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Brit on 4.5-year overstay discovered to be fugitive

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By taking a harder line on foreigners, overstaying, and visa matters generally, there will be less of this trash in Thailand, and that can't be a bad thing.

There appears to be rather a backlog.

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He didn't say everyone else is not trash. Maybe he thinks everyone is trash. You don't know, do you.

He only said this guy is trash. So comment on what he said, not on what he didn't say.

Let's not over focus on the use of inflammatory words like trash. But maybe the vast majority here might at least agree that such a long overstay is not exactly a strong indicator of being a good law abiding member of the community.


2 out of 10


I knew this man He comes from the same city as me He had lived a colourful life He had been in trouble with the police in the past But there was nothing to suggest he was ever involved in any sort of porn Or that he ever had anything to do with drugs

apart from maybe taking some on night out There was nothing written about him in the local press over here . As to how he was keeping hiself over there he had money coming over from home Paul sadly hung hiself so I guess we will never know the truth

WHO'S PAUL ?????????????????????

A very deep question, indeed, who are any of us?

Perhaps he was merely a victim of the universe's peculiar sense of humour, a mere speck in the cosmos, barely contributing to the net gravitational push/pull battle that seems eternal to us temporary bags of carbon and h2o.

Oh, he could have been the main character in the not-Shakespearian tradgey that is the OP.

Definitely a loon!!

I knew this man He comes from the same city as me He had lived a colourful life He had been in trouble with the police in the past But there was nothing to suggest he was ever involved in any sort of porn Or that he ever had anything to do with drugs

apart from maybe taking some on night out There was nothing written about him in the local press over here . As to how he was keeping hiself over there he had money coming over from home Paul sadly hung hiself so I guess we will never know the truth

WHO'S PAUL ?????????????????????

A very deep question, indeed, who are any of us?

Perhaps he was merely a victim of the universe's peculiar sense of humour, a mere speck in the cosmos, barely contributing to the net gravitational push/pull battle that seems eternal to us temporary bags of carbon and h2o.

Oh, he could have been the main character in the not-Shakespearian tradgey that is the OP.

Definitely a loon!!

Lacking colour and character in your writing, not able to convey both feeling and facts at the same time, very one dimensional. Must do better. 1 out of 10.


I knew this man He comes from the same city as me He had lived a colourful life He had been in trouble with the police in the past But there was nothing to suggest he was ever involved in any sort of porn Or that he ever had anything to do with drugs
apart from maybe taking some on night out There was nothing written about him in the local press over here . As to how he was keeping hiself over there he had money coming over from home Paul sadly hung hiself so I guess we will never know the truth

WHO'S PAUL ?????????????????????
A very deep question, indeed, who are any of us?
Perhaps he was merely a victim of the universe's peculiar sense of humour, a mere speck in the cosmos, barely contributing to the net gravitational push/pull battle that seems eternal to us temporary bags of carbon and h2o.

Oh, he could have been the main character in the not-Shakespearian tradgey that is the OP.
Definitely a loon!!

Lacking colour and character in your writing, not able to convey both feeling and facts at the same time, very one dimensional. Must do better. 1 out of 10.

Whatever.........now take your tablets like the nice man in the white coat told you to..............and don't get spaghetti down your corduroys!!!
Certifiable!!! 100% loon!

I knew this man He comes from the same city as me He had lived a colourful life He had been in trouble with the police in the past But there was nothing to suggest he was ever involved in any sort of porn Or that he ever had anything to do with drugs
apart from maybe taking some on night out There was nothing written about him in the local press over here . As to how he was keeping hiself over there he had money coming over from home Paul sadly hung hiself so I guess we will never know the truth

WHO'S PAUL ?????????????????????
A very deep question, indeed, who are any of us?
Perhaps he was merely a victim of the universe's peculiar sense of humour, a mere speck in the cosmos, barely contributing to the net gravitational push/pull battle that seems eternal to us temporary bags of carbon and h2o.

Oh, he could have been the main character in the not-Shakespearian tradgey that is the OP.
Definitely a loon!!

