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CDC President: Election could be moved to the end of 2017


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Who expected only a few years back that Birma Myanmar would be on the way back to democracy and Thailand be returned to the Middle Ages of Democracy.

Not only that, but regional economies are expanding while Thailand's is struggling. Who would have thought 10 years ago that, for example, little old Laos would have 3G phone service before mighty Thailand (actually, every country in the region had it before Thailand). Who would have thought that Thailand would have among the worst English skills in Asia, above only Laos and Bhutan. Thailand used to be the biggest rice exporter, once upon a time, but is no longer. I could go on. What will be the next embarrassment, I wonder?

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weak civilian government under the sway of the military.

This is exactly what the Military want.

It's what Thailand needs.

These elected politicians cannot be trusted, I hope they have altered the constitution so that it is more difficult for them to commit corruption and for them to look after the interests of the people for a change and not see it as a means to enrich themselves and their families!!

If they can do this, then the wait will have been worthwhile and the coup justified (in having fixed) the electoral system so that cheats cannot prosper and a genuine government (not of the Shin type) flourishes, that benefits the people and nation. Surely this is what Thailand should strive for.

well said

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Of course. Did any members of the peanut gallery expect this clown to give up power willingly, and quickly? Not gonna happen. His increasingly desperate desire to hang onto power is apparent with everything he does. The recent jailing of more people critical of him makes this obvious. A clown wearing the PM suit.

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weak civilian government under the sway of the military.

This is exactly what the Military want.

It's what Thailand needs.

These elected politicians cannot be trusted, I hope they have altered the constitution so that it is more difficult for them to commit corruption and for them to look after the interests of the people for a change and not see it as a means to enrich themselves and their families!!

If they can do this, then the wait will have been worthwhile and the coup justified (in having fixed) the electoral system so that cheats cannot prosper and a genuine government (not of the Shin type) flourishes, that benefits the people and nation. Surely this is what Thailand should strive for.

well said

You do know that there is a "like" button you can use, right?

Or maybe you're afraid to use it due to the present regime?

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weak civilian government under the sway of the military.

This is exactly what the Military want.

It's what Thailand needs.

These elected politicians cannot be trusted, I hope they have altered the constitution so that it is more difficult for them to commit corruption and for them to look after the interests of the people for a change and not see it as a means to enrich themselves and their families!!

If they can do this, then the wait will have been worthwhile and the coup justified (in having fixed) the electoral system so that cheats cannot prosper and a genuine government (not of the Shin type) flourishes, that benefits the people and nation. Surely this is what Thailand should strive for.

well said

You do know that there is a "like" button you can use, right?

Or maybe you're afraid to use it due to the present regime?

Smedly does know that there is a like button as he gave me a like well before you posted this rubbish!!

Why would he be afraid to use it as it supports what the junta is doing - it is you lot that needs to worry about using it, NOT US, as you are the ones criticising them!!

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weak civilian government under the sway of the military.

This is exactly what the Military want.

It's what Thailand needs.

These elected politicians cannot be trusted, I hope they have altered the constitution so that it is more difficult for them to commit corruption and for them to look after the interests of the people for a change and not see it as a means to enrich themselves and their families!!

If they can do this, then the wait will have been worthwhile and the coup justified (in having fixed) the electoral system so that cheats cannot prosper and a genuine government (not of the Shin type) flourishes, that benefits the people and nation. Surely this is what Thailand should strive for.

well said

You do know that there is a "like" button you can use, right?

Or maybe you're afraid to use it due to the present regime?

Are you sure you want to present the "like" on this post ? Just asking......

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The content of some of these replies posted makes me wonder if some of these posters who are apparently actually living in LOS actually ever seriously consider the absolute security of their anonymity in on-line forums. If someone was to dig or hack deep enough??? Hmmmm. Brave people.

well DH I for 1 am very aware of possible consequences when replying to any post that has anything to do with Monarchy or Politics.I am hap[py these days to read and shudder sometimes with thoughts of wisdom as to some peoples replies. However I would think that most posters have been around for a while and they would know the score,but it would seem that the old adage of----- it won't happen to me---- is stronger than the possibility of getting into hot water over a few words on paper. It will only take one case of retribution to surface and all hell will be let loose.I do not want to be at the front or even anywhere in the q when shall we say " the balloon goes up"so you will see very few posts from me on here for some time.However I am on a constant daily look through,so I am kept up to date--that's it---good fortune to you all--- Dougal

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I'm not sure what the point of elections is anyway. Any government would be puppet and if any strings snap we can always have coup number 31 or is it 20 or 13. Seems the internet is even loosing count. Here is a cute puppy icon to finish on a positive note ?

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And what happens when there are elections. I for one hope thailand has another election in say 2050

Yes, those pesky elections - better not have them at all. Let's hear it for eternal military rule!

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It would be nice if some of you could quite the sarcastic comments and distortion of the truth.

It's a tough job being the leader of a country where half the people want Yingluck back and a guarantee 15.000 baht a ton for rice.....despite the fact the country lost hundreds of billions of baht and 10's of thousands of tons of bad rice had to be dumped.....with lots more on the horizon.

In time there will be a statue of the PM erected in some special place in gratitude of his tireless effort to make things right for all Thai's.

But I wish he would smile a little bit sometimes.

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It would be nice if some of you could quite the sarcastic comments and distortion of the truth.

It's a tough job being the leader of a country where half the people want Yingluck back and a guarantee 15.000 baht a ton for rice.....despite the fact the country lost hundreds of billions of baht and 10's of thousands of tons of bad rice had to be dumped.....with lots more on the horizon.

