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The heat is on for heaters


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Recently temperatures dropped to the coldest I have known in Chiang Mai. Within my house the thermometers read 14c (57F). Not cold compared to England but our house is not designed for cold weather. Only place to keep warm was in bed with loads of warm bedding and hot water bottles. Girlfriend and me were walking about wearing thick jumpers and overcoats. In fact so cold we were feeling ill it felt like being in an army training camp. Yesterday dreading a freezing night like the night before decided to rush out and buy some electric heaters, but where I thought?

I phoned Home Pro and was told they only had 2 types, a 600 baht tiny tabletop fan heater and a 2200W radiator type for almost 9000 baht. Being desperate I was willing to pay anything to beat the dreaded chill. Then I phoned Global House and was told they have a promotion on, oil filled radiator type heaters, 600W for 1300 baht and 2500W for 2800 baht. Not wanting to brave the cold and rainy elements on a motorbike I got my neighbour to drive me to Global House in his car. Arrived at Global House and asked the staff where are the heaters? They pointed to an area of the store where there was a huge crowd of people gathered around a big pile of boxes. Rushed over there and observed people walking away with boxes of heaters in trolleys. Did not have time to think, grabbed two of the 2500W heaters and one 600W heater. After that there were only 2 heaters left and within seconds a couple of old Farlangs grabbed them. I only made it with seconds to spare before the heaters were all sold out.

Got the heaters home, plugged them in and felt like luxury. The rooms are still cold but the heaters have taken the sharpness from the chill, it’s bearable. Recently had high powered air cons installed to all the bedrooms in the house. I think we should expect these extremes of temperatures from now on and I want to be prepared for the future. If as I think will happen that the months of March, April, May and June will hit the highest temperatures on record, there is going to be a crazy rush to buy air con units, so if you don’t have air con or yours has done a lot of mileage seen better days, now is the time to think about buying those units.

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There will likely not be a shortage ever of AC units for sale. They are produced in Thailand

and purchased in all provinces year-round. The only shortage recalled was due floods in BKK

where AC manufacturing facilities were taken out. Customers in Oceania and SE Asia

endured backorder waiting lists of several months.

Maybe next year people in Northern Thailand will buy early? But it a few weeks

it will be blistering hot again and most will forget until too late.

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I think we should expect these extremes of temperatures from now on and I want to be prepared for the future.

Seriously doubt it.

El Nino in Asia:

"Historical records of previous El Niño events suggest that the likelihood of the current El Niño being followed by La Niña is the same as a return to neutral conditions, during the second half of 2016." -- United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

"Oceanic and atmospheric indicators suggest the 2015/2016 El Niño has peaked with a return to neutral conditions expected during the second quarter of 2016." --- Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) National Weather Service (NWS)

Nothing wrong with buying a heater, but it seems a bit reactionary to spend that money for an event that lasts a few days.

By the way, there are "air conditioning" units that both cool and heat. They look identical to the wall units you are used to seeing in Thailand. Not sure if you can get them here, but since money is no issue, order one from abroad.

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Will the same people who were complaining about the heat last year,

now be buying heaters ?, think of the people up in the hills,in bamboo

built houses,just put more clothes on its only going to last a few days

then the complaints will be about how hot it is again.

regards Worgeordie

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I bought two of these from Global House in I believe 2007 when there was a very long cold snap. Still working strong after all these years. Prices certainly have gone up as they were around 900 B each then. When I was looking for heaters then, the ones at Central were 13k+. Fancy imports but I needed just fundamental.


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I bought two of these from Global House in I believe 2007 when there was a very long cold snap. Still working strong after all these years. Prices certainly have gone up as they were around 900 B each then. When I was looking for heaters then, the ones at Central were 13k+. Fancy imports but I needed just fundamental.


That`s almost the same model I bought yesterday, only mine has 11 fins instead of 7 fins and maybe why the ones I bought were more expensive. They came in 2 colours black or white. The white ones had sold out so settled for the black. Lovely they are, for the 2 large and one small the best 7000 baht I ever spent.

2 drawbacks with these, they only come with 2 metres of cable length and for reasons unknown to me won`t work with electrical extension wires they must be plugged directly into the wall sockets, but not complaining, thank heavens for small mercies.

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I bought two of these from Global House in I believe 2007 when there was a very long cold snap. Still working strong after all these years. Prices certainly have gone up as they were around 900 B each then. When I was looking for heaters then, the ones at Central were 13k+. Fancy imports but I needed just fundamental.