Lacking colour and character in your writing, not able to convey both feeling and facts at the same time, very one dimensional. Must do better. 1 out of 10.

Whatever.........now take your tablets like the nice man in the white coat told you to..............and don't get spaghetti down your corduroys!!!
Certifiable!!! 100% loon!

That's a little better, well done. 3 out of 10.

How did you know I was eating spag, and wearing corduroys!!?? Amazing. 12 out of 10.

OK guys that's enough with the off topic stuff thanks

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


How did he finance his stay?

Not from a hairdressing business, judging by his photo. Basin cut

Bet you daren,t say that face to face whistling.gif


I am wondering about the suicide as posted before. It has been some time already since he was arrested and the pattaya mail reported he was being held in police custody so I would have though this would have been reported officially by now. It has not been in any of the pattaya news sites as of yet.


I have the immigration police, visiting me today, to check my visa, first time in 10 years

so they take the overstay seriously.

one would think that if they knew your name and address they could find your visa on the computer and would know if it was valid or not

One would think, but then we are rational? Not sure the authorities here are 'wired' the same.

As an example, last year I had reason to visit immigration in Chonburi. A query about 'original' status arose, and despite my suggestion it is 'computerised' (yes I'm English), and they could find the detail on Bangkok based system...it was phone calls and time consuming 'intelligence' which saved the day.

Enjoyed the visit, nonetheless.


How did he finance his stay?

Not from a hairdressing business, judging by his photo. Basin cut

Bet you daren,t say that face to face whistling.gif

I live above a barbershop, so I'm unlikely to cross his path.blink.png


those pesky brits are making problem ! blink.png

We are the finest race on the planet :) Speak for yourself !

Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves...... .maybe more like ruling a muddy creek off the Thames these days, but a stirring piece from earlier times, nevertheless.


Not unexpectedly many fugitives are likely to be on overstays because they want to avoid record checks and visa updates. Sadly, this overstay issue may make it difficult for many other people that made minor mistakes on their visas or timing and where before a simple couple of day's fine paid would be done, now they may face Draconian measures if the policy that has been posted in other topics is enforced to the letter. Lots of potential for abuse of that


Not unexpectedly many fugitives are likely to be on overstays because they want to avoid record checks and visa updates. Sadly, this overstay issue may make it difficult for many other people that made minor mistakes on their visas or timing and where before a simple couple of day's fine paid would be done, now they may face Draconian measures if the policy that has been posted in other topics is enforced to the letter. Lots of potential for abuse of that

I'm 99% certain that Paul was'nt a fugitive He had kept his facebook going Everyone back here knew exactly where He was There has still not been anything in the press over here If Paul had done what they are saying He did the press here would have reported it the local paper at least Paul last spoke to His exwife on the Friday before he hung himself She says he sounded ok and upbeat despite his circumstances I think there is a lot more to this than meets the eye Someone for whatever reason seems to want to discredit Paul


How did he finance his stay?

Not from a hairdressing business, judging by his photo. Basin cut.

Give the guy a break. He was just trying to blend in with the Russians.


As I said before absolutely no proof of these allegations What so ever i hear now that Paul was released after getting arrested ? The proof of that i do not know I do know that he talked to his ex on the Friday after getting arrested And She says he sounded just fine There is more to this than meet the eye His death has still not been reported Which i find strange He was certainly not hiding in Thialand everyone back here knew exactly where He was He even kept his Facebook going putting pictures and his status up Dose'nt sound like a man on the run to me The easiest way in the world to get people to not ask questions about someone dying is the attache these two words to them Paul has a teenage son back here so please could you back these claims up with facts before posting them


As I said before absolutely no proof of these allegations What so ever i hear now that Paul was released after getting arrested ? The proof of that i do not know I do know that he talked to his ex on the Friday after getting arrested And She says he sounded just fine There is more to this than meet the eye His death has still not been reported Which i find strange He was certainly not hiding in Thialand everyone back here knew exactly where He was He even kept his Facebook going putting pictures and his status up Dose'nt sound like a man on the run to me The easiest way in the world to get people to not ask questions about someone dying is the attache these two words to them Paul has a teenage son back here so please could you back these claims up with facts before posting them

Please, don't shoot the messenger! wink.png

If you think, these claims are false, you should contact stickboy!


