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Gen Prawit says EU satisfied and gives Thailand more time to address IUU fishing


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Gen Prawit says EU satisfied and gives Thailand more time to address IUU fishing


BANGKOK: The European Union has told Thailand to carry on with addressing the IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) fishing problem without giving a deadline on when the problem is going to be resolved, said Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan on Friday.

The deputy prime minister met today with Cesar Deben, principal advisor to the EU’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

The deputy prime minister said that EU was satisfied with Thailand’s performance in addressing the IUU problem during the past year and would like to see practice to be up to international standard on permanent basis.
He said the government had told EU delegation that it would step up efforts within the next 2-3 to improve performance in addressing IUU problem.

“They (EU delegation) did not tell us when the yellow card will be removed. But they told us to carry on doing. Anyway, we have to do it whether we are slapped with a yellow card, red car or a green card. Don’t we worried, we will do our best,” said the deputy prime minister.

He also said the EU wanted to see law being strictly enforced and labour in the fishing industry be fairly treated.

EU inspectors are currently in Thailand evaluating Thailand’s performance regarding IUU fishing problem. Their work is expected to be wrapped up in 2-3 weeks.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/147771

-- Thai PBS 2016-01-22

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mmmmm , to be believed ???

"EU inspectors are currently in Thailand evaluating Thailand’s performance regarding IUU fishing problem. Their work is expected to be wrapped up in 2-3 weeks".

And when they go home , what ?

He said the government had told EU delegation that it would step up efforts within the next 2-3 to improve performance in addressing IUU problem.

“They (EU delegation) did not tell us when the yellow card will be removed. But they told us to carry on doing. Anyway, we have to do it whether we are slapped with a yellow card, red car or a green card. Don’t we worried, we will do our best,” said the deputy prime minister.

2-3 Days , weeks , months , years? or is this a reference to the fact that the inspectors need to see an improvement before they go back in 2-3 weeks?

Don't we worried? Who proof reads these reports ?

Edited by daiwill60
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I find no current EU reports stating any such thing.

"EU inspectors are currently in Thailand evaluating Thailand’s performance regarding IUU fishing problem."

But being here only three days: "Gen. Prawit says EU satisfied and gives Thailand more time to address IUU fishing"

Although: "Their work is expected to be wrapped up in 2-3 weeks."

These guys are too much... cheesy.gifcheesy.gif cheesy.gif

I guess since they are the center of the universe, they feel compelled to speak for it.

I know, I know, this is for the serfs... wai2.gif

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Certainly the 2-3 weeks was an overstatement since they have already given this outstanding review after being here only 2-3 days. We can expect the rest of their time here in karaoke bars and private parties with naked dancing girls and free booze. No need for them to seriously look anymore. More time hehee as long as they need to address this problem heheeee. I especially like the comment about how Thailand has been struggling to fight this for many years now.

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didnt the EU commission arrive TODAY and just had the opening meeting ?

how can there already be results ?

I do somehow think the Thais are afraid what will happen ( but since it does look like the thais now at least try to clean up that mess i do expect they will get more time )

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The delegation has just arrived and has 2-3 weeks work ahead but a positive result is announced already ?

Just another kindness to visitors extended by LoS since Prawit knows what the inspectors intend to say, or should be saying, so he's simply helping out, all part of the service provided by Thai officialdom who are only too ready to make public statements on behalf of others.

What you ask if such statements are not what visiting delegations have any intention of saying ?

A minor point surely and it's what they should be saying so relax and let LoS take care of everything, after all they do know best.

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I'll believe it when I hear it from someone other than a Thai. 'Don't Thai to me'! coffee1.gif


During the day I saw quite a few Thai people tweeting this phrase “Don’t Thai to Me”. I didn’t really pay much attention to it at first as it is a bit of a strange phrase. And is, of course, grammatically incorrect. But, apparently this is popular slang among teenagers in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. It basically means “Don’t try and cheat me, lie to me or con me”.

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Perhaps not the best news article for the significant event:


THE EUROPEAN Union has given Thailand another six months to solve the problem of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and urged authorities to widen the crackdown on use of illegal labour in other sectors.

Cesar Deben, a senior EU official, yesterday met Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan to follow up on the progress of Thai measures to address the IUU issue after the union had issued a yellow-card warning in April last year.

The EU representative also forwarded an eight-point feedback to Prawit regarding the efforts to solve the IUU problem, while pointing to human trafficking as another related key issue.

Overall, the EU team said it was satisfied with Thailand's actions over the past eight to nine months to solve the IUU problem and would continue to monitor progress closely over the next six months before making a decision.

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Guys like Prawit are completely lost. There is nothing that guides them, such as integrity, commitment to the truth, transparency, desire to enhance the public good, desire to make the lives of these poor fisherman better, desire to eradicate slavery, and human trafficking, or just doing a good job, for the sake of it, and for the sake of his people and his country. None of that exists within his heart and his mind. It is all about political expediency. He will say anything, and therefore his word means nothing, to anybody, except the extremely gullible and the lemmings.

Are they doing anything to eradicate slavery? Are they making any real progress on the human trafficking issue? Are they arresting any top CEO's of companies like Thai Union, who continue to commit atrocities daily? You guessed correctly. The correct answer is absolutely not. Why upset the apple cart?

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After the first few days into the inspection, Gen. Prawit had a talk with Cesar Deben, a principal advisor to the EU, who was sent to Thailand to compile, together with the findings of his team, a report within the next 2 to 3 weeks.

I guess, that this report will then (in about 1 month?) be handed over to Deben's boss, who will be part of a committee in Brussels, that decides how the EU is going to proceed with Thailand re its seafood business relations.

As you can see, I use baby language to draft what I think is a rough description of a possible process, as I'm not an "expert". Maybe there are other TV members, who are familiar with this kind of processes and can be more specific. If so, please don't hesitate to correct me or add some details, if necessary.

Anyway, I'm quite sure, that Mr. Deben

- Has absolutely no power to decide

- Could maybe make an educated guess AFTER having analysed / compiled his report... in let's say 1 month?

- Did not share his first findings with a Thai General without a nod of his Boss in Brussels

- Will not share his conclusions / findings (in ~1 month) with a Thai General BEFORE sharing them with his Boss

- Will not be the one, who informs "Thailand" about the EU's decision

As I rate Mr. Deben to not be stupid, having absolutely no interest in shortening his career as an EU employee, it's quite safe to say that Gen. Prawit's statement is completely baseless, utter nonsense (to describe it in pc approved language).

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