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Tony Abbott to remain in Australian politics


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Tony Abbott to remain in Australian politics

LONDON: -- Deposed Australian prime minister Tony Abbott will attempt to stay in parliament at the country's next federal election.

Mr Abbott issued a short statement on Sunday night saying he would contest the seat of Warringah.

He has held the seat on Sydney's northern beaches for 22 years.

Malcolm Turnbull replaced Mr Abbott as prime minister after winning a ballot for leadership of the ruling Liberal Party in September.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-35378878

-- BBC 2016-01-25

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Tony Abbott is the face of the extreme far Right of politics. It is free money and subsidies and Tax cuts for Corporate Australia and the very wealthy and Tax increases and low paying jobs for the workers and less fortunate. Certainly no worker representation. Whatever Corporate Australia is prepared to pay is sufficient. He is hell bent on dismantling Publicly Funded Health Care and education opting for a double costing, worse outcomes American system. He would have every poor person and sick person flogged until until they begged for mercy. He has not one shred of compassion. All the ills of the world can be solved by harsh draconian punishment, unless you are wealthy then you get an automatic free pass to do what you like. Of course along with his Far Right extremist view is has puritan religious views from the 1920's. Gay's are an evil sub species and not deserving of any human rights, single Mothers should be forced to live in poverty and their rights over their own bodies are his to decide and impose his own religious views on. He is dismissive and will use every power to silence dissent and absolutely loathes to be held to account by anyone. He does believe in the freedom of the press provided they are part of 'Team Australia'. Meaning the Abbott team and his hateful elitist ideology. A truly nasty person and totally unelectable in Australia other than the elitist hateful and spiteful super wealthy in the seat that has been held by the far right since Cook landed at Botany Bay.

Terrible un-Australian ratbag.

Delusions of grandeur even after the Australian people totally and utterly rejected his ideology. Whilst Prime Minister he did not win ONE single Poll. The vast majority of the electorate wanted him gone and hopefully he stays gone from any position of political decision making.

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So you didn't vote for him or buyers remorse?

What was the choice? Labour had imploded as a consequence of the arrogance of power. Abbott's Sugar Daddy, Howard had arranged for his bum boy to be party Leader. Even with that, I cast my vote for Labour in a safe Liberal seat. What's the point? Backroom deals by power brokers on both sides is more influential than the electorate.

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So you didn't vote for him or buyers remorse?

The most dangerous Prime Minister Australia has ever had. Good riddance. Declared war on the vulnerable, health and education systems, worker representation, legal migrants, escalated our involvement in Iraq and Syria, pushed people back into the ocean, launched an attack on the Public Broadcaster because they dared to hold him to account, threatened aid workers with imprisonment with more rumours of rapes and killings and violence, refused to reveal what was going on with legal migrants, rumours paying people smugglers, boat people seeking refuge imprisoned and treated cruelly, pissed off Indonesia, looked like an absolute fool on the world stage, reintroduced British Knighthoods and gave one to Prince Phillip as if he needs another one. Dangerous and embarrassing from start to finish.

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This is news? What should he do, open a haberdashery?

He should sit on the Back Bench and shut up then piss off back to Warringah and chat with his rich mates about days long past. Other than that I don't want to hear another word from him.

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Tony Abbott is the face of the extreme far Right of politics. It is free money and subsidies and Tax cuts for Corporate Australia and the very wealthy and Tax increases and low paying jobs for the workers and less fortunate. Certainly no worker representation. Whatever Corporate Australia is prepared to pay is sufficient. He is hell bent on dismantling Publicly Funded Health Care and education opting for a double costing, worse outcomes American system. He would have every poor person and sick person flogged until until they begged for mercy. He has not one shred of compassion. All the ills of the world can be solved by harsh draconian punishment, unless you are wealthy then you get an automatic free pass to do what you like. Of course along with his Far Right extremist view is has puritan religious views from the 1920's. Gay's are an evil sub species and not deserving of any human rights, single Mothers should be forced to live in poverty and their rights over their own bodies are his to decide and impose his own religious views on. He is dismissive and will use every power to silence dissent and absolutely loathes to be held to account by anyone. He does believe in the freedom of the press provided they are part of 'Team Australia'. Meaning the Abbott team and his hateful elitist ideology. A truly nasty person and totally unelectable in Australia other than the elitist hateful and spiteful super wealthy in the seat that has been held by the far right since Cook landed at Botany Bay.

