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APNewsBreak: Gov't finds 'top secret' info in Clinton emails


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APNewsBreak: Gov't finds 'top secret' info in Clinton emails

BRADLEY KLAPPER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration confirmed for the first time Friday that Hillary Clinton's unsecured home server contained some of the U.S. government's most closely guarded secrets, censoring 22 emails with material demanding one of the highest levels of classification. The revelation comes just three days before the presidential nominating sessions or caucuses in the state of Iowa in which Clinton is the front-running Democratic candidate.

Friday's release is coming at an awkward time for Clinton. The Iowa caucus is on Feb. 1, and her main challenger, Sen. Bernie Sanders, is running neck and neck with her in the polls there and leads solidly in the state of New Hampshire whose primary election is Feb. 9. Clinton still holds a strong advantage in national polls.

Republicans also have been trying to slow the momentum of her campaign by playing up Clinton's email issues, saying she played by her own rules when it came to national security.

It's the potential political costs that are probably of more immediate concern for Clinton. She has struggled in surveys measuring her perceived trustworthiness, and an active federal investigation, especially one buoyed by evidence that top secret material coursed through her account, could negate one of her main selling points for becoming commander in chief: Her national security resume.

The State Department will release its next batch of emails from Clinton's time as secretary of state later Friday. But The Associated Press has learned seven email chains are being withheld in full because they contain information deemed to be "top secret."

The 37 pages include messages recently described by a key intelligence official as concerning so-called "special access programs" — a highly restricted subset of classified material that could point to confidential sources or clandestine programs like drone strikes or government eavesdropping.

Department officials wouldn't describe the substance of the emails or say if Clinton sent any herself. They also wouldn't disclose if any of the documents reflected information that was classified at the time of transmission, but indicated that the agency's Diplomatic Security and Intelligence and Research bureaus have begun looking into that question.

"The documents are being upgraded at the request of the intelligence community because they contain a category of top secret information," State Department spokesman John Kirby told the AP, describing the decision to withhold documents in full as "not unusual." That means they won't be published online with the rest of the documents, even with blacked-out boxes.

Clinton has insisted she never sent or received information on her personal email account that was classified at the time. No emails released so far were stamped "CLASSIFIED" or "TOP SECRET," but reviewers previously had designated more than 1,000 messages at lower classification levels for public release.

Friday's will be the first at the top secret level.

For those that Clinton only read, and didn't write or forward, she still would have been required to report classification slippages that she recognized. But without classification markings, that may have been difficult, especially if the information was in the public domain.

Kirby said the State Department's focus as part of the Freedom of Information Act review of Clinton's emails was on "whether they need to be classified today." Questions about their past classification, he said, "are being, and will be, handled separately by the State Department."

Possible responses for classification infractions include counseling, warnings or other action, State Department officials said, though they declined to say if these applied to Clinton or senior aides who've since left the department. The officials weren't authorized to speak on the matter and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The emails have been an issue for Clinton's campaign since it became known 10 months ago that she exclusively used a nongovernment account linked to a homebrew server while in office. Clinton first called the decision a matter of convenience and then termed it a mistake, even if doing so wasn't expressly forbidden.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-30

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Just a reminder, the last batch of emails was released while everyone was busy celebrating New Years Eve. Hmmm. Interesting that our gov't will work New Year Eve but not on a weekend. I think they even used the "we always release these at the end of the month" excuse...unless of course the end of the month is a Sunday (as in this case), then they will release them late on Friday which also happens to be the traditional day our gov't releases bad news (it didn't start with this president either).

How can any honest voter really look past this and choose Hillary as president?

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Hilary Clinton is a criminal and deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The Justice Department needs to prove that it is not corrupt.

I think that you are telling porkies again. A criminal is someone who has been convicted of a crime. What crime has she been convicted of?

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If one of us is lying, it would be YOU. A conviction is not necessary and there is plenty of evidence that she committed a crime. Learn to use a dictionary.




1.a person who has committed a crime:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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What we’ve been hearing for months now are nothing but lame excuses.

“Gee, I was busy”… “No one told me.”…” That message wasn’t routed properly.”…”Yeah, but wasn’t classified according to my personal server.”..."It didn't really make any difference."..."All this is just a distraction; let's forget about it." etc, etc, etc. She's always painted it as an evil conspiracy, no big deal or someone else’s fault.

During my time in the military we dealt with classified on a regular basis. If any of us had handled one…single…document the way she’s mishandled hundreds (if not thousands) the offense would have been relentlessly investigated and pursued to the fullest extent of the law. We were responsible 100% of the time, regardless of any excuses.

As they used to say…”You can delegate authority but you can’t delegate responsibility. If you're in charge; you own it.

And this miscreant has the audacity to hold herself above the law…..


Edited by Hayduke
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Hilary Clinton is a criminal and deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The Justice Department needs to prove that it is not corrupt.

I think that you are telling porkies again. A criminal is someone who has been convicted of a crime. What crime has she been convicted of?
According to the dictionary a criminal is someone who has committed OR been convicted of a crime.
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If one of us is lying, it would be YOU. A conviction is not necessary. Learn to use a dictionary.