That`s almost the same model I bought yesterday, only mine has 11 fins instead of 7 fins and maybe why the ones I bought were more expensive. They came in 2 colours black or white. The white ones had sold out so settled for the black. Lovely they are, for the 2 large and one small the best 7000 baht I ever spent.

2 drawbacks with these, they only come with 2 metres of cable length and for reasons unknown to me won`t work with electrical extension wires they must be plugged directly into the wall sockets, but not complaining, thank heavens for small mercies.

I got the smaller ones as the two rooms I used them in were small at around 25-30 sqm. I saw the larger ones, longer/more fins, for about 1700 B then but didn't think I needed them. Now at the new house the master bed room/home office is 55 sqm and the larger one would been nice. No problem running it off an extension but I have heavy duty strip and wire. Maybe the switch on your extension isn't up to it, if it has one?

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I bought two of these from Global House in I believe 2007 when there was a very long cold snap. Still working strong after all these years. Prices certainly have gone up as they were around 900 B each then. When I was looking for heaters then, the ones at Central were 13k+. Fancy imports but I needed just fundamental.


That`s almost the same model I bought yesterday, only mine has 11 fins instead of 7 fins and maybe why the ones I bought were more expensive. They came in 2 colours black or white. The white ones had sold out so settled for the black. Lovely they are, for the 2 large and one small the best 7000 baht I ever spent.

2 drawbacks with these, they only come with 2 metres of cable length and for reasons unknown to me won`t work with electrical extension wires they must be plugged directly into the wall sockets, but not complaining, thank heavens for small mercies.

I got the smaller ones as the two rooms I used them in were small at around 25-30 sqm. I saw the larger ones, longer/more fins, for about 1700 B then but didn't think I needed them. Now at the new house the master bed room/home office is 55 sqm and the larger one would been nice. No problem running it off an extension but I have heavy duty strip and wire. Maybe the switch on your extension isn't up to it, if it has one?

It actually says in the instruction manual that the appliances should be plugged directly into the mains. Maybe a safety feature? I don`t know for sure.

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Just curious but are the people buying heaters for a few days of use are the same people Queing up at Prom at 4:30 instead of using G4T

My girlfriend told me that another cold snap is expected next month and now older and the blood thinner I can`t tolerate the cold much, especially the extremes of the last few days. I won`t be queuing up at immigration from the early hours, I`m all for an easy comfortable life

Maybe I could start topping myself up with more alcohol to give higher endurance levels of the cold?

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Just curious but are the people buying heaters for a few days of use are the same people Queing up at Prom at 4:30 instead of using G4T

My girlfriend told me that another cold snap is expected next month and now older and the blood thinner I can`t tolerate the cold much, especially the extremes of the last few days. I won`t be queuing up at immigration from the early hours, I`m all for an easy comfortable life

Maybe I could start topping myself up with more alcohol to give higher endurance levels of the cold?

In case you're not joking, hypothermia risk factors:

Alcohol and drug use. Alcohol may make your body feel warm inside, but it causes your blood vessels to dilate, or expand, resulting in more rapid heat loss from the surface of your skin. The body's natural shivering response is diminished in people who've been drinking alcohol. In addition, the use of alcohol or recreational drugs can affect your judgment about the need to get inside or wear warm clothes in cold weather conditions. If a person is intoxicated and passes out in cold weather, he or she is likely to develop hypothermia.


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Just curious but are the people buying heaters for a few days of use are the same people Queing up at Prom at 4:30 instead of using G4T

Snark failure. You got it exactly wrong. People who buy heaters for just a few days are willing to spend money for their own comfort. People who line up at 4:30 AM instead of using a visa service are people unwilling to spend money for their own comfort.

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Just curious but are the people buying heaters for a few days of use are the same people Queing up at Prom at 4:30 instead of using G4T

My girlfriend told me that another cold snap is expected next month and now older and the blood thinner I can`t tolerate the cold much, especially the extremes of the last few days. I won`t be queuing up at immigration from the early hours, I`m all for an easy comfortable life

Maybe I could start topping myself up with more alcohol to give higher endurance levels of the cold?

In case you're not joking, hypothermia risk factors:

Alcohol and drug use. Alcohol may make your body feel warm inside, but it causes your blood vessels to dilate, or expand, resulting in more rapid heat loss from the surface of your skin. The body's natural shivering response is diminished in people who've been drinking alcohol. In addition, the use of alcohol or recreational drugs can affect your judgment about the need to get inside or wear warm clothes in cold weather conditions. If a person is intoxicated and passes out in cold weather, he or she is likely to develop hypothermia.


