes and can never go out without a male relative. This is in Bradford, Burnley, Blackburn, Luton, Leicester, Birmingham, not Riyadh. A BBC report, and they are the ultimate left/liberal commentators, wryly noted that Blackburn is so culturally divided that school children are given visits from one part of the town to the other so they can meet and experience each others' culture.

Incidentally, the response to the Dutch academic's report was not a call to address the issues but for her dismissal from Leyden University.

But those Sharia "courts" rule on matters connected with religion for Muslims and their views are not enforceable by law in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. They have no powers to try people, punish people, issue warrants or impose their views. If Muslim people go to them, and then decide to do what they say, that is up to them, providing they do not break any of the laws of the land in so doing. They have no dealings with non Muslims.

There have been some instances of vigilante type patrols by young Muslim men, claiming to be Sharia law enforcers in Muslim areas. There are no official Muslim areas in the UK, and these men have absolutely no authority of any kind. Often they appear to acting in an way which could lead to charges of assault, acting in a way likely to cause a breach of the peace, and possible lead to violence with related charges. The various UK police forces have been tolerant and people should question their Police Commissioners on why the police aren't acting more positively to stop these before a serious situation happens.

The instances of councils, boards of school governors or other bodies becoming Muslim dominated and then trying to enact Muslin bias rules or dilute traditional cultural and historic contents is well documented. Correcting this and preventing it is something Mr Cameron and others have shied away from.

Immigrants to the UK must learn English as part of the visa progression regulations. So Cameron is offering nothing new, and again failing to comment on tackling the other issues.

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Mind your language indeed, seems apt to have a rewind of this series in today's climate with refugees being relocated and learning English.



Haven't seen that for a long time

Brilliant - thanks Minnie.

That would get panned today by the PC lot. But always very funny. I remember Miss C taking the class and holding up groceries and asking for the names. She had a pack of bacon and no one could get it. So she asked what we called a pig that had been killed, and Ali quick as a flash said " a dead pig". Brilliant.

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