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Perfect wife,your only grievance is the way she squeezes the toothpaste tube.

Pretty impressive.

She can't cook anything i can eat....i made the pad thai last night.

Back to the toothpaste after a couple of weeks co inhabiting she separated our toothbrushes, there now in different holders I'm still trying to figure why.

Do you want to be right, or do you want to be married?

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I solved the problem ..............I built two houses on the land.his/hers also works well for wanting aircon on all night as opposed to none.


Would it be better if she took them out and kept them in a glass at the side of the bed at night. that would stop all the arguments i think.


Problem is solved, i always buy the large tube of tooth paste she always buys the small she got tired of my toothbrush coming out when she pulled the long toothpaste tube out, since i squeeze from the bottom it curl's up at the bottom of the holder thats why we have 2 holders, yesterday i saw a small tube of toothpaste in her holder....


Does it really matter?

Got more pressing problems than a tube of toothpaste.

The OP must have a pretty good life!

Yep pretty good life, shy away from all the negative press releases of the day skim over the pesermistis here in TV, shame you can't see what the post is really about 95% of responded posts did....it's about humour making life just that bit better, every day is a new day lets start it with a smile.


Charlie Watts (drummer of The Rolling Stones) was once asked how his marriage had lasted so long - his reply was, "separate bathrooms"!

+1. We have not shared a bathroom in 15 years. Wife's idea but works great. Last house I even designed 2 master baths. So she uses a bath downstairs.


I got sick and tired of my girlfriend using my soap, talc, shampoo and toothpaste, then I came up with a cunning plan. I bought for myself all the brands I know she hates. Using this method she keeps her own preferred toiletries separate from mine and now she can squeeze, pull, push and twiddle with her bottles and tubes with impunity and we no longer clash in the bathroom department.

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