I was joking. Have always realised the dangers of alcohol. It`s works the same during the hot weather as well, can take down the body`s sugar to dangerously low levels. I done that when I was the new boy on the block here. Had to go into hospital for a glucose drip.

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Hi all, I have a 2kw fan heater that I brought here from the UK. I am currently staying in a large apartment block. What kind of wiring is likely to be in it? I mean is the 2 kw heater going to be ok or melt the places puny wiring?? Simon.

Edited by Simon1287
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Just curious but are the people buying heaters for a few days of use are the same people Queing up at Prom at 4:30 instead of using G4T

My girlfriend told me that another cold snap is expected next month and now older and the blood thinner I can`t tolerate the cold much, especially the extremes of the last few days. I won`t be queuing up at immigration from the early hours, I`m all for an easy comfortable life

Maybe I could start topping myself up with more alcohol to give higher endurance levels of the cold?

In case you're not joking, hypothermia risk factors:

Alcohol and drug use. Alcohol may make your body feel warm inside, but it causes your blood vessels to dilate, or expand, resulting in more rapid heat loss from the surface of your skin. The body's natural shivering response is diminished in people who've been drinking alcohol. In addition, the use of alcohol or recreational drugs can affect your judgment about the need to get inside or wear warm clothes in cold weather conditions. If a person is intoxicated and passes out in cold weather, he or she is likely to develop hypothermia.


That's why I always laugh at this image.


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Hi all, I have a 2kw fan heater that I brought here from the UK. I am currently staying in a large apartment block. What kind of wiring is likely to be in it? I mean is the 2 kw heater going to be ok or melt the places puny wiring?? Simon.

That would draw about 10Amps, which will be fine. Just don't use these puny extension cords with single isolation, as you may get more heat than you expected when they catch fire.

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Most heaters are designed to be plugged directly into a wall socket, you can use an extension cord but said cord needs to be rated to handle the current. Its very similar with clothes irons, toasters, electric grills...they may all run on 220-240v but its the current or amperage that they pull that makes a difference.

If you have say a cheap extension cord (probably made in China) then the wires used within said cord are likely to be very thin. Those type of cords can only handle light loads/currents. You may find these cords either warm up or 'blow' apart when under a load not designed for them. They have also been known to start house fires.

The more expensive extension cords generally use heavier guage wire that can handle a heavier load and are generally more safe. But dont be suckered in if you see a cable that looks quite 'thick', the other half had some at her guesthouse and they had a habit of burning out (Blowing apart) Upon closer inspection I found it was typical Chinese rubbish cable with a thicker sheath.

Very much a case of buyer beware. Im not sure of what the good brands are here (In relation to extension cords) and at home Ive made my own up buy purchasing good quality cable and plugs.

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@ ilostmypassword - have to disagree with your generalization about people unwilling to pay for their comfort. Beginning of the month I went to CM Immigration at 4:30 for my 90 day. Two weeks later I did the same for my 1 year renewal for my Retirement Extension. Am I cheap? Not hardly! See the way I live, and what I have, and the word "cheap" definitely does not come to mind. So why did I do it? I'm retired, and I don't have anything else pressing to do, and it's a chance to have some interesting conversations with people I would never run into normally. So please save your "generalizations" for conversations with yourself.

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"My girlfriend told me that another cold snap is expected next month"


"I can't find any evidence of this. What is the source of this information?"

It was mentioned in an article on ThaiVisa this morning.

Another cold spell around the first of the month, then another mid February.

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It was mentioned in an article on ThaiVisa this morning.

Another cold spell around the first of the month, then another mid February.

The forecast for January & February. The lows for the day are going to remain quite cool but the highs for the day are going to be warm. Accuweather



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When it came time to purchase air conditioners for my house a couple of years ago I tried to find reverse cycle (RC) but to no avail. What's interesting is that the RC units I had in my office in Oz were Mitsubishi (made in Thailand) Has anyone else come across the lack of RC aircons here or was it just me?

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We bought ours months ago during the rainy season when the heaters first showed up at Global Lamphun. Up until last week, it was a buyer's market. They were still well stocked our last trip to Lamphun a week or so ago. Now? Ha ha ha. I can only surmise as wife and I sit in our warm living room here in the boon-docks of rural Lamphun province.

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