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Video shows Paris attackers committing earlier IS atrocities


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Video shows Paris attackers committing earlier IS atrocities

PARIS (AP) — New video released by the Islamic State group on Sunday shows the extremists who carried out the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris committing atrocities in IS-controlled territory while plotting the slaughter in the French capital that left 130 people dead and hundreds injured. The group also threatened to attack Britain.

The 17-minute video shows the extent of the planning that went into the multiple attacks in Paris, which French authorities have said from the beginning was planned in Syria. The video was provided online by the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadi websites.

All nine militants seen in the video died in the Paris attacks or their aftermath. Seven of the attackers — four from Belgium and three from France — spoke fluent French. The two others — identified by their noms de guerre as Iraqis — spoke in Arabic.

Seven of the militants, including a 20-year-old who was the youngest of the group, were filmed standing behind bound captives, described as "apostates," who were either beheaded or shot.

"Soon on the Champs-Elysées," says Samy Amimour, who was raised in a Paris suburb near the French national stadium, as he holds a captive's head aloft.

The Nov. 13 attacks targeted a packed concert hall, a restaurant and cafe, and a soccer match at the national stadium.

French Foreign Ministry spokesman Romain Nadal said the government is studying the video but would not comment on its contents. France's Interior Ministry and the Paris prosecutor's office had no immediate comment.

The video was filmed before the men sneaked back into Europe and contains no footage shot by the attackers during the days of terror that began Nov. 13 and ended only on Nov. 18 with the death of Abdelhamid Abbaoud, who was believed to be the leader of the attacks.

Instead, it was assembled from material shot before the men left for Paris, news video and amateur video. The video did not specify where the nine men were filmed, but it was believed to have been in IS-controlled territory in Syria. Abbaoud is seen simply speaking in a room

One militant, Brahim Abdeslam, is seen at a makeshift shooting range. Abdeslam, whose brother Salah fled Paris that night and remains at large, blew himself up at a Paris cafe where he was the only victim. Salah Abdeslam is not seen in the video.

According to the anti-islamic State activist group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, Brahim Abdeslam and two other attackers were trained in Raqqa, the extremist group's stronghold and the capital of its self-proclaimed caliphate.

In the video, as in other Islamic State propaganda trying to drive a wedge between European Muslims and their governments, the men say it is a religious duty to join them. They threaten more attacks in Europe, and the footage closes with one of the militants holding a severed head and footage of Cameron giving a speech — with a text in English warning that whoever stands with the unbelievers "will be a target for our swords."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-25

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ISIL 'posts UK video threat'


PARIS: -- The Islamist extremist group ISIL has posted a video on the internet making an apparent threat to attack Britain. The unverified footage contains images of UK MPs backing airstrikes in Syria.

The package also purports to show the last statements of nine of the people who took part in the Paris attacks in November. There are also shots of the locations targeted in the French capital where 130 died.

One of the images shows a man closely resembling Abdel hamid Abaaoud, the suspected ringleader of the attacks.

Abaaoud, a Belgian national, died in a police raid on a flat in Saint-Denis, near Paris, days after the attacks.

Nine suspected attackers died on November 13 or in the days after, and two more are on the run.

Meanwhile the violence in Syria goes on ahead of peace talks aimed at finding a solution to the civil war.

More social media videos purports to show devastation after shelling in an Aleppo town as well as heavy fighting between ISIL militants and Syrian troops as well as Russian forces.

Earlier according to Syrian government forces they’ve seized the last major town held by rebels in western Latakia province.

According to state TV Rabia, which has been in rebel hands for four year has been overrun by the army and so-called “popular defence” fighters. The province is a stronghold of the Alawite community to which President Bashar al-Assad belongs.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-25

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Bull Sh-t and if this is true why does ISIS behead there captives or make them slaves. Did all theses people from all these countries do the same actions against ISIS. If so wake up they will say the same about you so they are justified in killing you. Either you bow down to them and accept there beliefs you will die or be a slave for these no hearted terrorist.animals!

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Does the relation to "earlier... atrocities" really surprise anyone? Were it not so terrifying it would be comical- the inability of the West to grasp the nature of the threat assembling.

