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Rage woman returns in new video


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I haven't seen anything so far about her domestic situation, married or living with a family etc so it begs the question what are any relatives doing about her situation or are they afraid or reluctant to get involved ?

On the other hand and depending how they see their social status maybe they consider it's her right to bark irrationally at people who annoy her.

Edited by Caveat Emptor
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I can see the potential here for a new comedy series in Thailand. Rage Woman.

The ongoing adventures and mishaps as Rage Woman sweeps across Bangkok leaving mayhem in her wake.

From the little I see of Thai TV, I would suggest there is already heaps of Rage Woman available but like all things Thai another one wouldn't go amiss...

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They claim she is mentally ill.

But they still let her drive around in her car??

Potentially a lethal weapon in the hands of a mentally ill person....



Maybe she should be issued with a gun licence as well (if not already having one) just to ensure that she always receives top attention when demanded.. Edited by Artisi
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They either to get her hospitilized or assign a security /protection team to escort her, for the protection of the public at large. Good assignment for some of those assigned to ''inactive duty'' that would give others something to consider before skimming of funds, etc

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On the incident last week, the court spokesman said that if you share the video and comment on the behavior, you may be liable for criminal charges, as the person is a protected species. The spokesman said nothing at all about the justice system's responsibility towards protecting the public from this endangering species, by for example revoking the license to drive a vehicle which might become a lethal weapon whenever that person feels the urge.

So, my post is in no way judging the person's actions, nor identifying the professional history, gender or standing in society. It also doesn't say anything judgmental about the court spokesman, his comments, or the Thai justice system. Actually, my post says nothing at all about anyone or anything. You should stop reading it, now. wai.gif

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might be time to arrest her and have her examined by medical specialists and get her some help, she could very well be a danger to herself and others

huh...? that is just a average day in china , in fact it is expeted you act like a d bag if you have a little money , some say it is the law ...............

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An angry woman in a Parking lot makes the news... how low has Facebook brought the human race.

There was a roach in my garbage can last night, anybody wants a vid?

Technology truly makes us regress.

well you must be the guy who cornered the market on "Buggy Whips" .

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So she is either...

a.) Really mentally ill as surely she should of become aware of her infamy by now and stopped such behavior if she knows she'll end up getting filmed. If so she needs to be taking care of by medical professionals and the last thing she should be doing is driving and going around in public. She is a danger to herself and others.

b.) Really has such a bad case of 'afluenza' and doesn't give a solitary poop if she is being filmed of infamous on social media because of who she is and the connections she has. She will never be reprimanded.

I personally think it is a.) - this level of behavior so frequently points to mental illness. Where are her family and friends and why are they allowing her out in public so much?

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might be time to arrest her and have her examined by medical specialists and get her some help, she could very well be a danger to herself and others

I think she's too far up the chain of command to be arrested and examined......but anyway..as mentioned, she's driving still...

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On the incident last week, the court spokesman said that if you share the video and comment on the behavior, you may be liable for criminal charges, as the person is a protected species. The spokesman said nothing at all about the justice system's responsibility towards protecting the public from this endangering species, by for example revoking the license to drive a vehicle which might become a lethal weapon whenever that person feels the urge.

So, my post is in no way judging the person's actions, nor identifying the professional history, gender or standing in society. It also doesn't say anything judgmental about the court spokesman, his comments, or the Thai justice system. Actually, my post says nothing at all about anyone or anything. You should stop reading it, now. wai.gif

And no trees were cut down, animals either hurt or used for medical testing and no religious comments either referenced or inferred, etc etc

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An angry woman in a Parking lot makes the news... how low has Facebook brought the human race.

There was a roach in my garbage can last night, anybody wants a vid?

Technology truly makes us regress.

"An angry woman in a Parking lot makes the news"

Actually a ranting, raving, ill tempered woman, in a parking lot, in the Land Transport Office etc.

Fortunately she did not carry a gun. Had she shot someone in one of her little rage sessions, I am am sure there may have been a lot more FB interest as well as on TVF.

She deserves no sympathy, as she is clearly out of control on an almost daily basis. And I am sure she has been advised to calm down by her doctor.

Hope you caught the roach.

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Wouldn't be surprized if we see her again a another episode of "Discover Thainess Road Rage" or if she's found shot dead in a ditch along the roadside somewhere over the next couple of weeks. What a *****(swear word for female reproductive organ)...

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I've got a friend who's father is a retired judge. He's got a special sticker on his car so police can't stop him. Ever. Another example of how some are above the law, and act like it. No humility.

You wouldn't happen to have a picture of that sticker, you could post, would you? :-)

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There seem to be a registration plate at the front of her car this time!

Maybe she just got her plate from the Dept of Land Transport, where the video was shot?

Also, to me, the place rather looks a lot like a vehicle testing installation, where maybe she wanted to park her car at (people considering themselves as 'VIP''s have the nasty habit of parking their car at any spot they consider the most convenient)...?

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