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Student activist leader 'abducted' near Thammasat University


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From the article:

“When I was taken into the vehicle, my face was covered, and on top of that, a rubber band was placed over my eyes, so I couldn’t see anything,” Sirawith, 23, said in the video. He said the vehicle drove him around for a long time, with about 20 turns taken before he was taken out to a place he reckoned was a field.

“They dragged me into a grassy jungle … and forced me to squat, but I refused.”

At that point, he said, the men kicked him down onto the ground.

“Then they walked to me and began verbally reprimanding me: ‘You want to become famous? Why are you talking with journalists? Are you conspiring with journalists? You have no religion or faith? Do you know your duty? What have you done for the country?’” he said. Asked by an unidentified fellow activist in the video whether he was physically assaulted, Sirawith said he was struck and kicked. “They slapped my head once. Hit my back once and kicked once. That’s three,” he said. “Then they used something to stick at my body,” adding he was unsure whether it was a wooden stick or a gun barrel.

But junta spokesman Winthai Suvaree this morning admitted that the military was behind the arrest. Nevertheless, he claimed that the soldiers acted in accordance with the law, and in a dignified, non-violent manner. “The soldiers treated him with honor. There was no violence as alleged by someone who tried to distort the facts,” said Col. Winthai, adding that the soldiers have the authority to make the arrest because Sirawith had an outstanding warrant issued by the military court.

Col. Winthai also told reporters that Sirawith has been “increasing his provocative behavior” in recent days. “I believe those in the society that have been following the news are conscious of this,” the colonel said. “However, in order to avoid creating a negative image or feeling towards security officers, especially now that those with ill intentions are attempting to exploit the issue, security officers are proceeding with everything with caution.”

The pro-democracy activist, who incensed authorities last month by trying to lead a group of activists to the scandal-plagued Rajabhakti Park in Hua Hin, said he was eventually taken to the police station.

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So lets see if we have this right now?

2 pick up's 8 soldiers jump out grab the student bundle him into the pick up, no arrest warrant given, no id of solders given, obscured number plates on pick up's student blindfolded, physically and verbally abused, driven out too a grassy field some wear and physically abused then dropped of to police station,,,

Lets take a wild guess All will be denied, but then say no no just a misunderstanding, we took him out for tea and crumpets and a lovely chatwhistling.gif

then charged with defamation and computer crimes, etc etc etc.

So now guy's if this happened to your or your family what then would you call it? arrested or abducted??? and please have a little morel fiber when answering.

Thailand is under military law in most places, and they have granted themselves immunity so,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Abducted or arrested? Isn't there an arrest warrant on his head?

The Military are not the Law and any arrest should be carried out by the police after having received an order so to do from the public prosecutor's office. Not some bloody army general who, in any civilised country would not and should not be involved in administering The Laws of The Land.

Sadly the military are the law. Did not one of the juntas earliest edicts authorize any soldier in the rank of 2Lt or above to arrest, detain and treat pretty well as they saw fit anyone that they suspected of dissent?

But then I'm sure that was just in order to stop the evil redshirts from stealing soldiers childrens teddy bears....

The only reason the military 'are the law' is because they deem themselves so. They were not elected to public office nor take instructions from a government elected by the people of the country. In my book. they are an illegal entity going about committing illegal acts. Aka, a *********ship.

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for riding a train to a PARK??? have you lost your mind?

Who says I agree with the charges (I don't) commenting here on the snatching / abducting thing. I see this as normal practice when going after high profile targets that could cause a disturbance. Its no different in other countries. I don't agree however with the charges and hope he gets cleared.

Normal practice when going after a civilian unarmed, non-violent target is for the police to make an arrest. Don't you think it strange that it was carried out by the military?

I would say that having a Warrant of Arrest issued against someone for riding a train is far from normal practice. Even here.

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Let us just hope we are not looking at the beginning of a phase that looks like Indonesia in the 70's, with the hunt for supposed communist insurgents, substituted for people who disapprove of this ridiculously comical government, and all of its blatant incompetence.