Terrible un-Australian ratbag.

Delusions of grandeur even after the Australian people totally and utterly rejected his ideology. Whilst Prime Minister he did not win ONE single Poll. The vast majority of the electorate wanted him gone and hopefully he stays gone from any position of political decision making.

Everything you say may be true.

If so, he sounds more American than Australian.

I've always had the impression that Australians had created the ultimate middle class society where elitist ideology was totally suppressed.

Maybe I was wrong.

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Tony Abbott is the face of the extreme far Right of politics. It is free money and subsidies and Tax cuts for Corporate Australia and the very wealthy and Tax increases and low paying jobs for the workers and less fortunate. Certainly no worker representation. Whatever Corporate Australia is prepared to pay is sufficient. He is hell bent on dismantling Publicly Funded Health Care and education opting for a double costing, worse outcomes American system. He would have every poor person and sick person flogged until until they begged for mercy. He has not one shred of compassion. All the ills of the world can be solved by harsh draconian punishment, unless you are wealthy then you get an automatic free pass to do what you like. Of course along with his Far Right extremist view is has puritan religious views from the 1920's. Gay's are an evil sub species and not deserving of any human rights, single Mothers should be forced to live in poverty and their rights over their own bodies are his to decide and impose his own religious views on. He is dismissive and will use every power to silence dissent and absolutely loathes to be held to account by anyone. He does believe in the freedom of the press provided they are part of 'Team Australia'. Meaning the Abbott team and his hateful elitist ideology. A truly nasty person and totally unelectable in Australia other than the elitist hateful and spiteful super wealthy in the seat that has been held by the far right since Cook landed at Botany Bay.

Terrible un-Australian ratbag.

Delusions of grandeur even after the Australian people totally and utterly rejected his ideology. Whilst Prime Minister he did not win ONE single Poll. The vast majority of the electorate wanted him gone and hopefully he stays gone from any position of political decision making.

Why are you holding back, call it like it is. tongue.png

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Everything you say may be true.

If so, he sounds more American than Australian.

I've always had the impression that Australians had created the ultimate middle class society where elitist ideology was totally suppressed.

Maybe I was wrong.

Very much so. Abbott is a throw back to the religious puritan days of 70 years ago. If a person knew of how dangerous he was to become they would have drowned him at birth. Independents in the Senate managed to stop most of his ill conceived plans. Disaster avoided. Then his party necked him. A Drovers dog could have beaten Abbott in an election, hands / paws down.

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Tony Abbott is the face of the extreme far Right of politics. It is free money and subsidies and Tax cuts for Corporate Australia and the very wealthy and Tax increases and low paying jobs for the workers and less fortunate. Certainly no worker representation. Whatever Corporate Australia is prepared to pay is sufficient. He is hell bent on dismantling Publicly Funded Health Care and education opting for a double costing, worse outcomes American system. He would have every poor person and sick person flogged until until they begged for mercy. He has not one shred of compassion. All the ills of the world can be solved by harsh draconian punishment, unless you are wealthy then you get an automatic free pass to do what you like. Of course along with his Far Right extremist view is has puritan religious views from the 1920's. Gay's are an evil sub species and not deserving of any human rights, single Mothers should be forced to live in poverty and their rights over their own bodies are his to decide and impose his own religious views on. He is dismissive and will use every power to silence dissent and absolutely loathes to be held to account by anyone. He does believe in the freedom of the press provided they are part of 'Team Australia'. Meaning the Abbott team and his hateful elitist ideology. A truly nasty person and totally unelectable in Australia other than the elitist hateful and spiteful super wealthy in the seat that has been held by the far right since Cook landed at Botany Bay.

Terrible un-Australian ratbag.

Delusions of grandeur even after the Australian people totally and utterly rejected his ideology. Whilst Prime Minister he did not win ONE single Poll. The vast majority of the electorate wanted him gone and hopefully he stays gone from any position of political decision making.

Everything you say may be true.

If so, he sounds more American than Australian.

I've always had the impression that Australians had created the ultimate middle class society where elitist ideology was totally suppressed.

Maybe I was wrong.

