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What has Thailand taught you about love? Anything?


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I am from California. The good lookers looking for love there demand a guy with a fancy car, house, big money job, and a daily gym pass.

The same looker here wants money, but much much less.

Reminfs me of the older guy in the gym when he sees a beaitiful, young, toned woman walk in.

He asks the trainer what machine he'd have to work on so as to impress her.

The trainer looks him up and down, then looks at her, before replying, "The ATM in reception".

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Love loves to love love.

..Love is just a confused state of mind.

A number of scientific studies have established this as a fact and is nothing new, In other words. people that are "in love", can't think straight anymore. But this is usually the time-window, where people decide to get married. Now the world wonders, why the Divorce-Rate in the West is approaching 50 % !


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I was single till I came to Thailand. All the plus;s for single donot come close to what I experience now that I have my wife to love. Caring for someone I love and doing whats right for her, gives me more joy than anything I did when single.Making efforts to always be there for her and make things good for her give me more happiness than anything I ever owned or anything I ever did.i have learned that love is about taking care of those closest to you.Maybe I am old and sensitive now but I like it.

Agree completely.

I would extend it to the family I inherited.

I was raised in a tough, dirt poor, alcoholic and abusive family unit. Or at least that was my example of a family. Carried some not all of that nature right through my first family unit and completely thrashed it. In the years after that failure copped some of the most painful and hardest blows that a father could ever expect. Set about changing the few negative issues still in my life in the hope that one day I would find that right lady but had gave up on a fuller family unit with children. Set my life on having a partner and that was going to be the extent of my family life.

Met my now partner after 6 months internet dating on my 50th birthday, she came to live with me in my country 8 months later and we were married and at that stage I thought like lovelomsak that I was the luckiest guy in the world. How wrong I was. Enter her eldest 14 year old daughter who from phone calls back to Thailand was easy to see my partner was missing and worried about that the extended family was not caring for her enough. So we brought her to live with us. And her younger sister as well three years ago. End result now is we have a beautiful family unit that is the envy of many around us. I know I am not only a lucky guy have been truly blessed.

So back to the question what has Thailand taught me about love? Anything?

It has not only taught but also given me love beyond anything I could wish for, dream of or up to my fourties truly believe I was deserving of.

There are heaps of examples I could use but the one I used to see constantly on here and will reply to is the "blood is thicker than water" when it came to accepting into your life someone else's children.

Is blood thicker than water? Yes it is and that is the problem with blood as you can not see through it and it hides what can be sitting right in front of your eyes. I have a daughter (my blood) who the only contact I have had all my life is a monthly child support payment through til she was 18 and even now we are friends on Facebook but that is the limitation of our relationship and that is all we are ever going to be, so thats my blood offering....nothing.

My water is I have two of the most sweetest, honest, caring, beautiful, loving, productive, intelligent, funny and family orientated girls who make up and have done so for many years, our awesome family unit...something that I could never have dreamed of ever having. They were fathered by a thai guy who walked out on them when the oldest was 7 and the youngest just a new born in the hospital, and has had not a single interest in them since apart from signing over custody to their mother so we could bring them to live with us.

The point is it does not matter a crap whether people are your blood or not but whether you are prepared to commit to each other and allow that bond level you committed to to grow.

Ever since the oldest two weeks after coming to live with us complete with her funny thai school 'bowl" haircut and cute sweet manner asked "would you be my Dad" and to the answer yes, then proceeded to park her armchair in my heart and set about owning every corner of it, I have been their one and only Dad who they weirdly think is the greatest dad and guy in the world, and they are my daughters, and they have put the family into our unit. It is very much a multicultural family where thai traditions like for examples showing affection in public are over turned in favor of western culture but while living in among western culture and everyone's independence our family unit also incorporates the thai interdependence traditions of all working for the total family unit. Would western culture have given me the same family unit I now have? Possibly but I doubt it. The thing I see with Asian and especially thai females is coming from a country where there are no government social security handouts and where females are thrown out as often as old undies, is if you find the right ones, respect and support them and show them you are committed to them then you will get back a level of commitment growing into love that you can only dream about. The three thai females in my life have completely changed around my life and I have happily traded a single life for a family life with these three people in it always and with some good luck hopefully in the future with uni degrees etc. past some grandchildren to share the love that abounds in this home. And for that I am for ever thankful for Thailand and its culture.

Edited by Roadman
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The happiness of laughter

The patience of sharing

The warmth of a gentle spirit

The appreciation hidden in a smile

The value of the little things in living

The reward for caring

The joy of family together

The lessons of Thai living

The caress of kindred spirits

The grace of love

The art of sleeping in a tangle

The wonder of being married to a giver

The new promise in each day - always better than the day passed

Edited by pgrahmm
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That it's possible to fall in love, then out, and then in love again with the same person.

That true forgiveness takes time and courage.

That sharing a similar sense of humor is a powerful bond which helps get you through the rough patches.

How wet can you get?
Edited by djayz
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The happiness of laughter

The patience of sharing

The warmth of a gentle spirit

The appreciation hidden in a smile

The value of the little things in living

The reward for caring

The joy of family together

The lessons of Thai living

The caress of kindred spirits

The grace of love

The art of sleeping in a tangle

The wonder of being married to a giver

The new promise in each day - always better than the day passed

Forgot at least one:

The T in teamwork - 100%'er

The G in "gumption" - has her own mind & opinions & expresses in her own understated/logically soft way - because of that I always listen....

The R of mutual admiration & earned respect for who we married.....Because of that our changes meld seamlessly together.....

The S for soft as I've never seen her harsh....

A big change from the west where assertiveness and the show/need of "power/control" gets confused.....

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I am from California. The good lookers looking for love there demand a guy with a fancy car, house, big money job, and a daily gym pass.

The same looker here wants money, but much much less.

Pretty much my sentiments but I will put it differently.

"Love" or rather the notion of love is damn expensive in the West with the inevitable crippling "bulb" payment upon termination.

But here not so expensive and you get a hell of a lot more bang for your buck. Pardon the pun.

I don't have nearly enough money to attract the same quality of woman back home and here they realize that the arrangement is performance based so they try harder.

I can not generate any interest in lazy, fat, old, bottle blonde farang women.

Yes, I truly LOVE this place.

All you who see any relationship with a woman as costing you money ought to rethink your selection criteria. I find it is real easy to love a woman who can contribute to a relationship rather than only taking from it.

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Women, you can love them, but you can't trust them.

Actually brother, I trust my girl 100%.

Actually, the Russian farangs have got the best clue. Perhaps only one, of every 100 posters this "Pub", is either a Russian, or East European. Very, very interesting whistling.gif

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How can you possibly have a 100% "trustworthy" relationship with any female counter-part (from any cultural background), who cannot give a straight answer to a simple, straight question, unless she's first pissed-off with you, and for some (usually) trivial reason?

Can one of you LOS knowledgeable posters answer that question? Please!

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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