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Snatching student activists of the streets! And so the next phase begins..

Will they admit to having him?

Will they make public where he is?

Will he be allowed a lawyer?

Is it snatching if he has been summoned by a court and refuses to turn himself in ?

(if they deny having him and not sending him to that court but keeping him locked up somewhere I will agree with you but so far that is not clear yet)

Can you pass me the photos of Kamnan Sia and all the other thousands of similar cases with the military picking them off the streets!!

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I suppose the usual junta giks will defend this

Already have, see trogers post.

It is a question of language not support, it would appear that he was arrested not abducted, let us not get hysterical about this. I don't see trogers post as being in agreement with the present government he was just stating a fact. If he was being secretly abducted they certainly wouldn't be wearing uniforms and they could surely find a less public place to do it.

arrested or abducted by Military in the dead of night ... YOU call it what you want I, and any decent human being, will know what it is

Law enforcement carry out arrests when the wanted person is not expecting it. Well, normal law enforcement that is.

Normally the RTP widely advertise the fact prior to attempting the arrest, and / or rely on the wanted person making an appointment when it's convenient.

People have disappeared and been murdered under previous so called democratic governments when opposing or speaking out against those in power, their relatives and cronies, corrupt practices, and officialdom in general. The UN remarked on Thailand's poor record on this.

Again this appears selective. This student leader is arrested for not reporting to the court and is wanted for contravening the political gathering rule. But those who protested outside the US Embassy have not been charged with anything. He was wanted by a court and arrested, but nothing is done to arrest billionaire fugitives who are wanted on far more serious charges and make no attempt to hide where they are; or to progress criminal cases against certain individuals.

You either have laws, which are impartially enforced, and a justice system which is impartial; or corruption. You cannot have selective enforcement, preferential applications and expect to eliminate corruption.

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I suppose the usual junta giks will defend this

Already have, see trogers post.

It is a question of language not support, it would appear that he was arrested not abducted, let us not get hysterical about this. I don't see trogers post as being in agreement with the present government he was just stating a fact. If he was being secretly abducted they certainly wouldn't be wearing uniforms and they could surely find a less public place to do it.

Call it what you want but this man has done nothing other than disagree with the junta. If you think that's fair then shame on you.

Just as a matter of interest, what would be your reaction if the same thing happened in your home country?

I didn't express an opinion on whether i thought his arrest was morally justified or not ( i don't think it was justified ) Having said that i do disagree with hysterical reactions and exaggerations. My argument was only about the terms used, he wasn't abducted by dark forces, he was arrested openly by the authorities who had a valid arrest warrant. The fact that most of us regard the reason for his arrest as distasteful is neither here nor there, it wasn't an abduction it was an arrest, and no he wont be murdered in a dark cellar.

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Not sure if this place is better under military rule or not.

Are you serious?

Mind you in my 30 years here there has been military rule often.

What upsets me is that many kids forget things(don't care) in history like the Thammasat Massacre of 1976 and Black May of 1992 and the thousands of students that died for getting democracy here. One thing for sure is that student demonstrators for freedom will die. Sadly, I can only see another revolution like 1973 but it will be more like the French one many years ago. Fasten your seatbelts there's a lot to come soon.

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Snatching student activists of the streets! And so the next phase begins..

Will they admit to having him?

Will they make public where he is?

Will he be allowed a lawyer?

Is it snatching if he has been summoned by a court and refuses to turn himself in ?

(if they deny having him and not sending him to that court but keeping him locked up somewhere I will agree with you but so far that is not clear yet)

Can you pass me the photos of Kamnan Sia and all the other thousands of similar cases with the military picking them off the streets!!

Or perhaps the CCTV of the police (allegedly) abducting the guy who Chalerm decreed was murdered by his driver even before the body was found.

Or the Muslin HR lawyer, or Billy the Karen activist. Or all those murdered in the War on Drugs.

Don't pretend this is one sided.

