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Trump refuses to debate; calls Fox's moderator 'lightweight'


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Trump is a strong personality, mentally agile and quick on his feet.

I wouldn't say he's quick on his feet.

He cycles through the same cliches time and time again.



"Find out whats going on"

And his absolute favourite that he seems to drop in every other sentence (Neurolinguistic programming coach anyone?):

"Believe me".

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Trump is a strong personality, mentally agile and quick on his feet.

I wouldn't say he's quick on his feet.

He cycles through the same cliches time and time again.



"Find out whats going on"

And his absolute favourite that he seems to drop in every other sentence (Neurolinguistic programming coach anyone?):

"Believe me".

Indeed and Trump is rarely without a lightning comeback line which is my reference 'quick on his feet.'

He's like the Wehrmacht -- expert in swift and immediate counter attack and the Russians also with their heavy artillery bombardments. Trump will lose too all the same.

The private polling of each party shows it. It in fact shows Cruz would kill the Republican party more in the House and Senate than would Trump. Cruz is more identified to voters as a 'no' Republican in Washington and a rightwhinger. For all the 'New York values' stuff, Cruz being a senator elected from Texas is a non-starter with a substantial swathe of general election voters.

Edited by Publicus
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Go Donald.

This guy is gold dust for newspaper editors. No story? Just go to Trump, he'll make you one.

"This guy is gold dust for newspaper editors."

Even better for comedians, especially when Sarah Palin endorsed Trump.


A pretty stupid skit...couldn't even get through it all...and instead of mocking Trump and his supporters as rubes, maybe the Coastal elites should listen to some of the fears and concerns of their not so elite fellow citizens.

Well I guess i'm a coastal 'elite'.

Californian born & breed, except of course I'm slightly the wrong color, speak two languages, one of course is anathema to the 'real' true Americans from that non elitist middle America.

Maybe if you could actually get your small minded head around the fact that the US is not some version of 'Little House on the Prairie' and that there are are indeed non elitist voices that don't agree with you, which maybe don't look like you but still have a voice then maybe, just maybe you might understand why Trump is so toxic to so many of us

Exactly the attitude I'm talking about...most of trumps supporters are worried about their jobs...2/3rds of Americans don't have college degrees and their wages have been stagnant for decades. That's why many gravitate to extreme candidates, who blame their problems on "others," be they Trump or sanders, because both mainstream parties have long since been captured by the cultural and financial elites.

BTW, fyi, I was born in Children's Hospital in San Francisco and lived all my years in the Bay Area before moving to Thailand, so I guess that qualifies me as "coastal" too but I don't ignore the concerns of other Americans. Get out of your bubbles and see conditions outside the glittering metropolises...even in the Central Valley of California...it's pretty bleak.

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...most of trumps supporters are worried about their jobs...2/3rds of Americans don't have college degrees and their wages have been stagnant for decades.

Not sure if your stats are accurate, but if so, President Obama was correct. These unskilled, uneducated workers are seeing their opportunities dwindle in the new economy, which is really no fault of the current administration. It's a natural progression and has been going on for years, particularly with globalization. I do concede that Wall Street is corrupt, but fixing that won't help these Trump supporters. Trump may be able to express their anger and frustrations in non-PC ways, but that's about all he can do for them. He's not going to be able to bring back high-paying manufacturing jobs, those days are over.

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More proof, if any were needed, that Trump is not presidential material. I wouldn't even like to see Trump in any government position (maybe that's why he's never been elected to anything). Can you imagine Secretary Kerry or former secretary Kissinger or former Sec. of State Clinton not showing up at a serious discussion because they had a problem with a strong-willed woman in attendance? Trump is a satire of himself. He paints himself as a tough guy, but wilts at attending a debate where a particular woman may be a moderator. What a wimp.

I think most of his popularity is because he's not acting "presidentially". He's the anti-politics candidate.

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In Trump's book, "The Art of The Deal'" he makes a real issue out of knowing when to walk away. It something most negotiators never learn and they stand in and keep trying.

Trump is following his own advice. Don't go somewhere where you know they'll try to get you. Walk away.

