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Donald Trump presidential bid gets Sarah Palin backing


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It's funny how many people consider people with a different opinion from their own as "idiots".

The fact that they can't see how dumb that assertion is, makes you realize they wouldn't recognize stupidity if it was staring at them in the mirror.

You're familiar with the American right?

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The IDIOT VOTE is a rich vein in American politics.

The average American voter can never be underestimated, it's one of the prices one pays for democracy.As Churchill so aptly put it,''The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter''.

Well that pretty much kills internet discussion boards doesn't it. Especially in respect of two line posts gigglem.gif

Churchill himself regularly denounced the "infernal combustion engine." Doubt he could today find his way to register at ThaiVisa.com much less hold a sober conversation with any kind of American voter. Username: BrandyWhine.

Nor should one judge the average American voter based on the statements of radical rightwhingenut self-exiled crank American expats who lost their roots in their communities where their counterparts are their fellow nutcakes we see and hear at the rallies for Trump, Cruz and the rest of the mooncake candidates on that side.

The point here is to never underestimate the lunatic statements of the average self-deported rightwhingenut any where at any time or for any reason.

Edited by Publicus
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Here's some interesting news just out on the white trash potential VP's kid:

Cops: Sarah Palin's Son Track, 26, is Arrested on Domestic Abuse Charges



Palin typically thinks in her half brained way that her precious abuser son the wife bruser is representative of American military veterans.

And her pal says he likes American military personnel who "don't get captured."

Two peas in an under ripe pod they are. Neither of whom have any military service.

It's a long and testing road to election day in November but it will be worth it to see whichever two Republicans comprise their ticket go right into the tank and their party with 'em. Crash and burn.

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Never admit when you're wrong. Double down on lies or you look weak. That's the tac I'm taking...right out of the Republican play book.

More like Saul Alinsky - right up your alley.

I'd thought it wuz more like Jack the Ripper myself laugh.png


Chinese have an old saying that it's the thief who shouts 'stop thief'.

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I don't think all republicans are idiots. Far from it. Those that vote that way for economic self interest (the rich) are being logical.

it's manifest there is a civil war going on in the Republican party of Abe Lincoln which is between the nutcakes and the regular Republicans.

There's never been any doubt a good number of Republicans are aghast at Donald Trump. The traditional Republicn Party Establishment -- whatever else one may say of them -- outright reject Trump and his aspiring junior, Raphael Edward "Ted" Cruz. Sarah Palin is actually a goofball to a lot of Republicans.

The focus is on these clowns because the Republicans most active in the primary voting process are the American political rightwhingenutosphere which resides in the Republican party. The Iowa Republican cacuses this year are expected to draw in a measly 130,000 Republican attendees.

This compares to the 2012 general election result in Iowa of Barack Obama getting 65+ million votes and Romney getting 60-odd million votes. So no one should overdue the nutcake stuff currently occuring in Iowa, New Hampshire or in any other single state of the Union.

Fact is a respectable number of Republicans in the USA are moderate right of the political center voters who are currently divied up among Bush, Rubio, Kasich (your wunderkind) and Christie. Jindal, Perry, Walker and whomever else such as Pataki were always outliers among the bombast of candidates. Fiorina is a self-financed floater among various unsuccessful elections here and there, having started with two losses in California (senate; governor).

My own beef is against the Trump troopers, the cockamamied Cruz crew, Huckabee's hucksters, Carson's creeps (with sympathy) and Rand Paul's constant whining. Paul is a part of the problem while the rest of 'em are creating the problems they need to advance themselves and their own narrow passions among the minute number of fanatic fringe voters in the several early primary/caucus states.

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Trump is in a tight race in Iowa with Cruz. Palin is still very influential in Iowa. This could put Trump over the top in the upcoming caucuses. Trump would have been stupid not to accept her endorsement as it will swing many votes his way.

You don't have to believe me but Iowa IS the Bible belt. Many Christians have been unsure about Trump's beliefs but not about Cruz's. This could be a game changer in the country's first Republican primary on Feb. 1st. Palin's Christian and conservative cred is 100% with these voters.




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It's funny how many people consider people with a different opinion from their own as "idiots".

The fact that they can't see how dumb that assertion is, makes you realize they wouldn't recognize stupidity if it was staring at them in the mirror.

You're familiar with the American right?

I used to live in Tennessee - do you have a point?

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The comedic gift that just keeps on giving:

Sarah Palin Somehow Links Son's Domestic Violence Arrest To Obama


The Thai military has a massive rate of suicides from people serving or that have served.

PTSD is no joke and the problem is largely being ignored.

So whilst you might find the problem amusing, it is actually very real.

Domestic violence is no joke. So while you might find it fine to be an apologist for it, it is actually very real.

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The Palin endorsement will consolidate the lunatic evangelical far Right nutters behind Trump but that really is wrapped up. Trumps racist hate speech ticks all the boxes for that lunatic fringe group. It depends whether Right Wing moderates and Center Right outnumber the nutters making Cruz the more likely option.