Syria, Paris, UK, Cologne, NY, CA, Thailand, Indonesia, Kabul, Pakistan, Saana, Amman, Giza, Gaza, Niger, Nigeria, Baghdad, Raqqa, Ramadi, India, Daka, Tenn, TX, Canada, Denmark, America, Europe, the West, the East, the South, the North, the seas, the land, the air... ad infinitum... People are still sickened, but no longer shocked.

Its only the narrow perspective of time which fools us into thinking this is any different than for the Visigoths, Ghassanids, Lakhmids, Hijaz, Sassanids, Persians, Sindh, Berber, Aquitane, Gurjara, Taank, Thanesar, Valahbi, Byzantium, Malays, Cheras, Altava, Lombards, Avars, Gokturks, Kashmir, Kalachuris, Chalukyas, (remainder of the subcontinent), Damascus, Baalbek, Homs, Heliopolis, Alexandria, Roman Palestine, Mesopotamia, Maghreb, ad infinitum...

Is the point/connection unclear? Current events are not new at all; they are links in the unbroken chain of conquest and misanthropy cloaked in god. In the past people hardly presumed the "threat" was non existent, they just lacked the power to defeat it. Today, we have the power to defeat it, but lack the ability to perceive the threat, too absorbed in self arrogance and western hubris.

Time is a solvent that breaks the will of people, coupled with delay in defining islamic jihad as islamic jihad, it is a device to make de facto caliphate legitimacy. This is only one more bloody chapter in the misanthropic epic known as islamic jihad. As the numbing, desensitization, and commonplace mayhem of jihad grabs a hold of the entire Western cycle of life expect the Western leaders to increasingly offer a trial balloon of "negotiation." Unable to process the obvious answer to "What do they want?" the West can only keep denying there is a problem or reach the conclusion that "they must be like us" and offer them the same thing that the Left desires- power, money, power, money. This is the formula for destruction. "They must want what we want!"

They are not like you and do not want what you want!

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Does the relation to "earlier... atrocities" really surprise anyone? Were it not so terrifying it would be comical- the inability of the West to grasp the nature of the threat assembling.

Syria, Paris, UK, Cologne, NY, CA, Thailand, Indonesia, Kabul, Pakistan, Saana, Amman, Giza, Gaza, Niger, Nigeria, Baghdad, Raqqa, Ramadi, India, Daka, Tenn, TX, Canada, Denmark, America, Europe, the West, the East, the South, the North, the seas, the land, the air... ad infinitum... People are still sickened, but no longer shocked.

Its only the narrow perspective of time which fools us into thinking this is any different than for the Visigoths, Ghassanids, Lakhmids, Hijaz, Sassanids, Persians, Sindh, Berber, Aquitane, Gurjara, Taank, Thanesar, Valahbi, Byzantium, Malays, Cheras, Altava, Lombards, Avars, Gokturks, Kashmir, Kalachuris, Chalukyas, (remainder of the subcontinent), Damascus, Baalbek, Homs, Heliopolis, Alexandria, Roman Palestine, Mesopotamia, Maghreb, ad infinitum...

Is the point/connection unclear? Current events are not new at all; they are links in the unbroken chain of conquest and misanthropy cloaked in god. In the past people hardly presumed the "threat" was non existent, they just lacked the power to defeat it. Today, we have the power to defeat it, but lack the ability to perceive the threat, too absorbed in self arrogance and western hubris.

Time is a solvent that breaks the will of people, coupled with delay in defining islamic jihad as islamic jihad, it is a device to make de facto caliphate legitimacy. This is only one more bloody chapter in the misanthropic epic known as islamic jihad. As the numbing, desensitization, and commonplace mayhem of jihad grabs a hold of the entire Western cycle of life expect the Western leaders to increasingly offer a trial balloon of "negotiation." Unable to process the obvious answer to "What do they want?" the West can only keep denying there is a problem or reach the conclusion that "they must be like us" and offer them the same thing that the Left desires- power, money, power, money. This is the formula for destruction. "They must want what we want!"

They are not like you and do not want what you want!

It is not the general populations of western countries who cannot see the problem or the danger. It is the politicians who have their heads inextricably stuck up their own posterior orifices, concerned solely with their own personal wealth and happy not to rock the boat and keep welcoming potential terrorists under the guise of refugees. At least one of the Paris murderers was photographed at a Syrian refugee camp. Does that mean we should keep them all out? YES, damned right it does.

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