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Migrant crisis: Germany has a new plan for Syrian refugees – jobs


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Migrant crisis: Germany has a new plan for Syrian refugees – jobs
Ishaan Tharoor

Washington: Germany is proposing a new scheme to cope with the burden of Syrian refugees. A program that would create half a million jobs for those without work closer to home.

Germany's Minister for Economic Co-operation Gerd Mueller floated the idea on a trip to Jordan.

The plan involves the creation of some 500,000 short-term jobs, funded by €2 billion ($3.1 billion) worth of donations and international contributions, according to a report in the Associated Press.

Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/migrant-crisis/migrant-crisis-germany-has-a-new-plan-for-syrian-refugees--jobs-20160127-gmfnty.html

-- The Age 2016-01-28

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In other news German dentists are saying it will cost billions just to fix these refugee's teeth. Many have never seen a dentist and it is said that their mouths are a mess. Many are so bad that they'll need all of their teeth replaced.

These temp job programs never work as they are funded by the government which soon runs out of money. There must be industry chugging along creating the jobs and the applicants must speak the language and have skills.

What a colossal mess.

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In other news German dentists are saying it will cost billions just to fix these refugee's teeth. Many have never seen a dentist and it is said that their mouths are a mess. Many are so bad that they'll need all of their teeth replaced.

These temp job programs never work as they are funded by the government which soon runs out of money. There must be industry chugging along creating the jobs and the applicants must speak the language and have skills.

What a colossal mess.

You are probably right about job creation programs, although most of them that have been created in the past have been for the extremely hard to employ. With able-bodied young men in many of these countries, it is best to get them working as quickly as possible and contributing to the country. Letting them lounge around for a few years will most certainly be counter-productive.

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Oh Germany, Germany... what a fine mess you've got yourselves into, only few months ago

life was good and now you have 1.1 needy and destitute people to look after, house, feed,

and find work for.....

Err, 1.1 and counting...
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OK, the naysayers have had their say. Lets bring some clarity and reality to the situation with respect to Syrian refugees.

1. Syrian refugees are real refugees. They have nowhere to go except to run from their homes. Yes there may be some other nationalities who are really migrants and hiding among them but they will be easy to find out.

2. The Syrian refugees that made it to Germany are those who are highly likely to be middle class, who had the money to get themselves across the Mediteranean and feed themselves on the long journey mainly on foot. These people are motivated.

3. Middle class people are highly likely to be educated and motivated to stay middle class (i.e. to work, get jobs, save and purchase property etc etc)

4. Germany is heading for a serious crisis over the next few years - the crisis is a huge labour shortage. Merkel may be many things but here she saw an opportunity to provide a solution to a humanitarian problem and a solution to an impending labor crisis.

5. No one expects that the Syrians will immediately step into jobs, will arrive speaking fluent Hoch Deutsch. But of all the immigrants you could ask for, these are the best. Given some time, this is going to be a win-win situation if people allow it to happen.

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OK, the naysayers have had their say. Lets bring some clarity and reality to the situation with respect to Syrian refugees.

1. Syrian refugees are real refugees. They have nowhere to go except to run from their homes. Yes there may be some other nationalities who are really migrants and hiding among them but they will be easy to find out.

2. The Syrian refugees that made it to Germany are those who are highly likely to be middle class, who had the money to get themselves across the Mediteranean and feed themselves on the long journey mainly on foot. These people are motivated.

3. Middle class people are highly likely to be educated and motivated to stay middle class (i.e. to work, get jobs, save and purchase property etc etc)

4. Germany is heading for a serious crisis over the next few years - the crisis is a huge labour shortage. Merkel may be many things but here she saw an opportunity to provide a solution to a humanitarian problem and a solution to an impending labor crisis.

5. No one expects that the Syrians will immediately step into jobs, will arrive speaking fluent Hoch Deutsch. But of all the immigrants you could ask for, these are the best. Given some time, this is going to be a win-win situation if people allow it to happen.

Clarity and reality?

1)syrian refugees are not refugees in Germany. They may be refugees in Turkey, the first safe country from Syria.

2)the syrian refugees that made it to Germany are economic migrants. The refugees will be in Turkey seeking shelter.


4)This German labor shortage, its so severe that right now Germany has no unemployed people? Don't lap up the casual lies uttered by leaders. Work permits for essential workers is an easy way to get qualified employees.

5) the Syrians make up a minuscule % off the arriving horde. Most are North African young males. Many disgruntled newcomers moan on liveleak videos they paid up to 10,000 US to get to Germany and end up with bland food and cramped accommodation, and will return home with nothing after a wasted trip. Nothing about thanks for saving our lives guys.think about it some more.