No you were not wrong the above is just your typical ratbag rantings from a lobotomised labour party sheep.

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Tony Abbott is the face of the extreme far Right of politics. It is free money and subsidies and Tax cuts for Corporate Australia and the very wealthy and Tax increases and low paying jobs for the workers and less fortunate. Certainly no worker representation. Whatever Corporate Australia is prepared to pay is sufficient. He is hell bent on dismantling Publicly Funded Health Care and education opting for a double costing, worse outcomes American system. He would have every poor person and sick person flogged until until they begged for mercy. He has not one shred of compassion. All the ills of the world can be solved by harsh draconian punishment, unless you are wealthy then you get an automatic free pass to do what you like. Of course along with his Far Right extremist view is has puritan religious views from the 1920's. Gay's are an evil sub species and not deserving of any human rights, single Mothers should be forced to live in poverty and their rights over their own bodies are his to decide and impose his own religious views on. He is dismissive and will use every power to silence dissent and absolutely loathes to be held to account by anyone. He does believe in the freedom of the press provided they are part of 'Team Australia'. Meaning the Abbott team and his hateful elitist ideology. A truly nasty person and totally unelectable in Australia other than the elitist hateful and spiteful super wealthy in the seat that has been held by the far right since Cook landed at Botany Bay.

Terrible un-Australian ratbag.

Delusions of grandeur even after the Australian people totally and utterly rejected his ideology. Whilst Prime Minister he did not win ONE single Poll. The vast majority of the electorate wanted him gone and hopefully he stays gone from any position of political decision making.

Everything you say may be true.

If so, he sounds more American than Australian.

I've always had the impression that Australians had created the ultimate middle class society where elitist ideology was totally suppressed.

Maybe I was wrong.

No you were not wrong the above is just your typical ratbag rantings from a lobotomised labour party sheep.

It wasn't the Labor Party that necked Abbott it was his own Party that terminated his services as no longer required. Out of 30 consecutive Polls he didn't win one so it was pretty clear the electorate were sharpening the 'axe'. As bad as Shorten is, and he is probably the worst Opposition Leader that I can remember, Abbott couldn't beat him in one Poll. The points I raise are EXACTLY why he was necked by his own Party and couldn't win a Poll during his brief tilt at being a Prime Minister.

He lurched from one disastrous Right Wing legislation to the next. Fortunately most simply were rejected in the Senate. That idiot Treasurer Hockey well good riddance to him too. Off to America as Ambassador we should look into cancelling his Passport when he gets there.

TooPooped is indeed right the 'fair go' , 'working class' Australian will not tolerate extreme Right Wing ideology where the elite and wealthy rule over and bully the less fortunate and where taxation favours the wealthy and enslaves for poor and working class.

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Is Abbott really his own man, with his own political stances, or is he like the US "hair on fire" right-wingers that are sponsored to spout this stuff?

Political stances? I like how you make it plural, because Abbott will adopt whatever political stance he is told to. Abbott is a sock puppet of the vested interests of the extreme right wing of the Australian political establishment. He has never had an original idea that was not signed, sealed, delivered and more importantly AUTHORIZED by his betters, the powers that made him and put him in his place. Abbott was never paid to think, He was anointed to DELIVER.

He owes his very existence and his previous short tenure as PM to being in the right place at the right time, nothing more. And to think, the uber cons who put him there actually thought they could win an election with this clown as PM? Just too funny...

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Says it all about Abbott’s beliefs…

Tony Abbott jets to US to address abortion and gay-marriage opponents Alliance Defending Freedom

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/tony-abbott-jets-to-us-to-address-abortion-and-gaymarriage-opponents-alliance-defending-freedom-20160125-gmdi7r.html#ixzz3yKj1Sk00
Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook

Edited by simple1
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Says it all about Abbott’s beliefs…

Tony Abbott jets to US to address abortion and gay-marriage opponents Alliance Defending Freedom

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/tony-abbott-jets-to-us-to-address-abortion-and-gaymarriage-opponents-alliance-defending-freedom-20160125-gmdi7r.html#ixzz3yKj1Sk00

Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook

Well he doesn't have any plans soon for another tilt at the Prime Ministership going by this little spiteful sojourn to whip up the anti abortion anti gay lobby. Just one more objectionable entry onto his show reel of shame.

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