As I said before absolutely no proof of these allegations What so ever i hear now that Paul was released after getting arrested ? The proof of that i do not know I do know that he talked to his ex on the Friday after getting arrested And She says he sounded just fine There is more to this than meet the eye His death has still not been reported Which i find strange He was certainly not hiding in Thialand everyone back here knew exactly where He was He even kept his Facebook going putting pictures and his status up Dose'nt sound like a man on the run to me The easiest way in the world to get people to not ask questions about someone dying is the attache these two words to them Paul has a teenage son back here so please could you back these claims up with facts before posting them

Please, don't shoot the messenger! wink.png

If you think, these claims are false, you should contact stickboy!

It.s the Thai police making the claims not Stickboy Nothing from the English police


Is it possible to call the UK from a Thai prison ?

You're lucky to get water!!

I believe the broadband internet connection is good though!


Is it possible to call the UK from a Thai prison ?

You're lucky to get water!!

I believe the broadband internet connection is good though!

Makes Me wonder how He spoke to his ex then Perhaps let out to collect some tea money ?


If Paul was charged with anything like this wouldn't he have gone to prison straight away? The police would have confiscated his passport not to leave the country to Thailand... Paul ain't on any wanted list back where he lived... And good on the people taking the piss out of his hair cut the man is dead now hope you all happy.


If Paul was charged with anything like this wouldn't he have gone to prison straight away? The police would have confiscated his passport not to leave the country to Thailand... Paul ain't on any wanted list back where he lived... And good on the people taking the piss out of his hair cut the man is dead now hope you all happy.

Thank you Adrian A lot on here seem to have found Paul guilty wheres there's is not a shred of evidence that he ever committed these crime I hope that one day they don't find that there loved ones and friends in a similar

situation to Pauls have found themselves


If Paul was charged with anything like this wouldn't he have gone to prison straight away? The police would have confiscated his passport not to leave the country to Thailand... Paul ain't on any wanted list back where he lived... And good on the people taking the piss out of his hair cut the man is dead now hope you all happy.

For a lengthy overstay, you are taken into a detention centre immediately, awaiting deportation.

You are certainly not let back into the community.


Hi hewk, Paul was a relative of mine... If all these allegations was true it would be on the news and in the news papers in the uk... Paul had lot of problems I was told, may be this is why Paul is not here with us now, like another relative that Paul was close too... And all the ones that talk bad about Paul go and <deleted> yourselves... Thank you hewk for standing up for Paul it means a lot too his family and friends.


Hi hewk, Paul was a relative of mine... If all these allegations was true it would be on the news and in the news papers in the uk... Paul had lot of problems I was told, may be this is why Paul is not here with us now, like another relative that Paul was close too... And all the ones that talk bad about Paul go and <deleted> yourselves... Thank you hewk for standing up for Paul it means a lot too his family and friends.

Hi Adrian I'm not sure if I know You i was a very good friends of Paul's and Ronnie's before that In fact the first time Paul came to Thailand was to visit Me i have two kids and would trust paul 100% wit hthem as anyone who knew Paul would i drove Paul to the airport when he left He was far from running From anyone apart from maybe himself RIP Paul always loved


If Paul was charged with anything like this wouldn't he have gone to prison straight away? The police would have confiscated his passport not to leave the country to Thailand... Paul ain't on any wanted list back where he lived... And good on the people taking the piss out of his hair cut the man is dead now hope you all happy.

For a lengthy overstay, you are taken into a detention centre immediately, awaiting deportation.

You are certainly not let back into the community.

I Dont know how but Paul was in contact with people over here after his arrest Some are saying he was out after his arrest Like I have said there is more to this than meets the eye

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