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Snatching student activists of the streets! And so the next phase begins..

Will they admit to having him?

Will they make public where he is?

Will he be allowed a lawyer?

The answer is YES on all counts.

That is after they find him "dead" in custody.

And/or maybe it's a planned opportunistic beat up and nothing more. More details needed.

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Call it what you want but this man has done nothing other than disagree with the junta. If you think that's fair then shame on you.

Just as a matter of interest, what would be your reaction if the same thing happened in your home country?

I didn't express an opinion on whether i thought his arrest was morally justified or not ( i don't think it was justified ) Having said that i do disagree with hysterical reactions and exaggerations. My argument was only about the terms used, he wasn't abducted by dark forces, he was arrested openly by the authorities who had a valid arrest warrant. The fact that most of us regard the reason for his arrest as distasteful is neither here nor there, it wasn't an abduction it was an arrest, and no he wont be murdered in a dark cellar.

He was bundled into a car with covered number plates at 10.59 pm by persons not identifying themselves nor showing a warrant of arrest. Oh, then taken to a field and slapped about a bit. That constitutes normal arrest procedure for you? blink.png

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Let us just hope we are not looking at the beginning of a phase that looks like Indonesia in the 70's, with the hunt for supposed communist insurgents, substituted for people who disapprove of this ridiculously comical government, and all of its blatant incompetence.

Are you taking your valium on a regular basis? You need to slow down.

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The average person is under siege for sure and they have been that way for a long time. However, one day that average person will say enough is enough as there are more of them than those who have the control. History is replete with examples.Governments everywhere just cannot understand that the people hold the real power and those in Government are there to provide service.

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Snatching student activists of the streets! And so the next phase begins..

Will they admit to having him?

Will they make public where he is?

Will he be allowed a lawyer?

Is it snatching if he has been summoned by a court and refuses to turn himself in ?

(if they deny having him and not sending him to that court but keeping him locked up somewhere I will agree with you but so far that is not clear yet)

Can you pass me the photos of Kamnan Sia and all the other thousands of similar cases with the military picking them off the streets!!

Or perhaps the CCTV of the police (allegedly) abducting the guy who Chalerm decreed was murdered by his driver even before the body was found.

Or the Muslin HR lawyer, or Billy the Karen activist. Or all those murdered in the War on Drugs.

Don't pretend this is one sided.

So you are comparing those incidents? Really you are trying to make them out as comparable?

A military Government using the military to take these people who have been complaining about corruptiuon in a park, which has already been admitted as such?

You think these are comparable?

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Snatching student activists of the streets! And so the next phase begins..

Will they admit to having him?

Will they make public where he is?

Will he be allowed a lawyer?

Is it snatching if he has been summoned by a court and refuses to turn himself in ?

(if they deny having him and not sending him to that court but keeping him locked up somewhere I will agree with you but so far that is not clear yet)

Can you pass me the photos of Kamnan Sia and all the other thousands of similar cases with the military picking them off the streets!!

Or perhaps the CCTV of the police (allegedly) abducting the guy who Chalerm decreed was murdered by his driver even before the body was found.

Or the Muslin HR lawyer, or Billy the Karen activist. Or all those murdered in the War on Drugs.

Don't pretend this is one sided.

But he did it first, he did it first.

You have the same arguments as a 5 year old child.

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It is done with impunity while they simply ignore the criticism...because they can.

The reason they love Thailand so much is because they can do what ever they want and when they want to so why would they let the students upset the Status Quo.

Not going to happen.


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One post including speculation on the Thai Royal Family has been removed from this thread.

From the Forum Rules:

In using Thai Visa you agree to abide by the following terms:

1) You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any one member of the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution.

By law, the Thai Royal Family are above politics. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family.

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Another three activists who turned up at the police station to show their support and condemnation for this ILLEGAL action were taken into custody. So that's four of them in detention now. Weasel Winthai said he was sure people following news reports of his (ja's) non co operation with such illegal activity 'would understand' bah.gif

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