The Palin endorsement is 'preaching to the Choir' and does more damage than it helps. It alienates the few Republicans who still have control of their faculties.

It depends where the American electorate is up to.

A faster pace in Corporate greed and income inequality then they will vote Cruz

A gradual continuation of Corporate greed and income inequality (more of the same) they will vote Clinton.

A total refocus on health, education, higher wages, infrastructure repair, reduced military spending, remove tax dodging loopholes for Corporate America etc then Bernie will get the chocolates.

America will decide its fate. It will be an interesting decision.

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The comedic gift that just keeps on giving:

Sarah Palin Somehow Links Son's Domestic Violence Arrest To Obama


The war in Iraq began under Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, who was President when Track served in Iraq. And in 2014, the Senate rejected a $24 billion bill to expand health care for veterans; only two Republicans voted for the legislation.

A second bill, with aid slashed to $16 billion, was passed months later despite the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate for the cost of veterans care at $35 billion through 2017.

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The IDIOT VOTE is a rich vein in American politics.

The average American voter can never be underestimated, it's one of the prices one pays for democracy.As Churchill so aptly put it,''The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter''.

Except that Churchill never said it. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/888014-donald-trump-presidential-bid-gets-sarah-palin-backing/page-4#entry10334304

Whatever you may think of his politcs, he was a brilliant writer and talker and never would have put that sentiment in such a flat-footed way. It sounds more like it came from some American campaign consultant. Anyway, it's not his.

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This could be a game changer in the country's first Republican primary on Feb. 1st.

Once again, you're wrong.

Iowa holds a caucus on February 1st. Not a primary.

This is fairly rudimentary knowledge for people who are conversant in US politics.


You're just being obnoxious and angry. You know I'm writing to people from many countries who don't know what you just said and the generic version works.

You knew what I meant.

Why don't you debate the topic instead of playing grammar police?

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I don't recall a more COMEDIC presidential endorsement EVER.

Can anyone else?

I know she was using English words, but that's about all, coherent sentences were few and far between.

I actually think it's funny watching The Donald...even he looked somewhat bemused by it.

...and No, I can't even recall a Dan Qualye speech that was more hilarious, and he did some killers!

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Whatever are you crybabies going to do when Trump is the next POTUS?

Watch the SHOW.

Trump has announced he wants David Letterman to be his Press Secretary if elected. Letterman will start each conference with favorites from his top ten list, including:

"No. 10: That thing on his head was the gopher in Caddyshack," he teased. "No. 9: During Sex Donald Trump calls out his own name."

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It's funny how many people consider people with a different opinion from their own as "idiots".

The fact that they can't see how dumb that assertion is, makes you realize they wouldn't recognize stupidity if it was staring at them in the mirror.

You're familiar with the American right?

I used to live in Tennessee - do you have a point?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, the capital of Wingnuttia. No wonder you're defending the idiots, former neighbors. whistling.gif

Sir, when I refer to idiots, it doesn't involve just a difference of opinion. It's the full scale, all out craziness of these people. The Fox News, koolaid swilling, gun toting, we're all gonna be killed, hate Obama and everyone who isn't us...idiots, who are the Republican base.

The GOP is rockin right now. Fabulous candidates, false outrage at every Obama/Clinton move, all hate and fear...and Palin is back! Thank you baby Jesus.

Pinch me, can it get any better/worse? clap2.gif The GOP is hilarious.

Edited by Pinot
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The Palin endorsement worked. The latest poll in Iowa has Trump ahead of Cruz by 11 (and Sanders ahead of Clinton by 8), proving once again Trump's political genius, while demonstrating his TVF detractors' clueless understanding of American politics.

Of course it worked, no one is disputing this. Trump knows exactly who his likely supporters are. And I post again....


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The Palin endorsement worked. The latest poll in Iowa has Trump ahead of Cruz by 11 (and Sanders ahead of Clinton by 8), proving once again Trump's political genius, while demonstrating his TVF detractors' clueless understanding of American politics.

Of course it worked, no one is disputing this. Trump knows exactly who his likely supporters are. And I post again....


I hope that New Yorker piece gets even more circulation. Nothing like the sneering condescension of elites to make Trump's numbers go even higher. Screw the lying media, vote Trump!

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The Palin endorsement worked. The latest poll in Iowa has Trump ahead of Cruz by 11 (and Sanders ahead of Clinton by 8), proving once again Trump's political genius, while demonstrating his TVF detractors' clueless understanding of American politics.

Of course it worked, no one is disputing this. Trump knows exactly who his likely supporters are. And I post again....


I hope that New Yorker piece gets even more circulation. Nothing like the sneering condescension of elites to make Trump's numbers go even higher. Screw the lying media, vote Trump!

Not a fan of articulate, coherent and well-expressed opinions I see. More of a Big Boobs and Pick Up Trucks Monthly I guess. Since the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch–Kincaid_readability_tests when applied to Trump's speech reveals a 4th Grade reading level, what untruths are the New Yorker spreading? You do not have to feel inferior because you don't read the New Yorker. Just let those who do occupy their natural place in the social strata.

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