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An old lady gave me beetlenut.

I should have known by the expectant devious grin on her face as she watched me put it in my mouth that it would not go well.

Never tasted anything so bad and I have had almost everything, so bitter I could not stop or control the drool flowing out all over the floor.

They are hooked on it,how on earth do they get passed the initial first taste to even get hooked, why would you eat it a second time.

Hard as nails these old girls.

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Keep eating it and your teeth with rot and turn red....very attractive to the old ladies. Not to mention the effect it has on blood pressure.

Your right, I questioned my wife about the red issue, why is it her mum who eats it all day never has a red mouth.

She claims she has a different kind, a few hours without it makes her moody.

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