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Temperatures to drop further in North and Isaan tomorrow


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Temperatures to drop further in the North and Northeast tomorrow

BANGKOK, 25 January 2016 (NNT) - The Meteorological Department has warned people living in the upper parts of Thailand about heavy rains and colder weather over the next two days.

The temperatures in the North and Northeast are expected to drop to lows of 8 degrees Celsius and highs of 15 degrees Celsius.

The East Coast will experience lows of 14 degrees Celsius and it will reach highs of 18 degrees Celsius at midday. It will remain relatively cold in Bangkok and its vicinity, with lows at 16 degrees Celsius and highs around 18 degrees Celsius.

The Meteorological Department added that a wind system will move across the upper parts of the country over the next two days. Residents have been warned of heavy rains and icy weather.

The department has also forecast more rain in the South, due to a northeasterly wind in the Gulf of Thailand. Fishers should take precautions when leaving the shore during this time.

-- NNT 2016-01-25 footer_n.gif


Colder weather forecast in the North this week


BANGKOK: -- The Meteorological Department today issued another warning of turbulent weather in the upper region of the country after the strong cold front has covered most of the upper region.

It said the presence of the cold front will result in expected thunder rainstorms and strong winds, and further drop in temperatures by 2-4 degrees Celsius in the upper region this week.

It said average temperatures will be 8-14 degrees Celsius in the Northern region, and frost in hilltop areas, 8-15 degrees Celsius in the Northeast region, 14-15 degrees Celsius in the Central and Eastern regions, and 16-18 degrees Celsius in Bangkok.

But it said from January 26-27, westerly wind from Myanmar will blow into the country’s North and Northeast, bringing rains in the areas, and dropping the temperatures further.

More heavy rains are expected in the South along with high waves of 2-4 metres in the Gulf of Thailand.

Small boats are advised to stay on shores while bigger ships are also told to sail with caution.

Tags: cold front, dropping the temperatures, General, Heavy rains, Myanmar, strong cold, strong winds, The Meteorological Department, thunder rainstorms, turbulent weather, upper region, warning.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/147987

-- Thai PBS 2016-01-25

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Just returned from Amnat Charoen and Ubol. Really cold and windy.. The type of wind you normally would expect of a Typhoon... Just relentless wind - almost like wading in a fast flowing river or creek. Sure it's not Everest Cold but for locals, this is cold.

Back in Chiang Rai, it is also cold. 9 deg. celcius today and overcast with some light showers. Took my motorbike to return home in light rain last night. Regret not having my gloves because my fingers were really getting ice cold.

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Waiting for the usual government call to distribute blankets to the poor, the same people who gets

blankets every year and mange to lose them somehow, and also the article that

tell us how many people died from the cold.... nothing new under the sun...

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Waiting for the usual government call to distribute blankets to the poor, the same people who gets

blankets every year and mange to lose them somehow, and also the article that

tell us how many people died from the cold.... nothing new under the sun...

Even abnormally cold weather can be used to expose the shortcomings of Thailand and denigrate the Thai people.

How do I hate thee?

Let me count the ways...

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16 Celsius! Bangkok to stay cool for a few more days
By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- Bangkokians today have been spotted doing their Monday commute in their winter attire -- an unfamiliar sight to most residents -- after the temperature drastically dropped to 16 degrees Celsius today. Brrrr!

The high pressure over upper Thailand has cast a cold spell in Thailand as the temperature has dropped by 6-10 Celsius. Bangkok will continue to experience the cool weather of 16-18 degrees Celsius for a few days more, according to an announcement today by Thai Meteorological Department.

Thundershowers are expected until Wednesday.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2016/01/25/16-celsius-bangkok-stay-cool-few-days-more

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2016-01-25

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Waiting for the usual government call to distribute blankets to the poor, the same people who gets

blankets every year and mange to lose them somehow, and also the article that

tell us how many people died from the cold.... nothing new under the sun...

Damn those poor people stealing annual blankets!!!!

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How many Thais have scaled Everest?

How many Swedes have walked across the Sahara? What's your point?
Do I really need to spell it out?
If you wouldn't mind.

When the ambient temperature drops below 25, the ski jackets come out

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Now it’s Cold: Wintry Weather to Linger Some Days
By Sasiwan Mokkhasen
Staff Reporter

Students in Korat this morning exercise before class to warm up their little bodies.

BANGKOK — For at least the next two days Thais will continue to bundle up for warmth while expats make smug comments about how it’s not that cold.

Sweaters and long-stored jackets are are in rotation again after Bangkok temperatures fell this morning to below 20C in all areas. The sudden cool which took hold Sunday came from a powerful high pressure front moving in from China over the upper parts of Thailand.

Overall temperatures in the country will drop 2C to 4C in the next two days with lows in Bangkok falling to between 16C and 18C.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1453696410

-- Khaosod English 2016-01-25

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When the ambient temperature drops below 25, the ski jackets come out

wearing ski jackets = have you scaled Everest? 555555

The real question is, "Have you even been stuck in the North Pole for 11 days, 49 hours, and 43 minutes without socks???"

Why do I ask? I saw a guy putting ice in his beer....


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How many Thais have scaled Everest?
How many Swedes have walked across the Sahara? What's your point?
Do I really need to spell it out?
If you wouldn't mind.

When the ambient temperature drops below 25, the ski jackets come out

So when it's cold people dress warmly. How profound rolleyes.gif You do realise that 16 is 20 degrees less than the norm. That's like the UK going from 20 (Nice bikini weather for Hyde Park) to 0...or do you expect people in London to stay in T Shirt and shorts when the temperature drops. Now I bet you sweat your balls off when you came here and the temp was 30+ (Quite mild for me...I only start feeling hot in Kanchanaburi when its 40)
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We went to a wedding reception beside the river in Ayutthaya yesterday evening starting 1700. People including me were dressed for warmer weather with lots of women wearing skimpy dresses. The wind was quite strong and the temperature was bitterly cold. Most people tried to huddle out of the wind. We, along with quite a few other people left as soon as we could congratulate the happy couple. We stayed maybe an hour tops.

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How many Thais have scaled Everest?
How many Swedes have walked across the Sahara? What's your point?
Do I really need to spell it out?
If you wouldn't mind.

When the ambient temperature drops below 25, the ski jackets come out

So when it's cold people dress warmly. How profound rolleyes.gif You do realise that 16 is 20 degrees less than the norm. That's like the UK going from 20 (Nice bikini weather for Hyde Park) to 0...or do you expect people in London to stay in T Shirt and shorts when the temperature drops. Now I bet you sweat your balls off when you came here and the temp was 30+ (Quite mild for me...I only start feeling hot in Kanchanaburi when its 40)

I believe Bangkok is usually around 26 degrees in January
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