Fox New's payments for commercials are based on viewer numbers. Rather than having record numbers as before for this debate, this is going to cost them countless $millions. They were hoping to get nearly $1 million per minute for commercials and now they'll be lucky to get paid.

People are going to be too curious about what Trump is doing and will watch his show instead. Count on it.

Who in our history has had the guts to do what this guy does, much less get away with it?


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Donald Trump fuels Fox News feud with Megyn Kelly 'bimbo' tweet
Thomson Reuters

Presidential hopeful plans to skip Republican Iowa debate over 'lightweight reporter' as moderator

U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday escalated a fight with Fox News, using the word "bimbo" in a derogatory tweet about anchor Megyn Kelly after pulling out of a debate only days before the first nominating contest of the 2016 campaign.

Trump on Tuesday withdrew from the televised encounter, scheduled for Thursday night in Des Moines, Iowa, in irritation at host Fox News for allowing Kelly to moderate after her questioning angered him in a debate last year.

The real estate magnate, who is the Republican front-runner to win the nomination for the Nov. 8 presidential election, followed up with a thinly veiled insult on Wednesday.

"I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct," he wrote on Twitter. "Instead I will only call her a lightweight reporter!"

Full story: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/donald-trump-megyn-kelly-fox-bimbo-1.3422938

-- CBC news 2016-01-28

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It's a smart move by Trump. He disses all his competitors by blowing them off, he also embarrasses Fox News, and you can be sure that every other TV network will want to milk the hell out of that as Fox is their competitor. Trump wins and gets all the free exposure.

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Trump is rewriting the (supposed) rules about how to campaign. The conventional wisdom is that you kiss ass to any news media as they can make or break you. If they call you come running, hoping for all of the exposure you can get.

Trump has set that notion to rest and is showing how to get all of the exposure his way. He is damaging Fox News because they are supposedly the network of the Right but right now the Right is furious with them for trying to derail Trump. I didn't think any network could be this stupid, but they are. Their ratings for this debate will plummet as few want to watch a debate of also-rans. Trump is so far ahead in the polls for the R nomination that one might think Fox would get it that Trump has more than a few supporters.

Trump is winning this war with Fox.


Edited by NeverSure
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Trump won already. If the party don't "suspend" him, he will be the nominated. If the party "suspend" him, to support Bushy, he will go to court and get all the money he spends back and more.....a lot of more publicity.

No doubts Clinton will be the Dem nominated and the future President.... Very bad choice..but better than Tramp!

Sanders? The best choice....but...it will be a surprise...a BIG surprise if he is nominated.

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In Trump's book, "The Art of The Deal'" he makes a real issue out of knowing when to walk away. It something most negotiators never learn and they stand in and keep trying.

Trump is following his own advice. Don't go somewhere where you know they'll try to get you. Walk away.

Fox New's payments for commercials are based on viewer numbers. Rather than having record numbers as before for this debate, this is going to cost them countless $millions. They were hoping to get nearly $1 million per minute for commercials and now they'll be lucky to get paid.

People are going to be too curious about what Trump is doing and will watch his show instead. Count on it.

Who in our history has had the guts to do what this guy does, much less get away with it?


I think most people wish Trump would walk away now. If the lilly whites somehow deliver the nomination, he's going to wish he walked away.

Yeah, no one has ever had "guts" like Trump before. (snickers all around). He's amazing. clap2.gif

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Trump is like that Rich kid in your Harvard MBA class who got into school because his daddy donated a bunch of money to the school.

Trump knows that showing up is for "Loosers", 555


Trump enrolled in the prestigious and respectable Wharton School of Business based upon his own merits. He did rather well at his military academy boarding school. In simple language, he didn't have to buy his diploma because he was smart enough to earn it.

If all you can do is make childish false allegations, why bother? Everyone can see, this man is intelligent, albeit in a diabolical manner.He may be the Lex Luthor of politics.

This is the man the Right to Life coalition in Iowa says to vote against because he is too liberal on respecting a woman's rights.