1.a person who has committed a crime:

I am pretty sure that it is the courts that determine if a crime has been committed, not you.

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What We Know: 22 Clinton emails found with 'top secret' info

By The Associated Press

Jan. 29, 2016 5:34 PM EST

The State Department has confirmed that at least 22 emails sent or received by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her home server contained information deemed to be "top secret," one of the highest levels of U.S. government classification. Here is a look at what we know.



The State Department said Friday that it would withhold 22 documents from its release of Clinton's emails because of the classification issue and that it would take appropriate action if it determines that security regulations were breached.

The State Department is in the process of releasing 55,000 documents that Clinton sent or received on her home email server. It has not completed reviewing those documents but has so far retroactively classified more than 1,200 of them.

The vast majority of those have been designated as "confidential," the lowest level of classification, and a handful have been at the second-highest level of "secret." Friday's announcement about the 22 documents comprising seven email chains covering 37 pages is the first time the department has decided to withhold documents because information in them has been deemed "top secret."

The department says the documents were not marked classified at the time they were sent or received by Clinton. But it says is looking into whether they should have been.

The department says that "if warranted," it will take appropriate action in response to the revelation. That action could include counseling or issuing warnings or security violations if it determines that the information was mishandled in violation of classification regulations.



The State Department is refusing to discuss the content of the 22 emails deemed to contain "top secret" information.

It remains unclear if the information could have come from publicly available sources despite now being classified as "top secret."

It also remains unclear if Clinton will face any punitive action over the revelation as multiple investigations into her use of a homebrew server are continuing.


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What we’ve been hearing for months now are nothing but lame excuses.

“Gee, I was busy”… “No one told me.”…” That message wasn’t routed properly.”…”Yeah, but wasn’t classified according to my personal server.”..."It didn't really make any difference."..."All this is just a distraction; let's forget about it." etc, etc, etc. It was always no big deal or someone else’s fault.

During my time in the military we dealt with classified on a regular basis. If any of us had handled one…single…document the way she’s mishandled hundreds (if not thousands) the offense would have been relentlessly investigated and pursued to the fullest extent of the law. We were responsible 100% of the time, regardless of any excuses.

As they used to say…”You can delegate authority but you can’t delegate responsibility. If you're in charge; you own it.

And this miscreant has the audacity to hold herself above the law…..


Look. Mrs. Clinton was the Secretary of State. How can some low level government wonk decide what the secretary can or cannot read and forward?

Who decided to classify certain documents - documents so secret that the Secretary of State needs some lower pay grade person's OK?

It's all bull; politically driven.

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What we’ve been hearing for months now are nothing but lame excuses.

“Gee, I was busy”… “No one told me.”…” That message wasn’t routed properly.”…”Yeah, but wasn’t classified according to my personal server.”..."It didn't really make any difference."..."All this is just a distraction; let's forget about it." etc, etc, etc. It was always no big deal or someone else’s fault.

During my time in the military we dealt with classified on a regular basis. If any of us had handled one…single…document the way she’s mishandled hundreds (if not thousands) the offense would have been relentlessly investigated and pursued to the fullest extent of the law. We were responsible 100% of the time, regardless of any excuses.

As they used to say…”You can delegate authority but you can’t delegate responsibility. If you're in charge; you own it.

And this miscreant has the audacity to hold herself above the law…..


Look. Mrs. Clinton was the Secretary of State. How can some low level government wonk decide what the secretary can or cannot read and forward?

Who decided to classify certain documents - documents so secret that the Secretary of State needs some lower pay grade person's OK?

It's all bull; politically driven.

It would seem you've never handled classified material.

It likewise appears you're advocating the "Don't you know who I am?" school of Hi-So immunity from compliance with the law..

Too bad.

Edited by Hayduke
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If one of us is lying, it would be YOU. A conviction is not necessary. Learn to use a dictionary.




1.a person who has committed a crime:

I am pretty sure that it is the courts that determine if a crime has been committed, not you.

A court found OJ Simpson not guilty, but he was still a criminal because he did it. Hillary has violated the law numerous times whether she is charged or not.

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Clinton campaign said it will seek release of the materials DepState IG refuses to make publicly available while making claims no one knows anything of.

Saw it on tv news a few hours ago in a statement by the campaign chief spokesman. This seems to suggest HR Clinton knows what's in the emails and knows she can cancel and negate the IG of SepState and the Intelligence Community IG who it is becoming evident are two peas in a pod.

Overclassification and retroactive classification is a recognised and constant critique of the intelligence people and for a long time. So are politics as is evidenced by the rush of the usual suspects to the topic.

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Friday's release is coming at an awkward time for Clinton

For anyone else who is not part of the government elite, this would bring at least criminal negligence charges, at most treason charges.

But for Hilary it's... awkward and bad timing.

Let's not embarrass anyone anymore, i.e. the Attorney General for not doing his job and the POTUS for not reprimanding her stupidity, and continue with all haste to enable her coronation.