In time there will be a statue of the PM erected in some special place in gratitude of his tireless effort to make things right for all Thai's.

But I wish he would smile a little bit sometimes.

"It would be nice if some of you could quite the sarcastic comments and distortion of the truth."

What distortion of what truth?

"It's a tough job being the leader of a country where half the people want Yingluck back and a guarantee 15.000 baht a ton for rice.....despite the fact the country lost hundreds of billions of baht and 10's of thousands of tons of bad rice had to be dumped.....with lots more on the horizon."

Now I see what you mean by distortion of the truth.

"In time there will be a statue of the PM erected in some special place in gratitude of his tireless effort to make things right for all Thai's."

Two comments:

- It's just mind blowing the level of naivety displayed by some of the junta supporters.

- I can think of a few special places that would be very appropriate for a statue to be erected but due to the Orwellian nature of the junta I better not list them.

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if polititians are complaining then it is probably on the right track

accountability - stop power abuse cheating and lying - those that are caught dealt with swiftly

what is there to dislike


Well shouldn't ALL be accountable??? Well there is a bloke out there that has absolved himself of all accountability now hasn't he???

"stop power abuse"

it's now illegal to click the like button, it is a crime to criticize the government or police, and article 44 will be used only when absolutely necessary.

"cheating and lying"

There is no plan for a coup, there is no plan for an internet fire wall, it is just a study, there will be elections in 2015/2016/2017/????

You like the words "accountability" and "stop power abuse" but it seems very much you tend to apply them in one direction, and faction.

Another glass of bias or double standards anyone?whistling.gif

so you don't agree with any of the points I made in my post ? is that what you are trying to say

Seriously??? smedly, Did I say anywhere in my post that I disagree with the points you have made, "accountability/stop power abuse/cheating/lying" ??? NO!!!!!

What did do is show the difference between it's application on certain people and factions rather than being applied without favoritism and fairness, a concept that most people could say both past and present governments are guilty of...

So here was I thinking My post was fairly simple to understand by anyone with a basic grasp of reading and comprehension,,, my bad smedly. sorry...

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Is anyone surprised? I'm not

I don't think anyone is. And that's a true reflection of how most people perceive Thai society in general.

I nearly wrote "This wouldn't happen in a western country" but realized that would be controversial on this forum, even though it is a fact.

I won't be visiting this country whilst it's under martial law and I won't be missed. Speaks volumes

Edited by jonaz
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It would be nice if some of you could quite the sarcastic comments and distortion of the truth.

It's a tough job being the leader of a country where half the people want Yingluck back and a guarantee 15.000 baht a ton for rice.....despite the fact the country lost hundreds of billions of baht and 10's of thousands of tons of bad rice had to be dumped.....with lots more on the horizon.

In time there will be a statue of the PM erected in some special place in gratitude of his tireless effort to make things right for all Thai's.

But I wish he would smile a little bit sometimes.

This is satire right? Especially the STATUE joke...I see what you did there cheesy.gifclap2.gif

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It would be nice if some of you could quite the sarcastic comments and distortion of the truth.

It's a tough job being the leader of a country where half the people want Yingluck back and a guarantee 15.000 baht a ton for rice.....despite the fact the country lost hundreds of billions of baht and 10's of thousands of tons of bad rice had to be dumped.....with lots more on the horizon.

In time there will be a statue of the PM erected in some special place in gratitude of his tireless effort to make things right for all Thai's.

But I wish he would smile a little bit sometimes.

And the night after it is erected someone will paint the shirt red!

Edited by JAG
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until these reporters can actually give us facts instead of sensationalist/innuendo news whats the point, we need a set date, maybe's are only good for whingers to have a bitch session.

How about this one ?

Posted 2015-02-09 14:12:57


Prayut tells Japan general election to be held in one year

TOKYO: -- Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chanocha on Monday assured the Japanese authorities during his official visit to Tokyo that the next general election would be held in one year.

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The content of some of these replies posted makes me wonder if some of these posters who are apparently actually living in LOS actually ever seriously consider the absolute security of their anonymity in on-line forums. If someone was to dig or hack deep enough??? Hmmmm. Brave people.

It's pretty easy to analyse when one knows the facts and therefore not be scared to post well grounded criticism.

Thais have never cared too much about what some unknown foreigners have to say. So far no foreign 'journalists' have been arrested, deported or jailed and I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen either unless the foreigner in question has been disrespectful or condescending towards the monarchy or the sitting government.

I believe most well grounded criticism by foreigners is accepted, just don't expect any reply or counter argument, lol.

I'm also sure the PM would not want to lose face by censuring foreigners visiting or living in TH. News like that carries more weight than arresting Thais for openly criticizing the PM.

I read that Dave the pig lover wanted to legally silence his critics in Britain too, 5555, Welcome to Prison Planet folks. Hope you have a nice stay

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This is all becoming too farcial. The ruling elite obviously consider the people of Thailand stupid and not able to think for themselves. They are wrong. The constsnt delay in elections is going to cause untold strife in this country. It is about time the western governments applied real sanctions to hurt this country. I am also confused. Why couldn't the new government when they are elected simply change the constitution as the present junta has. Because there will be yet another coup??? That will create nothing short of civil war.

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The content of some of these replies posted makes me wonder if some of these posters who are apparently actually living in LOS actually ever seriously consider the absolute security of their anonymity in on-line forums. If someone was to dig or hack deep enough??? Hmmmm. Brave people.

I have been thinking about this more and more, given the governments threats and climate they are generating. Here's a great opportunity for some Chinese hacker brought in under contract. And why is TVF so quiet about the subject ? How's their confidence on anonymity.

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