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Oh Germany, Germany... what a fine mess you've got yourselves into, only few months ago

life was good and now you have 1.1 needy and destitute people to look after, house, feed,

and find work for.....

Wenn es dem Esel zu wohl wird, geht er auf's Eis.

Literally: When the donkey starts feeling too well, it will go dance on ice

German adage meaning: overconfidence makes one reckless.

It's what I have been thinking about both the welcome-clapper portion of the German populace and Merkel for about a year now.

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This is really funny. Merkel is asking for the rest of Europe and the world to fund

make work project in Germany. Create the problem with an open arms everyone

is welcome policy advertised on the front pages of all the newspapers in the world

and then asking everyone to sent money. She has chutzpah that one. blink.png

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OK, the naysayers have had their say. Lets bring some clarity and reality to the situation with respect to Syrian refugees.

1. Syrian refugees are real refugees. They have nowhere to go except to run from their homes. Yes there may be some other nationalities who are really migrants and hiding among them but they will be easy to find out.

2. The Syrian refugees that made it to Germany are those who are highly likely to be middle class, who had the money to get themselves across the Mediteranean and feed themselves on the long journey mainly on foot. These people are motivated.

3. Middle class people are highly likely to be educated and motivated to stay middle class (i.e. to work, get jobs, save and purchase property etc etc)

4. Germany is heading for a serious crisis over the next few years - the crisis is a huge labour shortage. Merkel may be many things but here she saw an opportunity to provide a solution to a humanitarian problem and a solution to an impending labor crisis.

5. No one expects that the Syrians will immediately step into jobs, will arrive speaking fluent Hoch Deutsch. But of all the immigrants you could ask for, these are the best. Given some time, this is going to be a win-win situation if people allow it to happen.

You reckon?

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OK, the naysayers have had their say. Lets bring some clarity and reality to the situation with respect to Syrian refugees.

1. Syrian refugees are real refugees. They have nowhere to go except to run from their homes. Yes there may be some other nationalities who are really migrants and hiding among them but they will be easy to find out.

2. The Syrian refugees that made it to Germany are those who are highly likely to be middle class, who had the money to get themselves across the Mediteranean and feed themselves on the long journey mainly on foot. These people are motivated.

3. Middle class people are highly likely to be educated and motivated to stay middle class (i.e. to work, get jobs, save and purchase property etc etc)

4. Germany is heading for a serious crisis over the next few years - the crisis is a huge labour shortage. Merkel may be many things but here she saw an opportunity to provide a solution to a humanitarian problem and a solution to an impending labor crisis.

5. No one expects that the Syrians will immediately step into jobs, will arrive speaking fluent Hoch Deutsch. But of all the immigrants you could ask for, these are the best. Given some time, this is going to be a win-win situation if people allow it to happen.

Why did Frau Merkel not invite unemployed people from other European countries? For example, Spain, Portugal, and several other countries in Western Europe. There are very many unemployed people there. They are educated, they are Europeans (not muslims!!!) and they would fit right in.

Frau Merkel made a colossal, unforgivable mistake. She already has a lot of blood on her hands. That also applies to the like-minded politicians in Germany and all over Europe, such as - in my home country - Samson (one of the worst in Europe) and the paper tiger prime minister Rutte. And, let’s not forget the highly irresponsible EU “politicians" like Donald Trump and Timmermans,

This is only the beginning. It will increase exponentially: crimes, crimes and crimes. Rapes, rapes and rapes. Murders, murders and murders. And, of course terror attacks at an ever increasing rate all over Europe. These incompetent, impotent, so-called “politicians” are literally DESTROYING Europe. They are committing crimes on a gigantic scale. That is how they will enter the history books. I can't wait to see them dragged into the courts, sentenced and imprisoned for a very long time.

As for Germany: Merkel has already admitted 1,1 million muslims. There are some couples, say 100,000. That leaves 1,000,000 single young men. Every one of these fellows will run home as soon as possible and drag a muslim woman back to Germany. That makes it 2.1 million muslims. Next, each of them will have a lot of children. Say 4, 5, 6. (Muslim families have the largest number of children in the world.) That will soon make it 6, 7, 8 million new muslims in Germany. Exactly the same will happen in the other European countries. Get the picture?

My son predicted these problems nearly a year ago. He was 11 years old at the time. Clearly, he has more brains in his head than all of the guilty politicians combined.

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