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Just a reminder, the last batch of emails was released while everyone was busy celebrating New Years Eve. Hmmm. Interesting that our gov't will work New Year Eve but not on a weekend. I think they even used the "we always release these at the end of the month" excuse...unless of course the end of the month is a Sunday (as in this case), then they will release them late on Friday which also happens to be the traditional day our gov't releases bad news (it didn't start with this president either).

How can any honest voter really look past this and choose Hillary as president?

You do realize that New Years Eve is a regular working day, right?

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If one of us is lying, it would be YOU. A conviction is not necessary. Learn to use a dictionary.




1.a person who has committed a crime:

I am pretty sure that it is the courts that determine if a crime has been committed, not you.

So you arent a criminal when you commit a crime but rather when you get caught?

The Clintons believe that too.,,

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I am assuming more people than Hilary had access to her private server. They would have top secret clearances routinely. They may even have a higher SCI designation but, the kicker is "Need to know". Special Access Programs" are very tightly controlled and if there were some on her server, it is seriously not likely that any of her staff had need to know and had been read on which as a pre-condition of access.

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What we’ve been hearing for months now are nothing but lame excuses.

“Gee, I was busy”… “No one told me.”…” That message wasn’t routed properly.”…”Yeah, but wasn’t classified according to my personal server.”..."It didn't really make any difference."..."All this is just a distraction; let's forget about it." etc, etc, etc. It was always no big deal or someone else’s fault.

During my time in the military we dealt with classified on a regular basis. If any of us had handled one…single…document the way she’s mishandled hundreds (if not thousands) the offense would have been relentlessly investigated and pursued to the fullest extent of the law. We were responsible 100% of the time, regardless of any excuses.

As they used to say…”You can delegate authority but you can’t delegate responsibility. If you're in charge; you own it.

And this miscreant has the audacity to hold herself above the law…..


Look. Mrs. Clinton was the Secretary of State. How can some low level government wonk decide what the secretary can or cannot read and forward?

Who decided to classify certain documents - documents so secret that the Secretary of State needs some lower pay grade person's OK?

It's all bull; politically driven.

The question isn't what Hillary could or could not read or send in the form of an email. As SecState she had the highest level of security clearances.

The question, and the very large elephant in the room, is the personal server SHE chose to pay for and set up in the basement of her home in New York, rather than using the State Department email system.

Her personal server was not authorized by the Defense Security Service as a server and had not applied for nor received a facility clearance.

Anybody that has ever held a security clearance will tell you this is a serious breach of federal regulations and is punishable by monetary fines and jail terms.

She is in deeper than all you liberal progressives believe and the only thing that can save her is Attorney General Loretta Lynch doing whatever Obama decides to do with her.

She has committed multiple crimes and is a criminal.

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If this doesn't hole Hillary's boat below the water line then the U.S might as well dispense with the notion of having a rule of law applying to all its citizens.

A rule of law applying to all citizens? Brother that train left from Obama Station YEARS ago! Dems get away with this stuff. Period. The major media do everything possible to ensure they do. 'With the possible exception of Fox, which is why the wingnuts are so chronically obsessed with it.

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Interesting reading...

"Hillary will not release transcripts of her speeches at Goldman Sachs for which she was paid $675,000. The New York Times has reported that she has racked up $30 million in speaking fees in just 16 months. However, the total amount Clinton received in speaking fees since 2001 has reached $125 million. It seems to be a fair issue that she should release the transcripts of those speeches so you can see how she kisses the asses of the bankers behind closed doors and then pretends she will be independent as president.

This issue could be her undoing. It will not impact those who would vote for her just because she is a Clinton or a woman. If 5% turn against her, it will be the end of her campaign.

Behind the curtain she has had a reputation of being a greedy foul-mouth person who is very dictatorial. When it comes to money, she has always jumped through hoops. Remember her magical cattle trades in futures while she was in a meeting? That was just another money-laundering scheme. The lawyer and her had accounts at the same firm. The trades were allocated at the end of the day. The win placed in her account and the loss in the lawyer’s. It was out-right laundering a bribe."

This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged Goldman Sachs, Hillary, Hillary Speaking Fees by Martin Armstrong

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I'm guessing that Hillary's defense would essentially be claiming that the conditions within her house meet the standards of a SCIF more so or at least as much as her office does. That is actually possible. It would have to cut off electrical access from outside her home and include serious physical access. Bill still gets full time Secret Service detail, etc. This would be a stretch but it is possible. It is not possible to have "read on" her staff to SAPs, Special Access Programs.

Everybody at the WH will be doing every thing they can to give her a pass.

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Politicians are allowed to go away quietly with their ill-gotten gains and continue in the "private sector."

Bankers are allowed to pay huge fines and then continue to find other ways to steal and cheat until the next fine comes.

Until there is rule of law and sound currency, we are all stuffed. All we get as working people is inflation and lies and wars.

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She should have withdrawn from the presidential race already months ago, but kept on going. This will not go away, and neither will she.

But in the end it will come to haunt her. What exactly transpired does not matter very much.

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