This is also the man who historically has supported a more liberal version of the Affordable Healthcare Act. The Donald is going to surprise a great many people with his pragmatic middle of the road Republican views. He is not a stuck in the mud dud wedded to an extremist agenda dullard like Rubio or Cruz. His tent is open to all, even muslims. You just watch. He has more in common with Sanders because he understands regular folks' fears and worries. It is how he made his fortune; by anticipating people's behaviors and reactions. He isn't beholden to the Koch brothers or some anonymous super PAC. His principal vice to date has been his love of beautiful women. At the age of 69, he won't be able to pursue it since age takes its toll. At best, he will be able to watch and drool, much like many a punter in Pattaya.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Trump is rewriting the (supposed) rules about how to campaign. The conventional wisdom is that you kiss ass to any news media as they can make or break you. If they call you come running, hoping for all of the exposure you can get.

Trump has set that notion to rest and is showing how to get all of the exposure his way. He is damaging Fox News because they are supposedly the network of the Right but right now the Right is furious with them for trying to derail Trump. I didn't think any network could be this stupid, but they are. Their ratings for this debate will plummet as few want to watch a debate of also-rans. Trump is so far ahead in the polls for the R nomination that one might think Fox would get it that Trump has more than a few supporters.

Trump is winning this war with Fox.


I'm enjoying this Trump v. Fox News battle because I can't stand either one. And I agree Trump's winning...for the time being. But I don't believe Trump is a genius or that this is all calculated. Trump is used to getting his way and he's just being a bit petulant.

I think Trump was probably more surprised than anyone to find himself leading in the polls early on. And the more outrageous things he says, the higher his numbers go. I'm sure he couldn't have predicted that. He now understands the mentality of those who support him (as evidenced by his "shooting someone" comment). His supporters will stick with him no matter what. Whether or not this will translate to actual votes, who knows. I'm actually rooting for the guy now. Mostly because I'd prefer a democratic President. But also because I like that he's beating Fox News at their own silly games.

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If Megan is so lightweight, what are you afraid of Trump?

Trump makes his own news. He doesn't need fox. Actually, it was an excellent choice......who wants to pander to Fox News? Mostly only Walmart people watch it anyways. They do have sexy middle aged ladies with nice legs and short skirts....which I find interesting.

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Ha ha, take that, Fox News: 83% won't watch a Trumpless debate.

Update: If you follow the link provided in the article, you can see the updated number: 87%

Ok, it's just a bloody poll with only 36,964 votes as of now, but if this is an indicator... That would be funny.

They (Fox, GOP, ...) just haven't got it yet: Trump is a symptom, it's not about the "politician Trump". Fighting a symptom has a big frustration potential.

Just to give you a hint re symptom: Imagine, 8 or 16 years ago, Trump and his "policies"/views would have gone nowhere. But right now, it seems that he voices the mood of quite many people.

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If Megan is so lightweight, what are you afraid of Trump?

Trump isn't afraid. He's humiliating her and putting her in his place. She never imagined that he would shun her publicly and ruin her plans. Neither did Fox which will lose millions of dollars in ad revenue due to low viewership. They get paid for commercials based on the number of viewers. Fox thought that this agitation would bring more viewers but they lost to "The Art of The Deal".

Score: Trump 10, Kelly 0, Fox News -10.


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He's posturing to run as an Independent

You're kidding of course. According to the polls he has a lock on the R nomination. There's going to be a big "TRUMP" sign on the R headquarters, LOL.

A candidate for POTUS would always be better to be part of one of the two major parties in Congress.


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"He's not going to be able to bring back high-paying manufacturing jobs, those days are over."

But I agree with Trump that the US is the Chump.

Republicans blocked bills in Congress multiple times to end outsourcing tax breaks. Chumps?

China blocks American companies from doing business in China or puts huge tariffs on imported goods. Chumps?

It's not a level playing field. We could make it cheaper for China to open factories in America, instead of importing goods made by young females in sweatshops in cities choking with pollution.

I'd say the chumps are the partisan Republicans. People don't like devise <deleted>. At least Trump "gets along" with people (but expect a huge enemies list and a whole team of henchmen attacking his political and economic enemies).

Remember America. A businessman's number one objective is to maximize profit. For himself. And his cronies. To hell with the debt. It's the standard Republican strategy...cut the social benefits when Democrats in power and run up a huge deficit when you're in power.

Don't expect a Republican Trump to be any different from any other Republican big spender, warmonger, corrupt tin pot dictator.

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