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Iranian drone takes “precise” photos as it flies over US aircraft carrier


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Iranian drone takes “precise” photos as it flies over US aircraft carrier


An unarmed Iranian drone has flown directly over a US aircraft carrier operating in international waters and taken “precise” photos, according to state television in the Islamic Republic.

The US military labelled the move “abnormal and unprofessional,” but said it posed no risk to the vessel.

Images, purporting to show the USS Harry S Truman were broadcast and Iranian navy commander, Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, praised those involved in the surveillance mission.

“It is a sign of bravery, experience and the scientific capabilities of our drone operators, which allowed our men to get so close to the warship and shoot such beautiful and accurate footage of the combat units of foreign forces,” he said.

Iran claims the drone overflight formed part of a naval drill on Friday, January 29. US officials have only confirmed an incident occurring on January 12.

On the same day, Tehran detained ten US sailors who said they had mistakenly strayed into Iranian territorial waters.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-30

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The best is yet to come, now that Iran feeling much bolder since the Obama has placed his absolute

trust in them and now consider Iran to be a major power broker in in the Mid-East....

No trust and no absolute anything relative to Iran as the statement is patently false and erroneous.

The claim of "absolute trust" is opinion and even as opinion it is prima facie absurd and ridiculous.

It is anyway the case the Iranian Navy drone long before it began to approach the Truman carrier strike force appeared on US targeting radar as big and as clear as a blimp and was a goner at any chosen moment by the USN force commander.

Iranian Navy commanders are stuntman fools and numbnuts blowhards. If they were serious they would not be, well, assinine [sic]. They released the USN crews because the matter was in fact serious.

My mobile phone takes better pictures besides. laugh.png

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So Iran operators can fly a drone, very brave. a kid with a flightsimulator program can do the same.

while you don't know difference between fighting drone and simulator its better stop talking about it and go gather some info wink.png

Edited by realistman
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How easy to stop or disable a drone? They are pretty small, some are at least, and would be hard to shoot down, maybe. Sure some armed drones large but some home drones no bigger than a goose in the air, and much lighter too. IMO. the USS Truman should have shot a giant net into the sky, captured the drone and displayed the ugly thing on facebook thus rubbing a bit of shit into the face of iran's military.

But alas, the Truman did not heed my advice.

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“It is a sign of bravery, experience and the scientific capabilities of our drone operators, which allowed our men to get so close to the warship and shoot such beautiful and accurate footage of the combat units of foreign forces,” he said.

A drone, nothing brave or capable about that. Try the same thing with a kite, now that would be something to brag about, hah, you could even get one or two akbars out of it

Edited by klauskunkel
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The best is yet to come, now that Iran feeling much bolder since the Obama has placed his absolute

trust in them and now consider Iran to be a major power broker in in the Mid-East....

No trust and no absolute anything relative to Iran as the statement is patently false and erroneous.

The claim of "absolute trust" is opinion and even as opinion it is prima facie absurd and ridiculous.

It is anyway the case the Iranian Navy drone long before it began to approach the Truman carrier strike force appeared on US targeting radar as big and as clear as a blimp and was a goner at any chosen moment by the USN force commander.

Iranian Navy commanders are stuntman fools and numbnuts blowhards. If they were serious they would not be, well, assinine [sic]. They released the USN crews because the matter was in fact serious.

My mobile phone takes better pictures besides. laugh.png

Is it better to believe everything the Good 'Ole USofA has to say? I'm sure the American government would never lie to, or mislead, their people. :)

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This certainly isn't surprising and should have (probably was) long been anticipated. How many countries now have a failed US drone on hand to copy? And not to mention the US does it to other countries all the time. Of course they don't just take pictures, they kill people, innocent people and make more "terrorists" than the US can possible kill. For all you right wingnut war mongers sitting in your armchair drinking your kool-aid, why don't you go put your life where your mouth is? Try a little time with boots on the ground and see how you like it. It might not be so fun as bitching about a black man in a white house. To the best of my knowledge, there is only one person posting consistently on this forum with boots, and long time boots, on the ground in the mid-east. He and I may disagree on some things, certainly not all, but I respect his knowledge. My boots on the ground were in another century but in a war just a stupid and that the US has never recovered from.

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If the Iranians want to really show how brave they are, try overflying the Chinese held Spratly Islands or British owned Garcia Diego Island.

In any event how is flying a drone considered "brave" - it's a DRONE

its done before biggrin.pngbiggrin.png in 2007 , when your drone fly over world biggest power aircraft career its brave , which country except Iran can do it ?? isn't it brave wink.png

Edited by realistman
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These are Obama's new best friends.

You betcha'! They now have absolute Carte Blanche as Obama won't allow anything or anyone to put his precious giveaway at risk. Europe is embracing it as well like a lottery winner fawning over hookers on Sat'y night.

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It is very unusual that the aircraft carrier did not bring down the UAV. I wonder why? Didn't see it? Political games? Anything flying over a capital asset like this is a potential threat. I wonder if it was simply not detected. Didn't the Iranians some years ago shoot down a US stealth drone flying in Iranian airspace?

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The best is yet to come, now that Iran feeling much bolder since the Obama has placed his absolute

trust in them and now consider Iran to be a major power broker in in the Mid-East....

Why would US use them everywhere and not Iran?

What American vessels are doing in region in first place?

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These are Obama's new best friends.

Oh so opposed to Bush's best friends the Bin Ladens?

I guess if the US doesn't have boots on the ground in a specific country then you must consider those people good friends?

The narrow mindedness and the ignorance is unbelievable.

Too much FOX news!!!

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